コード例 #1
        private static Type getType(IPCCObject pcc, int type)
            switch (pcc.GetName(type))
            case "None": return(Type.None);

            case "StructProperty": return(Type.StructProperty);

            case "IntProperty": return(Type.IntProperty);

            case "FloatProperty": return(Type.FloatProperty);

            case "ObjectProperty": return(Type.ObjectProperty);

            case "NameProperty": return(Type.NameProperty);

            case "BoolProperty": return(Type.BoolProperty);

            case "ByteProperty": return(Type.ByteProperty);

            case "ArrayProperty": return(Type.ArrayProperty);

            case "DelegateProperty": return(Type.DelegateProperty);

            case "StrProperty": return(Type.StrProperty);

            case "StringRefProperty": return(Type.StringRefProperty);

コード例 #2
        public static List <Property> getPropList(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw)
            int start = detectStart(pcc, raw);

            return(ReadProp(pcc, raw, start));
コード例 #3
        private static PropertyValue ReadValue(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start, int type)
            PropertyValue v = new PropertyValue();

            switch (pcc.Names[type])
            case "IntProperty":
            case "FloatProperty":
            case "ObjectProperty":
            case "StringRefProperty":
                v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
                v.len      = 4;

            case "NameProperty":
                v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
                v.len      = 8;

            case "BoolProperty":
                if (start < raw.Length)
                    v.IntValue = raw[start];
                v.len = 1;
コード例 #4
        public static CustomProperty PropertyToGrid(Property p, IPCCObject pcc)
            string         cat = p.TypeVal.ToString();
            CustomProperty pg;

            switch (p.TypeVal)
            case Type.BoolProperty:
                pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, (p.Value.IntValue == 1), typeof(bool), false, true);

            case Type.FloatProperty:
                byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue);
                float  f    = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0);
                pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, f, typeof(float), false, true);

            case Type.ByteProperty:
            case Type.NameProperty:
                NameProp pp = new NameProp();
                pp.name      = pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue);
                pp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue;
                pg           = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, pp, typeof(NameProp), false, true);

            case Type.ObjectProperty:
                ObjectProp ppo = new ObjectProp();
                ppo.name = pcc.getObjectName(p.Value.IntValue);
                //ppo.name = pcc.GetName(pcc.Exports[p.Value.IntValue].name);
                ppo.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue;
                pg            = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, ppo, typeof(ObjectProp), false, true);

            case Type.StructProperty:
                StructProp ppp = new StructProp();
                ppp.name      = pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue);
                ppp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue;
                byte[] buf = new byte[p.Value.Array.Count()];
                for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count(); i++)
                    buf[i] = (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue;
                List <int> buf2 = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count() / 4; i++)
                    buf2.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * 4));
                ppp.data = buf2.ToArray();
                pg       = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, ppp, typeof(StructProp), false, true);

                pg = new CustomProperty(p.Name, cat, p.Value.IntValue, typeof(int), false, true);
コード例 #5
        public static string PropertyToText(Property p, IPCCObject pcc)
            string s = "";

            s  = "Name: " + p.Name;
            s += ", Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal);
            s += ", Size: " + p.Size + ",";
            int MEtype = Methods.GetMEType();

            switch (p.TypeVal)
            case Type.StructProperty:
                s += " \"" + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Size + " bytes";

            case Type.IntProperty:
            case Type.ObjectProperty:
            case Type.StringRefProperty:
                s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString();

            case Type.BoolProperty:
                s += " Value: " + (p.raw[24] == 1);

            case Type.FloatProperty:
                s += " Value: " + p.Value.FloatValue;

            case Type.NameProperty:
                s += " " + p.Value.StringValue;

            case Type.ByteProperty:
                s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\", with int: " + p.Value.IntValue;

            case Type.ArrayProperty:
                s += " bytes";     //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements";

            case Type.StrProperty:
                if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0)
                s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue;
コード例 #6
ファイル: PCCMisc.cs プロジェクト: solarisstar/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Searches for PCC by name in a certain game specified by PathInclDLC. Can also use expID to narrow search if required. Return name of PCC, empty if not found.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pccname">Name of PCC to search for.</param>
        /// <param name="PathInclDLC">Path encasing BIOGame and DLC. i.e. Parent folder containing folders BIOGame and DLC.</param>
        /// <param name="expID">ExpID of an object inside the desired PCC.</param>
        /// <returns>Name of PCC if found, else empty string.</returns>

        /*public static string SearchForPCC(string pccname, string PathInclDLC, int expID, string objectName, bool isTexture, int whichgame)
         * {
         *  // KFreon: Lowercase PCC name
         *  string name = Path.GetFileName(pccname).ToLowerInvariant();
         *  List<string> searchResults = new List<string>();
         *  // KFreon: Create lists of valid files if necessary
         *  lock (ValidFiles)
         *      if (!ValidFiles.ContainsKey(PathInclDLC.ToLowerInvariant()))
         *      {
         *          List<string> temp = Directory.EnumerateFiles(PathInclDLC, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(pcc => pcc.EndsWith(".pcc", true, null) || pcc.EndsWith(".u", true, null) || pcc.EndsWith(".sfm", true, null) || pcc.EndsWith(".upk", true, null)).ToList();
         *          ValidFiles.Add(PathInclDLC.ToLowerInvariant(), temp);
         *      }
         *  // KFreon: Attempt to find PCC
         *  searchResults.AddRange(ValidFiles[PathInclDLC.ToLowerInvariant()].Where(pcc => pcc.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(name)));
         *  string retval = "";
         *  // KFreon: Do special stuff if multiple files found
         *  if (searchResults.Count > 1)
         *  {
         *      // KFreon: If expID given, use it to try to discern correct pcc
         *      if (expID != -1)
         *      {
         *          List<string> temp = new List<string>();
         *          foreach (string file in searchResults)
         *          {
         *              // KFreon: Only work on stuff if file is correct given the provided information
         *              if (CheckSearchedTexture(file, expID, objectName, whichgame))
         *              {
         *                  temp.Add(file);
         *                  // KFreon: See if DLC is relevent
         *                  string dlcname = KFreonLib.Misc.Methods.GetDLCNameFromPath(pccname);
         *                  if (dlcname != "")
         *                  {
         *                      temp.Clear();
         *                      temp.Add(file);
         *                      break;
         *                  }
         *              }
         *          }
         *          if (temp.Count == 1)
         *              retval = temp[0];
         *          else if (temp.Count > 1)
         *          {
         *              // KFreon: If still multiple files found, break things.
         *              using (SelectionForm sf = new SelectionForm(temp, "LET ME KNOW ABOUT THIS PLEASE!!", "Oh dang. More work for me.", false))
         *                  sf.Show();
         *              retval = String.Join("#", temp.ToArray());
         *              DebugOutput.PrintLn("Multiple pccs found for: " + pccname);
         *              foreach (string item in temp)
         *                  DebugOutput.PrintLn(item);
         *              DebugOutput.PrintLn();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  else if (searchResults.Count == 1)
         *  {
         *      if (isTexture && CheckSearchedTexture(searchResults[0], expID, objectName, whichgame) || !isTexture)
         *          retval = searchResults[0];
         *  }
         *  return retval;
         * }*/

        private static bool CheckSearchedTexture(string file, int expID, string objectName, int whichgame)
            DebugOutput.PrintLn("Checking texture");

            // KFreon: Test if this files' expID is the one we want
            IPCCObject pcc = Creation.CreatePCCObject(file, whichgame);

