コード例 #1
 public SOM(int x, int y)
     Width  = x;
     Height = y;
     ConstantLearningRate = 0.5;
     Epoch         = 1;
     Map           = new Node[x, y];
     _learningRate = new PowerSeriesLearningRate(ConstantLearningRate);
コード例 #2
 public SOM()
     Width  = 0;
     Height = 0;
     ConstantLearningRate = 0;
     Epoch         = 1;
     Map           = new Node[Width, Height];
     _learningRate = new PowerSeriesLearningRate(ConstantLearningRate);
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize this strategy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="train">The training algorithm.</param>
 public void Init(IMLTrain train)
     _train               = train;
     _ready               = false;
     _setter              = (ILearningRate)train;
     _trainingSize        = train.Training.Count;
     _currentLearningRate = 1.0d / _trainingSize;
     EncogLogging.Log(EncogLogging.LevelDebug, "Starting learning rate: "
                      + _currentLearningRate);
     _setter.LearningRate = _currentLearningRate;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this strategy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="train">The training algorithm.</param>
        public void Init(ITrain train)
            this.train               = train;
            this.ready               = false;
            this.setter              = (ILearningRate)train;
            this.trainingSize        = DetermineTrainingSize();
            this.currentLearningRate = 1.0 / this.trainingSize;
#if logging
            if (this.logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                this.logger.Info("Starting learning rate: " +
            this.setter.LearningRate = this.currentLearningRate;
コード例 #5
ファイル: SmartLearningRate.cs プロジェクト: neismit/emds
 public void Init(IMLTrain train)
     this._xd87f6a9c53c2ed9f = train;
     while (true)
         this._x6c7711ed04d2ac90 = false;
         this._x6947f9fc231e17e8 = (ILearningRate) train;
         this._x985befeef351542c = train.Training.Count;
         this._x6300a707dc67f3a2 = 1.0 / ((double) this._x985befeef351542c);
         EncogLogging.Log(0, "Starting learning rate: " + this._x6300a707dc67f3a2);
             this._x6947f9fc231e17e8.LearningRate = this._x6300a707dc67f3a2;
         while (-2147483648 == 0);
         if (0 == 0)
コード例 #6
 public void Train(int maxTrainingEpoch, ParallelCorpus trainCorpus, ParallelCorpus validCorpus, ILearningRate learningRate, List <IMetric> metrics, AdamOptimizer optimizer)
     Logger.WriteLine("Start to train...");
     for (int i = 0; i < maxTrainingEpoch; i++)
         // Train one epoch over given devices. Forward part is implemented in RunForwardOnSingleDevice function in below,
         // backward, weights updates and other parts are implemented in the framework. You can see them in BaseSeq2SeqFramework.cs
         TrainOneEpoch(i, trainCorpus, validCorpus, learningRate, optimizer, metrics, m_modelMetaData, RunForwardOnSingleDevice);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this strategy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="train">The training algorithm.</param>
        public void Init(ITrain train)
            this.train = train;
            this.ready = false;
            this.setter = (ILearningRate)train;
            this.trainingSize = DetermineTrainingSize();
            this.currentLearningRate = 1.0 / this.trainingSize;
#if logging
            if (this.logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                this.logger.Info("Starting learning rate: " +
            this.setter.LearningRate = this.currentLearningRate;
コード例 #8
ファイル: LearningRateConfig.cs プロジェクト: neismit/emds
 public LearningRateConfig(ILearningRate trainer)
     this.Trainer = trainer;
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize this strategy.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="train">The training algorithm.</param>
 public void Init(IMLTrain train)
     _train = train;
     _ready = false;
     _setter = (ILearningRate) train;
     _trainingSize = train.Training.Count;
     _currentLearningRate = 1.0d/_trainingSize;
     EncogLogging.Log(EncogLogging.LevelDebug, "Starting learning rate: "
                                                + _currentLearningRate);
     _setter.LearningRate = _currentLearningRate;
コード例 #10
ファイル: WeightAdjustment.cs プロジェクト: AniaRuchala/PSI
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WeightAdjustment"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="radiusFunction">The radius function.</param>
 /// <param name="neighboorFunction">The neighboor function.</param>
 /// <param name="learningRate">The learning rate.</param>
 public WeightAdjustment(IRadiusFunction radiusFunction, INeighborhoodFunction neighboorFunction, ILearningRate learningRate)
     _radiusFunction    = radiusFunction;
     _neighboorFunction = neighboorFunction;
     _learningRate      = learningRate;
コード例 #11
 public SOM(int x, int y, double learningRate) : this(x, y)
     ConstantLearningRate = learningRate;
     _learningRate        = new PowerSeriesLearningRate(ConstantLearningRate);
     Epoch = 1;
コード例 #12
        internal void TrainOneEpoch(int ep, IEnumerable<SntPairBatch> trainCorpus, IEnumerable<SntPairBatch> validCorpus, ILearningRate learningRate, AdamOptimizer solver, List<IMetric> metrics, IModelMetaData modelMetaData,
            Func<IComputeGraph, List<List<string>>, List<List<string>>, int, bool, float> ForwardOnSingleDevice)
            int processedLineInTotal = 0;
            DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            double costInTotal = 0.0;
            long srcWordCntsInTotal = 0;
            long tgtWordCntsInTotal = 0;
            double avgCostPerWordInTotal = 0.0;

