コード例 #1
 private async Task WriteValuesToIndexJob(IndexJob indexJob, VideoIndexResult videoIndexResult)
         using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System))
             var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef {
                 ArtifactID = indexJob.JobArtifactID
             var fields = new FieldValue[]
                 new FieldValue("VideoID", videoIndexResult.VideoID),
                 new FieldValue("Video File Name", videoIndexResult.VideoName),
                 new FieldValue("DocumentControlNumber", videoIndexResult.ControlNumber)
             var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest {
                 Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = fields
             await manager.UpdateAsync(indexJob.WorkspaceArtifactID, updateRequest);
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
 private async Task WriteValuesToDocumentObject(IndexJob indexJob, VideoIndexResult videoIndexResult)
         using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System))
             var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef {
                 ArtifactID = indexJob.DocumentArtifactID
             var fieldValuePair = new FieldValue("Kramerica Video Transcript", videoIndexResult.Transcript);
             var updateRequest  = new UpdateRequest
                 Object      = toUpdate,
                 FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> {
             await manager.UpdateAsync(indexJob.WorkspaceArtifactID, updateRequest);
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
 private async Task UpdateStatus(IndexJob indexJob, string status)
         using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System))
             var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef {
                 ArtifactID = indexJob.JobArtifactID
             var fieldValuePair = new FieldValue("Status", status);
             var updateRequest  = new UpdateRequest
                 Object      = toUpdate,
                 FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> {
             await manager.UpdateAsync(indexJob.WorkspaceArtifactID, updateRequest);
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #4
        private async Task SetGroupStatus(string status, bool trainingStatus)
            string statusDetail = trainingStatus ? Constant.Group.COMPLETE : Constant.Group.INCOMPLETE;

            using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef {
                    ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID
                FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair
                    Field = new FieldRef()
                        Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.TRAINING_STATUS
                    Value = status + statusDetail

                UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest
                    Object      = relativityObject,
                    FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> {

                await objectManager.UpdateAsync(Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest);
コード例 #5
        protected virtual void SerializeInlineObject(XmlNode xmlObject, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, bool creating)
            IObjectManager om     = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            object         value  = null;
            bool           isNull = om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name);

            if (!(isNull))
                value = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                if (value == null)
                    isNull = true;

            //Optimistic concurrency
            if (!(creating))
                //Check value in xmlDoc against property original value, make sure they match

            if (isNull)
                om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, System.DBNull.Value);
                RemoveNode(xmlObject, propertyMap.GetDocElement());
                om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
                XmlNode xmlInline = GetNode(xmlObject, propertyMap.GetDocElement());
                SerializeInlineObjectElement(xmlObject, obj, xmlInline, value, creating);
コード例 #6
 internal AdvertisementWatcher(object obj)
     proxy            = Connection.System.CreateProxy <IObjectManager>("org.bluez", ObjectPath.Root);
     deviceProperties = new Dictionary <ObjectPath, Dictionary <string, object> >();
     stopActions      = new Stack <Func <Task> >();
     this.uuids       = (Guid[])obj;;
コード例 #7
        protected virtual void SerializeInlineReferenceList(XmlNode xmlObject, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, bool creating)
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IListManager   lm = this.Context.ListManager;

            IList list = (IList)om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);

            //Optimistic concurrency
            if (!(creating))
                //Check value in xmlDoc against property original value, make sure they match

            XmlNode xmlList = GetNode(xmlObject, propertyMap.GetDocElement());


            foreach (object value in list)
                XmlNode xmlElement = AddNode(xmlList, "item");
                SerializeInlineReferenceElement(obj, xmlElement, value);

            IList orgList = lm.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, ((IList)(om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name))));

            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, orgList);
コード例 #8
        protected virtual XmlNode FindNodeForObject(XmlNode xmlRoot, object obj, IClassMap classMap)
            IObjectManager om      = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            string         element = classMap.GetDocElement();

            string xpath = "";

            foreach (IPropertyMap idPropertyMap in classMap.GetIdentityPropertyMaps())
                if (xpath.Length > 0)
                    xpath += " and ";                     // do not localize
                if (idPropertyMap.DocElement.Length > 0)
                    xpath += idPropertyMap.Name + " = \"" + om.GetPropertyValue(obj, idPropertyMap.Name).ToString() + "\"";                     // do not localize
                    xpath += "@" + idPropertyMap.GetDocAttribute() + " = \"" + om.GetPropertyValue(obj, idPropertyMap.Name).ToString() + "\"";                     // do not localize

            xpath = element + "[" + xpath + "]";

            XmlNode xmlNode = xmlRoot.SelectSingleNode(xpath);

コード例 #9
        protected virtual void DeserializeInlineProperty(object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, XmlNode xmlObject)
            IObjectManager      om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IPersistenceManager pm = this.Context.PersistenceManager;
            string element         = propertyMap.DocElement;
            object xmlValue        = null;
            bool   isNull          = true;

            if (element.Length > 0)
                string attribute = propertyMap.GetDocAttribute();

                if (!(xmlObject.Attributes[attribute] == null))
                    xmlValue = xmlObject.Attributes[attribute].Value;
                    isNull   = false;
                    xmlValue = DBNull.Value;
                    isNull   = true;

            object orgValue = FromString(obj, classMap, propertyMap, xmlValue);
            object value    = pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);

            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, isNull);
            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, orgValue);
コード例 #10
        public void RestoreFromClone(object obj)
            IObjectManager om    = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IObjectClone   clone = ((ICloneHelper)obj).GetObjectClone();

            if (clone == null)
                throw new EditException("Object has no cached clone!");

