public List <ProcedureList> FillProcedure(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <ProcedureList> procedureList = new List <ProcedureList>(); foreach (IEntry entryitem in entryCollection) { IProcedure entryProcedure = entryitem.AsProcedure; if (entryProcedure != null) { IObservation entryObservatio = entryitem.AsObservation; ICD meterialCode; //if (entryProcedure != null) //{ // meterialCode = entryProcedure.Code; //} //else //{ // meterialCode = entryObservatio.Code; //} meterialCode = entryProcedure.Code; ProcedureList ptprocedureList = new ProcedureList(); ptprocedureList.CPTCodes = meterialCode.Code; ptprocedureList.Description = meterialCode.DisplayName; procedureList.Add(ptprocedureList); } } return(procedureList); }
public List <LabResult> FillLabResults(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <LabResult> labResult = new List <LabResult>(); foreach (IEntry entryitem in entryCollection) { IOrganizer entryOrganizer = entryitem.AsOrganizer; IComponent4Collection entryComponent = entryOrganizer.Component; LabResult ptLabResult = new LabResult(); foreach (IComponent4 obserComponent in entryComponent) { IObservation entryObservation = obserComponent.AsObservation; IReferenceRange referenceRange = entryObservation.ReferenceRange.FirstOrDefault(); meterialCode = entryObservation.Code; try{ valueCode = (IPQ)entryObservation.Value[0]; }catch (Exception) {} ptLabResult.TestPerformed = meterialCode.DisplayName; ptLabResult.ReportDate = entryObservation.EffectiveTime == null ? null : new DateTime?(Convert.ToDateTime(entryObservation.EffectiveTime.AsDateTime)); ptLabResult.LonicCode = meterialCode.Code; ptLabResult.Units = valueCode != null?valueCode.Unit.ToString() : string.Empty; ptLabResult.TestResultn = valueCode != null?valueCode.Value.ToString():string.Empty; ptLabResult.NormalFindings = referenceRange != null ? referenceRange.ObservationRange.Text != null ? referenceRange.ObservationRange.Text.Text : null : null; } labResult.Add(ptLabResult); } return(labResult); }
public List <PatientProblemes> FillProblems(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <PatientProblemes> Problemes = new List <PatientProblemes>(); foreach (IEntry singleentry in entryCollection) { IObservation probObservation = singleentry.AsAct.EntryRelationship.FirstOrDefault().AsObservation; IIVL_TS effectivetime = probObservation.EffectiveTime; IANY probValue = probObservation.Value[0]; ICD itemVlues = (ICD)probValue; PatientProblemes ptproblem = new PatientProblemes(); ptproblem.ProblemCode = itemVlues.Code != null ? itemVlues.Code : null; IEntryRelationship ObserentryRelation = probObservation.EntryRelationship.Where(e => e.AsObservation.Code.Code.ToString() == "33999-4").FirstOrDefault(); if (ObserentryRelation != null) { IANY probStatusVal = ObserentryRelation.AsObservation.Value.FirstOrDefault(); ICD StatusVlues = (ICD)probStatusVal; ptproblem.Status = StatusVlues.DisplayName; } else { ptproblem.Status = null; } ptproblem.DateDiagnosed = effectivetime.Low != null ? effectivetime.Low.Value != null?effectivetime.Low.AsDateTime.ToString() : null : null; ptproblem.Description = itemVlues.DisplayName != null ? itemVlues.DisplayName : null; Problemes.Add(ptproblem); } return(Problemes); }
public List <Encounters> FillEncounters(IEntryCollection entryCollection, string name) { List <Encounters> encounters = new List <Encounters>(); foreach (IEntry entryitem in entryCollection) { Encounters ptEncounters = new Encounters(); IEncounter entryEncounter = entryitem.AsEncounter; IEntryRelationship entryRelationItem = entryEncounter.EntryRelationship.FirstOrDefault(); if (entryRelationItem != null) { IObservation observation = entryRelationItem.AsObservation; IIVL_TS efftime = observation.EffectiveTime; if (efftime == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } IANY observationvalue = observation.Value.FirstOrDefault(); ICD str = (ICD)observationvalue; string location = observation.Participant.Count > 0 ? observation.Participant[0].ParticipantRole.AsPlayingEntity.Name[0].Text : null; ptEncounters.Code = str.Code; ptEncounters.EncounterDescription = str.DisplayName; ptEncounters.PerformerName = name; //ptEncounters.EncounterDate = efftime != null ? efftime.Low != null ? efftime.Low.Value != null ? new DateTime?(Convert.ToDateTime(efftime.Low.AsDateTime)) : null : null : efftime.Value != null ? new DateTime?(Convert.ToDateTime(efftime.AsDateTime)) : null; } encounters.Add(ptEncounters); } return(encounters); }