            Logger.WriteLine($"Start to process training corpus.");
            List<SntPairBatch> sntPairBatchs = new List<SntPairBatch>();

            foreach (SntPairBatch sntPairBatch in trainCorpus)
                if (sntPairBatchs.Count == m_deviceIds.Length)
                    // Copy weights from weights kept in default device to all other devices

                    int batchSplitFactor = 1;
                    bool runNetwordSuccssed = false;

                    while (runNetwordSuccssed == false)
                            (float cost, int sWordCnt, int tWordCnt, int processedLine) = RunNetwork(ForwardOnSingleDevice, sntPairBatchs, batchSplitFactor);
                            processedLineInTotal += processedLine;
                            srcWordCntsInTotal += sWordCnt;
                            tgtWordCntsInTotal += tWordCnt;

                            //Sum up gradients in all devices, and kept it in default device for parameters optmization

                            //Optmize parameters
                            float lr = learningRate.GetCurrentLearningRate();
                            List<IWeightTensor> models = GetParametersFromDefaultDevice();
                            solver.UpdateWeights(models, processedLine, lr, m_regc, m_weightsUpdateCount + 1);

                            costInTotal += cost;
                            avgCostPerWordInTotal = costInTotal / tgtWordCntsInTotal;
                            if (IterationDone != null && m_weightsUpdateCount % 100 == 0)
                                IterationDone(this, new CostEventArg()
                                    LearningRate = lr,
                                    CostPerWord = cost / tWordCnt,
                                    AvgCostInTotal = avgCostPerWordInTotal,
                                    Epoch = ep,
                                    Update = m_weightsUpdateCount,
                                    ProcessedSentencesInTotal = processedLineInTotal,
                                    ProcessedWordsInTotal = srcWordCntsInTotal + tgtWordCntsInTotal,
                                    StartDateTime = startDateTime

                            runNetwordSuccssed = true;
                        catch (AggregateException err)
                            if (err.InnerExceptions != null)
                                string oomMessage = String.Empty;
                                bool isOutOfMemException = false;
                                bool isArithmeticException = false;
                                foreach (var excep in err.InnerExceptions)
                                    if (excep is OutOfMemoryException)
                                        isOutOfMemException = true;
                                        oomMessage = excep.Message;
                                    else if (excep is ArithmeticException)
                                        isArithmeticException = true;
                                        oomMessage = excep.Message;

                                if (isOutOfMemException)
                                    batchSplitFactor *= 2;
                                    Logger.WriteLine($"Got an exception ('{oomMessage}'), so we increase batch split factor to {batchSplitFactor}, and retry it.");

                                    if (batchSplitFactor >= sntPairBatchs[0].BatchSize)
                                        Logger.WriteLine($"Batch split factor is larger than batch size, so ignore current mini-batch.");
                                else if (isArithmeticException)
                                    Logger.WriteLine($"Arithmetic exception: '{err.Message}'");
                                    Logger.WriteLine(Logger.Level.err, ConsoleColor.Red, $"Exception: {err.Message}, Call stack: {err.StackTrace}");
                                    throw err;
                                Logger.WriteLine(Logger.Level.err, ConsoleColor.Red, $"Exception: {err.Message}, Call stack: {err.StackTrace}");
                                throw err;

                        catch (OutOfMemoryException err)
                            batchSplitFactor *= 2;
                            Logger.WriteLine($"Got an exception ('{err.Message}'), so we increase batch split factor to {batchSplitFactor}, and retry it.");

                            if (batchSplitFactor >= sntPairBatchs[0].BatchSize)
                                Logger.WriteLine($"Batch split factor is larger than batch size, so ignore current mini-batch.");
                        catch (ArithmeticException err)
                            Logger.WriteLine($"Arithmetic exception: '{err.Message}'");
                        catch (Exception err)
                            Logger.WriteLine(Logger.Level.err, ConsoleColor.Red, $"Exception: {err.Message}, Call stack: {err.StackTrace}");
                            throw err;

                    // Evaluate model every hour and save it if we could get a better one.
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - m_lastCheckPointDateTime;
                    if (ts.TotalHours > 1.0)
                        CreateCheckPoint(validCorpus, metrics, modelMetaData, ForwardOnSingleDevice, avgCostPerWordInTotal);
                        m_lastCheckPointDateTime = DateTime.Now;


