コード例 #1
        public ISetUpResult <IBox <WeakTryAssignOperation>, Tpn.IValue> Run(Tpn.IStaticScope scope, ISetUpContext context)
            var box = new Box <IReadOnlyList <IOrType <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, IError> > >();

            // we create a new scope because the member we are assigning in to only exists in that scope
            // 5 is Cat c { ... }
            // is really
            // { 5 is Cat c { ... }}

            var myScope = context.TypeProblem.CreateScope(scope, new WeakBlockDefinitionConverter(box));

            var nextLeft  = left.TransformInner(x => x.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));
            var nextRight = right.TransformInner(x => x.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));
            var nextblock = block.TransformInner(x => x.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));

            if (nextLeft.Is1(out var nextLeft1) && nextLeft1.SetUpSideNode.Is1(out var node1) && nextRight.Is1(out var nextRight1) && nextRight1.SetUpSideNode.Is1(out var node2))
                if (node1 is not Tpn.ICanAssignFromMe canAssignFromMe)
                    // todo I need real error handling
                    // probably I need somewhere to stuff additional errors
                    throw new NotImplementedException($"can not assign from {nextLeft1.SetUpSideNode}");

                if (node2 is not Tpn.ICanBeAssignedTo canBeAssignedTo)
                    // todo I need real error handling
                    throw new NotImplementedException($"can not assign to {nextRight1.SetUpSideNode}");
コード例 #2
ファイル: RootScope.cs プロジェクト: Prototypist1/Tac
 public WeakRootScope(IOrType <HasMembersType, IError> returns, Box <IReadOnlyList <IOrType <IBox <WeakAssignOperation>, IError> > > assigns, Box <IOrType <IBox <WeakEntryPointDefinition>, IError> > EntryPoint)
     this.returns    = returns ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(returns));
     Scope           = returns.TransformInner(x => x.weakScope);
     this.EntryPoint = EntryPoint ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(EntryPoint));
     Assignments     = assigns ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assigns));
コード例 #3
        public WeakObjectDefinition(IOrType <HasMembersType, IError> type, IBox <IReadOnlyList <IOrType <IBox <WeakAssignOperation>, IError> > > assigns)
            Scope       = type?.TransformInner(x => x.weakScope) ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
            Assignments = assigns ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(assigns));

            returns = type;
コード例 #4
        public IBox <TFrontendCodeElement> Run(Tpn.TypeSolution context, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> stack)
            var res = make(
                left.TransformInner(x => x.Run(context, stack)),
                right.TransformInner(x => x.Run(context, stack)));

コード例 #5
 public WeakGenericTypeDefinition(
     IIsPossibly <IOrType <NameKey, ImplicitKey> > key,
     IOrType <HasMembersType, IError> type,
     IOrType <IGenericTypeParameterPlacholder, IError>[] TypeParameterDefinitions)
     this.TypeParameterDefinitions = TypeParameterDefinitions ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(TypeParameterDefinitions));
     Key       = key ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
     this.type = type ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));
     Scope     = type.TransformInner(x => x.weakScope);
コード例 #6
ファイル: RootScope.cs プロジェクト: Prototypist1/Tac
        public ISetUpResult <IBox <WeakRootScope>, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Object> Run(Tpn.IStaticScope scope, ISetUpContext context)
            //scope = scope.EnterInitizaionScopeIfNessisary();

            //if (!(scope is Tpn.IScope runtimeScope))
            //    throw new NotImplementedException("this should be an IError");

            //var assignmentsBox = new Box<IReadOnlyList<IOrType<IResolve<IBox<WeakAssignOperation>>, IError>>>();
            //var entryBox = new Box<IOrType<IResolve<IBox<WeakEntryPointDefinition>>, IError>>();
            //var myScope = context.TypeProblem.CreateObjectOrModule(context.TypeProblem.ModuleRoot, key, new WeakRootConverter(assignmentsBox, entryBox), new WeakScopeConverter());

            // {6B83A7F1-0E28-4D07-91C8-57E6878E97D9}
            // module has similar code
            //foreach (var element in elements)
            //    element.Switch(
            //        y =>
            //        {
            //            list.Add(OrType.Make<IResolve<IBox<IFrontendCodeElement>>, IError>(y.Run(myScope, context).Resolve));
            //        },
            //        y =>
            //        {
            //            // it is a bit weird that types are not used at all
            //            y.Run(myScope, context);
            //        },
            //        y =>
            //        {
            //            // this is also a bit wierd, these errors are anything that was not parsed
            //            // they are not really related to the assignments they are bing placed next to
            //            list.Add(OrType.Make<IResolve<IBox<IFrontendCodeElement>>, IError>(y));
            //        });

            var nextElements = elements.Select(x => x.TransformInner(y => y.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)).Resolve)).ToArray();
            var nextEntry    = entry.TransformInner(y => y.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)).Resolve);

            var ranTypes        = types.Select(x => x.TransformInner(y => y.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)).Resolve)).ToArray();
            var ranGenericTypes = genericTypes.Select(x => x.TransformInner(y => y.Run(myScope, context.CreateChildContext(this)).Resolve)).ToArray();

