コード例 #1
        public ActionResult AddNewProduct(ProductRequestModel product, HttpPostedFileBase image)
            var path = Request.MapPath("~/Content/" + product.categoryId);

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
            var filePath = Path.Combine(path, Path.GetFileName(image.FileName));

                throw new Exception();
            string  imgPath  = filePath.Substring(path.IndexOf("\\Content"));
            string  RealPath = imgPath.Replace("\\", "/");
            Product p        = new Product()
                CategoryId     = product.categoryId,
                IsOnSale       = false,
                ProductionDate = product.productionTime,
                ProviderId     = product.provider,
                Url            = RealPath,
                KeepDate       = product.keepTime,
                Price          = product.price,
                ProductName    = product.productName
            long productId = _productRepository.AddProduct(p);

            //Add to ProductInFactory table
            ProductInFactory productInFactory = new ProductInFactory()
                Amount = product.productCount,
                InDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Price  = Convert.ToString(p.Price),
            long productInFactoryId = _inventoryRepository.AddProductInFactory(productInFactory);

            //Add to Inventory table
            Inventory inventory = new Inventory()
                Amount      = product.productCount,
                ProductId   = productId,
                WarehouseId = product.warehouse,
            long inventoryId = _inventoryRepository.AddInventory(inventory);

            //Add InventoryAction
            InventoryAction inventoryAction = new InventoryAction()
                InventoryId        = inventoryId,
                ProductInFactoryId = productInFactoryId


            //Add to Discount table
            Discount discount = new Discount()
                Discounts = Constants.DEFAULTDISCOUNT,
                IsUsed    = false,
                ProductId = productId,
                StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                EndTime   = DateTime.UtcNow

            //InventoryProductListViewModel productViewModel = GetInventoryProducts(null,null);
            return(RedirectToAction("GetAllInventoryProduct", "Inventory"));