            Logger.WriteLine(Logger.Level.info, ConsoleColor.Green, $"Epoch '{ep}' took '{DateTime.Now - startDateTime}' time to finish. AvgCost = {avgCostPerWordInTotal.ToString("F6")}, AvgCostInLastEpoch = {m_avgCostPerWordInTotalInLastEpoch.ToString("F6")}");

            //  CreateCheckPoint(validCorpus, metrics, modelMetaData, ForwardOnSingleDevice, avgCostPerWordInTotal);
            m_avgCostPerWordInTotalInLastEpoch = avgCostPerWordInTotal;
コード例 #13
        internal void TrainOneEpoch(int ep, ParallelCorpus trainCorpus, ParallelCorpus validCorpus, ILearningRate learningRate, AdamOptimizer solver, List <IMetric> metrics, IModelMetaData modelMetaData,
                                    Func <IComputeGraph, List <List <string> >, List <List <string> >, int, bool, float> ForwardOnSingleDevice)
            int      processedLineInTotal   = 0;
            DateTime startDateTime          = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime lastCheckPointDateTime = DateTime.Now;
            double   costInTotal            = 0.0;
            long     srcWordCnts            = 0;
            long     tgtWordCnts            = 0;
            double   avgCostPerWordInTotal  = 0.0;


            Logger.WriteLine($"Start to process training corpus.");
            List <SntPairBatch> sntPairBatchs = new List <SntPairBatch>();

            foreach (SntPairBatch sntPairBatch in trainCorpus)
                if (sntPairBatchs.Count == m_deviceIds.Length)
                    float cost          = 0.0f;
                    int   tlen          = 0;
                    int   processedLine = 0;

                    // Copy weights from weights kept in default device to all other devices

                    // Run forward and backward on all available processors
                    Parallel.For(0, m_deviceIds.Length, i =>
                        SntPairBatch sntPairBatch_i = sntPairBatchs[i];
                        // Construct sentences for encoding and decoding
                        List <List <string> > srcTkns = new List <List <string> >();
                        List <List <string> > tgtTkns = new List <List <string> >();
                        int sLenInBatch = 0;
                        int tLenInBatch = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < sntPairBatch_i.BatchSize; j++)
                            sLenInBatch += sntPairBatch_i.SntPairs[j].SrcSnt.Length;

                            tLenInBatch += sntPairBatch_i.SntPairs[j].TgtSnt.Length;

                        float lcost = 0.0f;
                        // Create a new computing graph instance
                        using (IComputeGraph computeGraph_i = CreateComputGraph(i))
                            // Run forward part
                            lcost = ForwardOnSingleDevice(computeGraph_i, srcTkns, tgtTkns, i, true);
                            // Run backward part and compute gradients

                        lock (locker)
                            cost                 += lcost;
                            srcWordCnts          += sLenInBatch;
                            tgtWordCnts          += tLenInBatch;
                            tlen                 += tLenInBatch;
                            processedLineInTotal += sntPairBatch_i.BatchSize;
                            processedLine        += sntPairBatch_i.BatchSize;

                    //Sum up gradients in all devices, and kept it in default device for parameters optmization

                    //Optmize parameters
                    float lr = learningRate.GetCurrentLearningRate();
                    List <IWeightTensor> models = GetParametersFromDefaultDevice();
                    solver.UpdateWeights(models, processedLine, lr, m_regc, m_weightsUpdateCount + 1);

                    //Clear gradient over all devices

                    costInTotal          += cost;
                    avgCostPerWordInTotal = costInTotal / tgtWordCnts;
                    if (IterationDone != null && m_weightsUpdateCount % 100 == 0)
                        IterationDone(this, new CostEventArg()
                            LearningRate              = lr,
                            CostPerWord               = cost / tlen,
                            AvgCostInTotal            = avgCostPerWordInTotal,
                            Epoch                     = ep,
                            Update                    = m_weightsUpdateCount,
                            ProcessedSentencesInTotal = processedLineInTotal,
                            ProcessedWordsInTotal     = srcWordCnts + tgtWordCnts,
                            StartDateTime             = startDateTime

                    // Evaluate model every hour and save it if we could get a better one.
                    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - lastCheckPointDateTime;
                    if (ts.TotalHours > 1.0)
                        CreateCheckPoint(validCorpus, metrics, modelMetaData, ForwardOnSingleDevice, avgCostPerWordInTotal);
                        lastCheckPointDateTime = DateTime.Now;


            Logger.WriteLine(Logger.Level.info, ConsoleColor.Green, $"Epoch '{ep}' took '{DateTime.Now - startDateTime}' time to finish. AvgCost = {avgCostPerWordInTotal.ToString("F6")}, AvgCostInLastEpoch = {m_avgCostPerWordInTotalInLastEpoch.ToString("F6")}");

            CreateCheckPoint(validCorpus, metrics, modelMetaData, ForwardOnSingleDevice, avgCostPerWordInTotal);
            m_avgCostPerWordInTotalInLastEpoch = avgCostPerWordInTotal;