コード例 #1
ファイル: OrderBLL.cs プロジェクト: maglunde/Tankshop
 public OrderBLL(IOrderRepo stub)
     _repo = stub;
     _productrepo = new ProductRepoStub();
     _customerrepo = new CustomerRepoStub();
     _accountrepo = new AccountRepoStub();
コード例 #2
 public ChefController(IUserRepo uR, IOrderRepo oR, IMealRepo mR, IOrderProductRepo opR)
     oRepo  = oR;
     uRepo  = uR;
     mRepo  = mR;
     opRepo = opR;
コード例 #3
 public UserService(IUserRepo userRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo, IMapper mapper, ILogger <UserService> logger)
     _userRepo  = userRepo;
     _orderRepo = orderRepo;
     _mapper    = mapper;
     _logger    = logger;
コード例 #4
 public CustomerBLL()
     _repo = new CustomerRepo();
     _accountrepo = new AccountRepo();
     _orderrepo = new OrderRepo();
     _productrepo = new ProductService();
コード例 #5
 public OrderShippingApplicationService(
     IDbContextProvider <IReferenceDatabase> dbContextProvider,
     IOrderRepo orderRepo)
     this.DbContextProvider = dbContextProvider ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dbContextProvider));
     this.OrderRepo         = orderRepo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(orderRepo));
コード例 #6
 public OrderService(IOrderRepo _repo, IHttpClientFactory clientFactory, IOptions <AppSettings> appSettings, IMapper mapper) : base(_repo)
     _clientFactory = clientFactory;
     _appSettings   = appSettings.Value;
     _mapper        = mapper;
     _orderUrl      = _appSettings.LeviathanUrl + _orderPath;
コード例 #7
        public OrderService(IOrderRepo repo)
            this.repo = repo;

