コード例 #1
        public void InitializePlayer(NWPlayer player)
            if (player == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(player));
            if (player.Object == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(player.Object));
            if (!player.IsPlayer)

            // Player is initialized but not in the DB. Wipe the tag and rerun them through initialization - something went wrong before.
            if (player.IsInitializedAsPlayer)
                if (_data.GetAll <Player>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.ID == player.GlobalID) == null)
                    _.SetTag(player, string.Empty);

            if (!player.IsInitializedAsPlayer)
                _.AssignCommand(player, () => _.TakeGoldFromCreature(_.GetGold(player), player, 1));

                _.DelayCommand(0.5f, () =>
                    _.GiveGoldToCreature(player, 100);

                // Capture original stats before we level up the player.
                int str  = _nwnxCreature.GetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_STRENGTH);
                int con  = _nwnxCreature.GetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION);
                int dex  = _nwnxCreature.GetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_DEXTERITY);
                int @int = _nwnxCreature.GetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE);
                int wis  = _nwnxCreature.GetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_WISDOM);
                int cha  = _nwnxCreature.GetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CHARISMA);

                // Take player to level 5 in NWN levels so that we have access to more HP slots
                _.GiveXPToCreature(player, 10000);

                for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++)
                    _.LevelUpHenchman(player, player.Class1);

                // Set stats back to how they were on entry.
                _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_STRENGTH, str);
                _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, con);
                _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_DEXTERITY, dex);
                _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE, @int);
                _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_WISDOM, wis);
                _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CHARISMA, cha);

                NWItem knife = (_.CreateItemOnObject("survival_knife", player));
                knife.Name     = player.Name + "'s Survival Knife";
                knife.IsCursed = true;
                _durability.SetMaxDurability(knife, 5);
                _durability.SetDurability(knife, 5);

                NWItem book = (_.CreateItemOnObject("player_guide", player));
                book.Name     = player.Name + "'s Player Guide";
                book.IsCursed = true;

                NWItem dyeKit = (_.CreateItemOnObject("tk_omnidye", player));
                dyeKit.IsCursed = true;

                int numberOfFeats = _nwnxCreature.GetFeatCount(player);
                for (int currentFeat = numberOfFeats; currentFeat >= 0; currentFeat--)
                    _nwnxCreature.RemoveFeat(player, _nwnxCreature.GetFeatByIndex(player, currentFeat - 1));

                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_LIGHT, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_MEDIUM, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_HEAVY, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_SHIELD_PROFICIENCY, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_EXOTIC, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_MARTIAL, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, FEAT_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY_SIMPLE, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, (int)CustomFeatType.StructureManagementTool, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, (int)CustomFeatType.OpenRestMenu, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, (int)CustomFeatType.RenameCraftedItem, 1);
                _nwnxCreature.AddFeatByLevel(player, (int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, 1);

                for (int iCurSkill = 1; iCurSkill <= 27; iCurSkill++)
                    _nwnxCreature.SetSkillRank(player, iCurSkill - 1, 0);
                _.SetFortitudeSavingThrow(player, 0);
                _.SetReflexSavingThrow(player, 0);
                _.SetWillSavingThrow(player, 0);

                int classID = _.GetClassByPosition(1, player);

                for (int index = 0; index <= 255; index++)
                    _nwnxCreature.RemoveKnownSpell(player, classID, 0, index);

                Player entity = CreateDBPCEntity(player);
                _data.SubmitDataChange(entity, DatabaseActionType.Insert);

                var skills = _data.GetAll <Skill>();
                foreach (var skill in skills)
                    var pcSkill = new PCSkill
                        IsLocked = false,
                        SkillID  = skill.ID,
                        PlayerID = entity.ID,
                        Rank     = 0,
                        XP       = 0

                    _data.SubmitDataChange(pcSkill, DatabaseActionType.Insert);

                _nwnxCreature.SetAlignmentLawChaos(player, 50);
                _nwnxCreature.SetAlignmentGoodEvil(player, 50);

                _stat.ApplyStatChanges(player, null, true);

                _.DelayCommand(1.0f, () => _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, _.EffectHeal(999), player));

コード例 #2
        public void ApplyStatChanges(NWPlayer player, NWItem ignoreItem, bool isInitialization = false)
            if (!player.IsPlayer)
            if (!player.IsInitializedAsPlayer)