            // KFreon: First check if there's enough expID's in current file, then if we're looking at a texture in current file
            if (pcc.Exports.Count >= expID && pcc.Exports[expID].ValidTextureClass())
                bool nametest = (objectName == null ? true : pcc.Exports[expID].ObjectName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(objectName.ToLowerInvariant()));
コード例 #7
        public void LoadPcc(IPCCObject pcc, string path)
            switch (pcc.GameVersion)
            case 1:
                pcc = new ME1PCCObject(path);

            case 2:
                pcc = new ME2PCCObject(path);

            case 3:
                pcc = new ME3PCCObject(path);
コード例 #8
        public static int detectStart(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, long flags)
            if ((flags & (long)UnrealFlags.EObjectFlags.HasStack) != 0)
            int result = 8;
            int test1  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 4);
            int test2  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 8);

            if (pcc.isName(test1) && test2 == 0)
                result = 4;
            if (pcc.isName(test1) && pcc.isName(test2) && test2 != 0)
                result = 8;
コード例 #9
        private static PropertyValue ReadValue(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start, int type)
            PropertyValue v = new PropertyValue();

            switch (pcc.GetName(type))
            case "IntProperty":
            case "FloatProperty":
            case "ObjectProperty":
            case "StringRefProperty":
                v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
                v.len      = 4;

            case "NameProperty":
                v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
                var nameRef = new NameReference();
                nameRef.index = v.IntValue;
                nameRef.count = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start + 4);
                nameRef.Name  = pcc.getNameEntry(nameRef.index);
                if (nameRef.count > 0)
                    nameRef.Name += "_" + (nameRef.count - 1);
                v.NameValue = nameRef;
                v.len       = 8;

            case "BoolProperty":
                if (start < raw.Length)
                    v.IntValue = raw[start];
                v.len = 1;
コード例 #10
        public static int detectStart(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw)
            int result = 8;
            int test1  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 4);

            if (test1 < 0)
                result = 30;
                int test2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 8);
                if (pcc.isName(test1) && test2 == 0)
                    result = 4;
                if (pcc.isName(test1) && pcc.isName(test2) && test2 != 0)
                    result = 8;
コード例 #11
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: Dybuk/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for tree texture object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="temppcc">PCC to get info from.</param>
        /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">BIOGame path to game targeted.</param>
        /// <param name="ExecPath">Path to ME3Explorer \exec\ folder.</param>
        /// <param name="allfiles">List of all PCC's containing texture.</param>
        /// <param name="Success">OUT: True if sucessfully created.</param>
        public TreeTexInfo(IPCCObject temppcc, int ExpID, int WhichGame, string pathBIOGame, string ExecPath, out bool Success)
            Success = false;
            CRC32      crcgen    = new CRC32();
            string     ArcPath   = pathBIOGame;
            ITexture2D temptex2D = null;

            if (temppcc.Exports[ExpID].ValidTextureClass())
                try { temptex2D = temppcc.CreateTexture2D(ExpID, pathBIOGame); }
                catch (Exception e)

                // KFreon:  If no images, ignore
                if (temptex2D.imgList.Count == 0)

                string texname = temptex2D.texName;

                IImageInfo tempImg = temptex2D.GenerateImageInfo();
                uint       hash    = 0;

                /*if (WhichGame != 1 && temptex2D.arcName != "None")
                 *  ValidFirstPCC = true;*/

                // KFreon: Add pcc name to list in tex2D if necessary

                /*if (temptex2D.allFiles == null || temptex2D.allFiles.Count == 0)
                 * {
                 *  temptex2D.allFiles = new List<string>();
                 *  temptex2D.allFiles.Add(temppcc.pccFileName);
                 * }
                 * else if (!temptex2D.allFiles.Contains(temppcc.pccFileName))
                 *  temptex2D.allFiles.Add(temppcc.pccFileName);*/

                // KFreon: Get texture hash
                if (tempImg.CompareStorage("pccSto"))
                    if (temptex2D.texFormat != "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath));
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, pathBIOGame), 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);
                    byte[] buffer = temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath);
                    if (buffer == null)
                        hash = 0;
                        if (temptex2D.texFormat != "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer);
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer, 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);

                // KFreon: Get image thumbnail
                string thumbnailPath = ExecPath + "placeholder.ico";
                string tempthumbpath = ExecPath + "ThumbnailCaches\\" + "ME" + WhichGame + "ThumbnailCache\\" + texname + "_" + hash + ".jpg";
                bool   exists        = File.Exists(tempthumbpath);
                if (!exists)
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(temptex2D.GetImageData()))
                            if (ImageEngine.GenerateThumbnailToFile(ms, tempthumbpath, 128))
                                thumbnailPath = tempthumbpath;
                    catch { }  // KFreon: Don't really care about failures
                // KFreon: Initialise things
                ValidFirstPCC = WhichGame == 2 && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(temptex2D.arcName) && temptex2D.arcName != "None");
                InfoInitialise(temptex2D, ExpID, hash, WhichGame, temppcc, tempImg.offset, thumbnailPath, pathBIOGame);
                Success = true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: Dybuk/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Common initialiser used by both TexInfo derivations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex2D">Texture2D to get info from, e.g. Format, mips.</param>
        /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="hash">Hash of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pcc">PCC to get info from, e.g. PackageName</param>
        /// <param name="tfcoffset">Offset of image data in TFC.</param>
        /// <param name="thumbpath">Path to thumbnail image.</param>
        private void InfoInitialise(ITexture2D tex2D, int ExpID, uint hash, int WhichGame, IPCCObject pcc, int tfcoffset, string thumbpath, string pathBIOGame)
            List <string> files = new List <string>();

            List <int> expids = new List <int>();

            InfoInitialise(files, expids, hash, tex2D.imgList.Count, new List <ITexture2D>(), WhichGame, pathBIOGame);

            FullPackage = pcc.Exports[ExpID].PackageFullName;

            TexName   = tex2D.texName;
            tfcOffset = tfcoffset;

            Format        = tex2D.texFormat;
            ThumbnailPath = thumbpath;

            // KFreon: ME2 only?
            if (pcc.Exports[ExpID].PackageFullName == "Base Package")
                FullPackage = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pcc.pccFileName).ToUpperInvariant();
                FullPackage = pcc.Exports[ExpID].PackageFullName.ToUpperInvariant();
コード例 #13
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: ME3Explorer/ME3Explorer
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for tree texture objects.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tex2D">Texture2D to get data from.</param>
 /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
 /// <param name="hash">Hash of texture.</param>
 /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
 /// <param name="pcc">PCC to get info from.</param>
 /// <param name="tfcoffset">Offset of texture data in TFC.</param>
 /// <param name="thumbpath">Path to thumbnail.</param>
 public TreeTexInfo(ITexture2D tex2D, int ExpID, uint hash, int WhichGame, IPCCObject pcc, int tfcoffset, string thumbpath, string pathBIOGame)
     InfoInitialise(tex2D, ExpID, hash, WhichGame, pcc, tfcoffset, thumbpath, pathBIOGame);
コード例 #14
 private static PropertyValue ReadValue(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start, int type)
     PropertyValue v = new PropertyValue();
     switch (pcc.Names[type])
         case "IntProperty":
         case "FloatProperty":
         case "ObjectProperty":
         case "StringRefProperty":
             v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
             v.len = 4;
         case "NameProperty":
             v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
             v.len = 8;
         case "BoolProperty":
             if (start < raw.Length)
                 v.IntValue = raw[start];
             v.len = 1;
     return v;
コード例 #15
        public static List<Property> ReadProp(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start)
            Property p;
            PropertyValue v;
            int sname;
            List<Property> result = new List<Property>();
            int pos = start;
            if (raw.Length - pos < 8)
                return result;
            int name = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
            if (!pcc.isName(name))
                return result;
            string t = pcc.Names[name];
            if (pcc.Names[name] == "None")
                p = new Property();
                p.Name = name;
                p.TypeVal = Type.None;
                p.i = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos;
                p.Size = 8;
                p.Value = new PropertyValue();
                p.raw = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)name);
                p.offend = pos + 8;
                return result;
            int type = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 8);
            int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 16);
            int idx = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 20);
            if (!pcc.isName(type) || size < 0 || size >= raw.Length)
                return result;
            string tp = pcc.Names[type];
            switch (tp)

