public static void CreateLerData(Database db, FeatureCollection fc) { string pathLag = "X:\\AutoCAD DRI - 01 Civil 3D\\Lag-Ler2.0.csv"; System.Data.DataTable dtLag = CsvReader.ReadCsvToDataTable(pathLag, "Lag"); if (dtLag == null) { throw new System.Exception("Lag file could not be read!"); } HashSet <UtilityOwner> ownersRegister = new HashSet <UtilityOwner>(); HashSet <LedningType> ledninger = new HashSet <LedningType>(); HashSet <LedningstraceType> ledningstrace = new HashSet <LedningstraceType>(); HashSet <LedningskomponentType> ledningskomponenter = new HashSet <LedningskomponentType>(); #region Redirect objects to collections //Redirect objects to collections //int i = 0; foreach (FeatureMember fm in fc.featureCollection) { //i++; prdDbg($"Switching item {i}."); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); switch (fm.item) { case UtilityOwner uo: ownersRegister.Add(uo); break; case Graveforesp gvfsp: break; case UtilityPackageInfo upi: break; case Kontaktprofil kp: break; case Informationsressource ir: break; case LedningType lt: ledninger.Add(lt); //prdDbg(lt.gmlid); break; case LedningstraceType ltr: ledningstrace.Add(ltr); //prdDbg(ltr.gmlid); break; case LedningskomponentType lk: ledningskomponenter.Add(lk); //prdDbg(lk.gmlid); break; default: prdDbg(fm.item.GMLTypeID); throw new System.Exception($"Unexpected type encountered {fm.item.GetType().Name}!"); } } #endregion #region Populate Company Name //Populate Company Name foreach (LedningType ledning in ledninger) { var owner = ownersRegister.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ledningsejer == ledning.ledningsejer); //if (owner == default) throw new System.Exception($"Ledning {} kan ikke finde ejer!"); if (owner == default) { prdDbg($"Ledning {} kan ikke finde ejer!"); } else { ledning.LedningsEjersNavn = owner.companyName; } } foreach (LedningstraceType trace in ledningstrace) { var owner = ownersRegister.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ledningsejer == trace.ledningsejer); //if (owner == default) throw new System.Exception($"Ledning {} kan ikke finde ejer!"); if (owner == default) { prdDbg($"Ledning {} kan ikke finde ejer!"); } else { trace.LedningsEjersNavn = owner.companyName; } } foreach (LedningskomponentType komp in ledningskomponenter) { var owner = ownersRegister.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ledningsejer == komp.ledningsejer); //if (owner == default) throw new System.Exception($"Ledning {} kan ikke finde ejer!"); if (owner == default) { prdDbg($"Ledning {} kan ikke finde ejer!"); } else { komp.LedningsEjersNavn = owner.companyName; } } #endregion #region Create property sets //Dictionary to translate between type name and psName Dictionary <string, string> psDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //Create property sets HashSet <Type> allUniqueTypes = ledninger.Select(x => x.GetType()).Distinct().ToHashSet(); allUniqueTypes.UnionWith(ledningstrace.Select(x => x.GetType()).Distinct().ToHashSet()); allUniqueTypes.UnionWith(ledningskomponenter.Select(x => x.GetType()).Distinct().ToHashSet()); foreach (Type type in allUniqueTypes) { string psName = type.Name.Replace("Type", ""); //Store the ps name in dictionary referenced by the type name //PS name is not goood! It becomes Elledning which is not unique //But it is unique!! //Data with different files will still follow the class definition in code //Which assures that all pssets are the same psDict.Add(type.Name, psName); PropertySetDefinition propSetDef = new PropertySetDefinition(); propSetDef.SetToStandard(db); propSetDef.SubSetDatabaseDefaults(db); propSetDef.Description = type.FullName; bool isStyle = false; var appliedTo = new StringCollection() { RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Polyline)).Name, RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Polyline3d)).Name, RXClass.GetClass(typeof(DBPoint)).Name, RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Hatch)).Name, }; propSetDef.SetAppliesToFilter(appliedTo, isStyle); var properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { bool include = prop.CustomAttributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(Schema.PsInclude)); if (include) { var propDefManual = new