public void RefreshStatusBar() { System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread( (delegate() { try { IItemDao itemDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); string itemcount = itemDao.CountAll().ToString() + "個の商品"; string sold = "売上 ¥" + itemDao.SumSellPrice().ToString("#,##0") + "- " + itemDao.CountSoldItem().ToString() + "個"; ControlUtil.SafelyOperated(this.statusStrip1, (MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.status_itemcount.Text = itemcount; }); ControlUtil.SafelyOperated(this.statusStrip1, (MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.status_sold.Text = sold; }); } catch { } })); t.Start(); }
//[Receipts] private void renewReceipts() { this.dataGridView1.Enabled = false; this.dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); IReceiptDao receiptDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IReceiptDao>(); IItemDao itemDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); this.receiptlist = receiptDao.GetAll(); foreach (Receipt r in this.receiptlist) { DataGridViewRow row = this.dataGridView1.Rows[this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add()]; this.setRowValue(row, r); //個数 - のこす //row.Cells["個数"].Value = itemDao.CountReceiptItem(r.receipt_id); } dataGridView1.Sort(dataGridView1.Columns[ColumnName.hyouBan], ListSortDirection.Ascending); dataGridView1.Enabled = true; if (dataGridView1.Rows.Count > 0) { dataGridView1.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1; } this.RefreshStatusBar(); }
public void SetUp() { _itemDao = Substitute.For <IItemDao>(); _betDao = Substitute.For <IBetDao>(); _userDao = Substitute.For <IUserDao>(); _itemManager = SingletonManager.Instance.SetItemManager(new ItemManager(_itemDao, _userDao, _betDao)); }
private CatalogService() { _daoManager = ServiceConfig.GetInstance().DaoManager; _categoryDao = _daoManager[typeof(ICategoryDao)] as ICategoryDao; _productDao = _daoManager[typeof(IProductDao)] as IProductDao; _itemDao = _daoManager[typeof(IItemDao)] as IItemDao; }
private void SellForm_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.Z) { if (this.privItem == null) { return; } uint?priv_canceledsellprice = this.privItem.item_sellprice; this.privItem.item_sellprice = privItemSellPrice; this.privItem.item_selltime = privItemSellTime; this.privItem.item_sell_operator = privItemSellOperatorId; IItemDao idao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); idao.Update(this.privItem); this.setItem(this.privItem); this.textBox_baika.Text = priv_canceledsellprice.ToString(); this.textBox_baika.Focus(); this.textBox_baika.SelectAll(); this.privItem = null; } }
public BillingService(DaoManager daoManager) { _daoManager = daoManager; _itemDao = _daoManager[typeof(IItemDao)] as IItemDao; _orderDao = _daoManager[typeof(IOrderDao)] as IOrderDao; _sequenceDao = _daoManager[typeof(ISequenceDao)] as ISequenceDao; }
public ItemMgr(IItemDao entityDao, ICriteriaMgr criteriaMgr, IItemKitMgr itemKitMgr, ISqlHelperDao sqlHelperDao) : base(entityDao) { this.criteriaMgr = criteriaMgr; this.itemKitMgr = itemKitMgr; this.sqlHelperDao = sqlHelperDao; }
public CatalogService(DaoManager daoManager) { _daoManager = daoManager; _categoryDao = _daoManager[typeof(ICategoryDao)] as ICategoryDao; _productDao = _daoManager[typeof(IProductDao)] as IProductDao; _itemDao = _daoManager[typeof(IItemDao)] as IItemDao; }
private void RefreshRemain() { System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(delegate() { IItemDao itDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); UInt32 cnt; cnt = itDao.CountNeedKansaItem_NotFlagged(); ControlUtil.SafelyOperated(this.textBox_remain, (MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.textBox_remain.Text = cnt.ToString(); }); UInt32 allcnt; allcnt = itDao.CountNeedKansaItem(); ControlUtil.SafelyOperated(this.textBox_allkansa, (MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.textBox_allkansa.Text = allcnt.ToString(); }); UInt32 sum; sum = itDao.SumNeedKansaItem_SellPrice(); ControlUtil.SafelyOperated(this.textBox_sum, (MethodInvoker) delegate() { this.textBox_sum.Text = sum.ToString("#,##0"); }); }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); }