                case "DelegateProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.DelegateProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28);
                    v.len = size;
                    v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>();
                    pos += 24;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                        if (pos < raw.Length)
                            v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                    p.Value = v;
                case "ArrayProperty":
                    int count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.ArrayProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = type;
                    v.len = size - 4;
                    count = v.len;//TODO can be other objects too
                    v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>();
                    pos += 28;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                        if (pos < raw.Length)
                            v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                    p.Value = v;
                case "StrProperty":
                    count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.StrProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = type;
                    v.len = count;
                    pos += 28;
                    string s = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        s += (char)raw[pos++];
                    v.StringValue = s;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "StructProperty":
                    sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.StructProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = sname;
                    v.len = size;
                    v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>();
                    pos += 32;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                        if (pos < raw.Length)
                            v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                    p.Value = v;
                case "ByteProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.ByteProperty;
                    p.i = idx;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = raw[pos + 24];
                    v.len = size;
                    pos += 24 + size;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "BoolProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.BoolProperty;
                    p.i = idx;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = raw[pos + 24];
                    v.len = 4;
                    pos += 28;
                    p.Value = v;
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = name;
                    p.TypeVal = getType(pcc, type);
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    p.Value = ReadValue(pcc, raw, pos + 24, type);
                    pos += p.Value.len + 24;
            p.raw = new byte[pos - start];
            p.offend = pos;
            if (pos < raw.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < pos - start; i++)
                    p.raw[i] = raw[start + i];
            if (pos != start) result.AddRange(ReadProp(pcc, raw, pos));
            return result;
コード例 #16
        public static string PropertyToText(Property p, IPCCObject pcc)
            string s = "";
            s = "Name: " + pcc.Names[p.Name];
            s += " Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal);
            s += " Size: " + p.Value.len.ToString();
            int MEtype = Methods.GetMEType();
            switch (p.TypeVal)
                case Type.StructProperty:
                    s += " \"" + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " bytes";
                case Type.IntProperty:
                case Type.BoolProperty:
                case Type.StringRefProperty:
                    s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString();
                case Type.ObjectProperty:
                    if (MEtype == 2)
                        s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString();
                        s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString() + " ";
                        int v = p.Value.IntValue;
                        if (v == 0)
                            s += "None";
                            s += pcc.GetClass(v);

                case Type.FloatProperty:
                    byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue);
                    float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0);
                    s += " Value: " + f.ToString();
                case Type.NameProperty:
                    s += " " + pcc.Names[p.Value.IntValue];
                case Type.ByteProperty:
                    s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\" with \"" + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue) + "\"";
                case Type.ArrayProperty:
                    s += " bytes"; //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements";
                case Type.StrProperty:
                    if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0)
                    s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue.Substring(0, p.Value.StringValue.Length - 1);
            return s;
コード例 #17
 public static int detectStart(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw)
     int result = 8;
     int test1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 4);
     if (test1 < 0)
         result = 30;
         int test2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 8);
         if (pcc.isName(test1) && test2 == 0)
             result = 4;
         if (pcc.isName(test1) && pcc.isName(test2) && test2 != 0)
             result = 8;
     return result;
コード例 #18
ファイル: ME3Texture2D.cs プロジェクト: Dybuk/ME3Explorer
 public void CopyImgList(ITexture2D tex2D, IPCCObject PCC)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #19
        public static List <Property> ReadProp(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start)
            Property        p;
            PropertyValue   v;
            int             sname;
            List <Property> result = new List <Property>();
            int             pos    = start;

            if (raw.Length - pos < 8)
            int name = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);

            if (!pcc.isName(name))

            int    MEtype = Methods.GetMEType();
            string t      = pcc.GetName(name);
            bool   test   = t == "None";

            if (MEtype == 3)
                t    = pcc.Names[name];
                test = pcc.Names[name] == "None";
            else if (MEtype != 1 && MEtype != 2)
                DebugOutput.PrintLn("Failed to get ME Game Type.");
                return(new List <Property>());

            if (test)
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = t;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.None;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos;
                p.Size      = (MEtype == 3) ? 8 : 20;
                p.Value     = new PropertyValue();
                p.raw       = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)name);
                p.offend    = pos + ((MEtype == 3) ? 8 : 20);
            int type = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 8);
            int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 16);
            int idx  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 20); //Unused

            if (!pcc.isName(type) || size < 0 || size >= raw.Length)
            string tp = (MEtype == 3) ? pcc.Names[type] : pcc.GetName(type);

            switch (tp)
            case "BoolProperty":
                p         = new Property();
                p.TypeVal = Type.BoolProperty;
                p.Name    = t;
                p.Size    = size;
                v         = new PropertyValue();
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    pos        += 25;
                    byte temp = raw[p.offsetval];
                    v.IntValue  = (int)temp;
                    v.Boolereno = temp == 1;
                    p.i        = 0;
                    v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + ((MEtype == 2) ? 24 : 16));     //Guess. I haven't seen a true boolproperty yet
                    pos       += 28;
                p.Value = v;

            case "NameProperty":
                p         = new Property();
                p.TypeVal = Type.NameProperty;
                p.Name    = t;
                p.Size    = size;
                v         = new PropertyValue();
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    pos          += 24;
                    v.IntValue    = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos);
                    v.StringValue = pcc.GetName(v.IntValue);
                    // Heff: Temporary modification to handle name refs properly, until we can rewrite the whole property system accross all tools
                    var nameRef = new NameReference();
                    nameRef.index = v.IntValue;
                    nameRef.count = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 4);
                    nameRef.Name  = pcc.getNameEntry(nameRef.index);
                    if (nameRef.count > 0)
                        nameRef.Name += "_" + (nameRef.count - 1);
                    v.NameValue = nameRef;
                    pos        += size;
                    //pos += 32;
                    //int tempInt = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                    p.i           = 0;
                    v.IntValue    = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                    v.StringValue = pcc.GetName(v.IntValue);
                    // Heff: Temporary modification to handle name refs properly, until we can rewrite the whole property system accross all tools
                    var nameRef = new NameReference();
                    nameRef.index = v.IntValue;
                    nameRef.count = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 4);
                    nameRef.Name  = pcc.getNameEntry(nameRef.index);
                    if (nameRef.count > 0)
                        nameRef.Name += "_" + (nameRef.count - 1);
                    v.NameValue = nameRef;
                    pos        += 32;
                p.Value = v;

            case "IntProperty":
                p         = new Property();
                p.TypeVal = Type.IntProperty;
                v         = new PropertyValue();
                p.Name    = t;
                p.Size    = size;
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    pos       += 24;
                    v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
                    pos       += size;
                    v.IntValue  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                    p.i         = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    pos        += 28;
                p.Value = v;

            case "DelegateProperty":
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = t;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.DelegateProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28);
                v.len       = size;
                v.Array     = new List <PropertyValue>();
                if (MEtype != 3)
                    p.Size = size;
                pos += 24;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                    if (pos < raw.Length)
                        v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                p.Value = v;

            case "ArrayProperty":
                int count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                p      = new Property();
                p.Name = t;
                if (MEtype != 3)
                    p.Size = size;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.ArrayProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = type;
                v.len       = size - 4;
                count       = v.len;//TODO can be other objects too
                v.Array     = new List <PropertyValue>();
                pos        += 28;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                    if (pos < raw.Length)
                        v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                p.Value = v;

            case "StrProperty":
                if (MEtype == 2)
                    count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                    count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                p      = new Property();
                p.Name = t;
                if (MEtype != 3)
                    p.Size = size;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.StrProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    count *= -1;
                v          = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue = type;
                v.len      = count;
                pos       += 28;
                string s = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < ((MEtype == 3) ? count : count - 1); i++)
                    s += (char)raw[pos];
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        pos += 2;
                if (MEtype != 3)
                v.StringValue = s;
                p.Value       = v;

            case "StructProperty":
                sname       = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = t;
                p.Size      = size;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.StructProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = sname;
                v.len       = size;
                v.Array     = new List <PropertyValue>();
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    v.StringValue = pcc.Names[sname];
                else if (MEtype == 3)
                    v.StringValue = pcc.GetName(sname);
                pos += 32;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i += ((MEtype == 3) ? 1 : 4))
                    PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                    //if (pos < raw.Length)
                    //    v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                    if (pos < raw.Length)
                        v2.IntValue = (MEtype == 3) ? raw[pos] : BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos);
                    pos += (MEtype == 3) ? 1 : 4;
                p.Value = v;

            case "ByteProperty":
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    sname = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                p             = new Property();
                p.Name        = t;
                p.Size        = size;
                p.TypeVal     = Type.ByteProperty;
                p.i           = 0;
                p.offsetval   = pos + 32;
                v             = new PropertyValue();
                v.StringValue = (MEtype == 3) ? pcc.getNameEntry(sname) : pcc.GetName(sname);
                v.len         = size;
                if (MEtype == 3)
                    pos       += 32;
                    v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos);
                    v.String2  = pcc.Names[v.IntValue];
                    // Heff: Temporary modification to handle name refs properly, until we can rewrite the whole property system accross all tools
                    // This is stupid for enum properties, but as the enum itself will probably never be a name with index it works..
                    var nameRef = new NameReference();
                    nameRef.index = v.IntValue;
                    nameRef.count = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 4);
                    nameRef.Name  = pcc.getNameEntry(nameRef.index);
                    if (nameRef.count > 0)
                        nameRef.Name += "_" + (nameRef.count - 1);
                    v.NameValue = nameRef;
                    pos        += size;
                    v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28);
                    if (MEtype == 2)
                        v.String2 = pcc.GetName(v.IntValue);
                    pos += 32;