PropertyDefinition(); propDefManual.SetToStandard(db); propDefManual.SubSetDatabaseDefaults(db); propDefManual.Name = prop.Name; propDefManual.Description = prop.Name; switch (prop.PropertyType.Name) { case nameof(String): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Text; propDefManual.DefaultData = ""; break; case nameof(System.Boolean): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.TrueFalse; propDefManual.DefaultData = false; break; case nameof(Double): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Real; propDefManual.DefaultData = 0.0; break; case nameof(Int32): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Integer; propDefManual.DefaultData = 0; break; default: propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Text; propDefManual.DefaultData = ""; break; } propSetDef.Definitions.Add(propDefManual); } } using (Transaction tx = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { //check if prop set already exists DictionaryPropertySetDefinitions dictPropSetDef = new DictionaryPropertySetDefinitions(db); if (dictPropSetDef.Has(psName, tx)) { tx.Abort(); continue; } dictPropSetDef.AddNewRecord(psName, propSetDef); tx.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(propSetDef, true); tx.Commit(); } } #endregion #region Create elements //List of all (new) layers of new entities HashSet <string> layerNames = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (LedningType ledning in ledninger) { string psName = psDict[ledning.GetType().Name]; ILerLedning iLedning = ledning as ILerLedning; if (iLedning == null) { throw new System.Exception($"Ledning {} har ikke implementeret ILerLedning!"); } ObjectId entityId = iLedning.DrawEntity2D(db); Entity ent = entityId.Go <Entity>(db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); layerNames.Add(ent.Layer); //Attach the property set PropertySetManager.AttachNonDefinedPropertySet(db, ent, psName); //Populate the property set var psData = GmlToPropertySet.TranslateGmlToPs(ledning); PropertySetManager.PopulateNonDefinedPropertySet(db, ent, psName, psData); } foreach (LedningstraceType trace in ledningstrace) { string psName = psDict[trace.GetType().Name]; ILerLedning ledning = trace as ILerLedning; if (ledning == null) { throw new System.Exception($"Trace {} har ikke implementeret ILerLedning!"); } ObjectId entityId = ledning.DrawEntity2D(db); Entity ent = entityId.Go <Entity>(db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); layerNames.Add(ent.Layer); //Attach the property set PropertySetManager.AttachNonDefinedPropertySet(db, ent, psName); //Populate the property set var psData = GmlToPropertySet.TranslateGmlToPs(trace); PropertySetManager.PopulateNonDefinedPropertySet(db, ent, psName, psData); } foreach (LedningskomponentType komponent in ledningskomponenter) { string psName = psDict[komponent.GetType().Name]; ILerKomponent creator = komponent as ILerKomponent; if (creator == null) { throw new System.Exception($"Komponent {} har ikke implementeret ILerKomponent!"); } Oid entityId = creator.DrawComponent(db); Entity ent = entityId.Go <Entity>(db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); //Attach the property set PropertySetManager.AttachNonDefinedPropertySet(db, ent, psName); //Populate the property set var psData = GmlToPropertySet.TranslateGmlToPs(komponent); PropertySetManager.PopulateNonDefinedPropertySet(db, ent, psName, psData); } #endregion #region Read and assign layer's color //Cache layer table LayerTable ltable = db.LayerTableId.Go <LayerTable>(db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction); //Set up all LER layers foreach (string layerName in layerNames) { string colorString = ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(layerName, dtLag, "Farve", 0); Color color; if (colorString.IsNoE()) { Log.log($"Ledning with layer name {layerName} could not get a color!"); color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 0); } else { color = ParseColorString(colorString); if (color == null) { Log.log($"Ledning layer name {layerName} could not parse colorString {colorString}!"); color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 0); } } LayerTableRecord ltr = ltable[layerName] .Go <LayerTableRecord>(db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); ltr.Color = color; } #endregion #region Read and assign layer's linetype LinetypeTable ltt = (LinetypeTable)db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction .GetObject(db.LinetypeTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite); //Check if all line types are present HashSet <string> missingLineTypes = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (string layerName in layerNames) { string lineTypeName = ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(layerName, dtLag, "LineType", 0); if (lineTypeName.IsNoE()) { continue; } else if (!ltt.Has(lineTypeName)) { missingLineTypes.Add(lineTypeName); } } if (missingLineTypes.Count > 0) { Database ltDb = new Database(false, true); ltDb.ReadDwgFile("X:\\AutoCAD DRI - 01 Civil 3D\\Projection_styles.dwg", FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, false, null); Transaction ltTx = ltDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); Oid destDbMsId = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db); LinetypeTable sourceLtt = (LinetypeTable)ltDb.TransactionManager.TopTransaction .GetObject(ltDb.LinetypeTableId, OpenMode.ForRead); ObjectIdCollection idsToClone = new ObjectIdCollection(); foreach (string missingName in missingLineTypes) { idsToClone.Add(sourceLtt[missingName]); } IdMapping mapping = new IdMapping(); ltDb.WblockCloneObjects(idsToClone, destDbMsId, mapping, DuplicateRecordCloning.Replace, false); ltTx.Commit(); ltTx.Dispose(); ltDb.Dispose(); } Oid lineTypeId; foreach (string layerName in layerNames) { string lineTypeName = ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(layerName, dtLag, "LineType", 0); if (lineTypeName.IsNoE()) { Log.log($"WARNING! Layer name {layerName} does not have a line type specified!."); //If linetype string is NoE -> CONTINUOUS linetype must be used lineTypeId = ltt["Continuous"]; } else { //the presence of the linetype is assured in previous foreach. lineTypeId = ltt[lineTypeName]; } LayerTableRecord ltr = ltable[layerName] .Go <LayerTableRecord>(db.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); ltr.LinetypeObjectId = lineTypeId; } #endregion }
public void CreateLerData() { #region Catch no pipelines switch (this.type) { case GraveforespoergselssvartypeType.ingenledningerigraveområde: throw new System.Exception("INGEN ledninger i graveområde!"); case GraveforespoergselssvartypeType.ledningsoplysningerudleveresikke: throw new System.Exception("Leningsoplysninger udleveres ikke!"); case GraveforespoergselssvartypeType.ledningsoplysningerudleveret: break; case GraveforespoergselssvartypeType.udtagettilmanuelbehandling: break; case GraveforespoergselssvartypeType.udtagettilpåvisningledningsoplysningerudleveresikke: break; case GraveforespoergselssvartypeType.udtagettilpåvisningledningsoplysningerudleveret: break; default: break; } #endregion if (this.ledningMember == null) { this.ledningMember = new GraveforespoergselssvarTypeLedningMember[0]; } if (this.ledningstraceMember == null) { this.ledningstraceMember = new GraveforespoergselssvarTypeLedningstraceMember[0]; } if (this.ledningskomponentMember == null) { this.ledningskomponentMember = new GraveforespoergselssvarTypeLedningskomponentMember[0]; } Log.log($"Number of ledningMember -> {this.ledningMember?.Length.ToString()}"); Log.log($"Number of ledningstraceMember -> {this.ledningstraceMember?.Length.ToString()}"); Log.log($"Number of ledningskomponentMember -> {this.ledningskomponentMember?.Length.ToString()}"); #region Create property sets //Dictionary to translate between type name and psName Dictionary <string, string> psDict = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //Create property sets HashSet <Type> allUniqueTypes = ledningMember.Select(x => x.Item.GetType()).Distinct().ToHashSet(); allUniqueTypes.UnionWith(ledningstraceMember.Select(x => x.Ledningstrace.GetType()).Distinct().ToHashSet()); allUniqueTypes.UnionWith(ledningskomponentMember.Select(x => x.Item.GetType()).Distinct().ToHashSet()); foreach (Type type in allUniqueTypes) { string psName = type.Name.Replace("Type", ""); //Store the ps name in dictionary referenced by the type name //PS name is not goood! It becomes Elledning which is not unique //But it is unique!! //Data with different