コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously gets a <see cref="IMarketDescription"/> instance describing the specified market in the specified language
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture">The <see cref="CultureInfo"/> specifying the language of the returned descriptor</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task{IMarketDescriptor}"/> representing the asynchronous operation</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CacheItemNotFoundException">The requested key was not found in the cache and could not be loaded</exception>
        private async Task <IMarketDescription> GetMarketDescriptorAsync(CultureInfo culture)
            Contract.Requires(culture != null);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <Task <IMarketDescription> >() != null);

            return(await _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(_marketId, _specifiers, new[] { culture }, true).ConfigureAwait(false));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the unmodified market name template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture">The culture in which the name template should be provided</param>
        /// <returns>The unmodified market name template</returns>
        public string GetNameTemplate(CultureInfo culture)
            if (_names.Any())
                           ? _names[culture]
                           : null);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_outcomeId))

                var marketDescription = _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync((int)_marketDescription.Id, _specifiers, _cultures, true).Result;
                if (marketDescription?.Outcomes == null || !marketDescription.Outcomes.Any())

                var outcomeDescription = marketDescription.Outcomes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id.Equals(_outcomeId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (outcomeDescription == null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(marketDescription.OutcomeType) && marketDescription.OutcomeType.Equals(SdkInfo.CompetitorsMarketOutcomeType))
                        foreach (var cultureInfo in _cultures)
                            _names[cultureInfo] = _outcomeId;
                    var outcomesString = WriteOutcomes(marketDescription.Outcomes, culture);
                    throw new CacheItemNotFoundException($"OutcomeDescription in marketDescription for id={_marketDescription.Id} not found. Existing outcomes: {outcomesString}", _outcomeId, null);
                foreach (var cultureInfo in _cultures)
                    _names[cultureInfo] = outcomeDescription.GetName(cultureInfo);
            catch (CacheItemNotFoundException e)
                if (_exceptionHandlingStrategy == ExceptionHandlingStrategy.THROW)
                    throw new CacheItemNotFoundException($"OutcomeDescription in marketDescription for id={_marketDescription.Id} could not provide the requested translated name", _outcomeId, e);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_exceptionHandlingStrategy == ExceptionHandlingStrategy.THROW)
                    throw new CacheItemNotFoundException($"OutcomeDescription in marketDescription for id={_marketDescription.Id} could not provide the requested translated name", _outcomeId, ex);

                       ? _names[culture]
                       : null);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the market descriptor exists for this marketId and specifiers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="producerId">The id of the producer which produced the message</param>
        /// <param name="marketId">A market identifier, identifying the market to be checked</param>
        /// <param name="specifiers">A <see cref="IReadOnlyDictionary{String, String}" /> representing specifiers of the associated market</param>
        private async Task <bool> CheckSpecifiersAsync(int producerId, int marketId, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> specifiers)
            IMarketDescription marketDescriptor;

                marketDescriptor = await _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(marketId, specifiers, _defaultCulture, false).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (CacheItemNotFoundException ex)
                ExecutionLog.Info($"Check failed. Failed to retrieve market name descriptor market[id={marketId}].", ex);
            if (marketDescriptor == null)
                ExecutionLog.Info($"Check failed. Failed to retrieve market name descriptor for market[id={marketId}].");

            var nameDescription = marketDescriptor.GetName(_defaultCulture.First());

            if (nameDescription == null)
                ExecutionLog.Info($"Check failed. Retrieved market[id={marketId}] descriptor does not contain name descriptor in the specified language");

            if (marketDescriptor.Id != marketId)
                ExecutionLog.Info($"Check failed. Retrieved market descriptor has different marketId. ({marketDescriptor.Id}!={marketId})");

            if (marketDescriptor.Specifiers != null && marketDescriptor.Specifiers.Any() && specifiers != null)
                if (marketDescriptor.Specifiers.Count() != specifiers.Count)
                    var requiredSpecifiers = string.Join(",", marketDescriptor.Specifiers.Select(d => d.Name));
                    var actualSpecifiers   = string.Join(",", specifiers.Select(k => k.Key));
                    ExecutionLog.Info($"Specifiers check failed. Producer={producerId}, market[id={marketId}], Required:{requiredSpecifiers}, Actual:{actualSpecifiers}");

                foreach (var specifier in marketDescriptor.Specifiers)
                    var keyValuePair = specifiers.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Key == specifier.Name);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyValuePair.Value))
                        var requiredSpecifiers = string.Join(",", marketDescriptor.Specifiers.Select(d => d.Name));
                        var actualSpecifiers   = string.Join(",", specifiers.Select(k => k.Key));
                        ExecutionLog.Info($"Specifiers check for market[id={marketId}] failed. Required:{requiredSpecifiers}, Actual:{actualSpecifiers}");

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the unmodified market name template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture">The culture in which the name template should be provided</param>
        /// <returns>The unmodified market name template</returns>
        public string GetNameTemplate(CultureInfo culture)
            // name templates need to be always fetched from the cache because of the variant markets (they are not being fetched on market definition creation)
            //string variant = null;
            //_specifiers?.TryGetValue("variant", out variant);

            var marketDescription = _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync((int)_marketDescription.Id, _specifiers, new[] { culture }, true).Result;