public SocialHistoryModel FillSocialHistory(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { SocialHistoryModel ptSocialHistory = new SocialHistoryModel(); foreach (IEntry singleentry in entryCollection) { IObservation socialObservation = singleentry.AsObservation; if (socialObservation.TemplateId.Select(s => s.Root.ToString()).FirstOrDefault() == "2.16.840.1.113883.") { ICD socialCode = socialObservation.Code; IIVL_TS effectiveTime = socialObservation.EffectiveTime; if (socialCode.Code == "230056004" || socialCode.Code == "229819007") { ptSocialHistory.Smoker = socialCode.Code != null ? socialCode.Code : null; } if (socialCode.Code == "160573003") { //ptSocialHistory.EntryDate = effectiveTime != null ? effectiveTime.Low != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value.ToString() : null : null : null; ptSocialHistory.Alcohol = socialCode.Code != null ? socialCode.Code : null; } if (socialCode.Code == "363908000") { //ptSocialHistory.EntryDate = effectiveTime != null ? effectiveTime.Low != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value.ToString() : null : null : null; ptSocialHistory.Drugs = socialCode.Code != null ? socialCode.Code : null; } if (socialCode.Code == "81703003") { //ptSocialHistory.EntryDate = effectiveTime != null ? effectiveTime.Low != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value.ToString() : null : null : null; ptSocialHistory.Tobacoo = socialCode.Code != null ? socialCode.Code : null; } ptSocialHistory.EntryDate = effectiveTime != null ? effectiveTime.Low != null ? effectiveTime.Low.Value != null?effectiveTime.Low.Value.ToString() : null : null : null; } } return(ptSocialHistory); }
public double GetEmission([NotNull] IState state, [NotNull] IObservation observation) { var si = GetStateIndex(state); var oi = GetObservationIndex(observation); return(GetEmission(state: si, observation: oi)); }
private MeasurementV1 CreateMeasurementFromVariable(Variable variable, IObservation observation, Metadata metadata) { // Look up property based on string, get value var value = observation.GetType().GetProperty(variable.FieldName).GetValue(observation, null); Nsar.Common.Measure.Models.PhysicalQuantity pq = new Nsar.Common.Measure.Models.PhysicalQuantity( Convert.ToDecimal(value), variable.Units); // TODO: create interface, use constructor injection Nsar.Common.Measure.PhysicalQuantityConverter pqConverter = new Nsar.Common.Measure.PhysicalQuantityConverter(); Nsar.Common.Measure.Models.PhysicalQuantity pqMetric = pqConverter.Convert(pq); string name = map.GetMeasurementName(variable.FieldName); DateTime measurementDateTime = new DateTime(observation.TIMESTAMP.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc); List <PhysicalQuantityV1> physicalQuantitis = new List <PhysicalQuantityV1>() { new PhysicalQuantityV1(pqMetric.Value, pqMetric.Unit, 0, 0, 0, DateTime.UtcNow, "CosmosDBSqlApiTransformer") }; LocationV1 location = new LocationV1("Point", map.GetLatFromStation(metadata), map.GetLonFromStation(metadata)); string fieldId = map.GetFieldID(metadata); string partitionKey = "EcTower_" + fieldId + "_" + name; string id = fieldId + "_" + name + "_" + measurementDateTime.ToString("o"); return(new MeasurementV1(partitionKey, id, DocumentType, name, TargetSchemaVersion, metadataId, "", "", "", "", null, fieldId, location, measurementDateTime, physicalQuantitis)); }
public List <PlanOfCare> FillPlanOfCare(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <PlanOfCare> planOfCare = new List <PlanOfCare>(); foreach (IEntry singleRecord in entryCollection) { IObservation observation = singleRecord.AsObservation; IAct entryAct = singleRecord.AsAct; string goal = null; string instructions = null; if (observation != null) { meterialCode = observation.Code; goal = meterialCode.DisplayName; datetime = observation.EffectiveTime; } if (entryAct != null) { instructions = entryAct.Text.Text; } PlanOfCare ptPlanOfCare = new PlanOfCare(); ptPlanOfCare.Goal = goal; ptPlanOfCare.PlannedDate = datetime != null ? datetime.Center != null ? new DateTime?(datetime.Center.AsDateTime) : null : null; ptPlanOfCare.Instructions = instructions; planOfCare.Add(ptPlanOfCare); } return(planOfCare); }
public List <VitalSigns> FillVitalSigns(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <VitalSigns> vitalSigns = new List <VitalSigns>(); foreach (IEntry singleentry in entryCollection) { IOrganizer organizer = singleentry.AsOrganizer; IComponent4Collection component = organizer.Component; IIVL_TS effectivetime = organizer.EffectiveTime; if (effectivetime == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } VitalSigns ptvitalSigns = new VitalSigns(); try { ptvitalSigns.VitalDate = effectivetime.AsDateTime; } catch (Exception) { ptvitalSigns.VitalDate = effectivetime != null ? effectivetime.Low != null ? effectivetime.Low.Value != null ? new DateTime?(effectivetime.Low.AsDateTime) : null : null : effectivetime.Value != null ? new DateTime?(effectivetime.AsDateTime) : new DateTime?