コード例 #1
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // if the cursor strays too far from the center, close the radial menu
            var cursor = new Rectangle
                X = _mouse.GetState().X,
                Y = _mouse.GetState().Y

            var xDistance = cursor.X - (CenterX);
            var yDistance = cursor.Y - (CenterY);

            if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xDistance, 2) + Math.Pow(yDistance, 2)) > ExitDistance)
コード例 #2
        private MouseButtonPressed GetCurrent()
            var state = mouse.GetState();
            MouseButtonPressed result = 0;

            if (state.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                result |= MouseButtonPressed.Left;
            if (state.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                result |= MouseButtonPressed.Right;
            if (state.MiddleButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
                result |= MouseButtonPressed.Middle;

コード例 #3
ファイル: GameLoop.cs プロジェクト: 628426/Strive.NET
        void ProcessPlayerInput()
            // no avatar... no nothing
            if (Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar == null)

            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_F5))
            else if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_F6))
            if (Game.GameControlMode)
                if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_ESCAPE))
                else if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_1))
                    Game.CurrentGameCommand = EnumSkill.Kill;
                else if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_2))
                    Game.CurrentGameCommand = EnumSkill.AcidBlast;
                else if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_3))
                    Game.CurrentGameCommand = EnumSkill.Kick;
                else if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_4))
                    Game.CurrentGameCommand = EnumSkill.Levitate;
                else if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_0))
                    Game.CurrentGameCommand = EnumSkill.None;

            // if not in game control mode, don't respond to game controls
            if (!Game.GameControlMode)

            float moveunit = 1.39F * (float)movementTimer.ElapsedSeconds();

            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_LEFTSHIFT))
                moveunit *= 2.5F;

            #region ProcessRotationInput

            Vector3D avatarPosition = Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar.model.Position.Clone();
            Vector3D newRotation    = Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar.model.Rotation.Clone();
            if (mouse.X != 0)
                newRotation.Y += mouse.X * 0.2f;
                newRotation.X  = pitch;
            if (mouse.Y != 0)
                pitch += mouse.Y * 0.2f;
                if (pitch > 60)
                    pitch = 60;
                if (pitch < -60)
                    pitch = -60;
                newRotation.X = pitch;

            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_Q))
                newRotation.Y -= moveunit * 2F;
            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_E))
                newRotation.Y += moveunit * 2F;

            #region 2.0 Process Movement Input

            Vector3D changeOfPosition = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_W))
                changeOfPosition.X += (float)Math.Sin(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit;
                changeOfPosition.Z += (float)Math.Cos(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit;
            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_S))
                changeOfPosition.X -= (float)Math.Sin(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit / 2F;
                changeOfPosition.Z -= (float)Math.Cos(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit / 2F;
            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_D))
                changeOfPosition.X += (float)Math.Cos(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit / 2F;
                changeOfPosition.Z -= (float)Math.Sin(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit / 2F;
            if (keyboard.GetKeyState(Key.key_A))
                changeOfPosition.X -= (float)Math.Cos(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit / 2F;
                changeOfPosition.Z += (float)Math.Sin(newRotation.Y * Math.PI / 180.0) * moveunit / 2F;

            if (changeOfPosition.GetMagnitudeSquared() != 0)
                // stay on the ground
                // TODO: What about when walking on objects?
                Vector3D newPosition = avatarPosition + changeOfPosition;
                    newPosition.Y =
                        Game.CurrentWorld.TerrainPieces.AltitudeAt(newPosition.X, newPosition.Z) + Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar.physicalObject.Height / 2;
                    //Game.CurrentWorld.WorldTerrain.HeightLookup( newPosition.X, newPosition.Z ) + Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar.physicalObject.Height/2;
                    changeOfPosition.Y = newPosition.Y - avatarPosition.Y;

                    // check that we can go there
                    foreach (PhysicalObjectInstance poi in Game.CurrentWorld.physicalObjectInstances.Values)
                        if (poi.physicalObject is Terrain)
                        if (poi == Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar)
                            //ignore ourselves

                        // do a bounding sphere test to see if the movement will go near poi
                        // test from the middle of the line drawn between current position
                        // and future position, distance is the radius of both objects
                        // plus half the distance of the movement.
                        float dx = avatarPosition.X + changeOfPosition.X / 2F - poi.model.Position.X;
                        float dy = avatarPosition.Y + changeOfPosition.Y / 2F - poi.model.Position.Y;
                        float dz = avatarPosition.Z + changeOfPosition.Z / 2F - poi.model.Position.Z;
                        float distance_squared = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
                        float distance_moved   = changeOfPosition.X * changeOfPosition.X + changeOfPosition.Y * changeOfPosition.Y + changeOfPosition.Z * changeOfPosition.Z;
                        // TODO: optimize, no sqrts
                        if (Math.Sqrt(distance_squared) < Math.Sqrt(poi.model.RadiusSquared) + Math.Sqrt(Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar.model.RadiusSquared) + Math.Sqrt(distance_moved) / 2F)
                            // ok, these objects are close enough to collide,
                            // but did a collision really happen?
                            // now we do a more acurate test to find out.

                            Vector3D boxmin1 = new Vector3D();
                            Vector3D boxmax1 = new Vector3D();
                            Vector3D boxmin2 = new Vector3D();
                            Vector3D boxmax2 = new Vector3D();
                            poi.model.GetBoundingBox(boxmin1, boxmax1);
                            Game.CurrentWorld.CurrentAvatar.model.GetBoundingBox(boxmin2, boxmax2);
                            Vector3D halfbox1size = (boxmax1 - boxmin1) / 2;
                            boxmin2 -= halfbox1size;
                            boxmax2 += halfbox1size;
                            boxmin2 += poi.model.Position;
                            boxmax2 += poi.model.Position;

                            if (
                                avatarPosition.X > boxmin2.X &&
                                avatarPosition.Y > boxmin2.Y &&
                                avatarPosition.Z > boxmin2.Z &&
                                avatarPosition.X < boxmax2.X &&
                                avatarPosition.Y < boxmax2.Y &&
                                avatarPosition.Z < boxmax2.Z
                                // already in a collision, ignore collision detection

                            if (
                                newPosition.X > boxmin2.X &&
                                newPosition.Y > boxmin2.Y &&
                                newPosition.Z > boxmin2.Z &&
                                newPosition.X < boxmax2.X &&
                                newPosition.Y < boxmax2.Y &&
                                newPosition.Z < boxmax2.Z
                                // would be a collision
                                changeOfPosition.Set(0, 0, 0);
                                // TODO: should actually figure out the collision point
                catch (InvalidLocationException)
                    changeOfPosition.Set(0, 0, 0);
                // NB: PlayerMovement is called regardless,
                // as we need to update values for message throtling

            PlayerMovement(avatarPosition, changeOfPosition, newRotation);