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());

            foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
                if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                    //TODO: Implement this
                    if (clone.HasOriginalValues(propertyMap.Name))
                        om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, clone.GetOriginalPropertyValue(propertyMap.Name));

                    om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, clone.GetPropertyValue(propertyMap.Name));
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, clone.GetNullValueStatus(propertyMap.Name));
                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, clone.GetUpdatedStatus(propertyMap.Name));

            IIdentityHelper identityHelper = obj as IIdentityHelper;

            if (identityHelper != null)

                if (clone.HasIdentityKeyParts())
                    foreach (object keyPart in clone.GetIdentityKeyParts())
                if (clone.HasKeyStruct())

            ObjectStatus objStatus = clone.GetObjectStatus();

            om.SetObjectStatus(obj, objStatus);

            if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.NotRegistered)
コード例 #11
        public async Task <Guid> ReadModelGuid(IServicesMgr serviceManager, int workspaceId, int modelId)
            Guid returnValue = Guid.Empty;

            using (IObjectManager objectManager = serviceManager.CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.System))
                IEnumerable <FieldRef> fieldRefs = new List <FieldRef>
                    new FieldRef
                        Guid = Guids.Model.MODEL_GUID_FIELD

                ReadRequest readRequest = new ReadRequest
                    Object = new RelativityObjectRef {
                        ArtifactID = modelId
                    Fields = fieldRefs

                ReadResult readReturnValue = await objectManager.ReadAsync(workspaceId, readRequest);

                ModelGuid   = Guid.Parse(readReturnValue.Object.FieldValues.Find(x => x.Field.Guids.Contains(Guids.Model.MODEL_GUID_FIELD)).Value.ToString());
                returnValue = ModelGuid;

コード例 #12
        public bool AddObject <TEntity>(
            TEntity entity
            where TEntity : class
            GetMockObjectSet <TEntity>().AddObject(entity);
            if (ShouldDeferObjectManagement)
            IObjectManager objectManager = entity as IObjectManager;

            if (!ReferenceEquals(objectManager, null))
            IBusinessLogic businessLogic = entity as IBusinessLogic;

            if (!ReferenceEquals(businessLogic, null))

コード例 #13
        public async static Task <int> GetFieldArtifactID(string fieldName, IEHHelper helper, IAPILog logger)
            int fieldArtifactId = 0;

            using (IObjectManager objectManager = helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.System))
                var queryRequest = new QueryRequest()
                    ObjectType = new ObjectTypeRef()
                        Name = "Field"
                    Condition = $"'Name' == '{fieldName}' AND 'Object Type' == 'Document'"

                var queryResult = await objectManager.QuerySlimAsync(helper.GetActiveCaseID(), queryRequest, 0, 1);

                if (queryResult.TotalCount > 0)
                    fieldArtifactId = queryResult.Objects.Select(x => x.ArtifactID).FirstOrDefault();
                    logger.LogVerbose("Alert field artifactID: {fieldArtifactID}", fieldArtifactId);

コード例 #14
        public CORE.DAL.Entities.Comment GetCommentData(int commentAI)
            CORE.DAL.Entities.Comment comment = new CORE.DAL.Entities.Comment();
            using (IObjectManager OM = _helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                QueryRequest QR = new QueryRequest();
                QR.ObjectType = new ObjectTypeRef()
                    Name = "Comment"
                QR.Condition = $"'Artifact ID' == {commentAI}";
                QR.Fields    = new List <FieldRef>()
                    new FieldRef()
                        Name = "Comment"
                    new FieldRef()
                        Name = "System Created On"
                    new FieldRef()
                        Name = "Thumbnail_Image_base64"
                var task = OM.QueryAsync(_workspaceID, QR, 1, int.MaxValue);
                comment.Name        = task.Result.Objects.FirstOrDefault().FieldValues[0].Value.ToString();
                comment.CreatedOn   = task.Result.Objects.FirstOrDefault().FieldValues[1].Value.ToString();
                comment.imageBase64 = task.Result.Objects.FirstOrDefault().FieldValues[2].Value.ToString();

コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Export documents only from a saved search
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="workspaceId"></param>
        /// <param name="savedSearchId"></param>
        /// <param name="outDirectory"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task ExportFromSavedSearchAsync(
            IObjectManager objMgr,
            int workspaceId,
            int savedSearchId,
            string outDirectory)
            // specify a batch size
            const int BATCH_SIZE = 1000;

            // get all of the fields on the Document object
            List <Field> fields =
                await Common.GetAllFieldsForObject(objMgr, workspaceId, DOC_TYPE_ID);

            var query = new QueryRequest
                ObjectType = new ObjectTypeRef {
                    ArtifactTypeID = DOC_TYPE_ID

                // extracted text with size greater than this many
                // bytes will be streamed
                MaxCharactersForLongTextValues = 2000000,

                Condition = $"(('Artifact ID' IN SAVEDSEARCH {savedSearchId}))"

            Export(objMgr, workspaceId, BATCH_SIZE, fields, query, outDirectory);
コード例 #16
        private async Task SetPersonStatus(int workspaceArtifactId, int personArtifactId, string status)
            using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                //Set Status field for current Person
                RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef {
                    ArtifactID = personArtifactId
                FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair
                    Field = new FieldRef()
                        Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionPerson.STATUS
                    Value = status

                UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest
                    Object      = relativityObject,
                    FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> {