(effectivetime.AsDateTime); } foreach (IComponent4 orgComponent in component) { IObservation orgObservation = orgComponent.AsObservation; ICD itemCode = orgObservation.Code; IANY vitalSignsObservationValue = orgObservation.Value[0]; IPQ itemVlues = (IPQ)vitalSignsObservationValue; if (itemCode.Code != null) { if (itemCode.Code.ToString() == "8302-2") { ptvitalSigns.Height = Convert.ToInt16(itemVlues.Value); ptvitalSigns.HeightUnit = Convert.ToString(itemVlues.Unit); } if (itemCode.Code.ToString() == "3141-9") { ptvitalSigns.WEIGHT = Convert.ToInt16(itemVlues.Value); ptvitalSigns.WeightUnit = Convert.ToString(itemVlues.Unit); } if (itemCode.Code.ToString() == "8480-6") { ptvitalSigns.BloodPressure = itemVlues.Value.ToString() + " " + itemVlues.Unit.ToString(); ptvitalSigns.BloodPressureSystolic = itemVlues.Value.ToString(); } if (itemCode.Code.ToString() == "8462-4") { ptvitalSigns.BloodPressureDiastolic = itemVlues.Value.ToString(); } } } vitalSigns.Add(ptvitalSigns); } return(vitalSigns); }
internal Observer(Specification specification, Product initialAnchor, FactManager factManager, IObservation observation) { this.specification = specification; this.initialAnchor = initialAnchor; this.factManager = factManager; this.observation = observation; this.inverses = specification.ComputeInverses(); }
private static void PublishObservation <T>(IObservation <T> observation) { Console.WriteLine(" " + observation.Name); Console.WriteLine(" Took: {0} ms, Exception Thrown: {1}{2}, Output Value: {3}", observation.ElapsedMilliseconds, observation.ExceptionThrown, observation.ExceptionThrown ? string.Format("(Exception: {0})", observation.ExperimentError.LastException.Message) : string.Empty, observation.Value); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StateProbability" /> struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="observation">The observation.</param> /// <param name="state">The state.</param> /// <param name="probability">The probability.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">state /// or /// observation</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">state /// or /// observation</exception> /// <exception cref="System.NotFiniteNumberException">probability;The probability value must be in range 0..1</exception> public ObservedStateProbability([NotNull] IObservation observation, [NotNull] IState state, double probability) : base(state, probability) { if (observation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("observation"); } Observation = observation; }
public int GetObservationIndex([NotNull] IObservation observation) { int index; if (_observations.TryGetValue(observation, out index)) { return(index); } throw new ArgumentException("The given observation was not previously registered", "observation"); }
public TOA5 GetTOA5(IObservation datatable) { TOA5 toa5 = new TOA5(); toa5.Metadata = GetMetadata(); toa5.Observations = GetObservations(datatable).ToList(); return(toa5); }
private static void AddObservationStats <T>(string experimentName, IObservation <T> observation, Statsd statsd) { experimentName = ReplaceWhitespace(experimentName); statsd.Add <Statsd.Timing>(string.Format("{0}.{1}.Results.Microseconds", experimentName, observation.Name), (int)(observation.ElapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds * 1000)); // use microseconds because required to sent int if (observation.IsMismatched) { // Gauge, Meter, or Count -- use Count for now, gives us # of mismatches / second statsd.Add <Statsd.Counting>(string.Format("{0}.{1}.Results.Mismatches", experimentName, observation.Name), 1); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LabeledObservation"/> struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state.</param> /// <param name="observation">The observation.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"> /// state /// or /// observation /// </exception> public LabeledObservation([NotNull] IState state, [NotNull] IObservation observation) { if (state == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("state"); } if (observation == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("observation"); } State = state; Observation = observation; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the <see cref="System.Double" /> probability of emitting the state. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state's index.</param> /// <param name="observation">The observation.</param> /// <param name="probability">The transition probability.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">probability;The probability value must be in range 0..1</exception> /// <exception cref="System.NotFiniteNumberException">The value must be a finite number.</exception> public void SetEmission([NotNull] IState state, [NotNull] IObservation observation, double probability) { if (probability < 0 || probability > 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("probability", probability, "The probability value must be in range 0..1"); } if (Double.IsNaN(probability) || Double.IsInfinity(probability)) { throw new NotFiniteNumberException("The value must be a finite number.", probability); } var si = GetStateIndex(state); var oi = GetObservationIndex(observation); SetEmission(state: si, observation: oi, probability: probability); }
