public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { SiteConfig siteConfig = SiteConfig.GetSiteConfig(); string sourceId; string referrerUrl; /* * This service is a bit diffent from the other handlers, because * the "bugs" are out in the wild regardless of whether the service is * enabled. So the service must yield a valid result, regardless of * whetr */ if (siteConfig.EnableAggregatorBugging) { sourceId = context.Request.QueryString["id"]; referrerUrl = context.Request.UrlReferrer != null?context.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString() : ""; try { ILoggingDataService logService = LoggingDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetLogPathFromCurrentContext()); IBlogDataService dataService = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(SiteConfig.GetContentPathFromCurrentContext(), logService); Entry entry = dataService.GetEntry(sourceId); if (entry != null) { // we'll check whether the entry exists just to avoid trash in the DB logService.AddAggregatorBugHit( new LogDataItem(SiteUtilities.GetPermaLinkUrl(siteConfig, sourceId), referrerUrl, context.Request.UserAgent, context.Request.UserHostName)); } else { StackTrace st = new StackTrace(); logService.AddEvent(new EventDataItem(EventCodes.Error, "Entry was not found: " + sourceId + " " + st.ToString(), "")); } } catch (Exception exc) { // absorb ErrorTrace.Trace(System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Error, exc); } } context.Response.OutputStream.Write(aggBugBitmap, 0, aggBugBitmap.Length); context.Response.ContentType = "image/gif"; context.Response.StatusCode = 200; context.Response.End(); }