public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue }; foreach (var modelObj in ExtractModels(context)) { var modelType = (string)modelObj.Model.type; var isEnum = "enum".Equals(modelType, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (isEnum) { var model = ParseEnumData(modelObj); model.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; model.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; ctx.NormalizationContext.Enums.Add(model); } else { var model = ParseModelData(modelObj); model.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; model.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; foreach (var prop in model.Properties) { prop.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; prop.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; } ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.Add(model); } } foreach (var model in ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.Where(x => x.RawSubTypes.Any())) { foreach (var st in model.RawSubTypes) { var sm = ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(st, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (sm == null) { continue; } model.SubTypes.Add(sm); } } var enumNames = ctx.NormalizationContext.Enums.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); var modelNames = ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); // Ensure that Enum Properties are properly indicated ctx.NormalizationContext.Models .SelectMany(x => x.Properties) .Where(x => enumNames.Contains(x.TypeName) && !modelNames.Contains(x.TypeName)) .ToList() .ForEach(x => x.IsEnum = true); return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(context.ServiceDefinition); foreach (var normalModel in context.NormalizationContext.Models) { var normalModelName = new NormalModelName(normalModel.ResourcePath, normalModel.Name); _modelNameMaps.Add(normalModelName); var modelDef = new ModelDefinition(normalModel.AsMetadata()) { ContextName = normalModel.ResourceName, Description = normalModel.Description, Name = normalModel.Name.MapDataTypeName(), ResourceName = normalModel.ResourcePath.ResourceNameFromPath() }; normalModelName.New = modelDef.Name; modelDef.Properties.AddRange(ExtractModelProperties(normalModel.Properties)); serviceDefinition.AddModel(modelDef); } var resourceModelLookup = _modelNameMaps.ToLookup(x => x.ResourcePath); // Ensure all Operations refer to the proper model names foreach (var op in context.NormalizationContext.Operations) { if (!resourceModelLookup.Contains(op.ResourcePath)) { continue; } var resourceModels = resourceModelLookup[op.ResourcePath].ToList(); var returnItem = resourceModels.SingleOrDefault(x => op.Response.TypeName.Equals(x.Old)); if (returnItem != null) { op.Response.SetTypeName(returnItem.New); } foreach (var opParam in op.Parameters) { var paramItem = resourceModels.SingleOrDefault(x => opParam.TypeName.Equals(x.Old)); if (paramItem != null) { opParam.SetTypeName(paramItem.New); } } } var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { ServiceDefinition = serviceDefinition, State = LifecycleState.Continue }; return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(context.ServiceDefinition); foreach (var normalOp in context.NormalizationContext.Operations) { var op = new OperationDefinition20(NormalizeOperationPath(normalOp), normalOp.AsMetadata()) { ConsumesOctetStream = normalOp.SupportsStreamingUpload, Description = normalOp.Description, HttpMethod = normalOp.HttpMethod, Name = ExtractName(normalOp), ProducesOctetStream = normalOp.SupportsStreamingDownload, ResourceName = normalOp.ResourcePath, Response = NormalizeResponseDefinition(normalOp) }; normalOp.Parameters .Select(NormalizeParameterDefinition) .ToList() .ForEach(x => op.AddParameter(x)); serviceDefinition.AddOperation(op); } var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { ServiceDefinition = serviceDefinition, State = LifecycleState.Continue }; return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var svcDef = context.ServiceDefinition; var enumWriter = context.EnumWriter; var modelWriter = context.ModelWriter; var sb = new StringBuilder(); // Enums First var template = context.ApiEnumTemplate; foreach (var obj in svcDef.Enums.SelectMany(x => x)) { using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb.Clear())) { template(sw, obj); } enumWriter(obj.Name, sb.ToString(), obj); } // Models Second template = context.ApiModelTemplate; foreach (var obj in svcDef.Models.SelectMany(x => x)) { using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb.Clear())) { template(sw, obj); } modelWriter(obj.Name, sb.ToString(), obj); } return Task.FromResult(context); }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var json = context.ResourceListingJson; if (!json.ContainsKey("apiVersion") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) json.apiVersion)) throw new SwaseyException("apiVersion is required"); if (!json.ContainsKey("swaggerVersion") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) json.swaggerVersion)) throw new SwaseyException("swaggerVersion is required"); if (!json.ContainsKey("apis") == null) throw new SwaseyException("apis is required"); var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue, SwaggerVersion = (string) json.swaggerVersion }; ctx.ServiceMetadata = new ServiceMetadata(ctx.ServiceMetadata) { ApiVersion = (string) json.apiVersion }; foreach (var item in json.apis) { if (!item.ContainsKey("path") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) item.path)) throw new SwaseyException("api.path is required"); ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping.Add((string) item.path, null); } return Task.FromResult<ILifecycleContext>(ctx); }