                UpdateResult updateResult = await objectManager.UpdateAsync(workspaceArtifactId, updateRequest);
コード例 #17
        protected virtual void HandleSlaveOneOnePropertySet(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object value, object oldValue)
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, "Managing inverse one-one property relationship synchronization", "Writing to object of type: " + obj.GetType().ToString() + ", Property: " + propertyMap.Name);             // do not localize

            IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();

            if (invPropertyMap == null)
            IObjectManager om  = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IUnitOfWork    uow = this.Context.UnitOfWork;

            if (value != null)
                om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(value, invPropertyMap);
                om.SetPropertyValue(value, invPropertyMap.Name, obj);
                om.SetNullValueStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, false);
                om.SetUpdatedStatus(value, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, "Wrote back-reference to inverse property", "Wrote to object of type: " + value.GetType().ToString() + ", Inverse Property: " + invPropertyMap.Name);                 // do not localize

            if (oldValue != null)
                om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(oldValue, invPropertyMap);
                om.SetPropertyValue(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, null);
                om.SetNullValueStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, false);
                om.SetUpdatedStatus(oldValue, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, "Wrote null to inverse property", "Wrote to object of type: " + oldValue.GetType().ToString() + ", Inverse Property: " + invPropertyMap.Name);                 // do not localize
コード例 #18
        //Follow all bi-directional references from the
        //object, setting the nullable, clean back references to null
        public virtual void RemoveInverseReferences(object obj)
            this.Context.LogManager.Info(this, "Removing inverse references", obj.GetType().ToString());             // do not localize
            IObjectManager om       = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IClassMap      classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
            IPropertyMap   invPropertyMap;

            foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
                if (!(propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None))
                    if (propertyMap.Inverse.Length > 0)
                        invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
                        if (invPropertyMap != null)
                            if (invPropertyMap.GetIsNullable())
                                NullifyInverseReference(propertyMap, obj, invPropertyMap, om);
コード例 #19
		public ObjectPool(IObjectManager manager, bool autoCleanup = false)
			this.m_id = SequenceId.NextId;
			this.m_manager = manager;
			this.m_data = new Dictionary<string, IObjectSet>();
			this.m_autoCleanup = autoCleanup;
コード例 #20
        protected virtual void PerformRemoveAction(InverseAction action)
            object             obj          = action.Obj;
            string             propertyName = action.PropertyName;
            object             value        = action.Value;
            IPropertyMap       propertyMap  = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType()).MustGetPropertyMap(propertyName);
            IObjectManager     om           = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IList              list;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            bool stackMute = false;

            om.EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(obj, propertyMap);
            list  = (IList)om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyName);
            mList = list as IInterceptableList;
            if (mList != null)
                stackMute        = mList.MuteNotify;
                mList.MuteNotify = true;
            if (mList != null)
                mList.MuteNotify = stackMute;
            om.SetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyName, true);

            this.Context.LogManager.Debug(this, "Performed cached inverse action", "Action type: " + action.ActionType.ToString() + ", Wrote to object of type: " + obj.GetType().ToString() + ", Property: " + propertyName + ", Value object type: " + value.GetType().ToString());               // do not localize
コード例 #21
        private async Task SetImageStatus(int workspaceArtifactId, int imageArtifactId, string status)
            using (IObjectManager objectManager = CreateObjectManager())
                //Set Status field for current Image
                RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef {
                    ArtifactID = imageArtifactId
                FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair
                    Field = new FieldRef()
                        Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionImage.STATUS
                    Value = status

                UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest
                    Object      = relativityObject,
                    FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> {

                UpdateResult updateResult = await objectManager.UpdateAsync(workspaceArtifactId, updateRequest);
コード例 #22
 private async Task SetStatus(string status)
         using (IObjectManager manager = this.Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(Relativity.API.ExecutionIdentity.System))
             var toUpdate = new RelativityObjectRef {
                 ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID
             var fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair()
                 Field = new FieldRef()
                     Guid = ApplicationConstants.INDEX_JOB_STATUS
                 }, Value = status
             var updateRequest = new UpdateRequest {
                 Object = toUpdate, FieldValues = new FieldRefValuePair[] { fieldValuePair }
             await manager.UpdateAsync(this.Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest);
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #23
        public async Task <string> GetGroupIdValue(int workspaceArtifactId, int groupArtifactId)
            using (IObjectManager objectManager = CreateObjectManager())
                List <FieldRef> fieldRefs = new List <FieldRef> {
                    new FieldRef {
                        Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.GROUP_ID

                ReadRequest readRequest = new ReadRequest
                    Object = new RelativityObjectRef {
                        ArtifactID = groupArtifactId
                    Fields = fieldRefs

                ReadResult readReturnValue = await objectManager.ReadAsync(workspaceArtifactId, readRequest);

                string groupId = readReturnValue.Object.FieldValues.Find(x => x.Field.Guids.Contains(Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.GROUP_ID)).Value.ToString();