private void textBox_baika_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (this.curItem == null) { return; } string s = this.textBox_baika.Text; uint baika; if (s == "-") { baika = curItem.item_tagprice; } else { if (!uint.TryParse(s, out baika)) { this.textBox_baika_err(); return; } if (baika > 999999) { this.textBox_baika_err(); return; } } if (curItem.item_sellprice.HasValue && curItem.item_sellprice.Value == baika) { } else { privItem = curItem; privItemSellPrice = curItem.item_sellprice; privItemSellTime = curItem.item_selltime; privItemSellOperatorId = curItem.item_sell_operator; curItem.item_sellprice = baika; curItem.item_selltime = DateTime.Now; curItem.item_sell_operator = this.nowOperator.operator_id; Item i = curItem; System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread( delegate(object item) { IItemDao idao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); idao.Update((Item)item); } ); t.Start(i); } this.textBox_ban_err("次の品番を入力してね"); } }
public ItemController(IItemDao dao) { Dao = dao; _items = new Dictionary <int, ItemDefinition>(); Dimmers = new Dictionary <int, DimmerData>(); ReloadTemplates(); ReloadHandlers(); }
public AddItemView(IItemDao p_itemDao) { // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); m_presenter = new AddItemPresenter(this, p_itemDao); // // TODO: Add constructor code after the InitializeComponent() call. // }
public AddItemPresenter(IAddItemView p_view, IItemDao p_itemDao) { m_view = p_view; m_itemDao = p_itemDao; ItemDataEntity itemDataEntity = new ItemDataEntity(); ItemViewModel itemViewModel = new ItemViewModel(itemDataEntity); m_itemCategoryDao = new ItemCategoryDao(); m_itemGenericDao = new ItemGenericDao(); m_viewModel = itemViewModel; m_view.ShowItem(m_viewModel); }
private void button_teisei_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.curItem == null) { return; } string def; if (this.curItem.item_sellprice.HasValue) { def = this.curItem.item_sellprice.ToString(); } else { def = "未売却"; } while (true) { string res; DialogResult dres = InputBox.ShowIntDialog("修正後の売価を入力してください\n商品名: " + this.curItem.item_name, "売価修正", def, out res); if (dres == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } else { uint baika; if (!uint.TryParse(res, out baika)) { def = "不正な文字列です"; continue; } IItemDao itDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); this.curItem.item_sellprice = baika; this.curItem.item_selltime = DateTime.Now; this.curItem.item_sell_operator = this.nowOperator.operator_id; itDao.Update(this.curItem); this.DoKansaItem(itDao.GetItemById(curItem.item_id).First()); this.label_error.Text = "金額訂正が完了しました"; return; } } }
private void button_mibai_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curItem == null) { return; } curItem.item_sellprice = null; curItem.item_selltime = null; IItemDao idao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); idao.Update(curItem); this.DoKansaItem(idao.GetItemById(curItem.item_id).First()); this.label_error.Text = "商品を未売却にしました"; }
public void RefreshData() { IItemDao iDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); List <Item> items = iDao.GetAll(); this.itemGroup = (from i in items group i by i.item__Receipt.getSellerString()) .OrderByDescending(g => this.countHenpinItems(g)); this.dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); foreach (var g in this.itemGroup) { DataGridViewRow row = this.dataGridView1.Rows[this.dataGridView1.Rows.Add()]; this.setRowValue(row, g); } this.dataGridView1.VirtualMode = true; this.dataGridView1.VirtualMode = false; this.dataGridView1.Enabled = true; this.dataGridView1.Focus(); }
private void button_mibai_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curItem == null) { return; } privItem = curItem; privItemSellPrice = curItem.item_sellprice; privItemSellTime = curItem.item_selltime; privItemSellOperatorId = curItem.item_sell_operator; curItem.item_sellprice = null; curItem.item_selltime = null; IItemDao idao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); idao.Update(curItem); this.textBox_ban_err("次の品番を入力してね"); }