public List <FunctionalStatus> FillFunctionalStatus(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <FunctionalStatus> functionalStatus = new List <FunctionalStatus>(); foreach (IEntry entryitem in entryCollection) { IObservation entryObservation = entryitem.AsObservation; IIVL_TS effectiveDate = entryObservation.EffectiveTime; IANY functionalValue = entryObservation.Value[0]; ICD cD = (ICD)functionalValue; FunctionalStatus ptfunctionalStatus = new FunctionalStatus(); ptfunctionalStatus.StatusDate = effectiveDate != null ? effectiveDate.Low != null ? effectiveDate.Low.Value != null ? new DateTime?(effectiveDate.Low.AsDateTime) : null : null : null; ptfunctionalStatus.Description = cD.DisplayName; ptfunctionalStatus.Code = cD.Code; functionalStatus.Add(ptfunctionalStatus); } return(functionalStatus); }
public Func <double[], double> this[IObservation observation] { get { var zc = observation as Zc; if (zc != null) { return(Zc(zc)); } var eqtySpot = observation as EquitySpot; if (eqtySpot != null) { return(EquitySpot(eqtySpot)); } throw new NotImplementedException(observation.ToString()); } }
public List <PatientAllergies> FillAllergies(IEntryCollection entryCollection) { List <PatientAllergies> alleryies = new List <PatientAllergies>(); foreach (IEntry entryitem in entryCollection) { IAct entryact = entryitem.AsAct; IEntryRelationship entryRelationship = entryact.EntryRelationship[0]; IObservation entryobservation = entryRelationship.AsObservation; IIVL_TS effectivetime = entryact.EffectiveTime; IParticipant2 allergyParticipant = entryobservation.Participant[0]; IParticipantRole participantRole = allergyParticipant.ParticipantRole; IPlayingEntity playingEntity = participantRole.AsPlayingEntity; ICE code = playingEntity.Code; IPNCollection name = playingEntity.Name; string substance = name != null && name.Count() > 0 ? name[0].Text : code.DisplayName; PatientAllergies ptallergies = new PatientAllergies(); ptallergies.substance = substance; IEntryRelationship entryRelationshipMFST = entryobservation.EntryRelationship.Where(r => r.TypeCode.ToString() == "MFST").FirstOrDefault(); if (entryRelationshipMFST != null && entryRelationshipMFST.AsObservation.Value != null) { IANY Reactionvaluecollection = entryRelationshipMFST.AsObservation.Value.FirstOrDefault(); CD valuesReaction = (CD)Reactionvaluecollection; ptallergies.reaction = valuesReaction.DisplayName; } ptallergies.rxNorm = code.Code; IEntryRelationship entryRelationshipSUBJ = entryobservation.EntryRelationship.Where(r => r.TypeCode.ToString() == "SUBJ").FirstOrDefault(); if (entryRelationshipSUBJ != null && entryRelationshipSUBJ.AsObservation.Value != null) { IANY Statusvaluecollection = entryRelationshipSUBJ.AsObservation.Value.FirstOrDefault(); ICE values = (ICE)Statusvaluecollection; ptallergies.status = values.DisplayName; } if (effectivetime != null && effectivetime.Value != null) { ptallergies.allergyDate = effectivetime.AsDateTime.ToString(); } alleryies.Add(ptallergies); } return(alleryies); }
public LoggerNetMetToCosmosDBSqlApiMeasurement( Stream myBlob, string name, ILogger log, string functionName, string blobPath, int timestep, DocumentClient client, IObservation observation) { this.myBlob = myBlob; = name; this.log = log; this.functionName = functionName; this.version = "2.0.3"; this.blobPath = blobPath; this.timestep = timestep; this.client = client; this.observation = observation; }
public List <IObservation> MakeDense(List <IObservation> sparse) { List <IObservation> dense = new List <IObservation>(); if (!(sparse?.Any() ?? false)) { return(dense); } foreach (var grp in sparse.GroupBy(x => x.Symbol)) { List <IObservation> sparseGrp = grp.OrderBy(x => x.VintageDate).ThenBy(x => x.ObsDate).ToList(); IVintage vintage = new Vintage { VintageDate = DateTime.MinValue }; Dictionary <DateTime, IObservation> dict = new Dictionary <DateTime, IObservation>(); for (int i = 0; i < sparseGrp.Count; i++) { IObservation o = sparseGrp[i]; if (o.VintageDate != vintage.VintageDate) { CopyDictToDenseObs(vintage, dict, dense); vintage.VintageDate = o.VintageDate; } dict.TryGetValue(o.ObsDate, out IObservation existing); if (existing == null || existing.Value != o.Value) { dict[o.ObsDate] = o; } } CopyDictToDenseObs(vintage, dict, dense); } return(dense); }
