public static void SeedOperators(IOperatorManager operatorManager, ICodeManager codeManager, ITariffManager tariffManager) { if (operatorManager.GetByName("Vodafone") == null) { OperatorViewModel oper1 = new OperatorViewModel(); oper1.Name = "Vodafone"; operatorManager.Add(oper1); oper1 = operatorManager.GetByName("Vodafone"); CodeViewModel code1 = new CodeViewModel() { OperatorId = oper1.Id, OperatorCode = "+38099" }; CodeViewModel code2 = new CodeViewModel() { OperatorId = oper1.Id, OperatorCode = "+38066" }; CodeViewModel code3 = new CodeViewModel() { OperatorId = oper1.Id, OperatorCode = "+38050" }; codeManager.Add(code1); codeManager.Add(code2); codeManager.Add(code3); SeedTariffs(tariffManager, oper1.Id); } if (operatorManager.GetByName("Kyivstar") == null) { OperatorViewModel oper2 = new OperatorViewModel(); oper2.Name = "Kyivstar"; operatorManager.Add(oper2); oper2 = operatorManager.GetByName("Kyivstar"); CodeViewModel code4 = new CodeViewModel() { OperatorId = oper2.Id, OperatorCode = "+38097" }; CodeViewModel code5 = new CodeViewModel() { OperatorId = oper2.Id, OperatorCode = "+38067" }; CodeViewModel code6 = new CodeViewModel() { OperatorId = oper2.Id, OperatorCode = "+38096" }; codeManager.Add(code4); codeManager.Add(code5); codeManager.Add(code6); SeedTariffs(tariffManager, oper2.Id); } }
private ExpressionTreeNode(string @value, int column, IOperatorManager operatorManager) { m_operatorManager = operatorManager; //Remove whitespace. int whiteSpace = CountWhiteSpace(@value); m_column = column + whiteSpace; int oldLength = @value.Length; @value = @value.Trim(); m_length = @value.Length; SetValue(@value); }
public static void SeedData(UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager, IOperatorManager operatorManager, ICodeManager codeManager, ITariffManager tariffManager, IStopWordManager stopWordManager, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork) { SeedRoles(roleManager); SeedUsers(userManager); SeedOperators(operatorManager, codeManager, tariffManager); SeedStopWords(stopWordManager); SeedCampaigns(unitOfWork); SeedEmailCampaigns(unitOfWork); }
public CompanyController(ICompanyManager company, IOperatorManager _operator, ITariffManager tariff, UserManager <ApplicationUser> userManager, IGroupManager groupManager, IRecipientManager recipientManager, IPhoneManager phoneManager, IRecievedMessageManager recievedMessageManager, IAnswersCodeManager answersCodeManager, ISubscribeWordManager subscribeWordManager, IContactManager contactManager) { this.companyManager = company; this.operatorManager = _operator; this.tariffManager = tariff; this.userManager = userManager; this.groupManager = groupManager; this.phoneManager = phoneManager; this.recipientManager = recipientManager; this.recievedMessageManager = recievedMessageManager; this.answersCodeManager = answersCodeManager; this.subscribeWordManager = subscribeWordManager; this.contactManager = contactManager; }
public CodeController(ICodeManager codeManager, IOperatorManager operatorManager) { this.codeManager = codeManager; }
//Analyses a cell and creates an expression tree by it. //Used internal to avoid circular references. public static ExpressionTreeNode Parse(string value, IOperatorManager operatorManager) { return new ExpressionTreeNode(value, 0, operatorManager); }
public static OperatorMatch FindOperators(string text, IOperatorManager operatorManager) { char c; int depth = 0; OperatorMatch topOperator = null; string op = ""; ArrayList matches = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i <= text.Length - 1; i++) { c = text[i]; if (c == '(') { depth += 1; } else if (c == ')') { depth -= 1; } if (depth == 0 && c != ';' && !char.IsLetter(c) && !char.IsNumber(c) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(c) && c != '(' && c != ')' && c != '.') { //Found beginning of operator. op += c; } else if (op != "") { matches.Add(new OperatorMatch(i - op.Length, op.Length)); op = ""; } } if (matches.Count > 0) { //Find the operators. int endIndex = 0; OperatorMatch firstMatch = (OperatorMatch)matches[0]; if (firstMatch.StartIndex == 0) { op = text.Substring(firstMatch.StartIndex, firstMatch.Length); firstMatch.ExpressionOperator = operatorManager.UniOperators[op]; firstMatch.Unary = true; endIndex = 1; } for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= endIndex; i += -1) { OperatorMatch match = (OperatorMatch)matches[i]; op = text.Substring(match.StartIndex, match.Length); match.ExpressionOperator = operatorManager.BiOperators[op]; if (match.ExpressionOperator == null) { //Could be two operators beside each other. //Check for unary operator. ExpressionOperator[] ops = operatorManager.UniOperators.GetOperators(); foreach (ExpressionOperator uniOperator in ops) { if (op.EndsWith(uniOperator.Identifier)) { match.ExpressionOperator = operatorManager.BiOperators[op.Substring(0, op.Length - uniOperator.Identifier.Length)]; match.Length -= uniOperator.Identifier.Length; if (match.ExpressionOperator != null) { break; } } } } if (match.ExpressionOperator != null) { if (topOperator == null || topOperator.ExpressionOperator.Presedence > match.ExpressionOperator.Presedence) { topOperator = match; } } } if (topOperator == null) { //Use unary operator if no other matches. topOperator = firstMatch; } if (topOperator.ExpressionOperator == null) { return null; } } return topOperator; }
protected override void Initialize() { this.mockWrapper = new Mock <IFileIoWrapper>(); manager = new OperatorManager(mockUnitOfWork.Object, mockMapper.Object, mockWrapper.Object); TestContext.WriteLine("Overrided"); }
public OperatorController(IOperatorManager oper) { this.operatorManager = oper; }