コード例 #1
ファイル: Admin.cs プロジェクト: flaming-snowman/AvalonBot
        public async Task React(ulong msgid, string emotestring)
            IMessage msg = Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(msgid).Result;

            if (msg != null)
                if (Emote.TryParse(emotestring, out Emote emote))
                    await msg.AddReactionAsync(emote);
                    await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("Done!");
                        await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(emotestring));
                        await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("Done!");
                    catch (Exception)
                        await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("Failed to get emoji");
                await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("Failed to get message.");
コード例 #2
        public async Task AddQueueReactions(IMessage msg)
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U000023EE"));

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U000025C0"));

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U000025B6"));

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U000023ED"));
コード例 #3
 public static async Task DenyMessage(IMessage message)
     if (Emote.TryParse("<:frogthumbsdown:733751715098001509>", out var emote))
         await message.AddReactionAsync(emote);
         await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F44E)));
コード例 #4
ファイル: AdminModule.cs プロジェクト: scp-cs/Thorn
        private async Task AddVoteEmotes(IMessage msg)
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(Emote.Parse(_pairs.GetString("YES_EMOTE")));

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(Emote.Parse(_pairs.GetString("NO_EMOTE")));

            await msg.AddReactionAsync(Emote.Parse(_pairs.GetString("ABSTAIN_EMOTE")));

            // I swear to god, since when are there 2 different eye emojis?
            // await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("👁️")); This one doesn't work, I think
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("👁"));
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds multiple reactions to a message.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">The message to add reactions to</param>
 /// <param name="reactions">The reactions to add</param>
 /// <returns>A Task when all reactions have been added.</returns>
 public static async Task AddReactionsAsync(this IMessage message, IEnumerable <IEmote> reactions)
     foreach (var reaction in reactions)
         await message.AddReactionAsync(reaction);
コード例 #6
        private async Task AddReactionIfMissing(IMessage msg, string emoji)
            foreach (var existingEmoji in msg.Reactions.Keys)
                if (existingEmoji.Name == emoji)
            IEmote e = null;

            if (!emoji.Contains(":"))
                e = new Emoji(emoji);
                if (Emote.TryParse(emoji, out Emote e2))
                    e = e2;
                    Console.WriteLine("Cannot add reaction " + emoji);
            if (e != null)
                await msg.AddReactionAsync(e);
コード例 #7
 public static async Task CreateReactions(IMessage message)
     foreach (var item in emojis)
         await message.AddReactionAsync(item);
コード例 #8
 private async Task InitializeTrigger(IMessage message)
     if (!message.Content.StartsWith("`"))
         await message.AddReactionAsync(subscribeEmoji);
         await UpdateMessageRoles(message);
コード例 #9
        public async Task <string> AddReactRole(SocketGuild guild, IMessage message, Emote emote, Emoji emoji, SocketRole role, string group = "")
            if (emote != null)
                await message.AddReactionAsync(emote);
                await message.AddReactionAsync(emoji);

            if (!guildsDefinition.reactRoles.ContainsKey(guild.Id))
                guildsDefinition.reactRoles.Add(guild.Id, new Dictionary <string, List <ReactRolesDefinition> >());

            if (!guildsDefinition.reactRoles[guild.Id].ContainsKey(group))
                guildsDefinition.reactRoles[guild.Id].Add(group, new List <ReactRolesDefinition>());

            if (guildsDefinition.reactRoles[guild.Id][group].FirstOrDefault(x => x.messageID == message.Id && x.role == role.Name &&
                                                                            (x.emoji == emote.ToString() || x.emoji == emoji.ToString())) != null)
                return("Role assignment already exist on that message for that emote.");

            guildsDefinition.reactRoles[guild.Id][group].Add(new ReactRolesDefinition(message.Id, emote != null ? emote.ToString() : emoji.ToString(), role.Name));