コード例 #24
 public ObjectPool(IObjectManager manager, bool autoCleanup = false)
     this.m_id          = SequenceId.NextId;
     this.m_manager     = manager;
     this.m_data        = new Dictionary <string, IObjectSet>();
     this.m_autoCleanup = autoCleanup;
コード例 #25
ファイル: DrawTool.cs プロジェクト: wwcc19870805/DIFGIS
        public DrawTool()
            this._3DControl = DF3DApplication.Application.Current3DMapControl;
            if (this._3DControl != null)
                if (this._3DControl.Terrain.IsRegistered && this._3DControl.Terrain.VisibleMask != gviViewportMask.gviViewNone)
                    this._heightStyle = gviHeightStyle.gviHeightOnTerrain;
                    this._heightStyle = gviHeightStyle.gviHeightAbsolute;

                this._objectManager                  = this._3DControl.ObjectManager;
                this._geoFactory                     = new GeometryFactory();
                this._curveSymbol                    = new CurveSymbol();
                this._curveSymbol.Width              = 0;
                this._curveSymbol.Color              = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.LineColor, 16);
                this._surfaceSymbol                  = new SurfaceSymbol();
                this._surfaceSymbol.Color            = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.FillColor, 16);
                this._surfaceSymbol.BoundarySymbol   = this._curveSymbol;
                this._simplePointSymbol              = new SimplePointSymbol();
                this._simplePointSymbol.FillColor    = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.LineColor, 16);
                this._simplePointSymbol.OutlineColor = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.LineColor, 16);
                this._simplePointSymbol.Size         = 10;
                this._simplePointSymbol.Style        = gviSimplePointStyle.gviSimplePointCircle;
                this._rootID = this._3DControl.ProjectTree.RootID;
コード例 #26
        public virtual void EnsurePropertyIsLoaded(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap)
            IObjectManager     om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IPersistenceEngine pe = this.Context.PersistenceEngine;
            ObjectStatus       objStatus;
            PropertyStatus     propStatus;

            objStatus = om.GetObjectStatus(obj);
            if (objStatus != ObjectStatus.Deleted)
                if (objStatus == ObjectStatus.NotLoaded)
                    pe.LoadObject(ref obj);
                    if (pe == null)
                        throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!");                         // do not localize
                propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    pe.LoadProperty(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                //We really ought to throw an exception here...
コード例 #27
        public async Task <string> GetGroupIdValue(int workspaceArtifactId, int groupArtifactId)
            using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                IEnumerable <FieldRef> fieldRefs = new List <FieldRef> {
                    new FieldRef {
                        Guid = Helpers.Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.GROUP_ID

                ReadRequest readRequest = new ReadRequest
                    Object = new RelativityObjectRef {
                        ArtifactID = groupArtifactId
                    Fields = fieldRefs

                ReadResult readReturnValue = await objectManager.ReadAsync(workspaceArtifactId, readRequest);

                string groupId = readReturnValue.Object.FieldValues.Find(x => x.Field.Guids.Contains(Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.GROUP_ID)).Value.ToString();

コード例 #28
ファイル: UnitOfWork.cs プロジェクト: rogeralsing/Puzzle.NET
        public virtual void AbortInserted()
            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;

            foreach (object obj in m_listInserted)
                IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
                //we must roll back autoincreasers
                if (classMap.HasAssignedBySource())
                    foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
                        if (propertyMap.IsAssignedBySource)
                            string prevId = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
                            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, 0);
                            this.Context.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, prevId);
                om.SetObjectStatus(obj, ObjectStatus.UpForCreation);
コード例 #29
        private async Task SetGroupId(string groupId = null)
            using (IObjectManager objectManager = Helper.GetServicesManager().CreateProxy <IObjectManager>(ExecutionIdentity.CurrentUser))
                RelativityObjectRef relativityObject = new RelativityObjectRef {
                    ArtifactID = ActiveArtifact.ArtifactID
                FieldRefValuePair fieldValuePair = new FieldRefValuePair
                    Field = new FieldRef()
                        Guid = Constant.Guids.Field.FaceRecognitionGroup.GROUP_ID
                    Value = groupId

                UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest
                    Object      = relativityObject,
                    FieldValues = new List <FieldRefValuePair> {

                await objectManager.UpdateAsync(Helper.GetActiveCaseID(), updateRequest);
コード例 #30
        public static async Task ToDTO_FieldIsYesNo_ReturnsCorrectValue(this IObjectManager manager, IHelper helper, int workspaceId, int docId)
            var fieldGuid = Guid.Parse(DocumentFieldDefinitions.YesNo);
            var client    = helper.GetRSAPIClient(workspaceId);

            client.Repositories.Document.UpdateSingle(new Document(docId)
                Fields = new List <FieldValue>
                    new FieldValue(fieldGuid, true)

            var obj = SharedTestCases.CreateTestObject(
                new FieldRef(fieldGuid),
            var result = await manager.ReadAsync(workspaceId, obj, null);

            var dto        = result.ToDTODocument();
            var fieldValue = dto[fieldGuid].ValueAsYesNo;

            Assert.Equal(kCura.Relativity.Client.FieldType.YesNo, dto[fieldGuid].FieldType);
コード例 #31
        public IObjectClone CloneObject(object obj)
            IObjectManager om    = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            IObjectClone   clone = new ObjectClone();

            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());

            foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
                if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                    if (om.HasOriginalValues(obj, propertyMap.Name))
                        clone.SetPropertyValue(propertyMap.Name, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));
                        clone.SetOriginalPropertyValue(propertyMap.Name, om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));
                        clone.SetNullValueStatus(propertyMap.Name, om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name));
                        clone.SetUpdatedStatus(propertyMap.Name, om.GetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name));



