コード例 #1
        // METHOD: Execute
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            // Verify whether an AOI has been defined for the current job

                // Get the current job
                IJTXJobManager pJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXJob2       pJob        = pJobManager.GetJob(jobID) as IJTXJob2;

                // Check if AOI exists
                if (pJob.AOIExtent != null)
                    // AOI exists
                    // AOI does not exist
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // Close the requested job
                IJTXJobManager     jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXJob3           job        = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobToClose) as IJTXJob3;
                IJTXConfiguration3 configMgr  = this.WmxDatabase.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;

                if (job.Stage != jtxJobStage.jtxJobStageClosed && !job.CanClose())
                    throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_CANNOT_CLOSE_JOB_ERROR);

                msgs.AddMessage("Closing job " + m_jobToClose + " (" + job.Name + ")");

                // Once the job is closed, do the other things that still need to be handled
                // separately (status updates, notifications, ...)
                Common.WmauHelperFunctions.UpdateJobStatus(this.WmxDatabase, job);


                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_JOB_CLOSED);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobToClose;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #3
        // METHOD: Execute
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            // Verify whether the current job has a version or not

            // Get the current job
            IJTXJobManager pJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob2       pJob        = pJobManager.GetJob(jobID) as IJTXJob2;

            // Check for a data workspace
            IJTXDataWorkspaceName pJobDataWorkspace = pJob.ActiveDatabase;

            if (pJobDataWorkspace == null)
                MessageBox.Show("No data workspace selected for job");

            // Check if version exists
            if (pJob.VersionExists())
                MessageBox.Show("Job version has been defined");
                MessageBox.Show("No version defined for job");
コード例 #4
        // METHOD: Execute
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            // Present form to user for choosing the data workspace
            //    they want to work with for the current job.

            JTXSamples.DataWorkspaceSelectorDialog frmDataWSSelector = new JTXSamples.DataWorkspaceSelectorDialog();
            frmDataWSSelector.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;

            // Populate the list of data workspaces configured for the JTX system
            IJTXDatabaseConnectionManager pDBConnManager = new JTXDatabaseConnectionManagerClass();
            IJTXDatabaseConnection        pDBConnection  = pDBConnManager.GetConnection(m_ipDatabase.Alias);

            for (int a = 0; a < pDBConnection.DataWorkspaceCount; a++)
                IJTXWorkspaceConfiguration pDataWorkspace = pDBConnection.get_DataWorkspace(a);
                frmDataWSSelector.DWName = pDataWorkspace.Name;

            // Pass some other information to the form
            frmDataWSSelector.JTXDB = m_ipDatabase;

            IJTXJobManager pJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob2       pJob        = pJobManager.GetJob(jobID) as IJTXJob2;

            frmDataWSSelector.theJob = pJob;

            if (frmDataWSSelector.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // Assign the requested job
                IJTXJobManager     jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXConfiguration3 configMgr  = this.WmxDatabase.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;
                IJTXJob3           job        = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobId) as IJTXJob3;

                // As of Jan. 2011, the core Workflow Manager libraries do not
                // seem to check if the user has the privilege to add a comment
                // if a job as a hold on it.  So run the check here.
                IJTXJobHolds jobHolds = job as IJTXJobHolds;
                if (jobHolds.Holds != null &&
                    jobHolds.Holds.Count > 0 &&
                    throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_NO_ADD_COMMENTS_HELD_JOBS_ERROR);

                // If we get this far, then add the comment to the job.
                IJTXActivityType commentType = configMgr.GetActivityType(ESRI.ArcGIS.JTX.Utilities.Constants.ACTTYPE_COMMENT);
                job.LogJobAction(commentType, null, m_comment);

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_JOB_ID);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobId;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // Assign the requested job
                IJTXJobManager         jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXWorkflowExecution3 jobExec    = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobId) as IJTXWorkflowExecution3;

                // Don't try to deal with the case of multiple active steps
                int[] currentStepIds = jobExec.GetCurrentSteps();
                if (currentStepIds.Length != 1)
                    throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_NO_OR_MULTIPLE_STEPS_ERROR);

                jobExec.RunStepChecks(currentStepIds[0], true);
                IJTXExecuteInfo execInfo = jobExec.RunStep(currentStepIds[0], false, true, false, this);
                if (execInfo.ThrewError)
                    throw new WmauException(
                              new Exception(execInfo.ErrorCode.ToString() + ": " + execInfo.ErrorDescription));