            // Don't fire for ammo as it reapplies bonuses **just** removed from blasters.
            if (ignoreItem != null &&
                (ignoreItem.BaseItemType == BASE_ITEM_BOLT ||
                 ignoreItem.BaseItemType == BASE_ITEM_ARROW ||
                 ignoreItem.BaseItemType == BASE_ITEM_BULLET))

            Player             pcEntity    = _data.Get <Player>(player.GlobalID);
            List <PCSkill>     skills      = _data.Where <PCSkill>(x => x.PlayerID == player.GlobalID && x.Rank > 0).ToList();
            EffectiveItemStats itemBonuses = GetPlayerItemEffectiveStats(player, ignoreItem);

            float strBonus = 0.0f;
            float dexBonus = 0.0f;
            float conBonus = 0.0f;
            float intBonus = 0.0f;
            float wisBonus = 0.0f;
            float chaBonus = 0.0f;

            using (new Profiler("PlayerStatService::ApplyStatChanges::AttributeApplication"))
                foreach (PCSkill pcSkill in skills)
                    Skill           skill     = _data.Get <Skill>(pcSkill.SkillID);
                    CustomAttribute primary   = (CustomAttribute)skill.Primary;
                    CustomAttribute secondary = (CustomAttribute)skill.Secondary;
                    CustomAttribute tertiary  = (CustomAttribute)skill.Tertiary;

                    // Primary Bonuses
                    if (primary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                        strBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (primary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                        dexBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (primary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                        conBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (primary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                        intBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (primary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                        wisBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (primary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                        chaBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

                    // Secondary Bonuses
                    if (secondary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                        strBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                        dexBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                        conBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                        intBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                        wisBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                        chaBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

                    // Tertiary Bonuses
                    if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                        strBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                        dexBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                        conBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                        intBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                        wisBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                    else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                        chaBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

            // Check caps.
            if (strBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                strBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (dexBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                dexBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (conBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                conBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (intBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                intBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (wisBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                wisBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (chaBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                chaBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;

            // Apply item bonuses
            strBonus += itemBonuses.Strength;
            dexBonus += itemBonuses.Dexterity;
            conBonus += itemBonuses.Constitution;
            wisBonus += itemBonuses.Wisdom;
            intBonus += itemBonuses.Intelligence;
            chaBonus += itemBonuses.Charisma;

            // Check final caps
            if (strBonus > 100)
                strBonus = 100;
            if (dexBonus > 100)
                dexBonus = 100;
            if (conBonus > 100)
                conBonus = 100;
            if (intBonus > 100)
                intBonus = 100;
            if (wisBonus > 100)
                wisBonus = 100;
            if (chaBonus > 100)
                chaBonus = 100;

            // Apply attributes
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_STRENGTH, (int)strBonus + pcEntity.STRBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_DEXTERITY, (int)dexBonus + pcEntity.DEXBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, (int)conBonus + pcEntity.CONBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE, (int)intBonus + pcEntity.INTBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_WISDOM, (int)wisBonus + pcEntity.WISBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CHARISMA, (int)chaBonus + pcEntity.CHABase);

            // Apply AC

            using (new Profiler("PlayerStatService::ApplyStatChanges::CalcAC"))
                int ac = EffectiveArmorClass(itemBonuses, player);
                _nwnxCreature.SetBaseAC(player, ac);

            // Apply BAB

            using (new Profiler("PlayerStatService::ApplyStatChanges::CalcBAB"))
                int bab = CalculateBAB(player, ignoreItem, itemBonuses);
                _nwnxCreature.SetBaseAttackBonus(player, bab);

            // Apply HP

            using (new Profiler("PlayerStatService::ApplyStatChanges::CalcHP"))
                int hp = EffectiveMaxHitPoints(player, itemBonuses);
                for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++)
                    _nwnxCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, level, 1);

                for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++)
                    if (hp > 255) // Levels can only contain a max of 255 HP
                        _nwnxCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, level, 255);
                        hp = hp - 255;
                    else // Remaining value gets set to the level. (<255 hp)
                        _nwnxCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, level, hp + 1);

            if (player.CurrentHP > player.MaxHP)
                int    amount = player.CurrentHP - player.MaxHP;
                Effect damage = _.EffectDamage(amount);
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, damage, player.Object);

            // Apply FP
            using (new Profiler("PlayerStatService::ApplyStatChanges::CalcFP"))
                pcEntity.MaxFP = EffectiveMaxFP(player, itemBonuses);

                if (isInitialization)
                    pcEntity.CurrentFP = pcEntity.MaxFP;