                //v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
                //pos += size;
                p.Value = v;

            case "FloatProperty":
                if (MEtype == 1)
                    sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                else if (MEtype == 2)
                    sname = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                p            = new Property();
                p.Name       = t;
                p.Size       = size;
                p.TypeVal    = Type.FloatProperty;
                p.i          = 0;
                p.offsetval  = (MEtype != 3) ? pos + 24 : 24;
                v            = new PropertyValue();
                v.FloatValue = BitConverter.ToSingle(raw, pos + 24);
                v.len        = size;
                pos         += 28;
                p.Value      = v;

                p         = new Property();
                p.Name    = t;
                p.TypeVal = getType(pcc, type);
                p.i       = 0;
                if (MEtype != 3)
                    p.Size = size;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                p.Value     = ReadValue(pcc, raw, pos + 24, type);
                pos        += p.Value.len + 24;
            p.raw    = new byte[pos - start];
            p.offend = pos;
            if (pos < raw.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < pos - start; i++)
                    p.raw[i] = raw[start + i];
            if (pos != start)
                result.AddRange(ReadProp(pcc, raw, pos));
コード例 #20
 public void LoadPcc(IPCCObject pcc, string path)
     switch (pcc.GameVersion)
         case 1:
             pcc = new ME1PCCObject(path);
         case 2:
             pcc = new ME2PCCObject(path);
         case 3:
             pcc = new ME3PCCObject(path);
コード例 #21
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: Dybuk/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for tree texture object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="temppcc">PCC to get info from.</param>
        /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">BIOGame path to game targeted.</param>
        /// <param name="ExecPath">Path to ME3Explorer \exec\ folder.</param>
        /// <param name="allfiles">List of all PCC's containing texture.</param>
        /// <param name="Success">OUT: True if sucessfully created.</param>
        public TreeTexInfo(IPCCObject temppcc, int ExpID, int WhichGame, string pathBIOGame, string ExecPath, out bool Success)
            Success = false;
            CRC32 crcgen = new CRC32();
            string ArcPath = pathBIOGame;
            ITexture2D temptex2D = null;
            if (temppcc.Exports[ExpID].ValidTextureClass())
                try { temptex2D = temppcc.CreateTexture2D(ExpID, pathBIOGame); }
                catch (Exception e)

                // KFreon:  If no images, ignore
                if (temptex2D.imgList.Count == 0)

                string texname = temptex2D.texName;

                IImageInfo tempImg = temptex2D.GenerateImageInfo();
                uint hash = 0;

                /*if (WhichGame != 1 && temptex2D.arcName != "None")
                    ValidFirstPCC = true;*/

                // KFreon: Add pcc name to list in tex2D if necessary
                /*if (temptex2D.allFiles == null || temptex2D.allFiles.Count == 0)
                    temptex2D.allFiles = new List<string>();
                else if (!temptex2D.allFiles.Contains(temppcc.pccFileName))

                // KFreon: Get texture hash
                if (tempImg.CompareStorage("pccSto"))
                    if (temptex2D.texFormat != "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath));
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, pathBIOGame), 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);
                    byte[] buffer = temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath);
                    if (buffer == null)
                        hash = 0;
                        if (temptex2D.texFormat != "PF_NormalMap_HQ")
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer);
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer, 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);

                // KFreon: Get image thumbnail
                string thumbnailPath = ExecPath + "placeholder.ico";
                string tempthumbpath = ExecPath + "ThumbnailCaches\\" + "ME" + WhichGame + "ThumbnailCache\\" + texname + "_" + hash + ".jpg";
                bool exists = File.Exists(tempthumbpath);
                if (!exists)
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(temptex2D.GetImageData()))
                            if (ImageEngine.GenerateThumbnailToFile(ms, tempthumbpath, 128))
                                thumbnailPath = tempthumbpath;
                    catch { }  // KFreon: Don't really care about failures

                // KFreon: Initialise things
                ValidFirstPCC = WhichGame == 2 && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(temptex2D.arcName) && temptex2D.arcName != "None");
                InfoInitialise(temptex2D, ExpID, hash, WhichGame, temppcc, tempImg.offset, thumbnailPath, pathBIOGame);
                Success = true;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Misc.cs プロジェクト: solarisstar/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a Texture2D from things.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename">Filename to load Texture2D from.</param>
        /// <param name="expID">ExpID of texture in question.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">Path to BIOGame.</param>
        /// <param name="hash">Hash of texture.</param>
        /// <returns>Texture2D object</returns>
        public static ITexture2D CreateTexture2D(string filename, int expID, int WhichGame, string pathBIOGame, uint hash = 0)
            IPCCObject pcc = PCCObjects.Creation.CreatePCCObject(filename, WhichGame);

            return(pcc.CreateTexture2D(expID, pathBIOGame, hash));
コード例 #23
ファイル: SaltLZOHelper.cs プロジェクト: aquadran/ME3Explorer
        public MemoryStream DecompressPCC(Stream raw, IPCCObject pcc)
            raw.Seek(pcc.header.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int pos = 4;

            pcc.NumChunks = raw.ReadValueS32();
            List <Chunk> Chunks = new List <Chunk>();

            //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reading chunk headers...");
            for (int i = 0; i < pcc.NumChunks; i++)
                Chunk c = new Chunk();
                c.uncompressedOffset = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.uncompressedSize   = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.compressedOffset   = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.compressedSize     = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.Compressed         = new byte[c.compressedSize];
                c.Uncompressed       = new byte[c.uncompressedSize];
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunk " + i + ", compressed size = " + c.compressedSize + ", uncompressed size = " + c.uncompressedSize);
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Compressed offset = " + c.compressedOffset + ", uncompressed offset = " + c.uncompressedOffset);

            //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\tRead Chunks...");
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Chunks.Count; i++)
                Chunk c = Chunks[i];
                raw.Seek(c.compressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                c.Compressed = raw.ReadBytes(c.compressedSize);

                ChunkHeader h = new ChunkHeader();
                h.magic = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 0);
                if (h.magic != -1641380927)
                    throw new FormatException("Chunk magic number incorrect");
                h.blocksize        = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 4);
                h.compressedsize   = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 8);
                h.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 12);
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunkheader read: Magic = " + h.magic + ", Blocksize = " + h.blocksize + ", Compressed Size = " + h.compressedsize + ", Uncompressed size = " + h.uncompressedsize);
                pos = 16;
                int blockCount = (h.uncompressedsize % h.blocksize == 0)
                                 h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize
                                 h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize + 1;
                List <Block> BlockList = new List <Block>();
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read Blockheaders...");
                for (int j = 0; j < blockCount; j++)
                    Block b = new Block();
                    b.compressedsize   = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos);
                    b.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos + 4);
                    //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Block " + j + ", compressed size = " + b.compressedsize + ", uncompressed size = " + b.uncompressedsize);
                    pos += 8;
                int outpos = 0;
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read and decompress Blocks...");
                foreach (Block b in BlockList)
                    byte[] datain  = new byte[b.compressedsize];
                    byte[] dataout = new byte[b.uncompressedsize];
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.compressedsize; j++)
                        datain[j] = c.Compressed[pos + j];
                    pos += b.compressedsize;