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_JOB_ID);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobId;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int JobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_ipDatabase != null);

            if (!ConfigurationCache.IsInitialized)

            IJTXJobManager jobMan      = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob2       m_ParentJob = (IJTXJob2)jobMan.GetJob(JobID);

            if (!GetInputParams(argv))

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            IJTXJobManager    ipJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXConfiguration ipConfig     = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;
            IJTXJob           ipJob        = ipJobManager.GetJob(jobID);

            string strAssignType = "";
            string strAssignTo   = "";

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strAssignType))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[0]));

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strAssignTo))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[1], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[1]));

            if (strAssignType == "group")
                if (ipConfig.GetUserGroup(strAssignTo) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(m_expectedArgs[1], string.Format("\nThe group {0} is not a group defined in the JTX database!", strAssignTo));

                ipJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup;
                if (ipConfig.GetUser(strAssignTo) == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(m_expectedArgs[1], string.Format("\nThe user {0} is not a user defined in the JTX database!", strAssignTo));

                ipJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser;

            ipJob.AssignedTo = strAssignTo;

コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            // Get the arguments
            string sHoldTypeName = "";
            string sHoldRemarks  = "";

            bool bHoldType = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "HoldType", true, out sHoldTypeName);

            if (!bHoldType)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid arguments entered. No hold type entered.");
            bool bHoldRemarks = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, "HoldRemarks", true, out sHoldRemarks);

            // Get the hold type
            IJTXConfiguration pJTXConfig = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;
            IJTXHoldType      pHoldType  = pJTXConfig.GetHoldType(sHoldTypeName);

            if (pHoldType == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Invalid hold type name entered: " + sHoldTypeName);

            // Get the job
            IJTXJobManager pJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob        pJob        = pJobManager.GetJob(jobID);
            IJTXJobHolds   pJobHolds   = pJob as IJTXJobHolds;

            // Add new job hold
            IJTXJobHold pNewHold = pJobHolds.CreateHold(pHoldType);

            if (bHoldRemarks)
                pNewHold.HoldComments = sHoldRemarks;

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

                // Send the notification
                IJTXJobManager jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                    m_notificationName, this.WmxDatabase, jobManager.GetJob(m_jobId));

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_JOB_ID);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobId;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            if (jobID <= 0)
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("JobID", jobID, "Job ID must be a positive value"));

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_ipDatabase != null);

            IJTXJobManager pJobMan = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob2       pJob    = pJobMan.GetJob(jobID) as IJTXJob2;

            // Make sure all the information exists to create this verion
            if (pJob.ActiveDatabase == null)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Job does not have a data workspace");
            if (pJob.ParentVersion == "")
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Job does not have a parent version");
            string strVersionNameOverride;
            bool   bVNOverride = StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strVersionNameOverride);

            if (pJob.VersionName == "" & !bVNOverride)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The job does not have a version name");

            IVersion pNewVersion;
            string   strVersionName;

            if (bVNOverride)
                strVersionName = strVersionNameOverride;
                strVersionName = pJob.VersionName;

            int index = strVersionName.IndexOf(".", 0);

            if (index >= 0)
                strVersionName = strVersionName.Substring(index + 1);

            esriVersionAccess verAccess   = esriVersionAccess.esriVersionAccessPrivate;
            string            strVerScope = "";

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strVerScope))
                strVerScope = strVerScope.ToLower().Trim();

                if (strVerScope == "public")
                    verAccess = esriVersionAccess.esriVersionAccessPublic;
                else if (strVerScope == "protected")
                    verAccess = esriVersionAccess.esriVersionAccessProtected;

            pJob.VersionName = strVersionName;
            pNewVersion      = pJob.CreateVersion(verAccess);

            if (pNewVersion == null)
                throw (new System.SystemException("Unable to create version"));

            IPropertySet pOverrides = new PropertySetClass();

            pOverrides.SetProperty("[VERSION]", pNewVersion.VersionName);
            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_CREATE_VERSION);

            if (pActType != null)
                pJob.LogJobAction(pActType, pOverrides, "");

            JTXUtilities.SendNotification(Constants.NOTIF_VERSION_CREATED, m_ipDatabase, pJob, pOverrides);


コード例 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            JTXOverdueNotification prog = new JTXOverdueNotification();

            if (prog.CheckoutLicense())
                    // Arguments list
                    // /NotifType:<Notification type to send>
                    // example: JTXOverdueNotification.exe /NotifType:OverdueJob

                    object[] pArgObjects = args as object[];

                    // Get some variables ready
                    string sNotificationTypeName = "";

