public void OrderHistory() { foreach (var item in _orderBL.GetOrder()) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void PlaceOrders() { //Customer customer = SearchCustomer(); Location location = SearchBranch(); //loction --> inventory --> product (locationId) //Todo //Display a list of product avaiable products in the selected store DisplayProducts(location); //ToDo - change date to timestamp instead of input DateTime orderDate = _validate.ValidateDate("Enter the order date [yyyy-mm-dd]:"); //DateTime orderDate = new DateTime(); Order newOrder = new Order(orderDate); Order createdOrder = _orderBL.AddOrder(customer, location, newOrder); Order curOrder = _orderBL.GetOrder(customer, location, newOrder); decimal total = 0; string input; total += AddItem(curOrder); Console.WriteLine($"Current Total: {total}"); input = _validate.ValidateValidCommand("More items to add? \n\t[Y] - continue \n\t[N] - proceed order"); while (input.ToLower() != "n") { total += AddItem(curOrder); Console.WriteLine($"Current Total: {total}"); input = _validate.ValidateValidCommand("More items to add? \n\t[Y] - continue \n\t[N] - proceed order"); } //To-Do add timestamp to find the order _orderBL.UpdateOrderTotal(curOrder, total); Console.WriteLine("Order has been placed successfully"); Console.WriteLine("===================================================="); Console.WriteLine($"Here is the Order Details for {customer.FullName} \n\tOrderID: {curOrder.Id} Total: ${total} Location: {location.Name}"); ViewOrderDetails(curOrder); Console.WriteLine("===================================================="); }