コード例 #1
ファイル: DepthExtensions.cs プロジェクト: maria-chang/psi
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a ray/mesh intersection with the depth map
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kinectCalibration">Defines the calibration (extrinsics and intrinsics) for the Kinect</param>
        /// <param name="line">Ray to intersect against depth map</param>
        /// <param name="depthImage">Depth map to ray cast against</param>
        /// <param name="skipFactor">Distance to march on each step along ray</param>
        /// <param name="undistort">Should undistortion be applied to the point?</param>
        /// <returns>Returns point of intersection</returns>
        internal static Point3D?IntersectLineWithDepthMesh(IKinectCalibration kinectCalibration, Line3D line, Image depthImage, double skipFactor, bool undistort = true)
            // max distance to check for intersection with the scene
            double totalDistance = 5;
            var    delta         = skipFactor * (line.EndPoint - line.StartPoint).Normalize();

            // size of increment along the ray
            int maxSteps        = (int)(totalDistance / delta.Length);
            var hypothesisPoint = line.StartPoint;

            for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++)
                hypothesisPoint += delta;

                // get the mesh distance at the extended point
                float meshDistance = DepthExtensions.GetMeshDepthAtPoint(kinectCalibration, depthImage, hypothesisPoint, undistort);

                // if the mesh distance is less than the distance to the point we've hit the mesh
                if (!float.IsNaN(meshDistance) && (meshDistance < hypothesisPoint.Z))

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup Kinect.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetupKinect()
            using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
                this.sensor = new KinectSensor(pipeline, new KinectSensorConfiguration()
                    OutputCalibration = true, OutputBodies = true, OutputColor = true
                var calibration = this.sensor.Calibration.Do((kc) => this.calibration = kc.DeepClone());

コード例 #3
ファイル: DepthExtensions.cs プロジェクト: maria-chang/psi
        private static float GetMeshDepthAtPoint(IKinectCalibration kinectCalibration, Image depthImage, Point3D point, bool undistort)
            Point2D depthSpacePoint = kinectCalibration.DepthIntrinsics.ToPixelSpace(point, undistort);

            // depthSpacePoint = new Point2D(depthSpacePoint.X, kinectCalibration.DepthIntrinsics.ImageHeight - depthSpacePoint.Y);
            int x = (int)Math.Round(depthSpacePoint.X);
            int y = (int)Math.Round(depthSpacePoint.Y);

            if ((x < 0) || (x >= depthImage.Width) || (y < 0) || (y >= depthImage.Height))

            int byteOffset = (int)((y * depthImage.Stride) + (x * 2));
            var depth      = BitConverter.ToUInt16(depthImage.ReadBytes(2, byteOffset), 0);

            if (depth == 0)

            return((float)depth / 1000);
コード例 #4
        public void GenerateTexturedMappedMesh()
            // Setup Kinect
            using (var pipeline = Pipeline.Create())
                this.sensor = new KinectSensor(pipeline, new KinectSensorConfiguration()
                    OutputCalibration = true, OutputBodies = true, OutputColor = true, OutputDepth = true
                var calibration = this.sensor.Calibration.Do((kc) => this.calibration = kc.DeepClone());
                this.sensor.ColorImage.Do((image) =>
                    if (this.lastColor == null)
                        this.lastColor = image.AddRef();
                var c = this.sensor.DepthImage.Do((image) =>
                    if (this.lastImage == null)
                        this.lastImage = image.AddRef();

                    if (this.lastImage != null && this.lastColor != null && this.calibration != null)
                        var mesh      = Test.Psi.Kinect.Mesh.MeshFromDepthMap(this.lastImage, this.lastColor, this.calibration);
                        int faceCount = 0;
                        foreach (var face in mesh.Faces)
                            if (face.Valid)

                        bool writePLY = false;
                        if (writePLY)
                            string temppath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
                            string fn       = temppath + @"\Mesh-New-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yy.HH.mm.ss") + ".ply";
                            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fn))
                                file.WriteLine("format ascii 1.0");
                                file.WriteLine("element vertex " + mesh.NumberVertices.ToString());
                                file.WriteLine("property float x");
                                file.WriteLine("property float y");
                                file.WriteLine("property float z");
                                file.WriteLine("property uchar red");
                                file.WriteLine("property uchar green");
                                file.WriteLine("property uchar blue");
                                file.WriteLine("element face " + faceCount.ToString());
                                file.WriteLine("property list uchar int vertex_indices");
                                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.NumberVertices; i++)
                                            "{0:f2} {1:f2} {2:f2} {3:d} {4:d} {5:d}",