コード例 #32
ファイル: ManagedTester.cs プロジェクト: huizh/xenadmin
 protected ManagedTester(IObjectManager objectManager, params string[] databaseNames)
     dbsToAdd = databaseNames;
     this.objectManager = objectManager;
コード例 #33
		private void LoadProperty(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IObjectManager om, object source, IPropertyMap sourcePropertyMap, IObjectManager sourceOm)
			if (!Monitor.TryEnter(sourceContext, this.Context.Timeout))
				throw new NPersistTimeoutException("Could not aquire exclusive lock on root context before timeout: " + this.Context.Timeout.ToString() + " ms" );

				bool nullValueStatus;
				object value;
				if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
					if (!(propertyMap.IsCollection))
						value = sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
						nullValueStatus = sourceOm.GetNullValueStatus(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

						om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
						if (nullValueStatus)
							om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, DBNull.Value);								
							om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
						om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, nullValueStatus);								
						//Using CloneList will work when it is only primitive values 
						//(or immutable objects such as strings and dates) 
						//that can be copied between contexts
						IList list = (IList) sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
						IList listClone = this.Context.ListManager.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, list);
						IList listCloneOrg = this.Context.ListManager.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, list);
						om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listClone);
						om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listCloneOrg);
					if (!(propertyMap.IsCollection))
						object refObject = sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);

						if (refObject == null)
							om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, null);
							om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, null);

							om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, true);								
							string identity = sourceOm.GetObjectIdentity(refObject);

							Type refType = ToLeafType(refObject);

							//Impossible to solve for inheritance scenarios when mapping presentation model to domain model!!!!
							//We could try checking which presentation domain map which class map that maps to the 
							//domain class map, but that could be a many-one relationship (many presentation model classes
							//map to the same domain model class!)
							//								IClassMap sourceOrgClassMap = this.sourceContext.DomainMap.GetClassMap(orgObject.GetType() );
							//								IClassMap leafOrgClassMap = this.sourceContext.DomainMap.GetClassMap(sourceOrgClassMap.Name );
							//								IClassMap theClassMap = this.sourceContext.DomainMap.GetClassMap (sourceOrgClassMap.Name );																

							value = this.Context.GetObjectById(identity, refType, true);
							nullValueStatus = sourceOm.GetNullValueStatus(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);								

							om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);
							om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, value);

							om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, nullValueStatus);								
						//Using CloneList will not work when there are reference values (to mutable objects) 
						//that can be copied between contexts
						IList orgList = (IList) sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(source, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
						IList list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
						this.LoadReferenceList(list, orgList);

						//for the org-list we can use ListManager.CloneList and clone the list of leaf objects
						IList listOrg = this.Context.ListManager.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, list);
						om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, list);
						om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listOrg);
コード例 #34
		public FileManager(IObjectManager objectManager)
			_ObjectManager = objectManager;
コード例 #35
        private void RefreshProperty(IObjectManager om, object targetObject, IPropertyMap propertyMap, IPersistenceManager pm, RefreshBehaviorType refreshBehavior, object value, out bool doWrite, out bool doWriteOrg)
            doWrite = false;
            doWriteOrg = false;
            PropertyStatus propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(targetObject, propertyMap.Name);
            IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(targetObject.GetType());

            RefreshBehaviorType useRefreshBehavior = pm.GetRefreshBehavior(refreshBehavior, classMap, propertyMap);

            if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteNotLoaded || useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior)
                //Overwrite both value and original far all unloaded properties
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    doWrite = true;
                    doWriteOrg = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteLoaded)
                //Overwrite original for all properties
                //Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
                doWriteOrg = true;
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                    doWrite = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.ThrowConcurrencyException)
                //Overwrite original for all properties unless the old originial value and the fresh value from the
                //database mismatch, in that case raise an exception
                //Overwrite value for all clean or unloaded properties (but not for dirty or deleted properties)
                if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Clean || propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded || propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
                    if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded))
                        object testValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(targetObject,propertyMap.Name);
                        object testValue2 = value;
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue)) { testValue = null; }
                        if (DBNull.Value.Equals(testValue2)) { testValue2 = null; }
                        if (testValue2 != testValue)
                            string cachedValue = "null";
                            string freshValue = "null";
                                if (testValue != null)
                                    cachedValue = testValue.ToString() ;
                            catch { ; }
                                if (value != null)
                                    freshValue = value.ToString() ;
                            catch { ; }
                            throw new RefreshException("A refresh concurrency exception occurred when refreshing a cached object of type " + targetObject.GetType().ToString() + " with fresh data from the data source. The data source row has been modified since the last time this version of the object was loaded, specifically the value for property " + propertyMap.Name + ". (this exception occurs because ThrowConcurrencyExceptions refresh behavior was selected). Cashed value: " + cachedValue + ", Fresh value: " + freshValue, cachedValue, freshValue, targetObject, propertyMap.Name); // do not localize
                    if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty))
                        doWrite = true;
            else if (useRefreshBehavior == RefreshBehaviorType.OverwriteDirty)
                //Overwrite original for all properties
                //Overwrite value for all clean, unloaded or dirty properties (but not for deleted properties)
                doWriteOrg = true;
                if (!(propStatus == PropertyStatus.Deleted))
                    doWrite = true;
                throw new NPersistException("Unknown object refresh behavior specified!"); // do not localize
コード例 #36
        private void NullifyInverseReference(IPropertyMap propertyMap, object obj, IPropertyMap invPropertyMap, IObjectManager om)
            bool stackMute = false;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            IList refList;
            IList list;
            object thisObj;
            object refObj;

