コード例 #1
        public ContentWriter(ITableStorage tableStorage, ILinkReader linkReader, IContentReader contentReader, IDataUpdater dataUpdater)
            _contentReader = contentReader;
            _linkReader    = linkReader;
            _dataUpdater   = dataUpdater;

            _linkTable = tableStorage.TableClient.GetTableReference(Constants.LINKS_TABLE);
            _contentTable = tableStorage.TableClient.GetTableReference(Constants.CONTENT_TABLE);
コード例 #2
 public LinkApiController(ILinkReader linkReader, ILinkWriter linkWriter)
     _linkReader = linkReader;
     _linkWriter = linkWriter;
コード例 #3
 public RedirectController(ILinkReader linkReader)
     _linkReader = linkReader;
コード例 #4
        public ActionResult Import()
            string importJson = Request["hidImport"];
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            dynamic jsonObject = serializer.Deserialize <dynamic>(importJson);
            //ImportInfo jsonObject;
            // Do the import
            string sourceConnectionString = "@File=" + jsonObject["ImportFileLocation"] + ";@Type=Delimited;RowSeperator=" +
                                            jsonObject["RowDelimiter"] + ";ColumnSeperator=" + jsonObject["ColumnDelimiter"] + ";FirstRowHasNames=" +

            string destConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlConnection"];

            ILinkProvider sourceProvider = null;
            ILinkProvider destProvider   = null;

            destProvider   = new SqlLinkProvider();
            sourceProvider = new TextProvider();

            IDataLink linkSource      = sourceProvider.CreateLink(sourceConnectionString);
            IDataLink linkDestination = destProvider.CreateLink(destConnectionString);

            SqlDataLink sqlLink = new SqlDataLink();


            DataFlowTask copy = new DataFlowTask()
                Name = "DataCopyTask"
            ILinkReader reader    = sourceProvider.CreateReader(linkSource, "");           // Since we are using same query
            string      destTable = jsonObject["DestinationTableName"].ToString();
            ILinkWriter writer    = destProvider.CreateWriter(linkDestination, destTable); //  Dest table

            copy.Input     = reader;
            copy.Output    = writer;
            copy.TableName = destTable;
            copy.IsAutoMap = false;

            dynamic maps = jsonObject["Maps"];

            foreach (dynamic map in maps)
                ColumnMap cmap = new ColumnMap();
                cmap.Destination = map["FieldName"];
                Expression exp = new Expression()
                    Code = map["TargetExpression"]
                cmap.TransformExpression = exp;

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            ReflowEngine engine = new ReflowEngine();

            ExecutionEventListener eventListener = new ExecutionEventListener();

            eventListener.OnTaskExecutionEvent += delegate(string taskname, string eventName, string description)
                sb.Append(string.Format("{0,15} |{1,10} | {2} <br>", taskname, eventName, description));
            eventListener.LoggingLevel = ExecutionEventListener.LogLevel.Verbose;



            this.ViewBag.Log = sb.ToString();
コード例 #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Read a table from sql server via a query, then make an exact copy
            // of that table.
            // Step 1. Read source table schema
            // Step 2. Create exact same schema on destination
            // Step 3. Copy Data

            // Prepare reflow engine
            ReflowEngine engine = new ReflowEngine();
            // Test DB Path

            string test = "text"; // "access";
            string sourceConnectionString = string.Empty;

            ILinkProvider sourceProvider = null;

            if (test == "access")
                string accessDBPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "db1.accdb";
                sourceConnectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Persist Security Info=False;",
                sourceProvider = new Provider.Access.AccessLinkProvider();
            else if (test == "text")
                // TODO: Test and implement text driver
                string txtDBPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "text\\HumanResources_Employee.txt";
                sourceConnectionString = "@File=" + txtDBPath + ";@Type=Delimited;RowSeperator=\r\n;ColumnSeperator=,;FirstRowHasNames=True";
                // TODO: Fixed length - Need to implement
                //sourceConnectionString = "@File="+txtDBPath + ";@Type=Fixed;";
                sourceProvider = new Provider.Text.TextProvider();

            IDataLink linkSource = sourceProvider.CreateLink(sourceConnectionString);

            ILinkProvider sqlProvider          = new Provider.SqlServer.SqlLinkProvider();
            string        destConnectionString = "Server=localhost;Database=REflow;Trusted_Connection=True;";
            IDataLink     linkDestination      = sqlProvider.CreateLink(destConnectionString);

            // Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)};Dbq=c:\txtFilesFolder\;Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;

            string selectQuery = "Select * from HumanResources_Employee";

            // First lets discover the schema of the query [source table]
            DiscoverSchemaTask task1 = new DiscoverSchemaTask();

            task1.Name  = "DiscoverSchema";
            task1.Query = selectQuery;
            task1.Link  = linkSource;

            // Then we need to create a table in the destinaton database.
            TableCreateTask task2 = new TableCreateTask();

            task2.Name               = "CreateTableAbc";
            task2.TableName          = "abc";
            task2.Link               = linkDestination;
            task2.ShouldDropExisting = true;
            // Now we need to map task1 output to be the input of task2 since
            // task1 will discover column names and we need to map discovered
            // columns to the Columns property of task 2. We can do this one of
            // two way.

            // First, we can use a delegate to call onbeforeexecute for task2 and
            // assign task result of task 1 to the column property of task 2. But that
            // would be problematic for the scenario where we want to serialize the task
            // and deserialize.

            // Second, We can we task link object map output of task1 to go into certain
            // properties of task 2. This can be serialized. We would use this technique

            TaskLink link = new TaskLink();

            link.LastTask = task1;
            link.NextTask = task2;
            // Map the output called DiscoveredColumns ( found in TaskResult.Output["DiscoveredColumns"]) to
            // task2.Columns once task1 has been executed
            link.TaskPipe["Columns"] = "Columns";

            // Now we will execute the data copy task. Will need to do the column mapping
            // Interestingly, since our output columns are same as input columns at source,
            // we can use the automap property to map the columns automatically.

            DataFlowTask task3 = new DataFlowTask()
                Name = "DataCopyTask"
            ILinkReader reader = sourceProvider.CreateReader(linkSource, selectQuery);       // Since we are using same query
            ILinkWriter writer = sqlProvider.CreateWriter(linkDestination, task2.TableName); //  Dest table

            task3.Input  = reader;
            task3.Output = writer;

            /* We would notmally create column mapping here and and map source and
             * destination and put custom expressions if needed. But since we are doing a
             * direct table copy, we can just use Automap property. */
            // ColumnMappings maps = new ColumnMappings();
            task3.IsAutoMap = true;
            task3.TableName = task2.TableName;

            // TODO: Add column mapping support
            // Add scripting transformation
            ColumnMap map = new ColumnMap();

            map.Destination = "Title";
            Expression exp = new Expression()
                Code = "NationalIDNumber & \" \" &  UCASE(Title) & CSTR(LEN(Title))"

            map.TransformExpression = exp;


            ExecutionEventListener eventListener = new ExecutionEventListener();

            eventListener.OnTaskExecutionEvent += delegate(string taskname, string eventName, string description)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0,15} |{1,10} | {2}", taskname, eventName, description));
            eventListener.LoggingLevel = ExecutionEventListener.LogLevel.Verbose;