public async Task OnExport() { var view = (MessageViewModel)IoC.Get <IModule>(); view.Title = "Info"; var merge = new ILMerging.ILMerge(); if (Items is null || MainFilePath is null || ExportFileName is null || ExportPath is null || Items.Count < 1 || MainFilePath.Length < 1 || ExportPath.Length < 1 || ExportFileName.Length < 1) { view.Content = "配置错误"; windowManager.ShowDialog(view); return; } var data = Items.ToList <string>(); data.Add(MainFilePath); merge.SetInputAssemblies(data.ToArray()); var outpath = Path.Combine(ExportPath, ExportFileName); FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(outpath); if (!fileInfo.Extension.Contains("dll")) { MessageBox.Show("the extension of the output file name must be dll."); return; } merge.OutputFile = outpath; merge.SetTargetPlatform("v4", string.Empty); merge.TargetKind = ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind.SameAsPrimaryAssembly; var info = string.Empty; await Task.Run(() => { try { merge.Merge(); info = "successfully"; windowManager.ShowDialog(view); } catch (Exception ex) { info = ex.Message; } }); view.Content = info; windowManager.ShowDialog(view); }
public ActionResult Index(List<string> pacote) { var pacotesDictionary = this.GetPacotes().ToDictionary(c => c.Id); var pacotes = (from p in pacote orderby p != "common" select pacotesDictionary[p]).ToList(); var merge = new ILMerging.ILMerge(); merge.KeyFile = Server.MapPath("MTO.snk"); var path = Server.MapPath("/bin/"); var input = (from p in pacotes select path + "MTO.Practices." + p.Name + ".dll").ToArray(); merge.SetInputAssemblies(input); merge.OutputFile = Server.MapPath("/tmp/") + "MTO.Practices.dll"; merge.SetTargetPlatform("v4", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0"); merge.Merge(); return File(merge.OutputFile, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, Path.GetFileName(merge.OutputFile)); }
protected override void ExecuteTask() { if( InputAssemblies.FileNames.Count == 0 ) { Log( Level.Error, "At least one assembly must be included" ); return; } var merger = new ILMerging.ILMerge(); merger.AttributeFile = AttributeFile; merger.Closed = Closed; merger.CopyAttributes = CopyAttributes; merger.DebugInfo = DebugInfo; merger.ExcludeFile = ExcludeFile; merger.Internalize = Internalize; merger.LogFile = LogFile; merger.Log = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( _logFile ); merger.OutputFile = OutputFile; merger.KeyFile = KeyFile; if( TargetPlatform != null && TargetPlatformDirectory != null ) merger.SetTargetPlatform( TargetPlatform, TargetPlatformDirectory ); if( LibraryPath != null) merger.SetSearchDirectories( LibraryPath.DirectoryNames.Cast<string>().ToArray() ); merger.SetInputAssemblies( InputAssemblies.FileNames.Cast<string>().ToArray() ); switch( TargetKind.ToLower()) { case "winexe": merger.TargetKind = ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind.WinExe; break; case "exe": merger.TargetKind = ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind.Exe; break; case "dll": merger.TargetKind = ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind.Dll; break; case "sameasprimary": merger.TargetKind = ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind.SameAsPrimaryAssembly; break; default: throw new BuildException( "TargetKind must be either exe, dll, winexe or sameasprimary" ); } try { Log( Level.Info, "Merging assemblies to {0}.", OutputFile ); merger.Merge(); } catch( Exception e ) { throw new BuildException( "Failed to merge assemblies", e ); } }
private void Merge() { string allfiles = this.InputAssemblies.Get(this.ActivityContext).Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, assembly) => current + (assembly + " ")); this.LogBuildMessage("Merging " + allfiles + " into " + this.OutputFile.Get(this.ActivityContext)); ILMerging.ILMerge m = new ILMerging.ILMerge(); if (this.AllowDuplicateTypes.Expression != null) { foreach (string allowDuplicateType in this.AllowDuplicateTypes.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.AllowDuplicateType(allowDuplicateType); } } if (this.AllowZeroPeKind.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.AllowZeroPeKind = true; } if (this.AttributeFile.Expression != null) { m.AttributeFile = this.AttributeFile.Get(this.ActivityContext); } if (this.Closed.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.Closed = true; } if (this.CopyAttributes.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.CopyAttributes = true; } if (!this.DebugInfo.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.DebugInfo = true; } if (this.DelaySign.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.DelaySign = true; } if (this.ExcludeFile.Expression != null) { m.Internalize = true; m.ExcludeFile = this.ExcludeFile.Get(this.ActivityContext); } else if (this.Internalize.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.Internalize = true; } if (this.KeyFile.Expression != null) { m.KeyFile = this.KeyFile.Get(this.ActivityContext); } if (this.LogFile.Expression != null) { m.LogFile = this.LogFile.Get(this.ActivityContext); } if (this.PublicKeyTokens.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.PublicKeyTokens = true; } if (this.TargetPlatformVersion.Expression != null) { m.SetTargetPlatform(this.TargetPlatformVersion.Get(this.ActivityContext), this.TargetPlatformDirectory.Get(this.ActivityContext)); } m.TargetKind = (ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind)Enum.Parse(typeof(ILMerging.ILMerge.Kind), this.TargetKind.Get(this.ActivityContext).ToString()); if (this.UnionMerge.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.UnionMerge = true; } if (this.Version.Expression != null) { m.Version = new Version(this.Version.Get(this.ActivityContext)); } if (this.XmlDocs.Get(this.ActivityContext)) { m.XmlDocumentation = true; } if (this.SearchDirectories.Expression != null) { var directories = this.SearchDirectories.Get(this.ActivityContext).Split(';'); m.SetSearchDirectories(directories); } m.FileAlignment = this.FileAlignment.Get(this.ActivityContext); m.OutputFile = this.OutputFile.Get(this.ActivityContext); m.SetInputAssemblies(this.InputAssemblies.Get(this.ActivityContext).ToArray()); m.Merge(); this.StrongNameLost.Set(this.ActivityContext, m.StrongNameLost); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { String strDir = ""; if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: HTMerge directoryName"); return; } else { strDir = args[0]; } String[] exeFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(strDir, "*.exe"); String[] dllFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(strDir, "*.dll"); ArrayList ar = new ArrayList(); Boolean bAdded = false; //there might be more than 1 exe file, //we go for the first one that isn't the vshost exe foreach (String strExe in exeFiles) { if (!strExe.Contains("vshost")) { ar.Add(strExe); bAdded = true; break; } } if (!bAdded) { Console.WriteLine("Error: No exe could be found"); //I know multiple returns are bad… return; } bAdded = false; foreach (String strDLL in dllFiles) { ar.Add(strDLL); bAdded = true; } //no point merging if nothing to merge with! if (!bAdded) { Console.WriteLine("Error: No DLLs could be found"); //I know multiple returns are bad… return; } //You will need to add a reference to ILMerge.exe from Microsoft //See ILMerging.ILMerge myMerge = new ILMerging.ILMerge(); myMerge.AllowZeroPeKind = true; String[] files = (String[])ar.ToArray(typeof(string)); String strTargetDir = strDir + "\\Merged"; try { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(strTargetDir); } catch { } //Here we get the first file name //(which was the .exe file) and use that // as the output String strOutputFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(files[0]); myMerge.OutputFile = strTargetDir + "\\" + strOutputFile; myMerge.SetInputAssemblies(files); myMerge.Merge(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Error :{0}", ex.Message)); } }