                    StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref pArgObjects, "NotifType", true, out sNotificationTypeName);
                    if (sNotificationTypeName == "")
                        Console.WriteLine("A notification type must be entered.");

                    IJTXDatabaseManager jtxDBMan   = new JTXDatabaseManagerClass();
                    IJTXDatabase        pJTXDB     = jtxDBMan.GetActiveDatabase(false);
                    IJTXConfiguration   pJTXConfig = pJTXDB.ConfigurationManager;

                    // Create a simple query to find jobs that were due before today
                    IQueryFilter pQF = new QueryFilterClass();

                    // NOTE #1: Verify the date format matches your selected RDBMS
                    // NOTE #2: Verify the status id for 'Closed' with the JTX Administrator
                    pQF.WhereClause = "DUE_DATE < '" + DateTime.Today.ToString() + "'" + " AND STATUS <> 9";

                    // Get the notification type for the notification that will be sent
                    IJTXNotificationConfiguration pNotificationConfig = pJTXConfig as IJTXNotificationConfiguration;
                    IJTXNotificationType          pNotificationType   = pNotificationConfig.GetNotificationType(sNotificationTypeName);
                    if (pNotificationType == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter a valid notification type.");

                    // Get the job manager to execute the query and find the jobs in question
                    IJTXJobManager pJobManager = pJTXDB.JobManager;
                    IJTXJobSet     pJobs       = pJobManager.GetJobsByQuery(pQF);

                    for (int a = 0; a < pJobs.Count; a++)
                        IJTXJob pJob = pJobs.Next();

                        // Send it!
                        JTXUtilities.SendNotification(sNotificationTypeName, pJTXDB, pJob, null);
                catch (Exception except)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + except.Message);
コード例 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // Assign the requested job
                IJTXJobManager     jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXJob3           job        = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobId) as IJTXJob3;
                IJTXConfiguration3 configMgr  = this.WmxDatabase.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;

                jtxAssignmentType assigneeType;
                string            descriptionStr;
                string            assigneeStr;
                if (m_assigneeType.Equals(C_OPT_ASSIGN_TO_GROUP))
                    assigneeType   = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup;
                    assigneeStr    = m_assignee;
                    descriptionStr = "group '" + assigneeStr + "'";
                else if (m_assigneeType.Equals(C_OPT_ASSIGN_TO_USER))
                    assigneeType   = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser;
                    assigneeStr    = m_assignee;
                    descriptionStr = "user '" + assigneeStr + "'";
                    assigneeType   = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUnassigned;
                    assigneeStr    = string.Empty;
                    descriptionStr = "no one (unassigned)";

                msgs.AddMessage("Assigning job " + m_jobId + " (" + job.Name + ") to " + descriptionStr);
                job.AssignedType = assigneeType;
                job.AssignedTo   = assigneeStr;

                // Do the other things that still need to be handled manually, such as logging
                // the job's reassignment and sending any necessary notifications.

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_JOB_ID);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobId;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #14
        // METHOD: SetJobProperties
        private IJTXJob SetJobProperties(IJTXJobManager pJobMan, IJTXJob pJob, IJTXJob2 pParentJob)
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before LogJobAction (CreateJobs)");

            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_COMMENT);

            pParentJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null,
                String.Format(Properties.Resources.ActTypeMessage, pJob.ID.ToString()));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties))
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Create Extended Properties");

                ExtendedPropertyIdentifier childExProps = new ExtendedPropertyIdentifier();
                    ParseExtendedPropertiesParam(out childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to read parent job's extended property. Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pParentJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                    CreateExtendedPropertyRecord(pJob, childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to set child job's extended property. Child Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Create Extended Properties");

            // Create dependencies on parent job if configured 
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Setting Dependencies");

            if (m_paramDependNextStep || m_paramDependThisStep)
                IJTXJobDependencies ipDependencyManager = pJobMan as IJTXJobDependencies;
                CreateDependencyOnParentJob(ipDependencyManager, pParentJob, pJob.ID);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Setting Dependencies");

            // Create or assign version if configured 
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Versioning");

            if (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pJob.ParentVersion) && 
                    (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion || pParentJob.VersionExists()))
                    CreateChildVersion(ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not create version.  Please ensure parent data workspace and versions are set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            else if (m_paramAssignVersionType != AssignVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null)
                    AssignChildVersion(pParentJob, ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not assign version.  Please ensure parent data workspace is set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Versioning");

