コード例 #1
        private static Func <DownstreamContext, bool> AddRpcMiddleware(this IOcelotPipelineBuilder builder)

            // Initialises downstream request

            // We check whether the request is ratelimit, and if there is no continue processing

            // This adds or updates the request id (initally we try and set this based on global config in the error handling middleware)
            // If anything was set at global level and we have a different setting at re route level the global stuff will be overwritten
            // This means you can get a scenario where you have a different request id from the first piece of middleware to the request id middleware.

            // This takes the downstream route we retrieved earlier and replaces any placeholders with the variables that should be used

            // We fire off the request and set the response on the scoped data repo

            // This check the downstream route scheme is tcp or custom scheme, for example @rpc
            return(context => context.DownstreamReRoute.DownstreamScheme.Equals("tcp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));