private void textBox_ban_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { string s = this.textBox_ban.Text; if (s == null) { return; } uint shinaBan; if (Globals.TryParseBarcode(s, out shinaBan)) { } else { if (!uint.TryParse(this.textBox_ban.Text, out shinaBan)) { this.textBox_ban_err("不明な文字列です"); return; } } if (!(0 <= shinaBan && shinaBan <= 999999)) { this.textBox_ban_err("不正な品番です"); } IItemDao itemDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); List <Item> its = itemDao.GetItemById(shinaBan); if (its.Count == 0) { this.textBox_ban_err("品番に該当する商品がありません"); return; } this.DoKansaItem(its[0]); } }
public void SetUp() { _collection = Substitute.For <IMongoCollection <User> >(); _collectionItem = Substitute.For <IMongoCollection <Item> >(); _database = Substitute.For <IMongoDatabase>(); _userDao = new UserDao(_database, _collection); _itemDao = Substitute.For <IItemDao>(); _user = new User { Email = "test", Password = "******", Username = "******", Id = new ObjectId("5c06f4b43cd1d72a48b44237"), TotalPointsUsedToBet = 40, Point = 100 }; _items = new List <Item>(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var item = new Item(); item.Type = Item.Life; _items.Add(item); } for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var item = new Item(); item.Type = Item.Bomb; _items.Add(item); } for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var item = new Item(); item.Type = Item.Key; _items.Add(item); } _user.Items = _items; }
public ItemManager(IItemDao itemDao = null, IUserDao userDao = null, IBetDao betDao = null) { _itemDao = itemDao ?? SingletonDao.Instance.ItemDao; _userDao = userDao ?? SingletonDao.Instance.UserDao; _betDao = betDao ?? SingletonDao.Instance.BetDao; }
public ItemService(IItemDao dao, ISystemDao systemDao, ITypeDao typeDao) { this.dao = dao; this.systemDao = systemDao; this.typeDao = typeDao; }
public ItemService(Character character) { _itemDao = new ItemDao(); _character = character; }
public void SetUp() { _database = Substitute.For <IMongoDatabase>(); _collectionItem = Substitute.For <IMongoCollection <Item> >(); _itemDao = new ItemDao(_database, _collectionItem); }
public IItemDao SetItemDao(IItemDao itemDao) { var dynamicCompetitionDaoProxy = new Proxy <IItemDao>(itemDao); return(ItemDao = dynamicCompetitionDaoProxy.GetTransparentProxy() as IItemDao); }
public ItemService(Character character, IItemDao itemDao) { _itemDao = itemDao; _character = character; }
public ItemBaseMgr(IItemDao entityDao) { this.entityDao = entityDao; }
private void kaedeOutput(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog(); sfd.FileName = + ".kae"; sfd.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); sfd.Filter = "楓ちゃん萌え萌え filez (*.kae)|*.kae"; sfd.RestoreDirectory = true; if (sfd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } bool zaikouAsOB = false; if (MessageBox.Show("在校生の氏名データを残しますか?\n" + "はい・・・全員をOBとして扱います\n" + "いいえ・・・在校生は年組番号で出力します", "在校生の扱い", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { zaikouAsOB = true; } const string kae_header = "Kaede chan moemoe software by 51st. ennichi han"; const int kae_file_version = 1003; const int kae_version = 1005; //kaede_rg005 IItemDao itemDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); List <Item> items = itemDao.GetAll(); Dictionary <string, int> exSellers = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int exnum = 1; foreach (Item it in items) { if (it.item__Receipt.receipt_seller == Receipt.seller_DONATE || it.item__Receipt.receipt_seller == Receipt.seller_LAGACY) { continue; } if (it.item__Receipt.receipt_seller == Receipt.seller_EXT || zaikouAsOB) { string exname = it.item__Receipt.getSellerString(); if (!exSellers.ContainsKey(exname)) { exSellers.Add(exname, exnum); exnum++; } } } try { using (Stream fs = sfd.OpenFile()) { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(kae_header)); bw.Write(kae_file_version); bw.Write(kae_version); //OB bw.Write(exSellers.Count); foreach (var exs in exSellers) { bw.WriteStringSJIS(exs.Key); } //teacher bw.Write(0); //genre bw.Write(0); //shape bw.Write(0); //item bw.Write(items.Count); foreach (Item it in items) { //ID bw.Write((Int32)it.item_id); //Seller Int32 seller; string sellerstr = it.item__Receipt.receipt_seller; switch (sellerstr) { case Receipt.seller_LAGACY: { seller = 0x30000000; break; } case Receipt.seller_DONATE: { seller = 0x40000000; break; } default: { if (sellerstr == Receipt.seller_EXT || zaikouAsOB) { seller = 0x10000000 + exSellers[it.item__Receipt.getSellerString()]; break; } int nen = int.Parse(sellerstr.Substring(0, 