            // Store the job and save the changes
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Storing Job");
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Storing Job");
            return pJob;
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a step of this type is executed in the workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="JobID">ID of the job being executed</param>
        /// <param name="StepID">ID of the step being executed</param>
        /// <param name="argv">Array of arguments passed into the step's execution</param>
        /// <param name="ipFeedback">Feedback object to return status messages and files</param>
        /// <returns>Return code of execution for workflow path traversal</returns>
        public int Execute(int JobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(m_ipDatabase != null);

            string strValue  = "";
            int    jobTypeID = 0;

            if (!StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[0], true, out strValue))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], string.Format("\nMissing the {0} parameter!", m_expectedArgs[0]));

            if (!Int32.TryParse(strValue, out jobTypeID))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(m_expectedArgs[0], "Argument must be an integrer!");

            IJTXJobType    pJobType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetJobTypeByID(jobTypeID);
            IJTXJobManager pJobMan  = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob        pNewJob  = pJobMan.CreateJob(pJobType, 0, true);

            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_CREATE_JOB);

            if (pActType != null)
                pNewJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null, "");

            JTXUtilities.SendNotification(Constants.NOTIF_JOB_CREATED, m_ipDatabase, pNewJob, null);

            // Assign a status to the job if the Auto Assign Job Status setting is enabled
            IJTXConfigurationProperties pConfigProps = (IJTXConfigurationProperties)m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager;

            if (pConfigProps.PropertyExists(Constants.JTX_PROPERTY_AUTO_STATUS_ASSIGN))
                string strAutoAssign = pConfigProps.GetProperty(Constants.JTX_PROPERTY_AUTO_STATUS_ASSIGN);
                if (strAutoAssign == "TRUE")
                    pNewJob.Status = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetStatus("Created");

            // Associate the current job with the new job with a parent-child relationship
            pNewJob.ParentJob = JobID;

            // Assign the job as specified in the arguments
            string strAssignTo = "";

            if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[1], true, out strAssignTo))
                pNewJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup;
                pNewJob.AssignedTo   = strAssignTo;
            else if (StepUtilities.GetArgument(ref argv, m_expectedArgs[2], true, out strAssignTo))
                pNewJob.AssignedType = jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser;
                pNewJob.AssignedTo   = strAssignTo;

            // Copy the workflow to the new job
            WorkflowUtilities.CopyWorkflowXML(m_ipDatabase, pNewJob);

            // Create 1-1 extended property entries
            IJTXAuxProperties pAuxProps = (IJTXAuxProperties)pNewJob;

            System.Array contNames     = pAuxProps.ContainerNames;
            IEnumerator  contNamesEnum = contNames.GetEnumerator();


            while (contNamesEnum.MoveNext())
                string strContainerName = (string)contNamesEnum.Current;
                IJTXAuxRecordContainer pAuxContainer = pAuxProps.GetRecordContainer(strContainerName);
                if (pAuxContainer.RelationshipType == esriRelCardinality.esriRelCardinalityOneToOne)

            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 1000, System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowTitle);

            // Update Application message about the new job
            if (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowTitle.Length > 0) //if its not running in server
                MessageBox.Show("Created " + pJobType.Name + " Job " + pNewJob.ID, "Job Created", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

コード例 #16
        private int addAttachments(int jobID, int stepID, ref object[] argv, ref IJTXCustomStepFeedback ipFeedback)
            // Get a handle to the job
            IJTXJobManager pJobManager = m_ipDatabase.JobManager;
            IJTXJob2       pJob        = pJobManager.GetJob(jobID) as IJTXJob2;
            IJTXJob2       pParentJob  = pJobManager.GetJob(pJob.ParentJob) as IJTXJob2;

            // Prompt the user to choose whether the attachment should be embedded
            // into the database or merely stored as a URL, UNC path, etc.
            AttachmentTypeDialog atd = new AttachmentTypeDialog();

            // Check to see if this job has a parent.  If so, enable the "attach to parent" dialog.
            if (pParentJob == null)
                atd.EnableSelectParent = false;
                atd.EnableSelectParent = true;

            if (atd.isNoneSelected())

            // Set the file storage type, according to what the user selected.
            bool embedAttachment = atd.isEmbeddedSelected();
            jtxFileStorageType fileStorageType;

            if (embedAttachment)
                fileStorageType = jtxFileStorageType.jtxStoreInDB;
                fileStorageType = jtxFileStorageType.jtxStoreAsLink;

            // Prompt the user to select the file(s) to be attached.
            System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog ofd = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
            ofd.CheckFileExists = true;
            ofd.Multiselect     = false;