            this.locationService = new LocationService((ILocationRepo)repo);
            this.productService  = new ProductService((IProductRepo)repo);
 public OrderController(ILoginRepo loginRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo, ICartRepo cartRepo, IProductRepo productRepo)
     _orderRepo   = orderRepo;
     _loginRepo   = loginRepo;
     _cartRepo    = cartRepo;
     _productRepo = productRepo;
コード例 #9
 public OrderController(IOrderRepo orderRepo, IPackRepo packRepo, IUserRepo userRepo, ICardRepo cardRepo)
     _orderRepo = orderRepo;
     _packRepo  = packRepo;
     _userRepo  = userRepo;
     _cardRepo  = cardRepo;
コード例 #10
 public OrdersModel(UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager,
                    SignInManager <ApplicationUser> signInManager, IOrderRepo orderRepo)
     _userManager   = userManager;
     _signInManager = signInManager;
     _orderRepo     = orderRepo;
コード例 #11
ファイル: OrderBLL.cs プロジェクト: maglunde/Tankshop
 public OrderBLL()
     _repo = new OrderRepo();
     _productrepo = new ProductRepo();
     _customerrepo = new CustomerRepo();
     _accountrepo = new AccountRepo();
コード例 #12
 public BakedController(ICustomerRepo customer, IItemRepo item, IOrderRepo order, IMapper mapper)
     _customer = customer;
     _item     = item;
     _order    = order;
     _mapper   = mapper;
コード例 #13
 public OrderService(IOrderRepo orderRepo, IStoreRepo storeRepo, ICategoryProductRepo categoryProductRepo, IUserRepo userRepo, IOrderDetailRepo orderDetailRepo)
     this.orderRepo           = orderRepo;
     this.storeRepo           = storeRepo;
     this.categoryProductRepo = categoryProductRepo;
     this.userRepo            = userRepo;
     this.orderDetailRepo     = orderDetailRepo;
コード例 #14
 public OrderService(IOrderRepo orderRepo, IProductRepo productRepo, ICustomerRepo customerRepo, IPaymentService paymentService, IShipStuff shippingService)
     _orderRepo       = orderRepo;
     _productRepo     = productRepo;
     _customerRepo    = customerRepo;
     _paymentService  = paymentService;
     _shippingService = shippingService;
コード例 #15
ファイル: OrderService.cs プロジェクト: Jinn-Studios/DI
 public OrderService(IOrderRepo orderRepo, IProductRepo productRepo, ICustomerRepo customerRepo, IPaymentService paymentService, IBuildShips shipBuilder)
     _orderRepo      = orderRepo;
     _productRepo    = productRepo;
     _customerRepo   = customerRepo;
     _paymentService = paymentService;
     _shipBuilder    = shipBuilder;
コード例 #16
 public HomeController(ILogger <HomeController> logger, IStoreRepo StoreRepo, ICustomerRepo CustomerRepo, IOrderRepo OrderRepo, IProductRepo ProductRepo)
     _logger       = logger;
     _storeRepo    = StoreRepo;
     _customerRepo = CustomerRepo;
     _orderRepo    = OrderRepo;
     _productRepo  = ProductRepo;
コード例 #17
 public AdminController(UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager,
                        RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager, IAccomRepo accomRepo, ITypeRepo typeRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo)
     _userManager = userManager;
     _roleManager = roleManager;
     _accomRepo   = accomRepo;
     _typeRepo    = typeRepo;
     _orderRepo   = orderRepo;
コード例 #18
 public ShoppingCartController(ILogger <ShoppingCartController> logger, IStoreRepo StoreRepo, ICustomerRepo CustomerRepo, IOrderRepo OrderRepo, IProductRepo ProductRepo, IShoppingCart ShoppingCart)
     _logger       = logger;
     _storeRepo    = StoreRepo;
     _customerRepo = CustomerRepo;
     _orderRepo    = OrderRepo;
     _productRepo  = ProductRepo;
     _shoppingCart = ShoppingCart;
コード例 #19
 public OrderController(IGenericsRepo <Order> OrderGenericsRepo, IBasketRepo basketRepo, UserManager <User> userManager, IMapper mapper, IOrderRepo orderRepo, IGenericsRepo <Address> addressRepo)
     _mapper            = mapper;
     _userManager       = userManager;
     _orderRepo         = orderRepo;
     _address           = addressRepo;
     _basketRepo        = basketRepo;
     _orderGenericsRepo = OrderGenericsRepo;
コード例 #20
 public ShopController(IRobotoRepo robotoRepo, IConfiguration configuration,
                       IBasketRepo basketRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager)
     _robotoRepo   = robotoRepo;
     _basketRepo   = basketRepo;
     _orderRepo    = orderRepo;
     _userManager  = userManager;
     Configuration = configuration;
コード例 #21
 public Order(IOrderRepo orderRepo
              , IDataLogger dataLogger
              , IMapper mapper
              , IClientOrderAuthorization clientOrderAuthorization)
     _orderRepo  = orderRepo;
     _dataLogger = dataLogger;
     _mapper     = mapper;
     _clientOrderAuthorization = clientOrderAuthorization;
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Bring in the information from the data layer for products, basket,
 /// checkout, emailSender
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="robotoRepo"></param>
 /// <param name="configuration"></param>
 /// <param name="basketRepo"></param>
 /// <param name="orderRepo"></param>
 /// <param name="emailSender"></param>
 /// <param name="userManager"></param>
 public CheckoutController(IRobotoRepo robotoRepo, IConfiguration configuration,
                           IBasketRepo basketRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo,
                           IEmailSender emailSender, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager)
     _robotoRepo   = robotoRepo;
     _basketRepo   = basketRepo;
     _orderRepo    = orderRepo;
     _userManager  = userManager;
     _emailSender  = emailSender;
     Configuration = configuration;
コード例 #23
ファイル: OrderController.cs プロジェクト: BartMiki/iDrugs
 public OrderController(IApothecaryRepo apothecaryRepo,
                        IOrderRepo orderRepo,
                        IMedicineRepo medicineRepo,
                        ILogger <OrderController> logger,
                        ISelectService selectService)
     _apothecaryRepo = apothecaryRepo;
     _orderRepo      = orderRepo;
     _medicineRepo   = medicineRepo;
     _logger         = logger;
     _selectService  = selectService;
コード例 #24
        public CustomerController(ICustomerRepo customerRepo, ILocationRepo locationRepo,
                                  IOrderItemRepo orderItemRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo, ICupcakeRepo cupcakeRepo,
                                  ILogger <CustomerController> logger)
            LocRepo       = locationRepo;
            CustomerRepo  = customerRepo;
            OrderItemRepo = orderItemRepo;
            OrderRepo     = orderRepo;
            CupcakeRepo   = cupcakeRepo;

            _logger = logger;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Mapping.cs プロジェクト: tleac201/RevProject2
        public Mapping()
            Project2Entities entities = new Project2Entities();

            ShoppingCartRepo    = new ShoppingCartRepo(entities);
            UserRepo            = new UserRepo(entities);
            CustomPizzaRepo     = new CustomPizzaRepo(entities);
            StandardProductRepo = new StandardProductRepo(entities);
            CustIngredientsRepo = new CustIngredientsRepo(entities);
            OrderRepo           = new OrderRepo(entities);
            OrderDetailsRepo    = new OrderDetailRepo(entities);
コード例 #26
        public OrderVM(Order order, IOrderRepo orderRepo, IPizzaRepo pizzaRepo)
            Order = order;

            SelectedPizzas = orderRepo.GetPizzasAsync(order.OrderId).Result;
            Pizzasorder    = new MultiSelectList(pizzaRepo.GetPizzasAsync().Result, "PizzaId", "Name", SelectedPizzas);