            //var value = context.TypeProblem.CreateValue(runtimeScope, key, new PlaceholderValueConverter());
            // ugh! an object is a type

            return(new SetUpResult <IBox <WeakRootScope>, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Object>(new ResolveReferanceRootScope(myScope, ranTypes, ranGenericTypes, nextElements, nextEntry, assignmentsBox, entryBox), OrType.Make <Tpn.TypeProblem2.Object, IError>(myScope)));
コード例 #7
ファイル: ReturnOperation.cs プロジェクト: Prototypist1/Tac
        public ISetUpResult <IBox <TFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.IValue> Run(Tpn.IStaticScope scope, ISetUpContext context)
            // return should never be in an object init
            // but other trailing operations might
            if (intoInitScope)
                scope = scope.EnterInitizaionScopeIfNessisary();

            var nextLeft = left.TransformInner(x => x.Run(scope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));

            return(new SetUpResult <IBox <TFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.IValue>(
                       new TrailingResolveReferance <TFrontendCodeElement, TCodeElement>(nextLeft.TransformInner(x => x.Resolve), make),
                       getReturnedValue(scope, context, nextLeft)));
コード例 #8
ファイル: RootScope.cs プロジェクト: Prototypist1/Tac
        // do these really need to be IBox? they seeme to generally be filled...
        // mayble IPossibly...
        public IBox <WeakRootScope> Run(Tpn.TypeSolution context, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> stack)
            assignmentsBox.Fill(nextElements.Select(x => x.TransformInner(y => y.Run(context, stack.Add(myScope)))).ToArray());

            entryBox.Fill(nextEntry.TransformInner(x => x.Run(context, stack.Add(myScope))));

            ranTypes.Select(x => x.TransformInner(y => y.Run(context, stack.Add(myScope)))).ToArray();
            ranGenericTypes.Select(x => x.TransformInner(y => y.Run(context, stack.Add(myScope)))).ToArray();
            var objectOr = myScope.Converter.Convert(context, myScope, stack);

            if (objectOr.Is2(out var v2))
                return(new Box <WeakRootScope>(v2));
            throw new Exception("wrong or");
コード例 #9
        public ISetUpResult <IBox <TFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.IValue> Run(Tpn.IStaticScope scope, ISetUpContext context)
            if (intoInitScope)
                scope = scope.EnterInitizaionScopeIfNessisary();

            var nextLeft  = left.TransformInner(x => x.Run(scope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));
            var nextRight = right.TransformInner(x => x.Run(scope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));
            var value     = keyMaker(scope, context.CreateChildContext(this), nextLeft, nextRight);

            return(new SetUpResult <IBox <TFrontendCodeElement>, Tpn.IValue>(new BinaryResolveReferance <TFrontendCodeElement, TCodeElement>(
                                                                                 nextLeft.TransformInner(x => x.Resolve),
                                                                                 nextRight.TransformInner(x => x.Resolve),
                                                                                 make), value));
コード例 #10
        public ISetUpResult <IBox <WeakPathOperation>, Tpn.TypeProblem2.Member> Run(Tpn.IStaticScope scope, ISetUpContext context)
            scope = scope.EnterInitizaionScopeIfNessisary();

            var nextLeft = left.TransformInner(x => x.Run(scope, context.CreateChildContext(this)));

            var member = nextLeft.SwitchReturns(
                good =>
                    actualName =>
                if (good.SetUpSideNode.Is1(out var nodeLeft) && nodeLeft is Tpn.IValue value)
                    return(OrType.Make <Tpn.TypeProblem2.Member, IError>(context.TypeProblem.CreateHopefulMember(
                                                                             new NameKey(actualName))));
コード例 #11
        public IBox <WeakPathOperation> Run(Tpn.TypeSolution context, IEnumerable <Tpn.ITypeProblemNode> stack)
            var leftRes = left.TransformInner(x => x.Run(context, stack));

            var res = new Box <WeakPathOperation>(new WeakPathOperation(
                                                          x => OrType.Make <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, IError>(new FuncBox <IFrontendCodeElement>(() => {
                // TODO
                // I don't I should need to ask the solution for the member def, the left's return type should give me that

                // why doesn't TryGetMember return a member definition!
                // probably because of Ortypes

                // I thinkg TypeSolution TryGetMember is really just for TypeProblem2.Method and TypeProblem2.Scope
                // maybe I am thinking about this wrong and scopeCache only need to exist during TypeSolution's constructor
                var returns = leftRes.Is1OrThrow().GetValue().CastTo <IReturn>().Returns().Is1OrThrow();

                // smells
                if (returns.SafeIs(out Tac.SyntaxModel.Elements.AtomicTypes.RefType refType))
                    returns = refType.inner.Is1OrThrow();

                var memberDef = returns.TryGetMember(key, new List <(IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType <IVerifiableType>)>());


                return(new WeakMemberReference(new Box <IOrType <WeakMemberDefinition, IError> >(memberDef.Is1OrThrow())));

                //WeakMemberReference memberRef = leftRes.Is1OrThrow().GetValue().CastTo<WeakMemberReference>();
                //var memberDef = memberRef.MemberDefinition.GetValue().Type.GetValue().Is1OrThrow().TryGetMember(key, new List<(IFrontendType<IVerifiableType>, IFrontendType<IVerifiableType>)>());


                //return new WeakMemberReference(new Box<WeakMemberDefinition>(memberDef.Is1OrThrow().Is1OrThrow()));
                                                          y => OrType.Make <IBox <IFrontendCodeElement>, IError>(Error.Cascaded("", y)))));