public List <IObservation> GetObservations(IObservation datatable) { if (this.FileContent.Length <= 0) { throw new Exception("No content"); } List <IObservation> observations = new List <IObservation>(); using (TextReader sr = new StringReader(cleanNulls(cleanHeaders(trimMetaData(this.FileContent))))) { CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(sr); csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true; csv.Configuration.IgnoreQuotes = false; csv.Configuration.HeaderValidated = null; csv.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = null; try { observations = csv.GetRecords(datatable.GetType()).Cast <IObservation>().ToList(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error parsing observations.", e); } } // Datetimes were in unknown timezone (most likely PST, or UTC-08), so convert to UTC foreach (IObservation obs in observations) { obs.TIMESTAMP = new DateTime( obs.TIMESTAMP.AddHours((-1 * UtcOffset)).Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc); } return(observations); }
/// <summary> /// If this reader is in a series, this will return true if the series has any more observation values. /// </summary> /// <returns> true if series has more observation values </returns> public bool MoveNextObservation() { this._currentObs = null; // If we are at the end of the file, or the observations for the key, then return false, there is no point in processing anything if (!this._hasNext && !this._hasNextObs) { return false; } this._obsIndex++; if (this._currentKey == null) { this._currentKey = this.CurrentKey; } this._hasNextObs = this.MoveNextObservationInternal(); return this._hasNextObs; }
public void ShouldSee(IObservation observation) { Assert.That(observation.CanBeSeen(this)); }
private Message PerformMapping(IObservation source) { return Mapping.Map<IObservation, Observation>(source); }
private MeasurementV2 CreateMeasurementFromVariable( Variable variable, IObservation observation, Metadata metadata) { // Look up property based on string, get value var value = observation .GetType() .GetProperty( variable.FieldName .Replace("(", "") .Replace(")", "")) .GetValue(observation, null); // Ensure value is a number if (!(value is double? || value is decimal?|| value is int? || value is null)) { return(null); } string name = map.GetMeasurementName(variable.FieldName); // Check if variable is in list to be mapped if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(null); } DateTime measurementDateTime = new DateTime(observation.TIMESTAMP.Ticks, DateTimeKind.Utc); List <PhysicalQuantityV2> physicalQuantities = new List <PhysicalQuantityV2>() { new PhysicalQuantityV2( (double?)value, variable.Units, DateTime.UtcNow, EtlEventId) }; LocationV2 location = new LocationV2("Point", map.GetLatFromStation(metadata), map.GetLonFromStation(metadata)); string areaOfInterest = map.GetFieldID(metadata); MeasurementV2 m = new MeasurementV2( DocumentType, name, Schema, Project, areaOfInterest, location, measurementDateTime, physicalQuantities, Timestep); return(m); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a <see cref="LabeledObservation"/> containing the <paramref name="state"/> seen as the given <seealso cref="observation"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state.</param> /// <param name="observation">The observation.</param> /// <returns>StateObservationPair.</returns> public static LabeledObservation From([NotNull] this IState state, [NotNull] IObservation observation) { return(new LabeledObservation(state, observation)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> public ObservationLogic(IObservation context) { _context = context; }
public void SetObservation(IObservation ob) { _Observation = ob; }
/// <summary> /// Processes the attribute segment /// </summary> /// <returns> /// true if the attribute was not a dataset attribute. If the attribute was a dataset attribute, then it can be /// retrieved from the getDatasetAttribute method /// </returns> private bool ProcessEDIAttributeSegment() { // TODO Process FNS+ - current line, does this need any processing? // Move to the attribute scope line if (EDIUtil.AssertPrefix(this._ediDataReader, EdiPrefix.DatasetAttributeScope, false)) { int scope = int.Parse(this._ediDataReader.CurrentLine, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // 1 = dataset, 4=mix of dimensions, 5=observation if (scope == 1) { // This is a Dataset attribute which we want to ignore because this reader is passed all the dataset attribtues up front. // Move to the next line and return false to ensure this is not processed this._ediDataReader.MoveNext(); EDIUtil.AssertPrefix(this._ediDataReader, EdiPrefix.DatasetDataAttribute, true); return false; } } else { this._ediDataReader.MoveBackLine(); } // Move to the dimension/key pointer line this.AssertMoveNext(); EDIUtil.AssertPrefix(this._ediDataReader, EdiPrefix.DatasetDataAttribute, true); string currentLine = this._ediDataReader.CurrentLine; string[] posKeySplit = EDIUtil.SplitOnPlus(currentLine); if (posKeySplit.Length != 2) { // TODO Exception should be caught and full line + line position put on throw new SdmxSyntaxException("Can not