public IActionResult Index(string email) { try { email = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Request.Query["email"]); = email; } catch (Exception ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.USER_LOGIN, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); } return(View()); }
public IActionResult SetLanguage(string culture, string returnUrl) { try { SetLanguage(culture); return(LocalRedirect(returnUrl)); } catch (Exception ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.SET_ITEM, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Error500", new ErrorViewModel() { Error = ex.Message })); } }
public IActionResult Index() { try { var agent = Request.Headers["User-Agent"]; Console.WriteLine(agent.ToString()); ViewBag.Browser = agent.ToString(); var model = new DonationViewModel() { DonationCycles = GetDonationCycles }; return(View(model)); } catch (Exception ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.GET_ITEM, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Error500", new ErrorViewModel() { Error = ex.Message })); } }
public IActionResult Delete(string subscriptionId) { try { var subscriptionService = new StripeSubscriptionService(_stripeSettings.Value.SecretKey); var result = subscriptionService.Cancel(subscriptionId); SetTempMessage(_localizer["You have successfully deleted"] + result.StripePlan.Nickname + _localizer["subscription"]); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Manage")); } catch (Exception ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.DELETE_ITEM, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Error500", new ErrorViewModel() { Error = ex.Message })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Payment(int id) { var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync(); try { var donation = _donationService.GetById(id); var detail = (DonationViewModel)donation; List <CountryViewModel> countryList = GetCountryList(); // Check for existing customer // edit = 1 means user wants to edit the credit card information if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.StripeCustomerId)) { try { var CustomerService = new StripeCustomerService(_stripeSettings.Value.SecretKey); StripeCustomer objStripeCustomer = CustomerService.Get(user.StripeCustomerId); StripeCard objStripeCard = null; if (objStripeCustomer.Sources != null && objStripeCustomer.Sources.TotalCount > 0 && objStripeCustomer.Sources.Data.Any()) { objStripeCard = objStripeCustomer.Sources.Data.FirstOrDefault().Card; } if (objStripeCard != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(objStripeCard.Id)) { CustomerRePaymentViewModel customerRePaymentViewModel = CustomerRepaymentModelData(user, donation, detail, countryList, objStripeCustomer, objStripeCard); return(View("RePayment", customerRePaymentViewModel)); } } catch (StripeException ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.GET_ITEM, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source, EmailId = user.Email }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); ModelState.AddModelError("CustomerNotFound", ex.Message); } } CustomerPaymentViewModel customerPaymentViewModel = GetCustomerPaymentModel(user, donation, detail, countryList); return(View("Payment", customerPaymentViewModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.GET_ITEM, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source, EmailId = user.Email }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); return(RedirectToAction("Error", "Error500", new ErrorViewModel() { Error = ex.Message })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl = null) { try { ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; if (ModelState.IsValid) { // This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout // To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, set lockoutOnFailure: true var result = await _signInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, lockoutOnFailure : true); if (result.Succeeded) { return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } if (result.RequiresTwoFactor) { return(RedirectToAction(nameof(SendCode), new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, RememberMe = model.RememberMe })); } if (result.IsLockedOut) { return(View("Lockout")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, _localizer["Invalid login attempt."]); return(View(model)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log = new EventLog() { EventId = (int)LoggingEvents.USER_LOGIN, LogLevel = LogLevel.Error.ToString(), Message = ex.Message, StackTrace = ex.StackTrace, Source = ex.Source }; _loggerService.SaveEventLogAsync(log); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }