コード例 #1
		 * Gets the PWM duty cycle (in %) corresponding to the provided IO line of 
		 * this XBee device.
		 * <p>The provided <b>IO line must be</b>:</p>
		 * <ul>
		 * <li><b>PWM capable</b> ({@link IOLine#hasPWMCapability()}).</li>
		 * <li>Previously <b>configured as PWM Output</b> (use 
		 * {@code setIOConfiguration} and {@code IOMode.PWM}).</li>
		 * </ul>
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to get its PWM duty cycle.
		 * @return The PWM duty cycle value corresponding to the provided IO line 
		 *         (0% - 100%).
		 * @throws ArgumentException if {@code ioLine.hasPWMCapability() == false}.
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the get PWM duty 
		 *                          cycle command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see #setPWMDutyCycle(IOLine, double)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#PWM
		public double GetPWMDutyCycle(IOLine ioLine)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO line cannot be null.");
			// Check if the IO line has PWM capability.
			if (!ioLine.HasPWMCapability())
				throw new ArgumentException("Provided IO line does not have PWM capability.");
			// Check connection.
			if (!connectionInterface.SerialPort.IsOpen)
				throw new InterfaceNotOpenException();

			byte[] value = GetParameter(ioLine.GetPWMDutyCycleATCommand());

			// Return the PWM duty cycle value.
			int readValue = ByteUtils.ByteArrayToInt(value);
			return Math.Round((readValue * 100.0 / 1023.0) * 100.0) / 100.0;
コード例 #2
		 * Sets the duty cycle (in %) of the provided IO line of this XBee device. 
		 * <p>The provided <b>IO line must be</b>:</p>
		 * <ul>
		 * <li><b>PWM capable</b> ({@link IOLine#hasPWMCapability()}).</li>
		 * <li>Previously <b>configured as PWM Output</b> (use 
		 * {@code setIOConfiguration} and {@code IOMode.PWM}).</li>
		 * </ul>
		 * @param ioLine The IO line to set its duty cycle value.
		 * @param dutyCycle The duty cycle of the PWM.
		 * @throws ArgumentException if {@code ioLine.hasPWMCapability() == false} or 
		 *                                  if {@code value < 0} or
		 *                                  if {@code value > 1023}.
		 * @throws InterfaceNotOpenException if this device connection is not open.
		 * @throws ArgumentNullException if {@code ioLine == null}.
		 * @throws TimeoutException if there is a timeout sending the set PWM duty 
		 *                          cycle command.
		 * @throws XBeeException if there is any other XBee related exception.
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #getIOConfiguration(IOLine)
		 * @see #setIOConfiguration(IOLine, IOMode)
		 * @see #getPWMDutyCycle(IOLine)
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOLine
		 * @see com.digi.xbee.api.io.IOMode#PWM
		public void setPWMDutyCycle(IOLine ioLine, double dutyCycle)/*throws TimeoutException, XBeeException */{
			// Check IO line.
			if (ioLine == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("IO line cannot be null.");
			// Check if the IO line has PWM capability.
			if (!ioLine.HasPWMCapability())
				throw new ArgumentException("Provided IO line does not have PWM capability.");
			// Check duty cycle limits.
			if (dutyCycle < 0 || dutyCycle > 100)
				throw new ArgumentException("Duty Cycle must be between 0% and 100%.");
			// Check connection.
			if (!connectionInterface.SerialPort.IsOpen)
				throw new InterfaceNotOpenException();

			// Convert the value.
			int finaldutyCycle = (int)(dutyCycle * 1023.0 / 100.0);

			SetParameter(ioLine.GetPWMDutyCycleATCommand(), ByteUtils.IntToByteArray(finaldutyCycle));