            if (emote != null)
                return($"Got it! {emote.ToString()} will assign to role {role.Name}.");
                return($"Got it! {emoji.ToString()} will assign to role {role.Name}.");
コード例 #10
ファイル: Sentiment.cs プロジェクト: martindevans/Mute
        private async Task ReactWithSentiment(IMessage message, SentimentResult?score = null)
            var result = score ?? await _sentiment.Predict(message.Content);

            if (result.ClassificationScore < _config.CertaintyThreshold)
                await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(EmojiLookup.Confused));

            var emoji = result.Classification switch {
                Moe.Services.Sentiment.Sentiment.Positive => EmojiLookup.ThumbsUp,
                Moe.Services.Sentiment.Sentiment.Neutral => EmojiLookup.Expressionless,
                Moe.Services.Sentiment.Sentiment.Negative => EmojiLookup.ThumbsDown,
                _ => null

            if (emoji != null)
                await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(emoji));
コード例 #11
        public static async Task ReactionAdd(DiscordChannelMessage dMessage, string emoteName)
            if (Program.DiscordClient.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected)
            IMessage   message = await(Program.DiscordClient.GetChannel(dMessage.ChannelID) as ISocketMessageChannel).GetMessageAsync(dMessage.MessageID);
            GuildEmote emote;

            // Check if emote is unicode
            if (Char.IsSurrogate(emoteName, 0))
                // Resolve Unicode to emote object
                Emoji heartEmoji = new Emoji(emoteName);
                await message.AddReactionAsync(heartEmoji);
                // resolve custom emote
                string[] parts = emoteName.Split(':');
                emote = (message.Channel as SocketGuildChannel).Guild.Emotes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == parts[1]);
                await message.AddReactionAsync(emote);
コード例 #12
ファイル: UploadService.cs プロジェクト: eesquibel/Jigbot
        public async Task GetEmbeds(IMessage message, int index)
            if (!Enabled)

            byte i     = 0;
            var  react = false;
            var  tasks = new Task[message.Embeds.Count];

            foreach (var embed in message.Embeds)
                var uri  = new Uri(embed.Url);
                var info = new FileInfo(uri.LocalPath);

                switch (info.Extension.ToLower())
                case ".jpg":
                case ".jpeg":
                case ".gif":
                case ".png":
                    logger.LogInformation($"Downloaded {uri} from {message.Author.Username} <#{message.Author.Id}>");
                    tasks[i++] = Get(uri, index);
                    react      = true;

                    tasks[i++] = Task.FromResult <object>(null);


                if (react)
                    await message.AddReactionAsync(Check);
            catch (Exception e)
                logger.LogError(e, e.Message);
コード例 #13
        static public async Task <DisposableReaction> CreateAsync(IMessage message, IEmote emote, IUser botUser)
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
            if (emote == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(emote));
            if (botUser == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(botUser));

            await message.AddReactionAsync(emote);

            return(new DisposableReaction(message, emote, botUser));
コード例 #14
ファイル: Handler.cs プロジェクト: TechUnderTwenty/TU20Bot
        private async Task sendErrorMessage(string problem, IMessage userMessage = null)
            if (userMessage != null)
                try {
                    await userMessage.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("❌"));
                } catch (Exception) { /* Oh well, what can you do. */ }

            if (client.GetChannel(client.config.errorChannelId) is IMessageChannel errorChannel)
                try {
                    await errorChannel.SendMessageAsync(problem);

                } catch (Exception) { /* Go back! */ }

            await Console.Error.WriteLineAsync(problem);
コード例 #15
        public async Task AddReactAsync(ulong channelId, ulong messageId, string emoji)
            IMessage msg = await Context.Bot.GetMessageAsync(channelId, messageId);

            if (msg == null)
                await Response("Message not found");


                await msg.AddReactionAsync(ReactService.ParseEmojiString(emoji));
                await Response("React added");
                await Response("Failed adding react to message");
コード例 #16
        public static async Task AddReactionsAsync(this IMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken, params Emotes[] emotes)
            var errorCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < emotes.Length;)
                var emote = emotes[i];
                    await message.AddReactionAsync(
                        new RequestOptions()
                        CancelToken = cancellationToken,
                        RetryMode   = RetryMode.AlwaysRetry