parse current line '" + currentLine + "' expecting integer+key example 5+A:B:C:D"); } // TODO These two attributes gives the key of the attribute attachment, if the key is not a full key then it is a group key and the group muse be // determined // string lastDimensionPosition = posKeySplit[0]; //TODO What does this mean? string key = posKeySplit[1]; string[] keySplit = EDIUtil.SplitOnColon(key); IList<IKeyValue> keyableKey = new List<IKeyValue>(); if (keySplit.Length < this._dimensions.Length) { throw new SdmxSemmanticException("Reported attributes '" + key + "' are less then key length '" + this._dimensions.Length + "' "); } bool isGroup = false; for (int i = 0; i < this._dimensions.Length; i++) { string val = keySplit[i]; if (val.Length == 0) { isGroup = true; } else { keyableKey.Add(new KeyValueImpl(val, this._dimensions[i])); } } IList<IKeyValue> attributes = this.ProcessAttributeValues(); this._currentObs = null; var obsDateAsSdmxString = this.BuildObsDateAsSdmxString(keySplit, key, isGroup); if (isGroup) { if (obsDateAsSdmxString != null) { this._currentKey = new KeyableImpl(this._dataflowObject, this._dataStructureObject, keyableKey, null, this._siblingGroup); } else { this._currentKey = new KeyableImpl(this._dataflowObject, this._dataStructureObject, keyableKey, attributes, this._siblingGroup); } } else { if (obsDateAsSdmxString != null) { // TODO It is not 100% sure what ctor is used in Java. There is a warning there also. this._currentKey = new KeyableImpl(this._dataflowObject, this._dataStructureObject, keyableKey, null); this._currentObs = new ObservationImpl(this._currentKey, obsDateAsSdmxString, null, attributes); } else { // TODO It is not 100% sure what ctor is used in Java. There is a warning there also. this._currentKey = new KeyableImpl(this._dataflowObject, this._dataStructureObject, keyableKey, attributes); } } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Moves the read position back to the start of the Data Set (<see cref="IDataReaderEngine.KeyablePosition" /> moved /// back to -1) /// </summary> public override void Reset() { base.Reset(); this.CloseStreams(); this._lastCall = LastCall.Null; this.GroupId = null; this._flatObs = null; try { this._parseInputStream = this.DataLocation.InputStream; this._parser = this._xmlReaderBuilder.Build(this._parseInputStream); this._runAheadParserInputStream = this.DataLocation.InputStream; this._runAheadParser = this._xmlReaderBuilder.Build(this._runAheadParserInputStream); IHeaderRetrievalManager headerRetrievalManager = new DataHeaderRetrievalManager(this._parser, this.DefaultDsd); this.Header = headerRetrievalManager.Header; string dimensionAll = DimensionAtObservation.GetFromEnum(DimensionAtObservationEnumType.All).Value; // .NET Implementation note. Because we need to share the ProcessHeader with CrossSectionalDataReaderEngine this._noSeries = this.Header.Structures.Any(reference => string.Equals(reference.DimensionAtObservation, dimensionAll)); } catch (XmlException e) { _log.Error("While reseting the reader and processing the header", e); this.Close(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the current observation. /// </summary> private void BuildCurrentObservation() { var attributes = new List<IKeyValue>(); foreach (var key in this._observationAttributes) { IKeyValue keyValue = new KeyValueImpl(key.Value, key.Key); attributes.Add(keyValue); } IKeyValue crossSectionValue = null; if (this._crossSectionalObservation != null) { crossSectionValue = new KeyValueImpl(this._crossSectionalObservation, this._availableMeasureDimensions[0]); } this._currentObs = new ObservationImpl(this._currentKey, this._currentKey.ObsTime, this._observationValue, attributes, crossSectionValue); }
/// <summary> /// Processes the EDI observation. /// </summary> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> /// No observation attribute ' <c> GesmesConstants.ObsStatus </c> ' present on DSD, but the data contains a value for /// this attribute /// or /// No observation attribute ' <c> _obsConf </c> ' present on DSD, but the data contains a value for this attribute /// or /// No observation attribute ' <c> GesmesConstants.ObsPreBreak </c> ' present on DSD, but the data contains a value for /// this attribute /// </exception> private void ProcessEDIObservation() { while (true) { this._currentObsPos++; this._currentObs = null; if (this._observations == null) { if (this._obsDates.Count > this._currentObsPos) { // Observations is null, but this does not mean that there was not a reported date, or dates. // In this case, the observation is just a date, with no reported value. This can be the case in delete messages string obsDate = this._obsDates.Count > this._currentObsPos ? this._obsDates[this._currentObsPos] : null; this._currentObs = new ObservationImpl(this._currentKey, obsDate, null, null); } } else