コード例 #1
        public MailgunModule(
            IServiceBus bus,
            IMailgunWebhooks mailgunWebhooks)
            Post["/webhooks/mailgun/{webhookId}/{slackChannel}"] = _ =>
                Log.Debug("Received webhook call from Mailgun.");

                // TODO Verify signature?

                var webhookId = (string)_.webhookId;
                if (webhookId.Missing())
                    Log.Info("Rejected webhook call from Mailgun (WebhookId is missing).");
                    return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable.WithReason("WebhookId is missing."));
                var webhook = mailgunWebhooks.Get(webhookId);
                if (webhook == null)
                    Log.Info("Rejected webhook call from Mailgun (webhook '{0}' not found).", webhookId);
                    return(HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable.WithReason("The webhook does not exist."));

                var slackChannel = "#" + ((string)_.slackChannel).TrimStart('#');

                var sender    = (string)Request.Form["sender"];
                var recipient = (string)Request.Form["recipient"];
                var subject   = (string)Request.Form["subject"];
                var plainBody = (string)Request.Form["body-plain"];

                // HACK: Since Nancy parses subject into "subject,subject", just split in two for now
                subject = subject.Substring(0, subject.Length / 2);

                // Send notification to Slack.
                bus.Publish(new MessageToSlack
                    channel     = slackChannel,
                    text        = string.Format("E-mail from *{0}*:\n", sender, recipient),
                    attachments = new[]
                        new MessageToSlack.Attachment
                            fallback  = string.Format("*{0}*", subject),
                            pretext   = string.Format("*{0}*", subject),
                            text      = string.Format("{0}", plainBody),
                            mrkdwn_in = new [] { "fallback", "pretext" }

コード例 #2
        public MailgunModule(
            IServiceBus bus, 
            IMailgunWebhooks mailgunWebhooks)
            Post["/webhooks/mailgun/{webhookId}/{slackChannel}"] = _ =>
                Log.Debug("Received webhook call from Mailgun.");

                // TODO Verify signature?

                var webhookId = (string)_.webhookId;
                if (webhookId.Missing())
                    Log.Info("Rejected webhook call from Mailgun (WebhookId is missing).");
                    return HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable.WithReason("WebhookId is missing.");
                var webhook = mailgunWebhooks.Get(webhookId);
                if (webhook == null)
                    Log.Info("Rejected webhook call from Mailgun (webhook '{0}' not found).", webhookId);
                    return HttpStatusCode.NotAcceptable.WithReason("The webhook does not exist.");

                var slackChannel = "#" + ((string)_.slackChannel).TrimStart('#');

                var sender = (string)Request.Form["sender"];
                var recipient = (string)Request.Form["recipient"];
                var subject = (string)Request.Form["subject"];
                var plainBody = (string)Request.Form["body-plain"];

                // HACK: Since Nancy parses subject into "subject,subject", just split in two for now
                subject = subject.Substring(0, subject.Length/2);

                // Send notification to Slack.
                bus.Publish(new MessageToSlack
                    channel = slackChannel,
                    text = string.Format("E-mail from *{0}*:\n", sender, recipient),
                    attachments = new[]
                        new MessageToSlack.Attachment
                            fallback = string.Format("*{0}*", subject),
                            pretext = string.Format("*{0}*", subject),
                            text = string.Format("{0}", plainBody),
                            mrkdwn_in = new [] { "fallback", "pretext" }

                return HttpStatusCode.OK;