            //Ensure that the property is loaded
            if (this.Context.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name) == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                this.Context.LoadProperty(obj, propertyMap.Name);

            if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                if (list == null)
                    list = this.Context.ListManager.CreateList(obj, propertyMap);
                if (list != null)
                    if (invPropertyMap.IsCollection)
                        foreach (object itemRefObj in list)
                            ObjectStatus refObjStatus = om.GetObjectStatus(itemRefObj);
                            if (!(refObjStatus.Equals(ObjectStatus.UpForDeletion) && refObjStatus.Equals(ObjectStatus.Deleted)))
                                //Ensure inverse is loaded
                                PropertyStatus invPropertyStatus = this.Context.GetPropertyStatus(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name);
                                if (invPropertyMap.IsSlave && invPropertyStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Remove, itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                                    if (invPropertyStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                                        this.Context.LoadProperty(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name);

                                    refList = ((IList) (om.GetPropertyValue(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name)));
                                    if (refList.Contains(obj))
                                        mList = refList as IInterceptableList;
                                        if (mList != null)
                                            stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                                            mList.MuteNotify = true;
                                        if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                                        om.SetUpdatedStatus(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                        foreach (object itemRefObj in list)
                            ObjectStatus refObjStatus = om.GetObjectStatus(itemRefObj);
                            if (!(refObjStatus.Equals(ObjectStatus.UpForDeletion) && refObjStatus.Equals(ObjectStatus.Deleted)))
                                PropertyStatus invPropertyStatus = this.Context.GetPropertyStatus(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name);
                                if (invPropertyMap.IsSlave && invPropertyStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                                    AddAction(InverseActionType.Set, itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name, null, obj);
                                    //Ensure inverse is loaded
                                    if (invPropertyStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                                        this.Context.LoadProperty(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name);

                                    thisObj = om.GetPropertyValue(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name);
                                    if (thisObj != null)
                                        if (thisObj == obj)
                                            om.SetPropertyValue(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name, null);
                                            om.SetUpdatedStatus(itemRefObj, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
                refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                if (refObj != null)
                    ObjectStatus refObjStatus = om.GetObjectStatus(refObj);
                    if (!(refObjStatus.Equals(ObjectStatus.UpForDeletion) && refObjStatus.Equals(ObjectStatus.Deleted)))
                        PropertyStatus invPropertyStatus = this.Context.GetPropertyStatus(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name);
                        //Ensure inverse is loaded
                        if (invPropertyMap.IsSlave && invPropertyStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                            if (invPropertyMap.IsCollection)
                                AddAction(InverseActionType.Remove, refObj, invPropertyMap.Name, obj, obj);
                                AddAction(InverseActionType.Set, refObj, invPropertyMap.Name, null, obj);
                            if (invPropertyStatus == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded)
                                this.Context.LoadProperty(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name);

                            if (invPropertyMap.IsCollection)
                                refList = ((IList) (om.GetPropertyValue(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name)));
                                if (refList.Contains(obj))
                                    mList = refList as IInterceptableList;
                                    if (mList != null)
                                        stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                                        mList.MuteNotify = true;
                                    if (mList != null) {mList.MuteNotify = stackMute;}
                                    om.SetUpdatedStatus(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name, true);

                                thisObj = om.GetPropertyValue(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name);
                                if (thisObj != null)
                                    //only update back ref if it is actually pointing at me
                                    if (thisObj == obj)
                                        om.SetPropertyValue(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name, null);
                                        om.SetUpdatedStatus(refObj, invPropertyMap.Name, true);
コード例 #37
        private void MergeSingleRefProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, bool forOrgValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
            string extOrgObjId;
            string refObjId;
            object extRefObj;
            object refObj;
            object extOrgObj;
            if (forOrgValue)
                refObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                extOrgObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
                refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                extOrgObj = om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
            if (refObj != null && DBNull.Value.Equals(refObj) != true)
                //hmmmm won't this fail if we have two objects of different classes but with the same id?
                //probably the type should be included (and preferably change to KeyStruct comparisons...)
                refObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(refObj);
                extOrgObjId = "";
                if (extOrgObj != null)
                    extOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(extOrgObj);

                if (!refObjId.Equals(extOrgObjId))
                    bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
                    if (keepExisting != true)
                        extRefObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(refObjId, refObj.GetType());

                        SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, extRefObj, propStatus);
                if (extOrgObj != null)
                    bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
                    if (keepExisting)
                        SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, null, propStatus);
コード例 #38
        private void LoadReferenceList(IList list, IList orgList, IObjectManager om, object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap)
            IList objectsToRemove = new ArrayList();
            IList objectsToAdd = new ArrayList();
            foreach (object itemOrgObj in orgList)
                string itemOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemOrgObj);
                bool found = false;
                foreach (object itemObj in list)
                    string itemObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemObj);
                    if (itemObjId == itemOrgObjId)
                        found = true;
                if (!found)
            foreach (object itemObj in list)
                string itemObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemObj);
                bool found = false;
                foreach (object itemOrgObj in orgList)
                    string itemOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemOrgObj);
                    if (itemObjId == itemOrgObjId)
                        found = true;
                if (!found)
                    object itemOrgObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(itemObjId, itemObj.GetType(), true);

            if (objectsToRemove.Count > 0 || objectsToAdd.Count > 0)
                bool stackMute = false;
                IInterceptableList mList = orgList as IInterceptableList;
                if (mList != null)
                    stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                    mList.MuteNotify = true;
                foreach (object itemOrgObj in objectsToRemove)
                foreach (object itemOrgObj in objectsToAdd)

                if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }

            bool iStackMute = false;
            IInterceptableList iList = orgList as IInterceptableList;
            if (iList != null)
                iStackMute = iList.MuteNotify;
                iList.MuteNotify = true;