                        LZO1X.Decompress(datain, dataout);
                    catch (DllNotFoundException ex)
                        var mbResult = MessageBox.Show("Decompression failed! This may be the fault of a missing 2010 VC++ redistributable. Would you like to install this now?\n(make sure to restart ME3Explorer after installation.)",
                                                       "", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
                        if (mbResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                        throw new Exception("LZO decompression failed!", ex);
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.uncompressedsize; j++)
                        c.Uncompressed[outpos + j] = dataout[j];
                    outpos += b.uncompressedsize;
                c.header = h;
                c.blocks = BlockList;
                Chunks[i] = c;

            MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream();

            foreach (Chunk c in Chunks)
                result.Seek(c.uncompressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

コード例 #24
        public static List<Property> ReadProp(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start)
            Property p;
            PropertyValue v;
            int sname;
            List<Property> result = new List<Property>();
            int pos = start;
            if (raw.Length - pos < 8)
                return result;
            int name = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
            if (!pcc.isName(name))
                return result;

            int MEtype = Methods.GetMEType();
            string t = pcc.GetName(name);
            bool test = t == "None";
            if (MEtype == 3)
                t = pcc.Names[name];
                test = pcc.Names[name] == "None";
            else if (MEtype != 1 && MEtype != 2)
                DebugOutput.PrintLn("Failed to get ME Game Type.");
                return new List<Property>();

            if (test)
                p = new Property();
                p.Name = t;
                p.TypeVal = Type.None;
                p.i = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos;
                p.Size = (MEtype == 3) ? 8 : 20;
                p.Value = new PropertyValue();
                p.raw = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)name);
                p.offend = pos + ((MEtype == 3) ? 8 : 20);
                return result;
            int type = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 8);
            int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 16);
            int idx = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 20); //Unused
            if (!pcc.isName(type) || size < 0 || size >= raw.Length)
                return result;
            string tp = (MEtype == 3) ? pcc.Names[type] : pcc.GetName(type);
            switch (tp)
                case "BoolProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.TypeVal = Type.BoolProperty;
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.Size = size;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                        pos += 25;
                        byte temp = raw[p.offsetval];
                        v.IntValue = (int)temp;
                        v.Boolereno = temp == 1;
                        p.i = 0;
                        v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + ((MEtype == 2) ? 24 : 16)); //Guess. I haven't seen a true boolproperty yet
                        pos += 28;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "NameProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.TypeVal = Type.NameProperty;
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.Size = size;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        pos += 24;
                        v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
                        v.StringValue = pcc.Names[v.IntValue];
                        pos += size;
                        //pos += 32;
                        //int tempInt = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                        p.i = 0;
                        v.StringValue = pcc.GetName(BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24));
                        pos += 32;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "IntProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.TypeVal = Type.IntProperty;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.Size = size;
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        pos += 24;
                        v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
                        pos += size;
                        v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                        p.i = 0;
                        p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                        pos += 28;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "DelegateProperty":
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.DelegateProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28);
                    v.len = size;
                    v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>();
                    if (MEtype != 3)
                        p.Size = size;
                    pos += 24;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                        if (pos < raw.Length)
                            v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                    p.Value = v;
                case "ArrayProperty":
                    int count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    if (MEtype != 3)
                        p.Size = size;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.ArrayProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = type;
                    v.len = size - 4;
                    count = v.len;//TODO can be other objects too
                    v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>();
                    pos += 28;
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                        if (pos < raw.Length)
                            v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                    p.Value = v;
                case "StrProperty":
                    if (MEtype == 2)
                        count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                        count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    if (MEtype != 3)
                        p.Size = size;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.StrProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        count *= -1;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = type;
                    v.len = count;
                    pos += 28;
                    string s = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < ((MEtype == 3) ? count : count - 1); i++)
                        s += (char)raw[pos];
                        if (MEtype == 3)
                            pos += 2;
                    if (MEtype != 3)
                    v.StringValue = s;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "StructProperty":
                    sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.Size = size;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.StructProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.IntValue = sname;
                    v.len = size;
                    v.Array = new List<PropertyValue>();
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        v.StringValue = pcc.Names[sname];
                    else if (MEtype == 3)
                        v.StringValue = pcc.GetName(sname);
                    pos += 32;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i += ((MEtype == 3) ? 1 : 4))
                        PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                        //if (pos < raw.Length)
                        //    v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                        if (pos < raw.Length)
                            v2.IntValue = (MEtype == 3) ? raw[pos] : BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos);
                        pos += (MEtype == 3) ? 1 : 4;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "ByteProperty":
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                        sname = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.Size = size;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.ByteProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 32;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.StringValue = (MEtype == 3) ? pcc.getNameEntry(sname) : pcc.GetName(sname);
                    v.len = size;
                    if (MEtype == 3)
                        pos += 32;
                        v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos);
                        v.String2 = pcc.Names[v.IntValue];
                        pos += size;
                        v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28);
                        if (MEtype == 2)
                            v.String2 = pcc.GetName(v.IntValue);
                        pos += 32;

                    //v.IntValue = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);
                    //pos += size;
                    p.Value = v;
                case "FloatProperty":
                    if (MEtype == 1)
                        sname = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                    else if (MEtype == 2)
                        sname = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 24);
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.Size = size;
                    p.TypeVal = Type.FloatProperty;
                    p.i = 0;
                    p.offsetval = (MEtype != 3) ? pos + 24 : 24;
                    v = new PropertyValue();
                    v.FloatValue = BitConverter.ToSingle(raw, pos + 24);
                    v.len = size;
                    pos += 28;
                    p.Value = v;
                    p = new Property();
                    p.Name = t;
                    p.TypeVal = getType(pcc, type);
                    p.i = 0;
                    if (MEtype != 3)
                        p.Size = size;
                    p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                    p.Value = ReadValue(pcc, raw, pos + 24, type);
                    pos += p.Value.len + 24;
            p.raw = new byte[pos - start];
            p.offend = pos;
            if (pos < raw.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < pos - start; i++)
                    p.raw[i] = raw[start + i];
            if (pos != start) result.AddRange(ReadProp(pcc, raw, pos));
            return result;
コード例 #25
        public static string PropertyToText(Property p, IPCCObject pcc)
            string s = "";

            s  = "Name: " + pcc.Names[p.Name];
            s += " Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal);
            s += " Size: " + p.Value.len.ToString();
            int MEtype = Methods.GetMEType();

            switch (p.TypeVal)
            case Type.StructProperty:
                s += " \"" + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " bytes";

            case Type.IntProperty:
            case Type.BoolProperty:
            case Type.StringRefProperty:
                s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString();

            case Type.ObjectProperty:
                if (MEtype == 2)
                    s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString();
                    s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString() + " ";
                    int v = p.Value.IntValue;
                    if (v == 0)
                        s += "None";
                        s += pcc.GetClass(v);


            case Type.FloatProperty:
                byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue);
                float  f    = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0);
                s += " Value: " + f.ToString();

            case Type.NameProperty:
                s += " " + pcc.Names[p.Value.IntValue];

            case Type.ByteProperty:
                s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\" with \"" + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue) + "\"";

            case Type.ArrayProperty:
                s += " bytes";     //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements";

            case Type.StrProperty:
                if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0)
                s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue.Substring(0, p.Value.StringValue.Length - 1);
コード例 #26
 public static List<Property> getPropList(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw)
     int start = detectStart(pcc, raw);
     return ReadProp(pcc, raw, start);
コード例 #27
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets details, like pcc's and expID's, from current script and sets local properties.
            /// Properties:
            ///     ExpID's, PCC's, Texname, WhichGame, JobType.
            /// </summary>
            public bool GetJobDetails(bool update, out bool versionConflict, int version)
                JobType         = DetectJobType();
                versionConflict = false;

                DebugOutput.PrintLn(String.Format("Job: {0}  type: {1}", Name, JobType));

                bool isTexture = JobType == "TEXTURE" ? true : false;

                ExpIDs = ModMaker.GetExpIDsFromScript(Script, isTexture);

                //Heff: adjust script paths for legacy ME3 DLC mods that references un-extracted DLC's

                PCCs      = ModMaker.GetPCCsFromScript(Script, isTexture);
                Texname   = ModMaker.GetObjectNameFromScript(Script, isTexture);
                WhichGame = version == -1 ? ModMaker.GetGameVersionFromScript(Script, isTexture) : version;

                DebugOutput.PrintLn(String.Format("Job: {0} Detected game version: {1}  Detected texname: {2}", Name, WhichGame, Texname));