            // Add each file that the user selected.
            foreach (string filename in ofd.FileNames)
                if (atd.AttachToCurrent)
                    pJob.AddAttachment(filename, fileStorageType, "");
                if (atd.AttachToParent)
                    pParentJob.AddAttachment(filename, fileStorageType, "");

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // TODO: Update the job-deletion logic.
            // In subsequent builds of Workflow Manager (post-10.0), there may be
            // a new API that deletes jobs and handles some of the logic included
            // in this class (ex: checking permissions, deleting versions, etc.).
            // If so, this GP tool should be revised to make use of this
            // simplified interface.
            // Anyone using this tool as a reference, particularly with regards
            // to deleting Workflow Manager jobs, should keep this in mind.

            // Delete the requested job
                IJTXJobManager jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXJob3       job        = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobToDelete) as IJTXJob3;

                msgs.AddMessage("Deleting job " + m_jobToDelete + " (" + job.Name + ")");
                if (job.VersionExists())
                    if (CurrentUserHasPrivilege(ESRI.ArcGIS.JTX.Utilities.Constants.PRIV_DELETE_VERSION))
                        catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException comEx)
                            if (comEx.ErrorCode == (int)fdoError.FDO_E_SE_VERSION_NOEXIST)
                                // The "VersionExists" method above can apparently be fooled; if it is, an exception with this
                                // error code is thrown.  In this case, add a warning and continue on.
                                msgs.AddWarning("Version '" + job.VersionName + "' is assigned to job " + job.ID.ToString() + " but could not be found");
                                // If there's a different error, then re-throw it for someone else to deal with
                                throw comEx;
                        string username = ESRI.ArcGIS.JTXUI.ConfigurationCache.GetCurrentSystemUser(ESRI.ArcGIS.JTXUI.ConfigurationCache.UseUserDomain);
                        msgs.AddWarning("User '" + username + "' does not have permissions to " +
                                        "delete job versions; version '" + job.VersionName + "' will not be deleted");
                jobManager.DeleteJob(m_jobToDelete, true);

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_JOB_DELETED);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobToDelete;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_DELETE_JOB_VERSION_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);
            StreamWriter logFileWriter = null;

                int errorCount = 0;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_logFilePath))
                    logFileWriter = new StreamWriter(m_logFilePath);

                IJTXConfiguration3     configMgr  = this.WmxDatabase.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;
                IJTXConfigurationEdit2 configEdit = configMgr as IJTXConfigurationEdit2;
                IJTXJobManager         jobMgr     = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;

                // Workflow Manager intentionally caches the data workspaces in the system.  To ensure
                // that we have the most current list of data workspaces, invalidate this cache
                // before attempting to retrieve the list from the system.

                // Run checks against users
                ExecuteUserChecks(msgs, ref errorCount, logFileWriter);

                // Run checks against groups
                ExecuteGroupChecks(msgs, ref errorCount, logFileWriter);

                // Run checks against any existing jobs
                ExecuteJobChecks(msgs, ref errorCount, logFileWriter);

                // Check for any template job types with an invalid default assignment
                ExecuteJobTypeChecks(msgs, ref errorCount, logFileWriter);

                // Check the workflow steps for problems
                ExecuteWorkflowStepChecks(msgs, ref errorCount, logFileWriter);

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_ISSUES_FOUND);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = errorCount;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                    WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                    msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
                // Release any COM objects here!
                if (logFileWriter != null)
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function that runs all of those checks that operate on each job; intended
        /// to make the checks slightly more efficient by running through them all at once
        /// rather than looping through all of the elements multiple times
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msgs">Add any GP messages to this object</param>
        /// <param name="errorCount">Counter used to track the number of problems found</param>
        /// <param name="logFileWriter">Object used to write error descriptions to a text file</param>
        private void ExecuteJobChecks(IGPMessages msgs, ref int errorCount, StreamWriter logFileWriter)
            // Only continue executing this function if needed
            if (!m_flagInvalidJobAssign &&
                !m_flagIsSelfParent &&

            IJTXConfiguration3     configMgr  = this.WmxDatabase.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;
            IJTXConfigurationEdit2 configEdit = configMgr as IJTXConfigurationEdit2;
            IJTXJobManager         jobMgr     = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;

            // Use a database query as an alternate way of finding certain specific
            // problems with jobs.  Declare some of these ComReleaser objects to help
            // ensure that cursors, etc., are immediately released after they go out
            // of scope.