            IList listClone = new ArrayList( orgList);

            if (iList != null) { iList.MuteNotify = iStackMute; }

            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, listClone);
コード例 #39
        private bool ExamineWaitForNode(IObjectManager om, object delObj, object waitForObj)
			IClassMap waitForObjClassMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(waitForObj.GetType());
			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in waitForObjClassMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
				if (!propertyMap.IsReadOnly && !propertyMap.IsSlave)
					if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None)
						if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
							IList list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(waitForObj, propertyMap.Name);
							if (list != null)
								foreach (object itemRefObj in list)
									if (itemRefObj == delObj)
										return false;
							object refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(waitForObj, propertyMap.Name);
							if (refObj != null)
								if (refObj == delObj)
									return false;
            return true;
コード例 #40
		protected virtual void EvaluatePropertySpecialBehavior(object obj, IPropertyMap propertyMap, PropertySpecialBehaviorType specialBehavior, IObjectManager om)
			bool wrote = false;
			if (specialBehavior == PropertySpecialBehaviorType.Increase)
				om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, Convert.ToInt64(om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name)) + 1);
				wrote = true;
			else if (specialBehavior == PropertySpecialBehaviorType.SetDateTime)
				om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, DateTime.Now);
				wrote = true;
			if (wrote)
				om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, false);				
				om.SetUpdatedStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name, true);				
コード例 #41
        private void NullifyUniReference(object obj, object refering, IPropertyMap uniRefPropertyMap, IObjectManager om)
            bool stackMute = false;
            IInterceptableList mList;
            IList refList;
            object thisObj;

            if (uniRefPropertyMap.IsCollection)
                if (!(this.Context.GetPropertyStatus(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name) == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded))
                    refList = ((IList) (om.GetPropertyValue(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name)));
                    if (refList.Contains(obj))
                        mList = refList as IInterceptableList;
                        if (mList != null)
                            stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
                            mList.MuteNotify = true;
                        if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
                        om.SetUpdatedStatus(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name, true);

                if (!(this.Context.GetPropertyStatus(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name) == PropertyStatus.NotLoaded))
                    thisObj = this.Context.ObjectManager.GetPropertyValue(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name);
                    if (thisObj != null)
                        if (thisObj == obj)
                            this.Context.ObjectManager.SetPropertyValue(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name, null);
                            om.SetUpdatedStatus(refering, uniRefPropertyMap.Name, true);
コード例 #42
		public virtual void UpdateAutoIncIdProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, object newId)
			IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
			string prevId;
			string autoPropName;
			IPropertyMap autoProp;
			object autoID = null;
			prevId = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
			autoProp = classMap.GetAutoIncreasingIdentityPropertyMap();
			autoPropName = autoProp.Name;					
			PropertyInfo propInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty(autoProp.Name);
			if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Int64))
				autoID = Convert.ToInt64(newId);						
			else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Int16))
				autoID = Convert.ToInt16(newId);						
			else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Double))
				autoID = Convert.ToDouble(newId);						
			else if (propInfo.PropertyType == typeof(System.Decimal))
				autoID = Convert.ToDecimal(newId);						
				autoID = Convert.ToInt32(newId);						
			om.SetPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
			//om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
			om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, autoPropName, false);
			ctx.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, prevId);
コード例 #43
		private void MergeSingleRefProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, bool forOrgValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			string extOrgObjId;
			string refObjId;
			object extRefObj;
			object refObj;
			object extOrgObj;
			if (forOrgValue)
				refObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				extOrgObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);				
				refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				extOrgObj = om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);			
			if (refObj != null && DBNull.Value.Equals(refObj) != true)
				refObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(refObj);
				extOrgObjId = "";
				if (extOrgObj != null)
					extOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(extOrgObj);

				if (!refObjId.Equals(extOrgObjId))
					bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
					if (keepExisting != true)
						extRefObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(refObjId, refObj.GetType());

						SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, extRefObj, propStatus);
				if (extOrgObj != null)
					bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(refObj, extOrgObj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
					if (keepExisting)
						SetSingleRefPropetyValue(forOrgValue, om, existing, propertyMap, null, propStatus);
コード例 #44
		private void MergePrimitiveProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, bool forOrgValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			if (forOrgValue)
				object value = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				object extValue = om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
				MergePrimitivePropertyValues(value, extValue, propStatus, extPropStatus, om, existing, classMap, propertyMap, obj, forOrgValue, mergeBehavior);
				object orgValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				object extOrgValue = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name);
				MergePrimitivePropertyValues(orgValue, extOrgValue, propStatus, extPropStatus, om, existing, classMap, propertyMap, obj, forOrgValue, mergeBehavior);
コード例 #45
		private void MergeListRefProperty(IObjectManager om, object obj, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, bool forOrgValue, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			IList list = ((IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));
			IList orgList = ((IList) om.GetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name));
			MergeReferenceLists(list, orgList, om, obj, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);