public async Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue }; var basePath = context.ResourceListingUri; foreach (var path in ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping.Keys.ToList()) { var apiUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(basePath); apiUriBuilder.Path += new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative); var json = await context.Loader(apiUriBuilder.Uri); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json)) throw new SwaseyException("Invalid JSON for api [{0}]: '{1}'", path, json); var obj = JSON.DeserializeDynamic(json); if (obj == null) throw new SwaseyException("Unable to parse api definition JSON [{0}]: '{1}'", path, json); ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping[path] = obj; } return ctx; }
private IEnumerable <dynamic> ExtractApiOperations(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var apiKv in context.ApiPathJsonMapping) { var basePath = (string)context.ResourceListingJson.basePath; var opPath = apiKv.Key; var ops = apiKv.Value; if (ops == null) { continue; } foreach (var op in ops) { yield return(new { BasePath = basePath, OperationPath = opPath, JObject = op }); } // } } }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { OperationFilter = context.OperationFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationFilter; OperationParameterFilter = context.OperationParameterFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationParameterFilter; var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue }; foreach (var apiOp in ExtractApiOperations(context)) { if (!OperationFilter(apiOp.JObject)) continue; NormalizationApiOperation op = ParseOperationData(apiOp); op.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; op.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; op.Response.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; op.Response.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; foreach (var param in op.Parameters) { param.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; param.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; } ctx.NormalizationContext.Operations.Add(op); } return Task.FromResult<ILifecycleContext>(ctx); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(context.ServiceDefinition); var enums = context.NormalizationContext .Enums .Select(CreateDefinition) .ToLookup(x => x.Name); if (!enums.Any()) { goto ReturnResult; } foreach (var e in enums) { var x = e.FirstOrDefault(); if (x != null) { serviceDefinition.AddEnum(x); } } ReturnResult: var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { ServiceDefinition = serviceDefinition, State = LifecycleState.Continue }; return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { OperationFilter = context.OperationFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationFilter; OperationParameterFilter = context.OperationParameterFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationParameterFilter; var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue }; foreach (var apiOp in ExtractApiOperations(context)) { if (!OperationFilter(apiOp.JObject)) { continue; } NormalizationApiOperation op = ParseOperationData(apiOp); op.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; op.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; op.Response.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; op.Response.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; foreach (var param in op.Parameters) { param.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; param.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; } ctx.NormalizationContext.Operations.Add(op); } return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
private IEnumerable<dynamic> ExtractApiOperations(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var apiKv in context.ApiPathJsonMapping) { var apiDef = apiKv.Value; var apiVersion = (string) apiDef.apiVersion; var basePath = (string) apiDef.basePath; var resourcePath = (string) apiDef.resourcePath; if (!apiDef.ContainsKey("apis")) { continue; } foreach (var api in apiDef.apis) { if (api == null || !api.ContainsKey("path") || !api.ContainsKey("operations")) { continue; } var opPath = (string) api.path; foreach (var op in api.operations) { yield return new { ApiVersion = apiVersion, BasePath = basePath, OperationPath = opPath, ResourcePath = resourcePath, JObject = op }; } } } }