            // Check for jobs without any job types set (should be a DB error)
            if (m_flagJobsWithoutTypes)
                using (ComReleaser cr1 = new ComReleaser(), cr2 = new ComReleaser())
                    IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = this.WmxDatabase.JTXWorkspace as IFeatureWorkspace;

                    // Get the name of the correct table from the jobs workspace, so
                    // that the table doesn't have to be owned by the connecting user.
                    string tableName = Common.WmauHelperFunctions.GetQualifiedTableName(Constants.JTX_TABLE_JTX_JOBS_TABLE, this.WmxDatabase.JTXWorkspace);

                    ITable jobsTable = featureWorkspace.OpenTable(tableName);

                    IQueryFilter query = new QueryFilterClass();
                    query.WhereClause = Constants.FIELD_JOBTYPEID + " IS NULL";
                    ICursor searchCursor = jobsTable.Search(query, true);

                    // Store the ID and name of each job matching this query
                    int  idIndex   = jobsTable.FindField(Constants.FIELD_JOBID);
                    int  nameIndex = jobsTable.FindField(Constants.FIELD_JOBNAME);
                    IRow row       = null;
                    while ((row = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null)
                        string idStr   = row.get_Value(idIndex).ToString();
                        string nameStr = row.get_Value(nameIndex).ToString();
                        string msg     = "Job " + idStr + " (" + nameStr + ") has no associated job type";
                        RecordMessage(msg, msgs, logFileWriter);

            // Check for jobs that are their own parent job
            if (m_flagIsSelfParent)
                using (ComReleaser cr1 = new ComReleaser(), cr2 = new ComReleaser())
                    IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace = this.WmxDatabase.JTXWorkspace as IFeatureWorkspace;

                    // Get the name of the correct table from the jobs workspace, so
                    // that the table doesn't have to be owned by the connecting user.
                    string tableName = Common.WmauHelperFunctions.GetQualifiedTableName(Constants.JTX_TABLE_JTX_JOBS_TABLE, this.WmxDatabase.JTXWorkspace);

                    ITable jobsTable = featureWorkspace.OpenTable(tableName);

                    const string C_FIELD_PARENT_JOB = "PARENT_JOB";
                    IQueryFilter query = new QueryFilterClass();
                    query.WhereClause = Constants.FIELD_JOBID + " = " + C_FIELD_PARENT_JOB;
                    ICursor searchCursor = jobsTable.Search(query, true);

                    // Store the ID and name of each job matching this query
                    int  idIndex   = jobsTable.FindField(Constants.FIELD_JOBID);
                    int  nameIndex = jobsTable.FindField(Constants.FIELD_JOBNAME);
                    IRow row       = null;
                    while ((row = searchCursor.NextRow()) != null)
                        string idStr   = row.get_Value(idIndex).ToString();
                        string nameStr = row.get_Value(nameIndex).ToString();
                        string msg     = "Job " + idStr + " (" + nameStr + ") is its own parent";
                        RecordMessage(msg, msgs, logFileWriter);

            // See if there are any checks selected for which we should iterate through
            // all of the jobs using the WMX interfaces
            if (m_flagInvalidJobAssign)
                // Put the items into a sorted list in order to make the output easier to
                // read/follow
                IJTXJobSet allJobs = jobMgr.GetAllJobs();
                SortedList <int, IJTXJob3> allJobsSorted = new SortedList <int, IJTXJob3>();
                for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++)
                    allJobsSorted[allJobs.get_Item(i).ID] = allJobs.get_Item(i) as IJTXJob3;

                // Iterate over all of the jobs
                foreach (IJTXJob3 job in allJobsSorted.Values)
                    string assignedTo = job.AssignedTo;

                    // Check for any existing jobs with an invalid job assignment.  NOTE: only
                    // want to flag jobs that are not closed
                    if (m_flagInvalidJobAssign && job.Stage != jtxJobStage.jtxJobStageClosed)
                        if (job.AssignedType == jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser && configMgr.GetUser(assignedTo) == null)
                            string message = "Job '" + job.ID.ToString() +
                                             "' assigned to unknown user '" + assignedTo + "'";
                            RecordMessage(message, msgs, logFileWriter);
                        else if (job.AssignedType == jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeGroup && configMgr.GetUserGroup(assignedTo) == null)
                            string message = "Job '" + job.ID.ToString() +
                                             "' assigned to unknown group '" + assignedTo + "'";
                            RecordMessage(message, msgs, logFileWriter);
コード例 #20
        // METHOD: SetJobProperties
        private IJTXJob SetJobProperties(IJTXJobManager pJobMan, IJTXJob pJob, IJTXJob2 pParentJob)
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before LogJobAction (CreateJobs)");