files will still follow the class definition in code //Which assures that all pssets are the same psDict.Add(type.Name, psName); PropertySetDefinition propSetDef = new PropertySetDefinition(); propSetDef.SetToStandard(WorkingDatabase); propSetDef.SubSetDatabaseDefaults(WorkingDatabase); propSetDef.Description = type.FullName; bool isStyle = false; var appliedTo = new StringCollection() { RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Polyline)).Name, RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Polyline3d)).Name, RXClass.GetClass(typeof(DBPoint)).Name, RXClass.GetClass(typeof(Hatch)).Name, }; propSetDef.SetAppliesToFilter(appliedTo, isStyle); var properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { bool include = prop.CustomAttributes.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(Schema.PsInclude)); if (include) { var propDefManual = new PropertyDefinition(); propDefManual.SetToStandard(WorkingDatabase); propDefManual.SubSetDatabaseDefaults(WorkingDatabase); propDefManual.Name = prop.Name; propDefManual.Description = prop.Name; switch (prop.PropertyType.Name) { case nameof(String): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Text; propDefManual.DefaultData = ""; break; case nameof(Boolean): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.TrueFalse; propDefManual.DefaultData = false; break; case nameof(Double): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Real; propDefManual.DefaultData = 0.0; break; case nameof(Int32): propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Integer; propDefManual.DefaultData = 0; break; default: propDefManual.DataType = Autodesk.Aec.PropertyData.DataType.Text; propDefManual.DefaultData = ""; break; } propSetDef.Definitions.Add(propDefManual); } } using (Transaction tx = WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { //check if prop set already exists DictionaryPropertySetDefinitions dictPropSetDef = new DictionaryPropertySetDefinitions(WorkingDatabase); if (dictPropSetDef.Has(psName, tx)) { tx.Abort(); continue; } dictPropSetDef.AddNewRecord(psName, propSetDef); tx.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(propSetDef, true); tx.Commit(); } } #endregion //Debug list of all types in collections HashSet <string> names = new HashSet <string>(); //List of all (new) layers of new entities HashSet <string> layerNames = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (GraveforespoergselssvarTypeLedningMember member in ledningMember) { if (member.Item == null) { Log.log($"ledningMember is null! Some enity has not been deserialized correct!"); continue; } string psName = psDict[member.Item.GetType().Name]; ILerLedning ledning = member.Item as ILerLedning; Oid entityId = ledning.DrawEntity2D(WorkingDatabase); Entity ent = entityId.Go <Entity>(WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); layerNames.Add(ent.Layer); //Attach the property set PropertySetManager.AttachNonDefinedPropertySet(WorkingDatabase, ent, psName); //Populate the property set var psData = GmlToPropertySet.TranslateGmlToPs(member.Item); PropertySetManager.PopulateNonDefinedPropertySet(WorkingDatabase, ent, psName, psData); //names.Add(member.Item.ToString()); } foreach (GraveforespoergselssvarTypeLedningstraceMember member in ledningstraceMember) { if (member.Ledningstrace == null) { Log.log($"ledningstraceMember is null! Some enity has not been deserialized correct!"); continue; } string psName = psDict[member.Ledningstrace.GetType().Name]; ILerLedning ledning = member.Ledningstrace as ILerLedning; Oid entityId = ledning.DrawEntity2D(WorkingDatabase); Entity ent = entityId.Go <Entity>(WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); layerNames.Add(ent.Layer); //Attach the property set PropertySetManager.AttachNonDefinedPropertySet(WorkingDatabase, ent, psName); //Populate the property set var psData = GmlToPropertySet.TranslateGmlToPs(member.Ledningstrace); PropertySetManager.PopulateNonDefinedPropertySet(WorkingDatabase, ent, psName, psData); //names.Add(item.Ledningstrace.ToString()); //prdDbg(ObjectDumper.Dump(item.Ledningstrace)); } foreach (GraveforespoergselssvarTypeLedningskomponentMember member in ledningskomponentMember) { if (member.Item == null) { Log.log($"ledningskomponentMember