                _data.SubmitDataChange(pcEntity, DatabaseActionType.Update);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SkillService.cs プロジェクト: zunath/Freescape
        public void ApplyStatChanges(NWPlayer player, NWItem ignoreItem)
            if (!player.IsPlayer)
            if (!player.IsInitializedAsPlayer)

            PlayerCharacter pcEntity = _db.PlayerCharacters.Single(x => x.PlayerID == player.GlobalID);
            List <PCSkill>  skills   = _db.PCSkills.Where(x => x.PlayerID == player.GlobalID && x.Skill.IsActive).ToList();
            float           strBonus = 0.0f;
            float           dexBonus = 0.0f;
            float           conBonus = 0.0f;
            float           intBonus = 0.0f;
            float           wisBonus = 0.0f;
            float           chaBonus = 0.0f;

            foreach (PCSkill pcSkill in skills)
                Skill           skill     = pcSkill.Skill;
                CustomAttribute primary   = (CustomAttribute)skill.Primary;
                CustomAttribute secondary = (CustomAttribute)skill.Secondary;
                CustomAttribute tertiary  = (CustomAttribute)skill.Tertiary;

                // Primary Bonuses
                if (primary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                    strBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                    dexBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                    conBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                    intBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                    wisBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (primary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                    chaBonus += PrimaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

                // Secondary Bonuses
                if (secondary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                    strBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                    dexBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                    conBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                    intBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                    wisBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (secondary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                    chaBonus += SecondaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

                // Tertiary Bonuses
                if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.STR)
                    strBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.DEX)
                    dexBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.CON)
                    conBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.INT)
                    intBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.WIS)
                    wisBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;
                else if (tertiary == CustomAttribute.CHA)
                    chaBonus += TertiaryIncrease * pcSkill.Rank;

            // Check caps.
            if (strBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                strBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (dexBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                dexBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (conBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                conBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (intBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                intBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (wisBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                wisBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;
            if (chaBonus > MaxAttributeBonus)
                chaBonus = MaxAttributeBonus;

            if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Archer || pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Crossbowman)
            if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Guard || pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Berserker)

            if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.TwinBladeSpecialist)

            if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.MartialArtist)

            // Apply attributes
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_STRENGTH, (int)strBonus + pcEntity.STRBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_DEXTERITY, (int)dexBonus + pcEntity.DEXBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, (int)conBonus + pcEntity.CONBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE, (int)intBonus + pcEntity.INTBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_WISDOM, (int)wisBonus + pcEntity.WISBase);
            _nwnxCreature.SetRawAbilityScore(player, ABILITY_CHARISMA, (int)chaBonus + pcEntity.CHABase);

            // Apply AC
            int ac = CalculateItemAC(player, ignoreItem) + _customEffect.CalculateEffectAC(player);

            _nwnxCreature.SetBaseAC(player, ac);

            // Apply BAB
            int bab = CalculateBAB(player, ignoreItem);

            _nwnxCreature.SetBaseAttackBonus(player, bab);

            int equippedItemHPBonus   = 0;
            int equippedItemManaBonus = 0;

            for (int slot = 0; slot < NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; slot++)
                NWItem item = NWItem.Wrap(_.GetItemInSlot(slot, player.Object));
                if (item.Equals(ignoreItem))

                equippedItemHPBonus   += item.HPBonus;
                equippedItemManaBonus += item.ManaBonus;

            // Apply HP
            int hp = 30 + player.ConstitutionModifier * 5;

            hp += _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Health) * 5;
            hp += equippedItemHPBonus;
            if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Knight)
                hp += 10;

            if (hp > 255)
                hp = 255;
            if (hp < 20)
                hp = 20;
            _nwnxCreature.SetMaxHitPointsByLevel(player, 1, hp);
            if (player.CurrentHP > player.MaxHP)
                int    amount = player.CurrentHP - player.MaxHP;
                Effect damage = _.EffectDamage(amount);
                _.ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, damage, player.Object);

            // Apply Mana
            int mana = 20;

            mana += (player.IntelligenceModifier + player.WisdomModifier + player.CharismaModifier) * 5;
            mana += _perk.GetPCPerkLevel(player, PerkType.Mana) * 5;
            mana += equippedItemManaBonus;
            if (pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Wizard || pcEntity.BackgroundID == (int)BackgroundType.Cleric)
                mana += 10;

            if (mana < 0)
                mana = 0;
            pcEntity.MaxMana = mana;