            foreach (var pizza in pizzaRepo.GetPizzasAsync().Result)
                Dictionary <Pizza, List <Size> > PizzaSizes = new Dictionary <Pizza, List <Size> >();
                PizzaSizes.Add(pizza, pizzaRepo.GetPizzaSizes(pizza.Name).Result);
コード例 #27
 public OrderHistoryMenu(Customer customer, lacrosseContext context, ICustomerRepo customerRepo, IInventoryRepo inventoryRepo, IProductRepo productRepo, IOrderRepo orderRepo, ILocationRepo locationRepo)
     this.customer         = customer;
     this.customerRepo     = customerRepo;
     this.productRepo      = productRepo;
     this.orderRepo        = orderRepo;
     this.inventoryRepo    = inventoryRepo;
     this.locationRepo     = locationRepo;
     this.customerServices = new CustomerServices(customerRepo);
     this.locationService  = new LocationServices(locationRepo);
     this.productServices  = new ProductServices(productRepo);
     this.orderService     = new OrderServices(orderRepo);
     this.inventoryService = new InventoryServices(inventoryRepo);
コード例 #28
        public OrderController(ICustomerRepo customerRepo, ILocationRepo locationRepo,
                               IOrderRepo orderRepo, ICupcakeRepo cupcakeRepo, IOrderItemRepo orderItemRepo,
                               ILocationInventoryRepo locationInventoryRepo, IRecipeItemRepo recipeItemRepo,
                               ILogger <OrderController> logger)
            LocRepo               = locationRepo;
            CustomerRepo          = customerRepo;
            OrderRepo             = orderRepo;
            CupcakeRepo           = cupcakeRepo;
            OrderItemRepo         = orderItemRepo;
            LocationInventoryRepo = locationInventoryRepo;
            RecipeItemRepo        = recipeItemRepo;

            _logger = logger;
コード例 #29
 public OrderController(KadettenContext context, IOrderRepo orderRepo, IClientRepo clientRepo,
                        ITicketOrderRepo ticketOrderRepo, ITicketRepo ticketRepo, IKadettRepo kadettRepo, ILogger <OrderController> logger
                        , IUserRepo userRepo, IEmailSenderService emailSenderService, IHostingEnvironment env)
     _logger             = logger;
     _context            = context;
     _orderRepo          = orderRepo;
     _ticketOrderRepo    = ticketOrderRepo;
     _clientRepo         = clientRepo;
     _ticketRepo         = ticketRepo;
     _userRepo           = userRepo;
     _kadettRepo         = kadettRepo;
     _emailSenderService = emailSenderService;
     HostingEnvironment  = env;
コード例 #30
        public OrdersController(
            IOrderRepo orderRepo,
            ILogger <OrdersController> logger,
            DataContext dataContext
            dataContext.Orders.Add(new Order {
                Id   = 0,
                User = dataContext.Users.First()

            _orderRepo   = orderRepo;
            _logger      = logger;
            _dataContext = dataContext;
コード例 #31
 public UnitOfWork(
     AuctionDbContext dbContext,
     IBidRepo bidRepo,
     ICategoryRepo categoryRepo,
     IItemRepo itemRepo,
     IOrderRepo orderRepo,
     IPaymentRepo paymentRepo
     _dbContext    = dbContext;
     _bidRepo      = bidRepo;
     _categoryRepo = categoryRepo;
     _itemRepo     = itemRepo;
     _orderRepo    = orderRepo;
     _paymentRepo  = paymentRepo;
コード例 #32
        public static IOrderRepo GetRepo()
            string logType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["repotype"];
            //ConfigurationSaveMode blah = ConfigurationSaveMode.Modified;
            if (logType == "m")
                _currentRepo = new MockOrdersRepo();
                _currentRepo = new ProdOrdersRepo();

            return _currentRepo;
コード例 #33
 public OrderManager()
     string mode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["appName"];
     if (mode == "Test")
         var repo = new TestOrderRepo();
         _repo = repo;
         var repo = new ProdOrderRepo();
         _repo = repo;
         _taxrepo = new TaxRepo();
         _productrepo = new ProductRepo();
コード例 #34
ファイル: OrderRepoTest.cs プロジェクト: PyaBzz/netCoreMvc
 public OrderRepoTest(IOrderRepo rep)
     this.repo = rep;
     wi11      = new Order {
         Name = "wi11"
     wi12 = new Order {
         Name = "wi12"
     wi21 = new Order {
         Name = "wi21"
     wi22 = new Order {
         Name = "wi22"
コード例 #35
        public PizzaOrdersVM(IOrderRepo orderRepo, IPizzaRepo pizzaRepo, Order order)
            Order = order;

            SelectedPizzas      = orderRepo.GetPizzasAsync(order.OrderId).Result;       //Voor de pizza's in een order
            SelectedOrderPizzas = orderRepo.GetOrderPizzasAsync(order.OrderId).Result;  //Voor de prijs uit de tussentabel te halen
            SelectedOrderSizes  = orderRepo.GetOrderSizes(order.OrderId).Result;        //Om de grootte van de pizza op te halen

            Pizzas = new MultiSelectList(pizzaRepo.GetPizzasAsync().Result, "PizzaId", "Name", SelectedPizzas);

            PizzaSizes = new Dictionary <string, SelectList>();

            foreach (var pizza in pizzaRepo.GetPizzasAsync().Result)
                PizzaSizes.Add(pizza.Name, new SelectList(pizzaRepo.GetPizzaSizes(pizza.Name).Result, "SizeId", "Name", SelectedPizzaSizes));
コード例 #36
 public OrderBLL(IOrderRepo stub)
     _repo = stub;
コード例 #37
 public OrderBLL()
     _repo = new OrderRepo();