public async Task Run() { var client1 = new Client(); if (!client1.Connect( _config.Realm, _config.KeyOwner, _config.GameFolder)) { return; } var selectedCharacter1 = client1.Login("test", "1234")?.Single(c => c.Name.Equals("testcharacter", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (selectedCharacter1 == null) { throw new CharacterNotFoundException("testcharacter"); } client1.SelectCharacter(selectedCharacter1); client1.Chat.EnterChat(); await _muleService.MuleItemsForClient(client1); }
protected async Task CreateGameLoop(Client client) { _accountCharacter.Validate(); try { if (!RealmConnectHelpers.ConnectToRealm(client, _config, _accountCharacter)) { throw new Exception("Could not connect to realm"); } int totalCount = 0; int gameCount = 0; int successiveFailures = 0; int gameDescriptionIndex = 0; while (true) { if (successiveFailures > 0 && successiveFailures % 10 == 0) { gameDescriptionIndex++; if (gameDescriptionIndex == _config.GameDescriptions?.Count) { gameDescriptionIndex = 0; } var reconnectMessage = $"Many successive failures, swithing GS to {_config.GameDescriptions?.ElementAtOrDefault(gameDescriptionIndex)}"; Log.Warning(reconnectMessage); bool reconnectResult = await RealmConnectHelpers.ConnectToRealmWithRetry(client, _config, _accountCharacter, 10); if (!reconnectResult) { await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"Reconnect tries of 10 reached, restarting bot"); return; } } if (gameCount >= 100) { gameCount = 1; } if (NeedsMule) { await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"{client.LoggedInUserName()}: needs mule, starting mule"); if (await _muleService.MuleItemsForClient(client)) { NeedsMule = false; await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"{client.LoggedInUserName()}: finished mule"); } else { await Task.Delay(Math.Pow(successiveFailures, 1.3) *TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"{client.LoggedInUserName()}: failed to mule all items, trying again"); if (!await RealmConnectHelpers.ConnectToRealmWithRetry(client, _config, _accountCharacter, 10)) { throw new Exception("Could not connect to realm"); } successiveFailures++; continue; } } try { gameCount++; totalCount++; if (client.CreateGame(_config.Difficulty, $"{_config.GameNamePrefix}{gameCount}", _config.GamePassword, _config.GameDescriptions?.ElementAtOrDefault(gameDescriptionIndex))) { if (!await RunSingleGame(client)) { successiveFailures += 1; } else { successiveFailures = 0; } } else { successiveFailures += 1; await Task.Delay(Math.Pow(successiveFailures, 1.3) *TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } if (client.Game.IsInGame()) { client.Game.LeaveGame(); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); } if (!client.RejoinMCP()) { var reconnectMessage = $"Reconnecting to MCP failed, reconnecting to realm instead"; Log.Warning(reconnectMessage); if (!await RealmConnectHelpers.ConnectToRealmWithRetry(client, _config, _accountCharacter, 10)) { throw new Exception("Could not connect to realm"); } } } catch (HttpRequestException) { await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"{client.LoggedInUserName() } Received http exception, map server is probably down, restarting bot"); return; } catch (Exception e) { gameDescriptionIndex++; if (gameDescriptionIndex == _config.GameDescriptions?.Count) { gameDescriptionIndex = 0; } successiveFailures += 1; Log.Warning($"Disconnecting client due to exception {e}, reconnecting to realm, game description is now: {_config.GameDescriptions?.ElementAtOrDefault(gameDescriptionIndex)}"); bool reconnectResult = await RealmConnectHelpers.ConnectToRealmWithRetry(client, _config, _accountCharacter, 10); if (!reconnectResult) { await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"Reconnect tries of 10 reached, restarting bot"); return; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e, $"Unhandled Exception: {e}"); await _externalMessagingClient.SendMessage($"bot crashed with exception: {e}"); throw e; } finally { if (client.Game.IsInGame()) { client.Game.LeaveGame(); } client.Disconnect(); } }