コード例 #46
		protected void CopyValuesToOriginals(IPropertyMap propertyMap, IListManager lm, object obj, IObjectManager om)
			if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
				IList list =   lm.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, ((IList) (om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name))));
				om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, list);						
				if (om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name))
					om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, System.DBNull.Value);						
					om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));
コード例 #47
		private void SetSingleRefPropetyValue(bool forOrgValue, IObjectManager om, object existing, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object value, PropertyStatus propStatus)
			IUnitOfWork uow = this.Context.UnitOfWork;
			if (forOrgValue)
				om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name, value);
				om.SetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name, value);
				if (value == null)
					om.SetNullValueStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, true);
					om.SetNullValueStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, false);

				if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
					om.SetUpdatedStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, true);						
コード例 #48
        protected virtual Hashtable GetConcernedTableMaps(object obj, int exceptionLimit, Hashtable tableMaps, IDomainMap dm, IObjectManager om, bool update)
            if (obj == null)
                return null;
            ITableMap tableMap = null;
            IClassMap classMap = dm.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
            if (classMap.Table != "")
                tableMap = classMap.GetTableMap();
                if (tableMap != null)
                    tableMaps[tableMap] = tableMap;
                foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
                    if (propertyMap.Table != "")
                        if (!(propertyMap.IsSlave || propertyMap.IsReadOnly))
                            bool ok = true;
                            if (update)
                                PropertyStatus propStatus = om.GetPropertyStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                                if (propStatus != PropertyStatus.Dirty)
                                    ok = false;
                            if (ok)
                                tableMap = propertyMap.GetTableMap();
                                if (tableMap != null)
                                    tableMaps[tableMap] = tableMap;

            return tableMaps;
コード例 #49
		private void MergePrimitivePropertyValues(object value, object extValue, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, IObjectManager om, object existing, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object obj, bool forOrgValue, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior)
			if (!value.Equals(extValue)) // May be to naive - possibly should use some advanced method like ComparePropertyValues..
				bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(value, extValue, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
				if (!keepExisting)
					if (forOrgValue)
						om.SetPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name, value);				
						om.SetNullValueStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name));
						if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
							om.SetUpdatedStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, true);						
						om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(existing, propertyMap.Name, value);									
コード例 #50
        private void ExamineDeletedObject(Hashtable hashDeleted, IObjectManager om, object delObj)
			IClassMap delObjClassMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(delObj.GetType());
			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in delObjClassMap.GetAllPropertyMaps())
				if (!propertyMap.IsReadOnly && !propertyMap.IsSlave)
					if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None)
						if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                            //It is the value in the database, not the current value, that is of importance
                            //for avoiding violations of the foreign key constraint 
							//IList list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(delObj, propertyMap.Name);
							IList list = (IList) om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(delObj, propertyMap.Name);
							if (list != null)
								foreach (object itemRefObj in list)
                                    object isDeleted = hashDeleted[itemRefObj];
									if (isDeleted != null)
										m_topologicalDelete.AddNode(itemRefObj, delObj);
                            //It is the value in the database, not the current value, that is of importance
                            //for avoiding violations of the foreign key constraint 
							//object refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(delObj, propertyMap.Name);
							object refObj = om.GetOriginalPropertyValue(delObj, propertyMap.Name);
							if (refObj != null)
                                object isDeleted = hashDeleted[refObj];
								if (isDeleted != null)
									m_topologicalDelete.AddNode(refObj, delObj);
コード例 #51
		private void MergeReferenceLists(IList list, IList orgList, IObjectManager om, object obj, MergeBehaviorType mergeBehavior, IClassMap classMap, IPropertyMap propertyMap, object existing, PropertyStatus propStatus, PropertyStatus extPropStatus, bool forOrgValue)
			IList objectsToRemove = new ArrayList(); 
			IList objectsToAdd = new ArrayList();
			IUnitOfWork uow = this.Context.UnitOfWork;
			foreach (object itemOrgObj in orgList)
				string itemOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemOrgObj);
				bool found = false;
				foreach (object itemObj in list)
					string itemObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemObj);
					if (itemObjId == itemOrgObjId)
						found = true;
				if (!found)
			foreach (object itemObj in list)
				string itemObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemObj);
				bool found = false;
				foreach (object itemOrgObj in orgList)
					string itemOrgObjId = om.GetObjectIdentity(itemOrgObj);
					if (itemObjId == itemOrgObjId)
						found = true;
				if (!found)
					object itemOrgObj = this.Context.GetObjectById(itemObjId, obj.GetType());
			if (objectsToRemove.Count > 0 || objectsToAdd.Count > 0)
				bool keepExisting = KeepExistingValue(list, orgList, mergeBehavior, classMap, propertyMap, existing, obj, propStatus, extPropStatus, forOrgValue);
				if (!keepExisting)
					bool stackMute = false;
					IInterceptableList mList = orgList as IInterceptableList;					
					if (mList != null)
						stackMute = mList.MuteNotify;
						mList.MuteNotify = true;
					foreach (object itemOrgObj in objectsToRemove)
					foreach (object itemOrgObj in objectsToAdd)

					if (mList != null) { mList.MuteNotify = stackMute; }
					if (propStatus == PropertyStatus.Dirty)
						om.SetUpdatedStatus(existing, propertyMap.Name, true);						
コード例 #52
 protected void CopyValuesToOriginals(IPropertyMap propertyMap, IListManager lm, object obj, IObjectManager om)
     if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
         //IList list =   lm.CloneList(obj, propertyMap, ((IList) (om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name))));
         IInterceptableList list = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name) as IInterceptableList;
         IList orgList = null;
         if (list != null)
             bool stackMute = list.MuteNotify;
             list.MuteNotify = true;
             orgList =  new ArrayList( list );
             list.MuteNotify = stackMute;
         om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, orgList);
         if (om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name))
             om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, System.DBNull.Value);
             om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));