                // KFreon: Extra stuff to guess various things - NEW rev696 - from the WPF builds. Maybe unstable.
                #region Extra stuff from WPF
                // KFreon: Guess game version if required
                if (WhichGame == -1 && update)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Attempting to guess game version...");

                    /*int index = PCCs[0].IndexOf("Mass Effect");
                     * char c = PCCs[0][index + 1];*/

                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Found num PCCS: " + PCCs.Count);
                    WhichGame = GuessGame(PCCs);

                    if (WhichGame == -2)
                        versionConflict = true;

                if (WhichGame == -1)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("ERROR: No game found matching the mod files!\n" +
                                        "Make sure that you have the proper game installed, and that the toolset has the correct path!\n" +
                                        "If the mod targets DLC files, make sure that you have extracted all relevant DLC's.");

                    MessageBox.Show("No game found matching the mod files!\n" +
                                    "Make sure that you have the proper game installed, and that the toolset has the correct path!\n" +
                                    "If the mod targets DLC files, make sure that you have extracted all relevant DLC's.", "Error!");
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Guessed gameversion: " + WhichGame);

                // KFreon: Get ExpID's if required
                if (ExpIDs.Count == 0 && update)
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Unable to find ExpID's in script. Attempting to find them manually. Game: " + WhichGame);

                    string        biogame   = MEDirectories.MEDirectories.GetDefaultBIOGame(WhichGame);
                    List <string> gameFiles = MEDirectories.MEDirectories.EnumerateGameFiles(WhichGame, biogame);
                    foreach (string pcc in PCCs)
                        //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Searching: " + pcc);
                        int index = -1;
                        if ((index = gameFiles.FindIndex(t => t.ToLower().Contains(pcc.ToLower()))) >= 0)
                            IPCCObject pccObject = PCCObjects.Creation.CreatePCCObject(gameFiles[index], WhichGame);
                            int        count     = 0;
                            foreach (IExportEntry export in pccObject.Exports)
                                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Searching export: " + export.ObjectName);
                                if (export.ObjectName.Contains(Texname))
                    DebugOutput.PrintLn("Finished searching. Found: " + ExpIDs.Count + " matches.");
                #endregion Extra Stuff from WPF

                OrigExpIDs     = new List <int>(ExpIDs);
                OrigPCCs       = new List <string>(PCCs);
                OriginalScript = Script;

コード例 #28
 public static CustomProperty PropertyToGrid(Property p, IPCCObject pcc)
     string cat = p.TypeVal.ToString();
     CustomProperty pg;
     switch (p.TypeVal)
         case Type.BoolProperty:
             pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, (p.Value.IntValue == 1), typeof(bool), false, true);
         case Type.FloatProperty:
             byte[] buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(p.Value.IntValue);
             float f = BitConverter.ToSingle(buff, 0);
             pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, f, typeof(float), false, true);
         case Type.ByteProperty:
         case Type.NameProperty:
             NameProp pp = new NameProp();
             pp.name = pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue);
             pp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue;
             pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, pp, typeof(NameProp), false, true);
         case Type.ObjectProperty:
             ObjectProp ppo = new ObjectProp();
             ppo.name = pcc.getObjectName(p.Value.IntValue);
             ppo.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue;
             pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppo, typeof(ObjectProp), false, true);
         case Type.StructProperty:
             StructProp ppp = new StructProp();
             ppp.name = pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue);
             ppp.nameindex = p.Value.IntValue;
             byte[] buf = new byte[p.Value.Array.Count()];
             for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count(); i++)
                 buf[i] = (byte)p.Value.Array[i].IntValue;
             List<int> buf2 = new List<int>();
             for (int i = 0; i < p.Value.Array.Count() / 4; i++)
                 buf2.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(buf, i * 4));
             ppp.data = buf2.ToArray();
             pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, ppp, typeof(StructProp), false, true);
             pg = new CustomProperty(pcc.Names[p.Name], cat, p.Value.IntValue, typeof(int), false, true);
     return pg;
コード例 #29
        public MemoryStream DecompressPCC(Stream raw, IPCCObject pcc)
            raw.Seek(pcc.header.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int pos = 4;

            pcc.NumChunks = raw.ReadValueS32();
            List <Chunk> Chunks = new List <Chunk>();

            //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reading chunk headers...");
            for (int i = 0; i < pcc.NumChunks; i++)
                Chunk c = new Chunk();
                c.uncompressedOffset = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.uncompressedSize   = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.compressedOffset   = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.compressedSize     = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.Compressed         = new byte[c.compressedSize];
                c.Uncompressed       = new byte[c.uncompressedSize];
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunk " + i + ", compressed size = " + c.compressedSize + ", uncompressed size = " + c.uncompressedSize);
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Compressed offset = " + c.compressedOffset + ", uncompressed offset = " + c.uncompressedOffset);

            //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\tRead Chunks...");
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Chunks.Count; i++)
                Chunk c = Chunks[i];
                raw.Seek(c.compressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                c.Compressed = raw.ReadBytes(c.compressedSize);

                ChunkHeader h = new ChunkHeader();
                h.magic = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 0);
                if (h.magic != -1641380927)
                    throw new FormatException("Chunk magic number incorrect");
                h.blocksize        = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 4);
                h.compressedsize   = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 8);
                h.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 12);
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunkheader read: Magic = " + h.magic + ", Blocksize = " + h.blocksize + ", Compressed Size = " + h.compressedsize + ", Uncompressed size = " + h.uncompressedsize);
                pos = 16;
                int blockCount = (h.uncompressedsize % h.blocksize == 0)
                                 h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize
                                 h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize + 1;
                List <Block> BlockList = new List <Block>();
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read Blockheaders...");
                for (int j = 0; j < blockCount; j++)
                    Block b = new Block();
                    b.compressedsize   = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos);
                    b.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos + 4);
                    //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Block " + j + ", compressed size = " + b.compressedsize + ", uncompressed size = " + b.uncompressedsize);
                    pos += 8;
                int outpos = 0;
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read and decompress Blocks...");
                foreach (Block b in BlockList)
                    byte[] datain  = new byte[b.compressedsize];
                    byte[] dataout = new byte[b.uncompressedsize];
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.compressedsize; j++)
                        datain[j] = c.Compressed[pos + j];
                    pos += b.compressedsize;

                    if (LZO2.Decompress(datain, (uint)datain.Length, dataout) != b.uncompressedsize)
                        throw new Exception("LZO decompression failed!");

                    for (int j = 0; j < b.uncompressedsize; j++)
                        c.Uncompressed[outpos + j] = dataout[j];
                    outpos += b.uncompressedsize;
                c.header = h;
                c.blocks = BlockList;
                Chunks[i] = c;

            MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream();

            foreach (Chunk c in Chunks)
                result.Seek(c.uncompressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

コード例 #30
 private static Type getType(IPCCObject pcc, int type)
     switch (pcc.GetName(type))
         case "None": return Type.None;
         case "StructProperty": return Type.StructProperty;
         case "IntProperty": return Type.IntProperty;
         case "FloatProperty": return Type.FloatProperty;
         case "ObjectProperty": return Type.ObjectProperty;
         case "NameProperty": return Type.NameProperty;
         case "BoolProperty": return Type.BoolProperty;
         case "ByteProperty": return Type.ByteProperty;
         case "ArrayProperty": return Type.ArrayProperty;
         case "DelegateProperty": return Type.DelegateProperty;
         case "StrProperty": return Type.StrProperty;
         case "StringRefProperty": return Type.StringRefProperty;
             return Type.Unknown;
コード例 #31
 public byte[] ToArray(uint pccExportDataOffset, IPCCObject pcc)
     return ToArray(pccExportDataOffset, (ME3PCCObject)pcc);
コード例 #32
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: ME3Explorer/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Common initialiser used by both TexInfo derivations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tex2D">Texture2D to get info from, e.g. Format, mips.</param>
        /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="hash">Hash of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pcc">PCC to get info from, e.g. PackageName</param>
        /// <param name="tfcoffset">Offset of image data in TFC.</param>
        /// <param name="thumbpath">Path to thumbnail image.</param>
        private void InfoInitialise(ITexture2D tex2D, int ExpID, uint hash, int WhichGame, IPCCObject pcc, int tfcoffset, string thumbpath, string pathBIOGame)
            List<string> files = new List<string>();
            List<int> expids = new List<int>();
            InfoInitialise(files, expids, hash, tex2D.imgList.Where(t => t.offset != -1).Count(), new List<ITexture2D>(), WhichGame, pathBIOGame);