                                for (int i = 0; i < mesh.NumberFaces; i++)
                                    if (mesh.Faces[i].Valid)
                                        file.Write("3 ");
                                        int edgeIndex = mesh.Faces[i].Edge;
                                        file.Write(mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Head.ToString() + " ");
                                        edgeIndex = mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Cw;
                                        file.Write(mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Head.ToString() + " ");
                                        edgeIndex = mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Cw;
コード例 #5
        private void CoordinateMapper_CoordinateMappingChanged(object sender, CoordinateMappingChangedEventArgs e)
            if (this.DepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable.HasSubscribers)
                this.DepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable.Post(this.kinectSensor.CoordinateMapper.GetDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable(), this.pipeline.GetCurrentTime());

            if (this.configuration.OutputCalibration)
                if (!this.calibrationPosted)
                    // Extract and created old style calibration
                    var kinectInternalCalibration = new KinectInternalCalibration();

                    Matrix <double> colorCameraMatrix = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(3, 3);

                    Matrix <double> depthCameraMatrix = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(3, 3);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            colorCameraMatrix[i, j] = kinectInternalCalibration.colorCameraMatrix[i, j];
                            depthCameraMatrix[i, j] = kinectInternalCalibration.depthCameraMatrix[i, j];

                    Vector <double> colorLensDistortion = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(5);

                    Vector <double> depthLensDistortion = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(5);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        colorLensDistortion[i] = kinectInternalCalibration.colorLensDistortion[i];
                        depthLensDistortion[i] = kinectInternalCalibration.depthLensDistortion[i];

                    Matrix <double> depthToColorTransform = Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(4, 4);

                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                            depthToColorTransform[i, j] = kinectInternalCalibration.depthToColorTransform[i, j];

                    // Extract and create new style calibration
                    this.kinectCalibration = new KinectCalibration(

                    /* Warning about comments being preceded by blank line */
#pragma warning disable SA1515
                    // KinectCalibrationOld's original ToColorSpace() method flips the Y axis (height-Y). To account
                    // for this we adjust our Transform.
                    //                        Matrix<double> flipY = Matrix<double>.Build.DenseIdentity(3, 3);
                    //                        flipY[1, 1] = -1.0;
                    //                        flipY[1, 2] = this.kinectSensor.ColorFrameSource.FrameDescription.Height;
                    //                        this.kinectCalibration.ColorIntrinsics.Transform = flipY * this.kinectCalibration.ColorIntrinsics.Transform;
#pragma warning restore SA1515

                    this.Calibration.Post(this.kinectCalibration, this.pipeline.GetCurrentTime());
                    this.calibrationPosted = true;
コード例 #6
        public static Mesh MeshFromDepthMap(Shared <Image> depthMap, Shared <Image> colorData, IKinectCalibration calib)
            Mesh mesh   = new Mesh();
            int  width  = depthMap.Resource.Width;
            int  height = depthMap.Resource.Height;

            mesh.Vertices = new Vertex[width * height];
            bool[] vertexValid = new bool[width * height];
            mesh.Faces = new Face[2 * (width - 1) * (height - 1)];
            byte[] depthData = depthMap.Resource.ReadBytes(depthMap.Resource.Size);
            byte[] pixelData = colorData.Resource.ReadBytes(colorData.Resource.Size);
            int    count     = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                        ushort *src   = (ushort *)((byte *)depthMap.Resource.ImageData.ToPointer() + (i * depthMap.Resource.Stride)) + j;
                        ushort  depth = *src;
                        Point2D pt    = new Point2D(j, i);
                        vertexValid[count]         = (depth == 0) ? false : true;
                        mesh.Vertices[count].Pos   = new Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                        mesh.Vertices[count].Color = new Point3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                        if (depth != 0)
                            DepthSpacePoint depthPt;
                            depthPt.X = j;
                            depthPt.Y = i;
                            Point2D pixelCoord;

                            // Determine vertex position+color via new calibration
                            Point2D newpt = new Point2D(pt.X, calib.DepthIntrinsics.ImageHeight - pt.Y);
                            Point3D p     = calib.DepthIntrinsics.ToCameraSpace(newpt, depth, true);
                            mesh.Vertices[count].Pos = new Point3D(p.X / 1000.0, p.Y / 1000.0, p.Z / 1000.0);

                            Vector <double> pos = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(4);

                            pos[0] = mesh.Vertices[count].Pos.X;
                            pos[1] = mesh.Vertices[count].Pos.Y;
                            pos[2] = mesh.Vertices[count].Pos.Z;
                            pos[3] = 1.0;

                            pos = calib.ColorExtrinsics * pos;
                            Point3D clrPt = new Point3D(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
                            pixelCoord = calib.ColorIntrinsics.ToPixelSpace(clrPt, true);
                            if (pixelCoord.X >= 0 && pixelCoord.X < colorData.Resource.Width &&
                                pixelCoord.Y >= 0 && pixelCoord.Y < colorData.Resource.Height)
                                byte *pixel = ((byte *)colorData.Resource.ImageData.ToPointer() + ((int)pixelCoord.Y * colorData.Resource.Stride)) + 4 * (int)pixelCoord.X;
                                mesh.Vertices[count].Color = new Point3D((double)(int)*(pixel + 2), (double)(int)*(pixel + 1), (double)(int)*pixel);


            count = 0;