                    errorCount = 0;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (errorCount > 2)
                        Log.Warn($"AddReactionsAsync: Skipping {i}:{emote}");
                        if (!(ex is RateLimitedException))
                            Log.Error($"AddReactionsAsync, {i}:{emote} | {ex}");
コード例 #17
        public async Task OnReactionAdded(
            Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cacheable,
            ISocketMessageChannel socketMessageChannel,
            SocketReaction socketReaction)
            ObservedVoiceChannelOptions observedVoiceChannelOptions = _observedVoiceChannelOptionsMonitor.CurrentValue;

            string emoteName           = socketReaction.Emote.Name;
            bool   emoteIsMutedEmoji   = emoteName == observedVoiceChannelOptions.MutedEmoji;
            bool   emoteIsUnMutedEmoji = emoteName == observedVoiceChannelOptions.UnMutedEmoji;

            if (emoteIsMutedEmoji || emoteIsUnMutedEmoji)
                ObservedVoiceChannel observedVoiceChannel =
                    _observedVoiceChannelsCache.Values.FirstOrDefault(currentObservedVoiceChannel =>
                                                                      currentObservedVoiceChannel.MessageId == socketReaction.MessageId);

                if (observedVoiceChannel != null)
                    IMessage message = await socketMessageChannel.GetMessageAsync(cacheable.Id);

                    if (message.Reactions[socketReaction.Emote].ReactionCount > 1)
                        SocketGuildChannel socketGuildChannel = socketMessageChannel as SocketGuildChannel;
                        SocketVoiceChannel socketVoiceChannel = socketGuildChannel.Guild.GetVoiceChannel(observedVoiceChannel.VoiceChannelId);
                        IVoiceChannel      voiceChannel       = socketVoiceChannel as IVoiceChannel;

                        IEnumerable <IGuildUser> voiceChannelUsers = await voiceChannel

                        Emoji mutedEmoji   = new Emoji(observedVoiceChannelOptions.MutedEmoji);
                        Emoji unMutedEmoji = new Emoji(observedVoiceChannelOptions.UnMutedEmoji);

                        if (observedVoiceChannel.IsMuted && emoteIsUnMutedEmoji)
                            List <Task> tasks = voiceChannelUsers
                                                .Where(voiceChannelUser =>
                                SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser = voiceChannelUser as SocketGuildUser;
                                bool userIsMuted    = socketGuildUser.VoiceState?.IsMuted == true;
                                bool userNotOffline = socketGuildUser.Status != UserStatus.Offline;

                                return(userIsMuted && userNotOffline);
                                                .Select(voiceChannelUser => voiceChannelUser.ModifyAsync(guildUserProperties => guildUserProperties.Mute = false))


                            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                            observedVoiceChannel.IsMuted = false;
                        else if (!observedVoiceChannel.IsMuted && emoteIsMutedEmoji)
                            List <Task> tasks = voiceChannelUsers
                                                .Where(voiceChannelUser =>
                                SocketGuildUser socketGuildUser = voiceChannelUser as SocketGuildUser;
                                bool userNotMuted   = socketGuildUser.VoiceState?.IsMuted == false;
                                bool userNotOffline = socketGuildUser.Status != UserStatus.Offline;

                                return(userNotMuted && userNotOffline);
                                                .Select(voiceChannelUser => voiceChannelUser.ModifyAsync(guildUserProperties => guildUserProperties.Mute = true))


                            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

                            observedVoiceChannel.IsMuted = true;
コード例 #18
 public static async Task ConfirmMessage(IMessage message)
     await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji(char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F44D)));
コード例 #19
    public async Task <int> WaitForMove(IMessage msg) // return StPos, -1 if no reply
        var emo_up    = new Emoji(Puzzle.ArrowUp);
        var emo_down  = new Emoji(Puzzle.ArrowDown);
        var emo_left  = new Emoji(Puzzle.ArrowLeft);
        var emo_right = new Emoji(Puzzle.ArrowRight);
        var emo_pause = new Emoji("\u23F8\uFE0F");