            FullPackage = pcc.Exports[ExpID].PackageFullName;

            TexName = tex2D.texName;
            tfcOffset = tfcoffset;

            Format = tex2D.texFormat;
            ThumbnailPath = thumbpath;

            // KFreon: ME2 only?
            if (pcc.Exports[ExpID].PackageFullName == "Base Package")
                FullPackage = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pcc.pccFileName).ToUpperInvariant();
                FullPackage = pcc.Exports[ExpID].PackageFullName.ToUpperInvariant();
コード例 #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for tree texture object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="temppcc">PCC to get info from.</param>
        /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">BIOGame path to game targeted.</param>
        /// <param name="ExecPath">Path to ME3Explorer \exec\ folder.</param>
        /// <param name="allfiles">List of all PCC's containing texture.</param>
        /// <param name="Success">OUT: True if sucessfully created.</param>
        public TreeTexInfo(IPCCObject temppcc, int ExpID, int WhichGame, string pathBIOGame, string ExecPath, out bool Success)
            Success = false;
            CRC32      crcgen    = new CRC32();
            string     ArcPath   = pathBIOGame;
            ITexture2D temptex2D = null;

            if (temppcc.Exports[ExpID].ValidTextureClass())
                try { temptex2D = temppcc.CreateTexture2D(ExpID, pathBIOGame); }
                catch (Exception e)

                // KFreon:  If no images, ignore
                if (temptex2D.imgList.Count == 0)

                string texname = temptex2D.texName;

                IImageInfo tempImg = temptex2D.GenerateImageInfo();
                uint       hash    = 0;

                // KFreon: Get texture hash
                if (tempImg.CompareStorage("pccSto"))
                    if (temptex2D.texFormat != ImageEngineFormat.DDS_ATI2_3Dc)
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath));
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, pathBIOGame), 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);
                    byte[] buffer = temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath);
                    if (buffer == null)
                        hash = 0;
                        if (temptex2D.texFormat != ImageEngineFormat.DDS_ATI2_3Dc)
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer);
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer, 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);

                // KFreon: Get image thumbnail
                string thumbnailPath = ExecPath + "placeholder.ico";
                string tempthumbpath = ExecPath + "ThumbnailCaches\\" + "ME" + WhichGame + "ThumbnailCache\\" + texname + "_" + hash + ".jpg";
                bool   exists        = File.Exists(tempthumbpath);
                if (!exists)
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(temptex2D.GetImageData()))
                            var    tex     = temptex2D.imgList.Where(t => t.offset != -1).First();
                            int    max     = (int)(tex.imgSize.height > tex.imgSize.width ? tex.imgSize.height : tex.imgSize.width);
                            double divisor = max > 128 ? max / 128.0 : 1;

                            int newWidth  = (int)(tex.imgSize.width / divisor);
                            int newHeight = (int)(tex.imgSize.height / divisor);

                            string temp = KFreonLib.Textures.Creation.GenerateThumbnail(ms, tempthumbpath, newWidth, newHeight);
                            if (temp != null)
                                thumbnailPath = temp;
                    catch { }  // KFreon: Don't really care about failures
                // KFreon: Initialise things
                ValidFirstPCC = WhichGame == 2 && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(temptex2D.arcName) && temptex2D.arcName != "None");
                InfoInitialise(temptex2D, ExpID, hash, WhichGame, temppcc, tempImg.offset, thumbnailPath, pathBIOGame);
                Success = true;
コード例 #34
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: ME3Explorer/ME3Explorer
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for tree texture object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="temppcc">PCC to get info from.</param>
        /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
        /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
        /// <param name="pathBIOGame">BIOGame path to game targeted.</param>
        /// <param name="ExecPath">Path to ME3Explorer \exec\ folder.</param>
        /// <param name="allfiles">List of all PCC's containing texture.</param>
        /// <param name="Success">OUT: True if sucessfully created.</param>
        public TreeTexInfo(IPCCObject temppcc, int ExpID, int WhichGame, string pathBIOGame, string ExecPath, out bool Success)
            Success = false;
            CRC32 crcgen = new CRC32();
            string ArcPath = pathBIOGame;
            ITexture2D temptex2D = null;
            if (temppcc.Exports[ExpID].ValidTextureClass())
                try { temptex2D = temppcc.CreateTexture2D(ExpID, pathBIOGame); }
                catch (Exception e)

                // KFreon:  If no images, ignore
                if (temptex2D.imgList.Count == 0)

                string texname = temptex2D.texName;

                IImageInfo tempImg = temptex2D.GenerateImageInfo();
                uint hash = 0;

                // KFreon: Get texture hash
                if (tempImg.CompareStorage("pccSto"))
                    if (temptex2D.texFormat != ImageEngineFormat.DDS_ATI2_3Dc)
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath));
                        hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, pathBIOGame), 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);
                    byte[] buffer = temptex2D.DumpImg(tempImg.imgSize, ArcPath);
                    if (buffer == null)
                        hash = 0;
                        if (temptex2D.texFormat != ImageEngineFormat.DDS_ATI2_3Dc)
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer);
                            hash = ~crcgen.BlockChecksum(buffer, 0, tempImg.uncSize / 2);

                // KFreon: Get image thumbnail
                string thumbnailPath = ExecPath + "placeholder.ico";
                string tempthumbpath = ExecPath + "ThumbnailCaches\\" + "ME" + WhichGame + "ThumbnailCache\\" + texname + "_" + hash + ".jpg";
                bool exists = File.Exists(tempthumbpath);
                if (!exists)
                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(temptex2D.GetImageData()))
                            var tex = temptex2D.imgList.Where(t => t.offset != -1).First();
                            int max = (int)(tex.imgSize.height > tex.imgSize.width ? tex.imgSize.height : tex.imgSize.width);
                            double divisor = max > 128 ? max / 128.0 : 1;

                            int newWidth = (int)(tex.imgSize.width / divisor);
                            int newHeight = (int)(tex.imgSize.height / divisor);

                            string temp = KFreonLib.Textures.Creation.GenerateThumbnail(ms, tempthumbpath, newWidth, newHeight);
                            if (temp != null)
                                thumbnailPath = temp;
                    catch { }  // KFreon: Don't really care about failures

                // KFreon: Initialise things
                ValidFirstPCC = WhichGame == 2 && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(temptex2D.arcName) && temptex2D.arcName != "None");
                InfoInitialise(temptex2D, ExpID, hash, WhichGame, temppcc, tempImg.offset, thumbnailPath, pathBIOGame);
                Success = true;
コード例 #35
 public static int detectStart(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, long flags)
     if ((flags & (long)UnrealFlags.EObjectFlags.HasStack) != 0)
         return 30;
     int result = 8;
     int test1 = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 4);
     int test2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, 8);
     if (pcc.isName(test1) && test2 == 0)
         result = 4;
     if (pcc.isName(test1) && pcc.isName(test2) && test2 != 0)
         result = 8;
     return result;
コード例 #36
ファイル: TexInfo.cs プロジェクト: Dybuk/ME3Explorer
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for tree texture objects.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tex2D">Texture2D to get data from.</param>
 /// <param name="ExpID">ExpID of texture.</param>
 /// <param name="hash">Hash of texture.</param>
 /// <param name="WhichGame">Game target.</param>
 /// <param name="pcc">PCC to get info from.</param>
 /// <param name="tfcoffset">Offset of texture data in TFC.</param>
 /// <param name="thumbpath">Path to thumbnail.</param>
 public TreeTexInfo(ITexture2D tex2D, int ExpID, uint hash, int WhichGame, IPCCObject pcc, int tfcoffset, string thumbpath, string pathBIOGame)
     InfoInitialise(tex2D, ExpID, hash, WhichGame, pcc, tfcoffset, thumbpath, pathBIOGame);
コード例 #37
 public static string PropertyToText(Property p, IPCCObject pcc)
     string s = "";
     s = "Name: " + p.Name;
     s += ", Type: " + TypeToString((int)p.TypeVal);
     s += ", Size: " + p.Size + ",";
     int MEtype = Methods.GetMEType();
     switch (p.TypeVal)
         case Type.StructProperty:
             s += " \"" + pcc.GetName(p.Value.IntValue) + "\" with " + p.Size + " bytes";
         case Type.IntProperty:
         case Type.ObjectProperty:
         case Type.StringRefProperty:
             s += " Value: " + p.Value.IntValue.ToString();
         case Type.BoolProperty:
             s += " Value: " + (p.raw[24] == 1);
         case Type.FloatProperty:
             s += " Value: " + p.Value.FloatValue;
         case Type.NameProperty:
             s += " " + p.Value.StringValue;
         case Type.ByteProperty:
             s += " Value: \"" + p.Value.StringValue + "\", with int: " + p.Value.IntValue;
         case Type.ArrayProperty:
             s += " bytes"; //Value: " + p.Value.Array.Count.ToString() + " Elements";
         case Type.StrProperty:
             if (p.Value.StringValue.Length == 0)
             s += " Value: " + p.Value.StringValue;
     return s;
コード例 #38
 public byte[] ToArray(uint pccExportDataOffset, IPCCObject pcc)
コード例 #39
        public static List <Property> ReadProp(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start)
            Property        p;
            PropertyValue   v;
            int             sname;
            List <Property> result = new List <Property>();
            int             pos    = start;

