コード例 #1
        void UpdateHost()
            _currentHost = (_currentRoot?.PlatformImpl as ITopLevelImplWithNativeControlHost)?.NativeControlHost;
            var needsAttachment = _currentHost != null;
            var needsShow       = needsAttachment && IsEffectivelyVisible && TransformedBounds.HasValue;

            if (needsAttachment)
                // If there is an existing attachment, ensure that we are attached to the proper host or destroy the attachment
                if (_attachment != null && _attachment.AttachedTo != _currentHost)
                    if (_attachment != null)
                        if (_attachment.IsCompatibleWith(_currentHost))
                            _attachment.AttachedTo = _currentHost;
                            _attachment = null;

                // If there is no attachment, but the control exists,
                // attempt to attach to to the current toplevel or destroy the control if it's incompatible
                if (_attachment == null && _nativeControlHandle != null)
                    if (_currentHost.IsCompatibleWith(_nativeControlHandle))
                        _attachment = _currentHost.CreateNewAttachment(_nativeControlHandle);

                // There is no control handle an no attachment, create both
                if (_nativeControlHandle == null)
                    _attachment = _currentHost.CreateNewAttachment(parent =>
                                                                   _nativeControlHandle = CreateNativeControlCore(parent));
                // Immediately detach the control from the current toplevel if there is an existing attachment
                if (_attachment != null)
                    _attachment.AttachedTo = null;

                // Don't destroy the control immediately, it might be just being reparented to another TopLevel
                if (_nativeControlHandle != null && !_queuedForDestruction)
                    _queuedForDestruction = true;
                    Dispatcher.UIThread.Post(CheckDestruction, DispatcherPriority.Background);

            if (needsShow)
            else if (needsAttachment)