is null! Some enity has not been deserialized correct!"); continue; } string psName = psDict[member.Item.GetType().Name]; ILerKomponent creator = member.Item as ILerKomponent; Oid entityId = creator.DrawComponent(WorkingDatabase); Entity ent = entityId.Go <Entity>(WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); //Layer names are not analyzed for components currently //layerNames.Add(ent.Layer); //Attach the property set PropertySetManager.AttachNonDefinedPropertySet(WorkingDatabase, ent, psName); //Populate the property set var psData = GmlToPropertySet.TranslateGmlToPs(member.Item); PropertySetManager.PopulateNonDefinedPropertySet(WorkingDatabase, ent, psName, psData); //names.Add(member.Item.ToString()); } foreach (string name in names) { prdDbg(name); } #region Read and assign layer's color //Regex to parse the color information Regex colorRegex = new Regex(@"^(?<R>\d+)\*(?<G>\d+)\*(?<B>\d+)"); //Cache layer table LayerTable lt = WorkingDatabase.LayerTableId.Go <LayerTable>(WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction); //Set up all LER layers foreach (string layerName in layerNames) { string colorString = ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(layerName, DtKrydsninger, "Farve", 0); Color color; if (colorString.IsNoE()) { Log.log($"Ledning with layer name {layerName} could not get a color!"); color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 0); } else if (colorRegex.IsMatch(colorString)) { Match match = colorRegex.Match(colorString); byte R = Convert.ToByte(int.Parse(match.Groups["R"].Value)); byte G = Convert.ToByte(int.Parse(match.Groups["G"].Value)); byte B = Convert.ToByte(int.Parse(match.Groups["B"].Value)); //prdDbg($"Set layer {name} to color: R: {R.ToString()}, G: {G.ToString()}, B: {B.ToString()}"); color = Color.FromRgb(R, G, B); } else { Log.log($"Ledning layer name {layerName} could not parse colorString {colorString}!"); color = Color.FromColorIndex(ColorMethod.ByAci, 0); } LayerTableRecord ltr = lt[layerName] .Go <LayerTableRecord>(WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); ltr.Color = color; } #endregion #region Read and assign layer's linetype LinetypeTable ltt = (LinetypeTable)WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction .GetObject(WorkingDatabase.LinetypeTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite); //Check if all line types are present HashSet <string> missingLineTypes = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (string layerName in layerNames) { string lineTypeName = ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(layerName, DtKrydsninger, "LineType", 0); if (lineTypeName.IsNoE()) { continue; } else if (!ltt.Has(lineTypeName)) { missingLineTypes.Add(lineTypeName); } } if (missingLineTypes.Count > 0) { Database ltDb = new Database(false, true); ltDb.ReadDwgFile("X:\\AutoCAD DRI - 01 Civil 3D\\Projection_styles.dwg", FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, false, null); Transaction ltTx = ltDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); Oid destDbMsId = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(WorkingDatabase); LinetypeTable sourceLtt = (LinetypeTable)ltDb.TransactionManager.TopTransaction .GetObject(ltDb.LinetypeTableId, OpenMode.ForRead); ObjectIdCollection idsToClone = new ObjectIdCollection(); foreach (string missingName in missingLineTypes) { idsToClone.Add(sourceLtt[missingName]); } IdMapping mapping = new IdMapping(); ltDb.WblockCloneObjects(idsToClone, destDbMsId, mapping, DuplicateRecordCloning.Replace, false); ltTx.Commit(); ltTx.Dispose(); ltDb.Dispose(); } Oid lineTypeId; foreach (string layerName in layerNames) { string lineTypeName = ReadStringParameterFromDataTable(layerName, DtKrydsninger, "LineType", 0); if (lineTypeName.IsNoE()) { Log.log($"WARNING! Layer name {layerName} does not have a line type specified!."); //If linetype string is NoE -> CONTINUOUS linetype must be used lineTypeId = ltt["Continuous"]; } else { //the presence of the linetype is assured in previous foreach. lineTypeId = ltt[lineTypeName]; } LayerTableRecord ltr = lt[layerName] .Go <LayerTableRecord>(WorkingDatabase.TransactionManager.TopTransaction, OpenMode.ForWrite); ltr.LinetypeObjectId = lineTypeId; } #endregion }