public void Demo() { // Initialization // 1. Creating a new local pool ledger configuration that can be used later to connect pool nodes. // 2. Open pool ledger and get the pool handle from libindy. // 3. Creates a new identity wallet // 4. Open identity wallet and get the wallet handle from libindy // SEE Initialize() above // 5. Generating and storing steward DID and Verkey IDid stewardDid = IndyDotNet.Did.Factory.CreateMyDid(_pool, _wallet, new IdentitySeed() { Seed = "000000000000000000000000Steward1" }); // 6. Generating and storing Trust Anchor DID and Verkey IDid trustAnchor = IndyDotNet.Did.Factory.CreateMyDid(_pool, _wallet, null); // 7. Build NYM request to add Trust Anchor to the ledger INymLedger nymLedger = IndyDotNet.Ledger.Factory.CreateNymLedger(); BuildRequestResult nymRequest = nymLedger.BuildRequest(stewardDid, trustAnchor, trustAnchor.VerKey, "", NymRoles.TrustAnchor); // 8. Sending the nym request to ledger SignAndSubmitRequestResponse nymResult = nymLedger.SignAndSubmitRequest(_pool, _wallet, stewardDid, nymRequest); // 9. Generating new Verkey of Trust Anchor in the wallet trustAnchor.ReplaceStart(); // 10. Building NYM request to update new verkey to ledger // Note: using TemnpVerKey which was set in step #9 BuildRequestResult updateNymRequest = nymLedger.BuildRequest(trustAnchor, trustAnchor, trustAnchor.TempVerKey, "", NymRoles.TrustAnchor); // 11. Sending NYM request to the ledger SignAndSubmitRequestResponse replaceKeyResult = nymLedger.SignAndSubmitRequest(_pool, _wallet, trustAnchor, updateNymRequest); // 12. Applying new Trust Anchor's Verkey in wallet trustAnchor.ReplaceApply(); // 13. Reading new Verkey from wallet trustAnchor.Refresh(true); // 14. Building GET_NYM request to get Trust Anchor from Verkey BuildRequestResult refreshNymRequest = nymLedger.BuildRequest(trustAnchor, trustAnchor, null, null, NymRoles.NA); // 15.Sending GET_NYM request to ledger SignAndSubmitRequestResponse refreshNymResult = nymLedger.SubmitRequest(_pool, refreshNymRequest); // 16. Comparing Trust Anchor verkeys Assert.AreEqual(trustAnchor.VerKey, refreshNymResult.Result.Transaction.TxnData.Dest); // clean up // Close and delete wallet // Close pool // Delete pool ledger config // SEE Cleanup() above }
public void SubmitRequestNymRequestSuccessfully() { INymLedger ledger = IndyDotNet.Ledger.Factory.CreateNymLedger(); IDid submitter = IndyDotNet.Did.Factory.CreateMyDid(_pool, _wallet, new IdentitySeed() { Seed = "000000000000000000000000Trustee1" }); IDid target = IndyDotNet.Did.Factory.CreateMyDid(_pool, _wallet, new IdentitySeed() { Seed = "000000000000000000000000Trustee2" }); BuildRequestResult result = ledger.BuildRequest(submitter, target, null, null, NymRoles.NA); BuildRequestResult signedResult = ledger.SignRequest(_wallet, submitter, result); SignAndSubmitRequestResponse signResult = ledger.SubmitRequest(_pool, signedResult); Assert.IsNotNull(signResult, "failed to create SignAndSubmitRequestResult"); // Dids are submitter: V4SGRU86Z58d6TV7PBUe6f and target: LnXR1rPnncTPZvRdmJKhJQ Assert.AreEqual(signResult.Result.Transaction.Metadata.From, submitter.Did, $"txn.metadata.from failed to match submitter: {submitter.Did}"); Assert.AreEqual(signResult.Result.Transaction.TxnData.Dest, target.Did, $" failed to match target: {target.Did}"); }