if (this._observations.Length > this._currentObsPos) { string currentObsLine = this._observations[this._currentObsPos]; // 1. Set up variables string obsDate = this._obsDates.Count > this._currentObsPos ? this._obsDates[this._currentObsPos] : null; IList<IKeyValue> attributes = new List<IKeyValue>(); // If there is no observation, and no date, don't output anything. if (!ObjectUtil.ValidString(currentObsLine)) { if (!ObjectUtil.ValidString(obsDate)) { this._currentObsPos++; continue; } } string[] obsArr = EDIUtil.SplitOnColon(currentObsLine); // 0 = ObsValue // 1 = ObsStatus // 2 = ObsConf // 3 = ObsPreBreak string obsVal = obsArr[0]; bool obsStatusPresent = obsArr.Length > 1 && ObjectUtil.ValidString(obsArr[1]); bool obsConfPresent = obsArr.Length > 2 && ObjectUtil.ValidString(obsArr[2]); bool obsPreBreakPresent = obsArr.Length > 3 && ObjectUtil.ValidString(obsArr[3]); if (obsStatusPresent) { if (this._hasObsStatus) { attributes.Add(new KeyValueImpl(obsArr[1], EdiConstants.ObsStatus)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No observation attribute '" + EdiConstants.ObsStatus + "' present on Dsd, but the data contains a value for this attribute"); } } else { // If there is no ObsStatus and no ObsValue skip to the next entry if (!ObjectUtil.ValidString(obsVal)) { continue; } } if (obsConfPresent) { if (this._hasObsConf) { attributes.Add(new KeyValueImpl(obsArr[2], this._obsConf)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No observation attribute '" + this._obsConf + "' present on Dsd, but the data contains a value for this attribute"); } } if (obsPreBreakPresent) { if (this._hasObsPreBeak) { string obsAttr = obsArr[3].Equals(this._missingValue) ? SdmxConstants.MissingDataValue : obsArr[3]; attributes.Add(new KeyValueImpl(obsAttr, EdiConstants.ObsPreBreak)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("No observation attribute '" + EdiConstants.ObsPreBreak + "' present on Dsd, but the data contains a value for this attribute"); } } if (obsVal == null) { obsVal = string.Empty; } if (obsVal.Equals(this._missingValue)) { obsVal = SdmxConstants.MissingDataValue; } this._currentObs = new ObservationImpl(this._currentKey, obsDate, obsVal, attributes); } else { // Check if the next key is the same as the last key IKeyable prevKey = this._currentKey; if (this.MoveNextKeyable()) { if (this._inFootNoteSection) { this._lookedAhead = true; break; } if (this._currentKey.Equals(prevKey)) { continue; } this._lookedAhead = true; } } break; } }
public void GeneratTasks(Definitions def, Dictionary <string, object> InputData = null, IObservation Ob = null) { this.OB = Ob; var startID = generatIds(def.Process.StartEvent.ID); this.StartTask = new StartTaskInstance() { Name = def.Process.StartEvent.Name, SourceID = def.Process.StartEvent.ID, ID = startID, To = generatIds(def.Process.StartEvent.OutGoing), Status = TaskStatus.Empty, Type = TaskType.Start }; // 开始节点 this.Tasks.Add(startID, this.StartTask); // 用户手工任务 def.Process.UserTasks.ForEach(t => { var taskID = generatIds(t.ID); var fromID = generatIds(t.Incoming); var toID = generatIds(t.OutGoing); var mTask = new ManualTaskInstance() { Name = t.Name, ID = taskID, SourceID = t.ID, To = toID, From = fromID, Status = TaskStatus.Empty, Type = TaskType.Manual, Owner = t.PotentialOwner }; if (mTask.Owner != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mTask.Owner.Name)) { if (mTask.Owner.Name == "ProcessUser") { mTask.UserID = this.CreateUser; } else if (InputData.ContainsKey(mTask.Owner.Name)) { mTask.UserID = int.Parse(InputData[mTask.Owner.Name].ToString()); } else if (this.ProcessResouces.ContainsKey(mTask.Owner.Name) && this.ProcessResouces[mTask.Owner.Name].Users.Count == 1) { mTask.UserID = int.Parse(this.ProcessResouces[mTask.Owner.Name].Users.First().Key); } } if (Ob != null) { mTask.SetObservation(Ob); } this.Tasks.Add(taskID, mTask); }); // 自动调用Api任务 def.Process.AutoTasks.ForEach(t => { var taskID = generatIds(t.ID); var fromID = generatIds(t.Incoming); var toID = generatIds(t.OutGoing); this.Tasks.Add(taskID, new AutoTaskInstance(UnityContainerHelper.GetServer <IAutoTaskExcute>(t.Name)) { Name = t.Name, ID = taskID, SourceID = t.ID, To = toID, From = fromID, Status = TaskStatus.Empty, Type = TaskType.CallApi }); }); // 会签任务 def.Process.JointlySigns.ForEach(t => { var taskID = generatIds(t.ID); var fromID = generatIds(t.Incoming); var toID = generatIds(t.OutGoing); var mTask = new JointlySignTaskInstance() { Name = t.Name, ID = taskID, SourceID = t.ID, To = toID, From = fromID, Status = TaskStatus.Empty, Type = TaskType.Sign, Owner = t.PotentialOwner }; if (mTask.Owner != