public void CheckAS3(string filename) { if (flex2Shell == null) { UpdateSettings(); } if (!sdkOk) { ErrorHandler.ShowInfo("Set the path to the Flex 2 SDK in the program settings."); return; } if (!File.Exists(filename)) { return; } mainForm.CallCommand("Save", null); try { mainForm.DispatchEvent(new NotifyEvent(EventType.ProcessStart)); if (ascRunner == null || !ascRunner.isRunning) { StartAscRunner(); } mainForm.AddTraceLogEntry("AscShell command: " + filename, -1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(filename.Length); GetShortPathName(filename, sb, (uint)filename.Length); string shortname = sb.ToString().Replace(".AS", ".as"); WatchFile(shortname); //filename); ASContext.SetStatusText("Asc Running"); notificationSent = false; ascRunner.process.StandardInput.WriteLine("clear"); ascRunner.process.StandardInput.WriteLine("asc -p " + shortname); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorHandler.ShowError("Error while running the AS3 syntax checking.", ex); } }