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a <see cref="IMarketDefinition" /> associated with the provided data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="marketId">the id of the market</param>
        /// <param name="sportId">the sport id</param>
        /// <param name="producer">the source of the market</param>
        /// <param name="specifiers">the received market specifiers</param>
        /// <param name="cultures">the cultures in which the market data should be prefetched</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IMarketDefinition BuildMarketDefinition(int marketId, URN sportId, IProducer producer, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> specifiers, IEnumerable <CultureInfo> cultures)
            // market descriptor should exist or else the market generation would fail
            // variant always null because we are interested only in the general market attributes
            IMarketDescription marketDescription = null;

                marketDescription = _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(marketId, specifiers, cultures, false).Result;
            catch (CacheItemNotFoundException)
                ExecutionLog.Warn($"Market description for market={marketId}, sport={sportId} and producer={producer.Name} not found.");

            return(marketDescription == null
                ? null
                : new MarketDefinition(marketDescription, _marketCacheProvider, sportId, producer, specifiers));
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the unmodified market name template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture">The culture in which the name template should be provided</param>
        /// <returns>The unmodified market name template</returns>
        public string GetNameTemplate(CultureInfo culture)
            if (_names.Any())
                           ? _names[culture]
                           : null);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_outcomeId))

                var marketDescription = _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync((int)_marketDescription.Id, _specifiers, _cultures, true).Result;
                if (marketDescription?.Outcomes == null || !marketDescription.Outcomes.Any())

                var outcomeDescription = marketDescription.Outcomes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Id.Equals(_outcomeId, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                if (outcomeDescription == null)
                    throw new CacheItemNotFoundException("Item not found", nameof(_outcomeId), null);
                foreach (var cultureInfo in _cultures)
                    _names[cultureInfo] = outcomeDescription.GetName(cultureInfo);
            catch (CacheItemNotFoundException e)
                if (_exceptionHandlingStrategy == ExceptionHandlingStrategy.THROW)
                    throw new CacheItemNotFoundException("Could not provide the requested translated name", nameof(_outcomeId), e);

                       ? _names[culture]
                       : null);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously gets a <see cref="IMarketDescription"/> instance describing the specified market in the specified language
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task{IMarketDescriptor}"/> representing the asynchronous operation</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CacheItemNotFoundException">The requested key was not found in the cache and could not be loaded</exception>
        private async Task <IMarketDescription> GetMarketDescriptorAsync(IEnumerable <CultureInfo> cultures)
                //fetch the market description from the invariant market cache to get the mapping information
                var marketDescriptor = await _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(_marketId, _specifiers, cultures, true).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (marketDescriptor == null)
                    ExecutionLog.LogWarning($"An error occurred getting marketDescription for marketId={_marketId}.");
            catch (CacheItemNotFoundException ex)
                HandleMappingErrorCondition("Failed to retrieve market name descriptor", "MarketId", _marketId.ToString(), string.Empty, ex);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a <see cref="IMarketDefinition" /> associated with the provided data
        /// </summary>
        private void GetMarketDefinition()
            // market descriptor should exist or else the market generation would fail
            // variant always null because we are interested only in the general market attributes

            if (_marketDescription != null)

            lock (_lock)
                if (_marketDescription != null)
                    _marketDescription = _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(_marketId, _specifiers, _cultures, true).Result; // was false and true in GetNameTemplate
                catch (CacheItemNotFoundException ci)
                    if (_exceptionHandlingStrategy == ExceptionHandlingStrategy.THROW)
                        throw new CacheItemNotFoundException($"Market description for market={_marketId}, sport={_sportId} and producer={_producerId} not found.", _marketId.ToString(), ci);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (_exceptionHandlingStrategy == ExceptionHandlingStrategy.THROW)
                        throw new CacheItemNotFoundException($"Market description for market={_marketId} not found.", _marketId.ToString(), ex);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously gets a <see cref="IEnumerable{IMarketMappingData}"/> of available mappings for the provided marketId/producer combination
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="marketId">The id of the market for which you need the mapping</param>
        /// <param name="specifiers">The associated market specifiers</param>
        /// <param name="producer">The <see cref="IProducer"/> for which you need the mapping</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="IEnumerable{IMarketMappingData}"/> of available mappings for the provided marketId/producer combination</returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <IMarketMappingData> > GetMarketMappingAsync(int marketId, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> specifiers, IProducer producer)
            IMarketDescription marketDescriptor;

                marketDescriptor = await _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(marketId, specifiers, new[] { _config.DefaultLocale }, false).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var specifiersMessage = specifiers != null
                                            ? $", specifiers: {string.Join("; ", specifiers)}"
                                            : string.Empty;
                if (_exceptionHandlingStrategy == ExceptionHandlingStrategy.THROW)
                    throw new ObjectNotFoundException($"Market mappings for {marketId} could not be provided{specifiersMessage}", ex);

                _executionLog.Warn($"Market mappings for the marketId: {marketId} could not be provided{specifiersMessage}", ex);

            return(marketDescriptor.Mappings?.Where(m => m.ProducerIds.Contains(producer.Id)).ToList() ?? Enumerable.Empty <IMarketMappingData>());
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously gets a <see cref="IMarketDescription"/> instance describing the specified market in the specified language
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="culture">The <see cref="CultureInfo"/> specifying the language of the returned descriptor</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="Task{IMarketDescriptor}"/> representing the asynchronous operation</returns>
        /// <exception cref="CacheItemNotFoundException">The requested key was not found in the cache and could not be loaded</exception>
        private async Task <IMarketDescription> GetMarketDescriptorAsync(CultureInfo culture)
            Guard.Argument(culture, nameof(culture)).NotNull();

            return(await _marketCacheProvider.GetMarketDescriptionAsync(_marketId, _specifiers, new[] { culture }, true).ConfigureAwait(false));