1)); string kumi = sellerstr.Substring(1, 1); int kumi_i; if (Globals.isChugaku(kumi)) { kumi_i = Globals.getChugakuClassNum(kumi); } else { nen += 3; kumi_i = int.Parse(kumi); } int ban = int.Parse(sellerstr.Substring(2, 2)); seller = 0x01000000 * nen + 0x00100000 * kumi_i + ban; break; } } bw.Write(seller); bw.WriteStringSJIS(it.item_name); bw.WriteStringSJIS(it.item_comment); bw.Write(it.item_tagprice); bw.Write(it.item_sellprice.ToKaedeInt()); //Genre bw.Write((Int16)0); bw.Write((Int16)0); bw.Write((Int16)0); //Shape bw.Write((Int16)0); //is_sold bw.Write(it.item_sellprice.HasValue.ToKaedeBool()); //is_returned bw.Write((SByte)0); //to_be_return bw.Write(it.item_return.ToKaedeBool()); //to_be_discount bw.Write(it.item_tataki.ToKaedeBool()); if (it.item_receipt_time.HasValue) { bw.Write(it.item_receipt_time.Value.ToUnixTime()); } else if (it.item__Receipt.receipt_time.HasValue) { bw.Write(it.item__Receipt.receipt_time.Value.ToUnixTime()); } else { bw.Write((UInt32)0); } if (it.item_selltime.HasValue) { bw.Write(it.item_selltime.Value.ToUnixTime()); } else { bw.Write((UInt32)0); } //Item_scheduled_date bw.Write((SByte)0); //is_by_auction bw.Write((SByte)0); //refund_rate bw.Write((Int32)(-1)); } //cash bw.Write((Int32)888); //refund_rate bw.Write((Int32)100); bw.Flush(); fs.Close(); } uint[] crcTable = new uint[256]; for (uint n = 0; n < 256; n++) { uint c = n; for (uint k = 0; k < 8; k++) { if ((c & 1) != 0) { c = 0xedb88320U ^ (c >> 1); } else { c = c >> 1; } } crcTable[n] = c; } using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sfd.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { uint not_crc = 0xffffffff; BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); while (fs.Position < fs.Length) { byte data = br.ReadByte(); not_crc = crcTable[((not_crc) ^ (data)) & 0xff] ^ ((not_crc) >> 8); } BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs); bw.Write(~not_crc); bw.Flush(); fs.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("kaeファイルの作成エラー: " + ex.Message); return; } MessageBox.Show("楓ちゃん形式での出力が完了しました。"); }
public ItemsController(IItemDao itemDao) { _itemDao = itemDao; }
private void DoKansaItem(Item it) { this.curItem = it; this.textBox_ban.Text = it.item_id.ToString(); this.textBox_name.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; this.textBox_name.Text = it.item_name; this.textBox_teika.Text = it.item_tagprice.ToString("#,##0"); this.textBox_nebiki.Text = it.item_return /*FIXME*/ ? "×" : "○"; if (it.item_sellprice.HasValue) { if (it.item_sellprice.Value == it.item_tagprice) { this.textBox_baika.Text = "-- " + it.item_sellprice.Value.ToString(); } else { this.textBox_baika.Text = it.item_sellprice.Value.ToString(); } if (it.item_sell__Operator != null) { this.textBox_sellop.Text = it.item_sell__Operator.operator_name; } else { this.textBox_sellop.Text = "不明"; } this.textBox_selltime.Text = Globals.getTimeString(it.item_selltime); this.button_mibai.Enabled = true; this.button_teisei.Enabled = true; this.textBox_baika.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; if (it.item_kansa_end.HasValue) { //監査済み this.label_error.Text = "監査対象ではありません。本日の販売ではない可能性が。"; this.label_error.Visible = true; } else { if (this.GetKansaFlag(it).HasValue) { IOperatorDao opDao = GlobalData.getIDao <IOperatorDao>(); List <Operator> lop = opDao.GetById(this.GetKansaFlag(it).Value); if (lop.Count() == 0) { this.label_error.Text = "だれかが既に監査したようです"; } else { this.label_error.Text = lop[0].operator_name + " が既に監査しています"; } this.label_error.Visible = true; } else { System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread( delegate(object item) { Item itemmm = (Item)item; this.SetKansaFlag(itemmm, this.nowOperator.operator_id); IItemDao idao = GlobalData.getIDao <IItemDao>(); idao.Update(itemmm); } ); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(it); this.label_error.Text = "監査しました。次の品番を入力してね"; this.RefreshRemain(); } } } else { this.button_teisei.Enabled = true; this.button_mibai.Enabled = false; this.textBox_baika.Text = "未売却"; this.textBox_baika.BackColor = Color.LightPink; this.textBox_sellop.Text = null; this.textBox_selltime.Text = null; this.label_error.Text = "未売却の商品は監査できません"; this.label_error.Visible = true; } this.textBox_ban.Focus(); this.textBox_ban.SelectAll(); }