            if (raw.Length - pos < 8)
            int name = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos);

            if (!pcc.isName(name))
            string t = pcc.Names[name];

            if (pcc.Names[name] == "None")
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.None;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos;
                p.Size      = 8;
                p.Value     = new PropertyValue();
                p.raw       = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int64)name);
                p.offend    = pos + 8;
            int type = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 8);
            int size = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 16);
            int idx  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 20);

            if (!pcc.isName(type) || size < 0 || size >= raw.Length)
            string tp = pcc.Names[type];

            switch (tp)
            case "DelegateProperty":
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.DelegateProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, pos + 28);
                v.len       = size;
                v.Array     = new List <PropertyValue>();
                pos        += 24;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                    if (pos < raw.Length)
                        v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                p.Value = v;

            case "ArrayProperty":
                int count = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.ArrayProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = type;
                v.len       = size - 4;
                count       = v.len;//TODO can be other objects too
                v.Array     = new List <PropertyValue>();
                pos        += 28;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                    if (pos < raw.Length)
                        v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                p.Value = v;

            case "StrProperty":
                count       = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.StrProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = type;
                v.len       = count;
                pos        += 28;
                string s = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    s += (char)raw[pos++];
                v.StringValue = s;
                p.Value       = v;

            case "StructProperty":
                sname       = (int)BitConverter.ToInt64(raw, pos + 24);
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.StructProperty;
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = sname;
                v.len       = size;
                v.Array     = new List <PropertyValue>();
                pos        += 32;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    PropertyValue v2 = new PropertyValue();
                    if (pos < raw.Length)
                        v2.IntValue = raw[pos];
                p.Value = v;

            case "ByteProperty":
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.ByteProperty;
                p.i         = idx;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = raw[pos + 24];
                v.len       = size;
                pos        += 24 + size;
                p.Value     = v;

            case "BoolProperty":
                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = Type.BoolProperty;
                p.i         = idx;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                v           = new PropertyValue();
                v.IntValue  = raw[pos + 24];
                v.len       = 4;
                pos        += 28;
                p.Value     = v;

                p           = new Property();
                p.Name      = name;
                p.TypeVal   = getType(pcc, type);
                p.i         = 0;
                p.offsetval = pos + 24;
                p.Value     = ReadValue(pcc, raw, pos + 24, type);
                pos        += p.Value.len + 24;
            p.raw    = new byte[pos - start];
            p.offend = pos;
            if (pos < raw.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < pos - start; i++)
                    p.raw[i] = raw[start + i];
            if (pos != start)
                result.AddRange(ReadProp(pcc, raw, pos));
コード例 #40
ファイル: SaltLZOHelper.cs プロジェクト: Dybuk/ME3Explorer
        public MemoryStream DecompressPCC(Stream raw, IPCCObject pcc)
            raw.Seek(pcc.header.Length, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int pos = 4;
            pcc.NumChunks = raw.ReadValueS32();
            List<Chunk> Chunks = new List<Chunk>();

            //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Reading chunk headers...");
            for (int i = 0; i < pcc.NumChunks; i++)
                Chunk c = new Chunk();
                c.uncompressedOffset = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.uncompressedSize = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.compressedOffset = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.compressedSize = raw.ReadValueS32();
                c.Compressed = new byte[c.compressedSize];
                c.Uncompressed = new byte[c.uncompressedSize];
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunk " + i + ", compressed size = " + c.compressedSize + ", uncompressed size = " + c.uncompressedSize);
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Compressed offset = " + c.compressedOffset + ", uncompressed offset = " + c.uncompressedOffset);

            //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\tRead Chunks...");
            int count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Chunks.Count; i++)
                Chunk c = Chunks[i];
                raw.Seek(c.compressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                c.Compressed = raw.ReadBytes(c.compressedSize);

                ChunkHeader h = new ChunkHeader();
                h.magic = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 0);
                if (h.magic != -1641380927)
                    throw new FormatException("Chunk magic number incorrect");
                h.blocksize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 4);
                h.compressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 8);
                h.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, 12);
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Chunkheader read: Magic = " + h.magic + ", Blocksize = " + h.blocksize + ", Compressed Size = " + h.compressedsize + ", Uncompressed size = " + h.uncompressedsize);
                pos = 16;
                int blockCount = (h.uncompressedsize % h.blocksize == 0)
                    h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize
                    h.uncompressedsize / h.blocksize + 1;
                List<Block> BlockList = new List<Block>();
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read Blockheaders...");
                for (int j = 0; j < blockCount; j++)
                    Block b = new Block();
                    b.compressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos);
                    b.uncompressedsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(c.Compressed, pos + 4);
                    //DebugOutput.PrintLn("Block " + j + ", compressed size = " + b.compressedsize + ", uncompressed size = " + b.uncompressedsize);
                    pos += 8;
                int outpos = 0;
                //DebugOutput.PrintLn("\t\t" + count + " Read and decompress Blocks...");
                foreach (Block b in BlockList)
                    byte[] datain = new byte[b.compressedsize];
                    byte[] dataout = new byte[b.uncompressedsize];
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.compressedsize; j++)
                        datain[j] = c.Compressed[pos + j];
                    pos += b.compressedsize;

                        LZO1X.Decompress(datain, dataout);
                        throw new Exception("LZO decompression failed!");
                    for (int j = 0; j < b.uncompressedsize; j++)
                        c.Uncompressed[outpos + j] = dataout[j];
                    outpos += b.uncompressedsize;
                c.header = h;
                c.blocks = BlockList;
                Chunks[i] = c;

            MemoryStream result = new MemoryStream();
            foreach (Chunk c in Chunks)
                result.Seek(c.uncompressedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            return result;
コード例 #41
 public void CopyImgList(ITexture2D tex2D, IPCCObject PCC)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
コード例 #42
 public void CopyImgList(ITexture2D tex2D, IPCCObject PCC)
     CopyImgList((ME3SaltTexture2D)tex2D, (ME3PCCObject)PCC);
コード例 #43
 private static PropertyValue ReadValue(IPCCObject pcc, byte[] raw, int start, int type)
     PropertyValue v = new PropertyValue();
     switch (pcc.GetName(type))
         case "IntProperty":
         case "FloatProperty":
         case "ObjectProperty":
         case "StringRefProperty":
             v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
             v.len = 4;
         case "NameProperty":
             v.IntValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start);
             var nameRef = new NameReference();
             nameRef.index = v.IntValue;
             nameRef.count = BitConverter.ToInt32(raw, start + 4);
             nameRef.Name = pcc.getNameEntry(nameRef.index);
             if (nameRef.count > 0)
                 nameRef.Name += "_" + (nameRef.count - 1);
             v.NameValue = nameRef;
             v.len = 8;
         case "BoolProperty":
             if (start < raw.Length)
                 v.IntValue = raw[start];
             v.len = 1;
     return v;