コード例 #1
        private static INPC EnsureCorrectXAndY(INPC npc, byte destinationX, byte destinationY)
            var opposite = npc.Direction.Opposite();
            var tempNPC  = npc

コード例 #2
        private void HandleNPCWalk(IPacket packet, INPC npc)
            //npc remove from view sets x/y to either 0,0 or 252,252 based on target coords
            var x            = packet.ReadChar();
            var y            = packet.ReadChar();
            var npcDirection = (EODirection)packet.ReadChar();

            if (packet.ReadBytes(3).Any(b => b != 255))
                throw new MalformedPacketException("Expected 3 bytes of value 0xFF in NPC_PLAYER packet for Walk action", packet);

            var updatedNPC = npc.WithDirection(npcDirection);

            updatedNPC = EnsureCorrectXAndY(updatedNPC, x, y);


            foreach (var notifier in _npcAnimationNotifiers)
コード例 #3
        private Optional <INPC> HandleNPCAttack(IPacket packet, INPC npc)
            var isDead              = packet.ReadChar() == 2; //2 if target player is dead, 1 if alive
            var npcDirection        = (EODirection)packet.ReadChar();
            var characterID         = packet.ReadShort();
            var damageTaken         = packet.ReadThree();
            var playerPercentHealth = packet.ReadThree();

            if (packet.ReadBytes(2).Any(b => b != 255))
                throw new MalformedPacketException("Expected 2 bytes of value 0xFF in NPC_PLAYER packet for Attack action", packet);

            if (characterID == _characterRepository.MainCharacter.ID)
                var characterToUpdate = _characterRepository.MainCharacter;

                var stats = characterToUpdate.Stats;
                stats = stats.WithNewStat(CharacterStat.HP, (short)Math.Max(stats[CharacterStat.HP] - damageTaken, 0));

                var props = characterToUpdate.RenderProperties;
                if (isDead)
                    props = props.WithDead();

                _characterRepository.MainCharacter = characterToUpdate.WithStats(stats).WithRenderProperties(props);

                foreach (var notifier in _mainCharacterNotifiers)
                    notifier.NotifyTakeDamage(damageTaken, playerPercentHealth);
                var characterToUpdate = _currentMapStateRepository.Characters.Single(x => x.ID == characterID);

                var stats = characterToUpdate.Stats;
                stats = stats.WithNewStat(CharacterStat.HP, (short)Math.Max(stats[CharacterStat.HP] - damageTaken, 0));

                var props = characterToUpdate.RenderProperties;
                if (isDead)
                    props = props.WithDead();

                var updatedCharacter = characterToUpdate.WithStats(stats).WithRenderProperties(props);

                foreach (var notifier in _otherCharacterNotifiers)
                    notifier.OtherCharacterTakeDamage(characterID, playerPercentHealth, damageTaken);

            foreach (var notifier in _npcAnimationNotifiers)

            return(new Optional <INPC>(npc.WithDirection(npcDirection)));