private IEnumerable <dynamic> ExtractApiOperations(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var apiKv in context.ApiPathJsonMapping) { var apiDef = apiKv.Value; var apiVersion = (string)apiDef.apiVersion; var basePath = (string)apiDef.basePath; var resourcePath = (string)apiDef.resourcePath; if (!apiDef.ContainsKey("apis")) { continue; } foreach (var api in apiDef.apis) { if (api == null || !api.ContainsKey("path") || !api.ContainsKey("operations")) { continue; } var opPath = (string)api.path; foreach (var op in api.operations) { yield return(new { ApiVersion = apiVersion, BasePath = basePath, OperationPath = opPath, ResourcePath = resourcePath, JObject = op }); } } } }
public async Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue }; var basePath = context.ResourceListingUri; foreach (var path in ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping.Keys.ToList()) { var apiUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(basePath); apiUriBuilder.Path += new Uri(path, UriKind.Relative); var json = await context.Loader(apiUriBuilder.Uri); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json)) { throw new SwaseyException("Invalid JSON for api [{0}]: '{1}'", path, json); } var obj = JSON.DeserializeDynamic(json); if (obj == null) { throw new SwaseyException("Unable to parse api definition JSON [{0}]: '{1}'", path, json); } ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping[path] = obj; } return(ctx); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var svcDef = context.ServiceDefinition; var enumWriter = context.EnumWriter; var modelWriter = context.ModelWriter; var sb = new StringBuilder(); // Enums First var template = context.ApiEnumTemplate; foreach (var obj in svcDef.Enums.SelectMany(x => x)) { using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb.Clear())) { template(sw, obj); } enumWriter(obj.Name, sb.ToString(), obj); } // Models Second template = context.ApiModelTemplate; foreach (var obj in svcDef.Models.SelectMany(x => x)) { using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb.Clear())) { template(sw, obj); } modelWriter(obj.Name, sb.ToString(), obj); } return(Task.FromResult(context)); }
private IEnumerable <dynamic> ExtractModels(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var apiKv in context.ApiPathJsonMapping) { var api = apiKv.Value; var apiVersion = (string)api.apiVersion; var resourcePath = (string)api.resourcePath; var resourceName = resourcePath.ResourceNameFromPath(); if (api.ContainsKey("models")) { foreach (var modelKv in api.models) { if (modelKv != null && modelKv.Value != null) { yield return new { ApiVersion = apiVersion, Model = modelKv.Value, ResourceName = resourceName, ResourcePath = resourcePath } } ; } } } } }
public SingletonLifecycleTester() { theContext = Substitute.For <ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new SingletonLifecycle(); theCache = Substitute.For <IObjectCache>(); theContext.Singletons.Returns(theCache); }
public TransientLifecycleTester() { theContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new TransientLifecycle(); theCache = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ITransientTracking>(); theContext.Stub(x => x.Transients).Return(theCache); }
public void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var kvp in _contextMap) { kvp.Value.DisposeAndClear(); } _contextMap = new Dictionary <HttpContext, IObjectCache>(); }
public void SetUp() { theContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new TransientLifecycle(); theCache = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IObjectCache>(); theContext.Stub(x => x.Transients).Return(theCache); }
public SingletonLifecycleTester() { theContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new SingletonLifecycle(); theCache = MockRepository.GenerateMock <IObjectCache>(); theContext.Stub(x => x.Singletons).Return(theCache); }
public TransientLifecycleTester() { theContext = Substitute.For<ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new TransientLifecycle(); theCache = Substitute.For<ITransientTracking>(); theContext.Transients.Returns(theCache); }
public override void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { if (HttpContextLifecycle.HasContext()) { _http.EjectAll(context); } _nonHttp.EjectAll(context); }
public void SetUp() { theContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new SingletonLifecycle(); theCache = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IObjectCache>(); theContext.Stub(x => x.Singletons).Return(theCache); }
public TransientLifecycleTester() { theContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new TransientLifecycle(); theCache = MockRepository.GenerateMock <ITransientTracking>(); theContext.Stub(x => x.Transients).Return(theCache); }
public void SetUp() { theContext = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new TransientLifecycle(); theCache = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IObjectCache>(); theContext.Stub(x => x.Transients).Return(theCache); }
public SingletonLifecycleTester() { theContext = Substitute.For<ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new SingletonLifecycle(); theCache = Substitute.For<IObjectCache>(); theContext.Singletons.Returns(theCache); }