        Puzzle puzzle = Load();

        int EnPos = puzzle.EmptySqrPos;

        if (puzzle.IsValidMove(EnPos + Puzzle.Size, EnPos))
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(emo_up);
        if (puzzle.IsValidMove(EnPos - Puzzle.Size, EnPos))
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(emo_down);
        if (puzzle.IsValidMove(EnPos + 1, EnPos))
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(emo_left);
        if (puzzle.IsValidMove(EnPos - 1, EnPos))
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(emo_right);
        await msg.AddReactionAsync(emo_pause);

        Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();

        while (s.Elapsed < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3))
            var reactedUsers = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emo_up, 5).FlattenAsync();

            foreach (var user in reactedUsers)
                if (user.Id == puzzle.PlayerId)
                    return(puzzle.EmptySqrPos + Puzzle.Size);

            reactedUsers = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emo_down, 5).FlattenAsync();

            foreach (var user in reactedUsers)
                if (user.Id == puzzle.PlayerId)
                    return(puzzle.EmptySqrPos - Puzzle.Size);

            reactedUsers = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emo_left, 5).FlattenAsync();

            foreach (var user in reactedUsers)
                if (user.Id == puzzle.PlayerId)
                    return(puzzle.EmptySqrPos + 1);

            reactedUsers = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emo_right, 5).FlattenAsync();

            foreach (var user in reactedUsers)
                if (user.Id == puzzle.PlayerId)
                    return(puzzle.EmptySqrPos - 1);

            reactedUsers = await msg.GetReactionUsersAsync(emo_pause, 5).FlattenAsync();

            foreach (var user in reactedUsers)
                if (user.Id == puzzle.PlayerId)

            //await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(70));

コード例 #20
        public async Task Command(ulong messageId, ITextChannel channel, string emote, IRole role, params string[] args)
            IMessage message = await channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId);

            IEmote emoteRes;

            if (Emote.TryParse(emote, out Emote result))
                emoteRes = result;
                emoteRes = new Emoji(emote);

            var emoteRolePair = new Dictionary <IEmote, IRole>
                { emoteRes, role }

            if (args.Any())
                // If there aren't an even amount of args, we know the user messed up.
                if ((args.Length % 2) != 0)
                    throw new KaguyaSupportException("There were an invalid amount of additional arguments provided. " +
                                                     "Note that for each additional entry, there must be an " +
                                                     "emote followed by a role.");

                var emoteRolePairs = new string[args.Length / 2][];

                int count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i += 2)
                    var rolePair = new string[2];
                    rolePair[0] = args[i];
                    rolePair[1] = args[i + 1];

                    emoteRolePairs[count] = rolePair;

                foreach (string[] pair in emoteRolePairs)
                    string emoteText = pair[0];
                    string roleText  = pair[1];

                    bool validEmote = false;
                    bool validRole  = false;

                    if (Emote.TryParse(emoteText, out Emote emoteResult) || pair[1].GetType() == typeof(Emoji))
                        validEmote = true;

                    IRole roleResult = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == roleText.ToLower());
                    if (roleResult != null)
                        validRole = true;

                    if (validEmote == false)
                        throw new KaguyaSupportException("Failed to parse a valid emote from the provided " +
                                                         $"input: Emote: '{emoteText}'\n\n" +
                                                         $"Note that the emote must be from this server only and " +
                                                         $"cannot be a standard emoji.");

                    if (validRole == false)
                        throw new KaguyaSupportException("Failed to parse a valid role from the provided " +
                                                         $"input: Role: '{roleText}'");

                    emoteRolePair.Add(emoteResult, Context.Guild.GetRole(roleResult.Id));

            if (message == null)
                throw new KaguyaSupportException("The message with this ID could not be found in the specified channel. " +
                                                 "You must specify the 'channel' argument for this command if you are " +
                                                 "executing the command from another channel. \n\n" +
                                                 $"Example: '{{prefix}}crr {messageId} {{#some-channel}} ...'");

            var cacheToSend = new List <ReactionRole>(emoteRolePair.Count);

            int cacheListIndex = 0;
            var respSb         = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <IEmote, IRole> pair in emoteRolePair)
                bool         isEmoji = false;
                IEmote       pEmote  = pair.Key;
                IRole        pRole   = pair.Value;
                ReactionRole rr;

                if (pEmote is Emote customEmote)
                    rr = new ReactionRole
                        EmoteNameorId = customEmote.Id.ToString(),
                        MessageId     = message.Id,
                        RoleId        = pRole.Id,
                        ServerId      = Context.Guild.Id
                else if (pEmote is Emoji standardEmoji)
                    rr = new ReactionRole
                        EmoteNameorId = standardEmoji.Name,
                        MessageId     = message.Id,
                        RoleId        = pRole.Id,
                        ServerId      = Context.Guild.Id

                    isEmoji = true;
                    throw new KaguyaSupportException("The reaction role isn't an Emoji or Emote!!");

                if (pRole.IsManaged)
                    throw new KaguyaSupportException($"Role '{pRole.Name}' is managed by an integration or a bot. It may not be " +
                                                     "assigned to users. Therefore, they may not be assigned to " +
                                                     "reaction roles either.");

                ReactionRole possibleMatch;

                if (isEmoji)
                    possibleMatch = await DatabaseQueries.GetFirstMatchAsync <ReactionRole>(x =>
                                                                                            x.EmoteNameorId == pEmote.Name &&
                                                                                            x.RoleId == pRole.Id &&
                                                                                            x.MessageId == rr.MessageId);
                    possibleMatch = await DatabaseQueries.GetFirstMatchAsync <ReactionRole>(x =>
                                                                                            x.EmoteNameorId == (pEmote as Emote).Id.ToString() &&
                                                                                            x.RoleId == pRole.Id &&
                                                                                            x.MessageId == rr.MessageId);

                IReadOnlyDictionary <IEmote, ReactionMetadata> messageReactions = message.Reactions;

                // If the reaction is in the database, and Kaguya has a emote-role pair for this emote, throw an error.
                if (possibleMatch != null &&
                    messageReactions.Keys.Contains(pEmote) &&
                    throw new KaguyaSupportException($"The emote '{emote}' has already been assigned to role {role} " +
                                                     "as a reaction role.");

                    await message.AddReactionAsync(pEmote);

                    await DatabaseQueries.InsertAsync(rr);

                    cacheToSend.Insert(cacheListIndex, rr);
                    respSb.AppendLine($"Successfully linked {pEmote} to {pRole.Mention}");
                catch (Discord.Net.HttpException e)
                    if (e.HttpCode == HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                        throw new KaguyaSupportException($"An error occurred when attempting to make the reaction role " +
                                                         $"for the '{pEmote.Name}' emote. This error occurs when Discord " +
                                                         $"doesn't know how to process an emote. This can happen if you " +
                                                         $"copy/paste the emote into the Discord text box instead of " +
                                                         $"manually typing out the emote yourself. Discord is really " +
                                                         $"finnicky when it comes to emotes.");

                    throw new KaguyaSupportException($"An unknown error occurred.\n\n" +
                                                     $"Exception Message: {e.Message}\nInner Exception: {e.InnerException}");
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new KaguyaSupportException("An error occurred when inserting the reaction role " +
                                                     "into the database.\n\n" +
                                                     $"Emote: {pEmote}\n" +
                                                     $"Role: {pRole}");

            var embed = new KaguyaEmbedBuilder(EmbedColor.YELLOW)
                Title       = "Kaguya Reaction Roles",
                Description = respSb.ToString()

            await SendEmbedAsync(embed);