            IJTXActivityType pActType = m_ipDatabase.ConfigurationManager.GetActivityType(Constants.ACTTYPE_COMMENT);

            pParentJob.LogJobAction(pActType, null,
                                    String.Format(Properties.Resources.ActTypeMessage, pJob.ID.ToString()));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_paramExtendedProperties))
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Create Extended Properties");

                ExtendedPropertyIdentifier childExProps = new ExtendedPropertyIdentifier();
                    ParseExtendedPropertiesParam(out childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to read parent job's extended property. Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pParentJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                    CreateExtendedPropertyRecord(pJob, childExProps);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string msg = string.Format(
                        "Unable to set child job's extended property. Child Job ID: {0} ERROR: {1}",
                        pJob.ID, ex.Message);
                    m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(3, 1000, msg);
                m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Create Extended Properties");

            // Create dependencies on parent job if configured
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Setting Dependencies");

            if (m_paramDependNextStep || m_paramDependThisStep)
                IJTXJobDependencies ipDependencyManager = pJobMan as IJTXJobDependencies;
                CreateDependencyOnParentJob(ipDependencyManager, pParentJob, pJob.ID);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Setting Dependencies");

            // Create or assign version if configured
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Versioning");

            if (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(pJob.ParentVersion) &&
                    (m_paramCreateVersionType != CreateVersionType.UseParentJobsVersion || pParentJob.VersionExists()))
                    CreateChildVersion(ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not create version.  Please ensure parent data workspace and versions are set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            else if (m_paramAssignVersionType != AssignVersionType.None)
                if (pParentJob.ActiveDatabase != null)
                    AssignChildVersion(pParentJob, ref pJob);
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not assign version.  Please ensure parent data workspace is set correctly", Properties.Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Versioning");

            // Store the job and save the changes
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "Before Storing Job");
            m_ipDatabase.LogMessage(5, 2000, "After Storing Job");
コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Required by IGPFunction2 interface; this function is called when the GP tool is ready to be executed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paramValues"></param>
        /// <param name="trackCancel"></param>
        /// <param name="envMgr"></param>
        /// <param name="msgs"></param>
        public override void Execute(IArray paramValues, ITrackCancel trackCancel, IGPEnvironmentManager envMgr, IGPMessages msgs)
            // Do some common error-checking
            base.Execute(paramValues, trackCancel, envMgr, msgs);

            // Assign the requested job
                IJTXJobManager     jobManager = this.WmxDatabase.JobManager;
                IJTXJob3           job        = jobManager.GetJob(m_jobId) as IJTXJob3;
                IJTXConfiguration3 configMgr  = this.WmxDatabase.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;

                // As of Jan. 2011, the core Workflow Manager libraries do not
                // seem to check if the user has the privilege to add an attachment
                // if a job as a hold on it.  So run the check here.
                IJTXJobHolds jobHolds = job as IJTXJobHolds;
                if (jobHolds.Holds != null &&
                    jobHolds.Holds.Count > 0 &&
                    throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_NO_ADD_ATTACHMENTS_HELD_JOBS_ERROR);

                // If we get this far, then figure out how to associate the attachment
                // with the job, and add the attachment.
                jtxFileStorageType attachmentType;
                if (m_attachmentType.Equals(C_OPT_EMBEDDED))
                    attachmentType = jtxFileStorageType.jtxStoreInDB;
                    attachmentType = jtxFileStorageType.jtxStoreAsLink;

                msgs.AddMessage("Adding attachment '" + m_attachmentPath + "' to job " + m_jobId + " (" + job.Name + ")");
                job.AddAttachment(m_attachmentPath, attachmentType, m_attachmentType);

                // Do the other things that still need to be handled manually, such as logging
                // the job's reassignment and sending any necessary notifications.
                IPropertySet propSet = new PropertySetClass();
                propSet.SetProperty(C_PROP_VAL_ATTACHMENT, "'" + m_attachmentPath + "'");