            // Create our edge list
            // There are 6 edges per quad along with the edges
            // around the outside of the entire image (2*(width+height-2) edges)
            //     <------   <------
            //   X ------> X ------> X
            //  |^   0   //||   6   //||
            //  ||      // ||      // ||
            //  ||2   1//  ||8   7//  ||
            //  ||    //   ||    //   ||
            //  ||   //3  4||   //9 10||
            //  ||  //     ||  //     ||
            //  v| //  5   v| //  11  v|
            //   X <------ X <------ X
            //     ------>   ------>
            //  |^   12  //||   18  //||
            //  ||      // ||      // ||
            //  ||14 13//  ||20 19//  ||
            //  ||    // 16||    // 22||
            //  ||   //15  ||   //21  ||
            //  ||  //     ||  //     ||
            //  v| //  17  v| //  23  v|
            //   X <------ X <------ X
            //     ------>   ------>
            int edgeOffset = (width - 1) * (height - 1) * 6;
            int numEdges   = edgeOffset + 2 * (width - 1) + 2 * (height - 1);

            mesh.Edges = new HalfEdge[numEdges];
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; i++)
                mesh.Edges[i] = default(HalfEdge);

            int faceIndex = 0;
            int edgeIndex = 0;

            // Create our edge list
            for (int j = 0; j < height - 1; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < width - 1; i++)
                    mesh.Faces[faceIndex] = default(Face);

                    mesh.Faces[faceIndex].Valid =
                        vertexValid[j * width + i + 1] &&
                        vertexValid[(j + 1) * width + i] &&
                        vertexValid[j * width + i];

                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Ccw  = edgeIndex + 2;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Cw   = edgeIndex + 1;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Face = faceIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Head = j * width + i + 1;
                    if (j == 0)
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeOffset + i;
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeIndex - width * 6 + 5;

                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Ccw  = edgeIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Cw   = edgeIndex + 2;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Face = faceIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Head = (j + 1) * width + i;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Opp  = edgeIndex + 3;

                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Ccw  = edgeIndex + 1;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Cw   = edgeIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Face = faceIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Head = j * width + i;
                    if (i == 0)
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeOffset + (width - 1) + j;
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeIndex - 4;

                    mesh.Faces[faceIndex].Edge = edgeIndex;
                    edgeIndex += 3;

                    mesh.Faces[faceIndex] = default(Face);

                    mesh.Faces[faceIndex].Valid =
                        vertexValid[j * width + i + 1] &&
                        vertexValid[(j + 1) * width + i + 1] &&
                        vertexValid[(j + 1) * width + i];

                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Ccw  = edgeIndex + 2;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Cw   = edgeIndex + 1;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Face = faceIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Head = j * width + i + 1;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp  = edgeIndex - 2;

                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Ccw  = edgeIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Cw   = edgeIndex + 2;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Face = faceIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 1].Head = (j + 1) * width + i + 1;
                    if (i == width - 1)
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeOffset + (width - 1) + (height - 1) + j;
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeIndex + 4;

                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Ccw  = edgeIndex + 1;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Cw   = edgeIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Face = faceIndex;
                    mesh.Edges[edgeIndex + 2].Head = (j + 1) * width + i;
                    if (j == height - 1)
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeOffset + (width - 1) + 2 * (height - 1) + i;
                        mesh.Edges[edgeIndex].Opp = edgeIndex + (width - 1) * 6 - 5;

                    mesh.Faces[faceIndex].Edge = edgeIndex;
                    edgeIndex += 3;

            // Link up outer edges... first top edges
            int prevEdge = edgeOffset + width;
            int edge     = edgeOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < width - 1; i++)
                mesh.Edges[edge].Cw   = prevEdge;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Ccw  = edge + 1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Opp  = i * 6;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Face = -1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Head = i;
                prevEdge = edge;

            // next the left edges
            prevEdge = edgeOffset;
            for (int i = 0; i < height - 1; i++)
                mesh.Edges[edge].Cw   = edge + 1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Ccw  = prevEdge;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Opp  = i * (width - 1) * 6 + 2;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Face = -1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Head = width * (i + 1);
                prevEdge = edge;

            // next the right edges
            prevEdge = edgeOffset + (width - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < height - 1; i++)
                mesh.Edges[edge].Ccw  = edge + 1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Cw   = prevEdge;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Opp  = i * (width - 1) * 6 - 2;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Face = -1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Head = i * width - 1;
                prevEdge = edge;

            // finally the bottom edges
            prevEdge = edgeOffset + (width - 1) + (height - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < width - 1; i++)
                mesh.Edges[edge].Cw   = edge + 1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Ccw  = prevEdge;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Opp  = (height - 2) * (width - 1) * 6 + i * 6 + 5;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Face = -1;
                mesh.Edges[edge].Head = (height - 1) * width + i;
                prevEdge = edge;