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mTask.Owner.Name)) { if (InputData.ContainsKey(mTask.Owner.Name)) { mTask.Users = InputData[mTask.Owner.Name].ToString(); } else if (this.ProcessResouces.ContainsKey(mTask.Owner.Name) && this.ProcessResouces[mTask.Owner.Name].Users.Count == 1) { mTask.Users = this.ProcessResouces[mTask.Owner.Name].Users.First().Key; } } if (Ob != null) { mTask.SetObservation(Ob); } this.Tasks.Add(taskID, mTask); }); // 连接线 def.Process.SequenceFlows.ForEach(s => { var taskID = generatIds(s.ID); var fromID = generatIds(s.SourceRef); var toID = generatIds(s.TargetRef); this.Sequences.Add(taskID, new SequenceInstance() { Name = s.ID, ID = taskID, To = toID, From = fromID, Condition = s.Condition }); }); // 独立网关 def.Process.ExclusiveGateways.ForEach(g => { var gid = generatIds(g.ID); this.Gateways.Add(gid, new ExclusiveGatewayInstance() { ID = gid, Froms = generatIds(g.Incoming), Tos = generatIds(g.Outgoing), Type = GatewayType.Exclusive, Default = generatIds(g.Default) }); }); // 并行网关 def.Process.ParallelGateways.ForEach(g => { var gid = generatIds(g.ID); this.Gateways.Add(gid, new ParallelGatewayInstance() { ID = gid, Froms = generatIds(g.Incoming), Tos = generatIds(g.Outgoing), Type = GatewayType.Parallel, IsJointlySignBegin = g.Type != null && g.Type.Equals("JointlySignBegin"), IsJointlySignEnd = g.Type != null && g.Type.Equals("JointlySignEnd") }); }); var endId = generatIds(def.Process.EndEvent.ID); var endFromID = generatIds(def.Process.EndEvent.Incoming); // 结束任务 this.Tasks.Add(endId, new EndTaskInstance() { Name = def.Process.EndEvent.Name, ID = endId, SourceID = def.Process.EndEvent.ID, From = endFromID, Status = TaskStatus.Empty, Type = TaskType.End }); }
private Message PerformMapping(IObservation source) { return(Mapping.Map <IObservation, Observation>(source)); }
/// <summary> /// Moves the read position back to the start of the Data Set (<see cref="IDataReaderEngine.KeyablePosition" /> moved /// back to -1) /// </summary> public virtual void Reset() { this._hasNext = true; this._keyableIndex = -1; this._datasetIndex = -1; this._obsIndex = -1; this._currentObs = null; this._currentKey = null; }
/// <summary> /// The lazy load key. /// </summary> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="IKeyable" />. /// </returns> protected override IKeyable LazyLoadKey() { try { // If the last call was to read the next series, then we are reading the one after that, so move on, // Otherwise, if we're not on a series, group, or obs as series, move on if (this._lastCall == LastCall.NextSeries || (this.DatasetPositionInternal != Api.Constants.DatasetPosition.Series && this.DatasetPositionInternal != Api.Constants.DatasetPosition.Group && this.DatasetPositionInternal != Api.Constants.DatasetPosition.ObservationAsSeries)) { if (!this.MoveNextKeyable()) { return null; } } if (this.DatasetPositionInternal == Api.Constants.DatasetPosition.Group) { IKeyable key = this.ProcessGroupNode(); if (_log.IsDebugEnabled) { _log.DebugFormat("Read Key {0}", key); } return key; } else if (this.DatasetPositionInternal == Api.Constants.DatasetPosition.Series || this.DatasetPositionInternal == Api.Constants.DatasetPosition.ObservationAsSeries) { var key = this.ProcessSeriesNode(); this._flatObs = this.CurrentObs; // STORE THE OBSERVATION LOCALLY IN THIS CLASS THAT WAS CREATED AS PART OF GENERATING THE SERIES if (_log.IsDebugEnabled) { _log.Debug(key); } return key; } return null; } catch (XmlException e) { throw new SdmxException("Unrecoverable error while reading SDMX data", e); } finally { this._lastCall = LastCall.NextSeries; } }
/// <summary> /// The compare to. /// </summary> /// <param name="other"> /// The other. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="int"/> . /// </returns> public virtual int CompareTo(IObservation other) { if (this.obsTime == null) { if (other.ObsTime == null) { return 0; } return -1; } if (other.ObsTime == null) { return 1; } if (this.obsTime.Length == other.ObsTime.Length) { return string.CompareOrdinal(this.obsTime, other.ObsTime); } DateTime? obsAsTimeDate = this.ObsAsTimeDate; if (obsAsTimeDate != null) { return obsAsTimeDate.Value.CompareTo(other.ObsAsTimeDate); } return -1; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a <see cref="LabeledObservation"/> containing the <paramref name="state"/> seen as the given <seealso cref="observation"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state.</param> /// <param name="observation">The observation.</param> /// <returns>StateObservationPair.</returns> public static LabeledObservation As([NotNull] this IObservation observation, [NotNull] IState state) { return(new LabeledObservation(state, observation)); }
/// <summary> /// Moves the read position back to the start of the Data Set (<see cref="IDataReaderEngine.KeyablePosition" /> moved /// back to -1) /// </summary> public void Reset() { this._currentlyProcessingReaderIndex = -1; this._ediDataReader = null; this._currentObsPos = -1; this._keyablePosition = -1; this._currentKey = null; this._currentObs = null; }