public TransientLifecycleTester() { theContext = Substitute.For <ILifecycleContext>(); theLifecycle = new TransientLifecycle(); theCache = Substitute.For <ITransientTracking>(); theContext.Transients.Returns(theCache); }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue }; foreach (var modelObj in ExtractModels(context)) { var modelType = (string) modelObj.Model.type; var isEnum = "enum".Equals(modelType, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (isEnum) { var model = ParseEnumData(modelObj); model.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; model.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; ctx.NormalizationContext.Enums.Add(model); } else { var model = ParseModelData(modelObj); model.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; model.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; foreach (var prop in model.Properties) { prop.ApiNamespace = context.ApiNamespace; prop.ModelNamespace = context.ModelNamespace; } ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.Add(model); } } foreach (var model in ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.Where(x => x.RawSubTypes.Any())) { foreach (var st in model.RawSubTypes) { var sm = ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(st, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (sm == null) continue; model.SubTypes.Add(sm); } } var enumNames = ctx.NormalizationContext.Enums.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); var modelNames = ctx.NormalizationContext.Models.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); // Ensure that Enum Properties are properly indicated ctx.NormalizationContext.Models .SelectMany(x => x.Properties) .Where(x => enumNames.Contains(x.TypeName) && !modelNames.Contains(x.TypeName)) .ToList() .ForEach(x => x.IsEnum = true); return Task.FromResult<ILifecycleContext>(ctx); }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { if (DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(-_secondsToExpire) >= _lastExpired) { Expire(); } return(_cache); }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { if (this.scopeIsExpired) { this.EjectAll(context); this.scopeIsExpired = false; } return(this.Cache); }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(context.ServiceDefinition); foreach (var normalModel in context.NormalizationContext.Models) { var normalModelName = new NormalModelName(normalModel.ResourcePath, normalModel.Name); _modelNameMaps.Add(normalModelName); var modelDef = new ModelDefinition(normalModel.AsMetadata()) { ContextName = normalModel.ResourceName, Description = normalModel.Description, Name = normalModel.Name.MapDataTypeName(), ResourceName = normalModel.ResourcePath.ResourceNameFromPath() }; normalModelName.New = modelDef.Name; modelDef.Properties.AddRange(ExtractModelProperties(normalModel.Properties)); serviceDefinition.AddModel(modelDef); } var resourceModelLookup = _modelNameMaps.ToLookup(x => x.ResourcePath); // Ensure all Operations refer to the proper model names foreach (var op in context.NormalizationContext.Operations) { if (!resourceModelLookup.Contains(op.ResourcePath)) { continue; } var resourceModels = resourceModelLookup[op.ResourcePath].ToList(); var returnItem = resourceModels.SingleOrDefault(x => op.Response.TypeName.Equals(x.Old)); if (returnItem != null) { op.Response.SetTypeName(returnItem.New); } foreach (var opParam in op.Parameters) { var paramItem = resourceModels.SingleOrDefault(x => opParam.TypeName.Equals(x.Old)); if (paramItem != null) { opParam.SetTypeName(paramItem.New); } } } var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { ServiceDefinition = serviceDefinition, State = LifecycleState.Continue }; return Task.FromResult<ILifecycleContext>(ctx); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var kv in context.ApiPathJsonMapping) { if (kv.Value == null) { throw new SwaseyException("No JSON parsed for api '{0}'", kv.Key); } var json = kv.Value; if (!json.ContainsKey("apiVersion") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.apiVersion)) { throw new SwaseyException("apiVersion is required for api: '{0}'", kv.Key); } if (!json.ContainsKey("swaggerVersion") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.swaggerVersion)) { throw new SwaseyException("swaggerVersion is required for api: '{0}'", kv.Key); } if (!json.ContainsKey("basePath") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.basePath)) { throw new SwaseyException("basePath is required for api: '{0}'", kv.Key); } if (!json.ContainsKey("resourcePath") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.resourcePath)) { throw new SwaseyException("resourcePath is required for api: '{0}'", kv.Key); } if (json.ContainsKey("models") && json.models.Length > 0) { foreach (var modelKv in json.models) { if (modelKv.Key == null) { continue; } if (modelKv.Value == null) { throw new SwaseyException("listed model has no model definition [{0}]: '{1}'", modelKv.Key, modelKv.Value); } if (!modelKv.Value.ContainsKey("id") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) { throw new SwaseyException("id is required for api model: '{0}'", modelKv.Key); } } } } return(Task.FromResult(context)); }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { IHttpContextAccessor accessor = _container.GetInstance <IHttpContextAccessor>(); if (!_contextMap.ContainsKey(accessor.HttpContext)) { _contextMap.Add(accessor.HttpContext, new LifecycleObjectCache()); } return(_contextMap[accessor.HttpContext]); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var json = context.ResourceListingJson; if (json.ContainsKey("definitions") && json.definitions.length <= 0) { throw new SwaseyException("definitions object is empty"); } return(Task.FromResult(context)); }