                // Set the output parameter
                WmauParameterMap  paramMap     = new WmauParameterMap(paramValues);
                IGPParameterEdit3 outParamEdit = paramMap.GetParamEdit(C_PARAM_OUT_JOB_ID);
                IGPLong           outValue     = new GPLongClass();
                outValue.Value     = m_jobId;
                outParamEdit.Value = outValue as IGPValue;

            catch (WmauException wmEx)
                    msgs.AddError(wmEx.ErrorCodeAsInt, wmEx.Message);
                    // Catch anything else that possibly happens
            catch (Exception ex)
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR);
                msgs.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message + "; " + ex.Message);
コード例 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Find those users in the database who are not being referenced in any way
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The total number of orphaned items found</returns>
        private int UpdateOrphanedUsers()
            SortedList <string, string> unusedItems = new SortedList <string, string>();
            IJTXDatabase3      wmxDb     = this.WmxDatabase;
            IJTXConfiguration3 configMgr = wmxDb.ConfigurationManager as IJTXConfiguration3;
            IJTXJobManager     jobMgr    = wmxDb.JobManager;
            IJTXUserSet        allUsers  = configMgr.Users;

            Dictionary <string, string> usedItems = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Get all of the users who are members of a group
            IJTXUserGroupSet allGroups = configMgr.UserGroups;

            for (int i = 0; i < allGroups.Count; i++)
                IJTXUserGroup2 group = allGroups.get_Item(i) as IJTXUserGroup2;
                for (int j = 0; j < group.Users.Count; j++)
                    IJTXUser3 user = group.Users.get_Item(j) as IJTXUser3;
                    usedItems[user.UserName] = user.FullName;

            // If necessary, add in the users who have jobs assigned to them
            if (usedItems.Count < allUsers.Count)
                IJTXJobSet allJobs = jobMgr.GetAllJobs();
                for (int i = 0; i < allJobs.Count; i++)
                    IJTXJob3 job = allJobs.get_Item(i) as IJTXJob3;
                    if (job.AssignedType == jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser)
                        IJTXUser3 user = configMgr.GetUser(job.AssignedTo) as IJTXUser3;

                        // It's possible for a user to have a job assigned, but have
                        // already been removed from the DB.  Throw an exception in
                        // this case, as the DB needs to be cleaned up.
                        if (user == null)
                            throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR);
                        usedItems[user.UserName] = user.FullName;

            // If necessary, add in the users who have a job type's default assignment
            // set to them
            if (usedItems.Count < allUsers.Count)
                IJTXJobTypeSet allJobTypes = configMgr.JobTypes;
                for (int i = 0; i < allJobTypes.Count; i++)
                    // TODO: Exclude orphaned job types

                    IJTXJobType3 jobType = allJobTypes.get_Item(i) as IJTXJobType3;
                    if (jobType.DefaultAssignedType == jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser)
                        IJTXUser3 user = configMgr.GetUser(jobType.DefaultAssignedTo) as IJTXUser3;

                        // It's possible for a user to have a job assigned, but have
                        // already been removed from the DB.  Throw an exception in
                        // this case, as the DB needs to be cleaned up.
                        if (user == null)
                            throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR);
                        usedItems[user.UserName] = user.FullName;

            // If necessary, add in the users who have steps assigned to them
            // by default
            if (usedItems.Count < allUsers.Count)
                IJTXWorkflowSet allWorkflows = configMgr.Workflows;
                for (int i = 0; i < allWorkflows.Count; i++)
                    // Skip over unused workflows
                    IJTXWorkflow workflow = allWorkflows.get_Item(i);
                    if (m_unusedWorkflows.Keys.Contains(workflow.ID))

                    // Examine the other items
                    IJTXWorkflowConfiguration workflowCfg = allWorkflows.get_Item(i) as IJTXWorkflowConfiguration;
                    int[] workflowStepIds = workflowCfg.GetAllSteps();
                    foreach (int j in workflowStepIds)
                        IJTXStep3 step = workflowCfg.GetStep(j) as IJTXStep3;
                        if (step.AssignedType == jtxAssignmentType.jtxAssignmentTypeUser)
                            IJTXUser3 user = configMgr.GetUser(step.AssignedTo) as IJTXUser3;

                            // It's possible for a user to have a job assigned, but have
                            // already been removed from the DB.  Throw an exception in
                            // this case, as the DB needs to be cleaned up.
                            if (user == null)
                                throw new WmauException(WmauErrorCodes.C_USER_NOT_FOUND_ERROR);
                            usedItems[user.UserName] = user.FullName;

            // Loop over all the users in the DB, looking for anything
            // that we didn't identify as "in use"
            for (int i = 0; i < allUsers.Count; i++)
                IJTXUser3 item = allUsers.get_Item(i) as IJTXUser3;
                if (!usedItems.ContainsKey(item.UserName))
                    m_unusedUsers[item.UserName] = item.FullName;
