// Download IP and port public static IEnumerator DownloadIPAndPort(string url, IPAndPortCallBack func) { if (func == null) { yield break; } var ipRequest = new WWW(url); yield return(ipRequest); if (ipRequest.error == null) { string ipAndPort = ipRequest.text; string[] parts = ipAndPort.Split(':'); var host = parts[0]; var port = int.Parse(parts[1]); func(host, port); } }
// Awake void Awake() { // TODO: Checks... instance = this; // This will be reset later if -batchmode was specified #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN isTestServer = true; #else isTestServer = false; #endif // Default values serverPort = defaultServerPort; partyCount = 1; // -party0 account1 -party1 account2 // -batchmode -port7100 // taskkill /IM LogManager.General.Log("Parsing command line arguments"); string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); int partyId = GameServerParty.Undefined; foreach (string arg in args) { LogManager.General.Log("Command line argument: '" + arg + "'"); // Overwrite port if (arg.StartsWith("-port") && arg.Length > "-port".Length) { serverPort = int.Parse(arg.Substring(5)); // Batchmode } else if (arg == "-batchmode") { batchMode = true; isTestServer = false; // Party count } else if (arg.StartsWith("-partycount") && arg.Length > "-partycount".Length) { partyCount = int.Parse(arg.Substring("-partycount".Length)); LogManager.General.Log(string.Format("Creating parties: {0}", partyCount)); GameServerParty.partyList.Clear(); GameServerParty.CreateParties(partyCount); // Teams } else if (arg.StartsWith("-party") && arg.Length > "-party".Length) { partyId = int.Parse(arg.Substring("-party".Length)); restrictedAccounts = true; // Map } else if (arg.StartsWith("-map") && arg.Length > "-map".Length) { mapName = arg.Substring("-map".Length); // Lobby IP } else if (arg.StartsWith("-lobbyIP") && arg.Length > "-lobbyIP".Length) { lobbyIP = arg.Substring("-lobbyIP".Length); // Lobby Port } else if (arg.StartsWith("-lobbyPort") && arg.Length > "-lobbyPort".Length) { lobbyPort = int.Parse(arg.Substring("-lobbyPort".Length)); // Server type } else if (arg.StartsWith("-type") && arg.Length > "-type".Length) { string serverTypeString = arg.Substring("-type".Length); switch (serverTypeString) { case "Arena": GameManager.serverType = ServerType.Arena; break; case "Town": GameManager.serverType = ServerType.Town; break; case "FFA": GameManager.serverType = ServerType.FFA; break; case "World": GameManager.serverType = ServerType.World; break; } // Database IP } else if (arg.StartsWith("-databaseIP") && arg.Length > "-databaseIP".Length) { databaseIP = arg.Substring("-databaseIP".Length); // Database Port } else if (arg.StartsWith("-databasePort") && arg.Length > "-databasePort".Length) { databasePort = int.Parse(arg.Substring("-databasePort".Length)); // Account ID } else { if (partyId >= 0 && partyId < GameServerParty.partyList.Count) { var currentParty = GameServerParty.partyList[partyId]; accountToParty[arg] = currentParty; currentParty.expectedMemberCount += 1; } } } // For testing if (isTestServer) { GameManager.serverType = testServerType; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseIP)) { Database.AddNode("riak", databaseIP, databasePort, 10, Defaults.WriteTimeout, Defaults.ReadTimeout); Database.Connect(); } else { LogManager.DB.LogError("No database address specified, can't connect to the database"); } } // Create at least 1 party if no party count has been specified if (GameServerParty.partyList.Count != partyCount) { switch (GameManager.serverType) { case ServerType.Arena: partyCount = 2; break; case ServerType.FFA: partyCount = 10; break; } LogManager.General.Log(string.Format("Creating parties: {0}", partyCount)); GameServerParty.partyList.Clear(); GameServerParty.CreateParties(partyCount); } // Server type LogManager.General.Log("Server type: " + GameManager.serverType); MapManager.InitPhysics(GameManager.serverType); if (restrictedAccounts) { LogManager.General.Log("Server is restricted to the following accounts: " + accountToParty.Keys); } if (GameManager.isArena) { QueueSettings.queueIndex = accountToParty.Count / 2 - 1; LogManager.General.Log("Queue type is: " + (QueueSettings.queueIndex + 1) + "v" + (QueueSettings.queueIndex + 1)); } else if (GameManager.isFFA) { QueueSettings.queueIndex = 0; LogManager.General.Log("Queue type is: " + (QueueSettings.queueIndex + 1) + "v" + (QueueSettings.queueIndex + 1)); } // Server batchmode //if(batchMode) { LogManager.General.Log("Batchmode is being used: Destroy the camera and disable renderers"); // Destroy the camera Destroy(Camera.main); // Disable renderers in batchmode DisableRenderers(creatorPrefab); // No statistics GUI #if UNITY_EDITOR GetComponent <uLinkStatisticsGUI>().enabled = true; #endif // No audio AudioListener.pause = true; // Disable all game modes just to be safe var gameModes = GetComponents <GameMode>(); foreach (var mode in gameModes) { mode.enabled = false; } // Pick correct game mode int maxPlayerCount = 0; switch (GameManager.serverType) { case ServerType.Arena: gameMode = GetComponent <ArenaGameMode>(); int maxSpectators = 10; maxPlayerCount = 10 + maxSpectators; break; case ServerType.Town: gameMode = GetComponent <TownGameMode>(); maxPlayerCount = 1024; break; case ServerType.FFA: gameMode = GetComponent <FFAGameMode>(); maxPlayerCount = 10; break; case ServerType.World: gameMode = GetComponent <WorldGameMode>(); maxPlayerCount = 1024; break; } // FFA if (GameManager.isFFA) { GameServerParty.partyList.Clear(); GameServerParty.CreateParties(10, 1); } // Public key NetworkHelper.InitPublicLobbyKey(); // Started by uZone? if (uZone.Instance.wasStartedByuZone) { // Listen to lobby events and RPCs Lobby.AddListener(this); IPAndPortCallBack connectToServices = (host, port) => { // Connect to lobby LogManager.General.Log(string.Format("Connecting to lobby as server {0}:{1}", host, port)); Lobby.ConnectAsServer(host, port); // Update members in case we downloaded the info lobbyIP = host; lobbyPort = port; // Set up callback uZone.Instance.GlobalEvents events = new uZone.Instance.GlobalEvents(); events.onInitialized = uZone_OnInitialized; // This will tell uZone that the instance is ready // and we can let other players connect to it LogManager.General.Log("Initializing the uZone instance"); uZone.Instance.Initialize(events); }; // uLobby and uZone #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN lobbyIP = ""; lobbyPort = 1310; connectToServices(lobbyIP, lobbyPort); #else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lobbyIP)) { StartCoroutine(NetworkHelper.DownloadIPAndPort("https://battleofmages.com/scripts/login-server-ip.php", connectToServices)); } else { connectToServices(lobbyIP, lobbyPort); } #endif } // Load map StartCoroutine(MapManager.LoadMapAsync( mapName, // Map is loaded asynchronously... // When it's finished, we use the callback: () => { // Register codecs for serialization GameDB.InitCodecs(); // Server port if (!isTestServer) { try { serverPort = uZone.Instance.port; LogManager.General.Log("Using port assigned from uZone: " + serverPort); } catch { LogManager.General.Log("Failed to retrieve port info from uZone! Using port " + serverPort); } } else { LogManager.General.Log("Using test server port: " + serverPort); } // Init server LogManager.General.Log("Initializing the server on port " + serverPort); uLink.Network.InitializeServer(maxPlayerCount, serverPort); // Encryption LogManager.General.Log("Initializing security"); uLink.Network.InitializeSecurity(true); #if !UNITY_EDITOR // Clean up DestroyServerAssets(); #endif // Send ready message if we didn't do it yet SendReadyMessage(); } )); }