public override void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { lock (mapLock) { foreach (var kvp in contextMap) { kvp.Value.ObjectCahe.DisposeAndClear(); } contextMap = new Dictionary <string, SessionObject>(); } }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { var accessor = container.GetInstance <IHttpContextAccessor>(); lock (mapLock) { if (!contextMap.ContainsKey(accessor.HttpContext)) { contextMap.Add(accessor.HttpContext, new LifecycleObjectCache()); } return(contextMap[accessor.HttpContext]); } }
public override void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { lock (mapLock) { foreach (var kvp in contextMap) { kvp.Value.DisposeAndClear(); } contextMap = new Dictionary <HttpContext, IObjectCache>(); } }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var json = context.ResourceListingJson; if (!json.ContainsKey("swagger") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.swagger)) { throw new SwaseyException("swagger is required"); } //swagger, info, info.version, info.title, path are required if (!json.ContainsKey("info") == null) { throw new SwaseyException("version is required"); } if (!"version") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) { throw new SwaseyException("version is required"); } if (!"title") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string) { throw new SwaseyException("title is required"); } if (!json.ContainsKey("paths") == null) { throw new SwaseyException("paths is required"); } var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue, SwaggerVersion = (string)json.swagger }; ctx.ServiceMetadata = new ServiceMetadata(ctx.ServiceMetadata) { ApiVersion = (string)json.version }; foreach (var path in json.paths) { ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping.Add((string)path.Key, path.Value); } return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
public async Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } while (_commands.Count > 0 && context.State == LifecycleState.Continue) { var cmd = _commands.Dequeue(); context = await cmd.Execute(context); } return context; }
public async Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); } while (_commands.Count > 0 && context.State == LifecycleState.Continue) { var cmd = _commands.Dequeue(); context = await cmd.Execute(context); } return(context); }
public async Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var json = await context.Loader(context.ResourceListingUri); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json)) throw new SwaseyException("Invalid Resource Listing JSON: '{0}'", json); var rl = JSON.DeserializeDynamic(json); if (rl == null) throw new SwaseyException("Unable to parse Resource Listing JSON: '{0}'", context.ResourceListingJson); return new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue, ResourceListingJson = rl }; }
public override IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { var accessor = container.GetInstance <IHttpContextAccessor>(); lock (mapLock) { if (!contextMap.ContainsKey(accessor.HttpContext.Session.Id)) { accessor.HttpContext.Session.Set("I", new byte[] { 1 }); contextMap.Add(accessor.HttpContext.Session.Id, new SessionObject { TimeOut = 0, ObjectCahe = new LifecycleObjectCache() }); } return(contextMap[accessor.HttpContext.Session.Id].ObjectCahe); } }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var json = context.ResourceListingJson; if (!json.ContainsKey("apiVersion") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.apiVersion)) { throw new SwaseyException("apiVersion is required"); } if (!json.ContainsKey("swaggerVersion") == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)json.swaggerVersion)) { throw new SwaseyException("swaggerVersion is required"); } if (!json.ContainsKey("apis") == null) { throw new SwaseyException("apis is required"); } var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { State = LifecycleState.Continue, SwaggerVersion = (string)json.swaggerVersion }; ctx.ServiceMetadata = new ServiceMetadata(ctx.ServiceMetadata) { ApiVersion = (string)json.apiVersion }; foreach (var item in json.apis) { if (!item.ContainsKey("path") || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((string)item.path)) { throw new SwaseyException("api.path is required"); } ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping.Add((string)item.path, null); } ctx.ApiPathJsonMapping.Add((string)json.paths, null); return(Task.FromResult <ILifecycleContext>(ctx)); }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var svcDef = context.ServiceDefinition; var template = context.ApiOperationTemplate; var swaseyWriter = context.OperationWriter; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var op in svcDef.ResourceOperations.SelectMany(x => x)) { using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb.Clear())) { template(sw, op); } swaseyWriter(op.Name, sb.ToString(), op); } return Task.FromResult(context); }
public Task <ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var svcDef = context.ServiceDefinition; var template = context.ApiOperationTemplate; var swaseyWriter = context.OperationWriter; var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var op in svcDef.ResourceOperations20.SelectMany(x => x)) { using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb.Clear())) { template(sw, op); } swaseyWriter(op.Name, sb.ToString(), op); } return(Task.FromResult(context)); }
public override IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { IDictionary items = findHttpDictionary(); if (!items.Contains(ITEM_NAME)) { lock (items.SyncRoot) { if (!items.Contains(ITEM_NAME)) { var cache = new LifecycleObjectCache(); items.Add(ITEM_NAME, cache); return cache; } } } return (IObjectCache) items[ITEM_NAME]; }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { IDictionary items = InteractionScope.Items; if (!items.Contains(StructureMapInstancesDictionaryKey)) { lock (items.SyncRoot) { if (!items.Contains(StructureMapInstancesDictionaryKey)) { var cache = new LifecycleObjectCache(); items.Add(StructureMapInstancesDictionaryKey, cache); return cache; } } } return (IObjectCache)items[StructureMapInstancesDictionaryKey]; }
internal LifecycleContext(ILifecycleContext copyFrom) : this(copyFrom.ApiNamespace, copyFrom.ModelNamespace, copyFrom.Loader, copyFrom.OperationWriter, copyFrom.EnumWriter, copyFrom.ModelWriter) { State = copyFrom.State; ResourceListingUri = copyFrom.ResourceListingUri; ApiEnumTemplate = copyFrom.ApiEnumTemplate; ApiModelTemplate = copyFrom.ApiModelTemplate; ApiOperationTemplate = copyFrom.ApiOperationTemplate; SwaggerVersion = copyFrom.SwaggerVersion; ResourceListingJson = copyFrom.ResourceListingJson; OperationFilter = copyFrom.OperationFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationFilter; OperationParameterFilter = copyFrom.OperationParameterFilter ?? Defaults.DefaultOperationParameterFilter; NormalizationContext = new NormalizationContext(copyFrom.NormalizationContext); ServiceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(copyFrom.ServiceDefinition); copyFrom.ApiPathJsonMapping.ToList().ForEach(x => ApiPathJsonMapping.Add(x.Key, x.Value)); }
public Task<ILifecycleContext> Execute(ILifecycleContext context) { var serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition(context.ServiceDefinition); foreach (var normalOp in context.NormalizationContext.Operations) { var op = new OperationDefinition(NormalizeOperationPath(normalOp), normalOp.AsMetadata()) { ConsumesOctetStream = normalOp.SupportsStreaming, Description = normalOp.Description, HttpMethod = normalOp.HttpMethod, Name = ExtractName(normalOp), ResourceName = normalOp.ResourcePath.ResourceNameFromPath(), Response = NormalizeResponseDefinition(normalOp) }; normalOp.Parameters .Select(NormalizeParameterDefinition) .ToList() .ForEach(x => op.AddParameter(x)); if (serviceDefinition.Operations.Any(x => x.ResourceName == op.ResourceName && x.Name == op.Name)) { var pathParams = op.Parameters.Where(x => x.Type == ParameterType.Path && x.IsRequired).OrderBy(x => x.Name); op.Name += string.Join("And", pathParams.Select(x => "By" + x.Name.UCFirst())); } serviceDefinition.AddOperation(op); } var ctx = new LifecycleContext(context) { ServiceDefinition = serviceDefinition, State = LifecycleState.Continue }; return Task.FromResult<ILifecycleContext>(ctx); }
private IEnumerable<dynamic> ExtractModels(ILifecycleContext context) { foreach (var apiKv in context.ApiPathJsonMapping) { var api = apiKv.Value; var apiVersion = (string) api.apiVersion; var resourcePath = (string) api.resourcePath; var resourceName = resourcePath.ResourceNameFromPath(); if (api.ContainsKey("models")) { foreach (var modelKv in api.models) { if (modelKv != null && modelKv.Value != null) yield return new { ApiVersion = apiVersion, Model = modelKv.Value, ResourceName = resourceName, ResourcePath = resourcePath }; } } } }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { guaranteeHashExists(); return _cache; }
public void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { FindCache(context).DisposeAndClear(); }
public override void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { }
public override IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { return context.Transients; }
public abstract IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context);
public abstract void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context);
/// <inheritdoc /> public override IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { return Cache.Value; }
public override IObjectCache FindCache(ILifecycleContext context) { throw new NotSupportedException("Should never be called"); }
public void EjectAll(ILifecycleContext context) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }