protected override void Configure( IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Drink"); descriptor.Field("kind") .Type <NonNullType <DrinkKindType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Contract"); descriptor.Implements <NodeType>(); descriptor.Field("id").Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); descriptor.Field("customerId").Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("OSDirectoryInfo") .Description("Describes a directory in the realized, OS-dependent file system.") .Interface <DirectoryInfoInterface>(); descriptor.Field("lastModifiedTime") .Description("The last modified time of the directory, in UTC.") .Type <NonNullType <DateTimeType> >(); descriptor.Field("createdTime") .Description("The creation time of the directory, in UTC.") .Type <NonNullType <DateTimeType> >(); descriptor.Field("osPath") .Description("The path of the file on the realized operating system.") .Type <NonNullType <OSDirectoryPathType> >(); descriptor.Field("path") .Description("The path of this directory") .Type <NonNullType <OSDirectoryPathType> >(); descriptor.Field("name") .Description("The name of the directory.") .Type <NonNullType <StringType> >(); descriptor.Field("isDrive") .Description("Whether or not this directory is a drive root.") .Type <NonNullType <BooleanType> >(); descriptor.Field("isHidden") .Description("Whether nor not this directory is hidden.") .Type <NonNullType <BooleanType> >(); }
protected override void Configure( IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("IFoo"); descriptor.Field("bar") .UsePaging <StringType>(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("QueueableJob") .Description("Describes a job that can be queued."); descriptor.Field("jobId") .Description("The GUID of the job, unique relative to the job context.") .Type <NonNullType <UuidType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Node"); descriptor.Description( "The node interface is implemented by entities that have " + "a gloabl unique identifier."); descriptor.Field("id").Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Character"); descriptor.Field("id").Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); descriptor.Field("name").Type <StringType>(); descriptor.Field("friends").Type <ListType <CharacterType> >(); descriptor.Field("appearsIn").Type <ListType <EpisodeType> >(); descriptor.Field("height").Type <FloatType>().Argument("unit", a => a.Type <UnitType>()); }
public override void OnConfigure( IDescriptorContext context, IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor, Type type) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { descriptor.Name(Name); } }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("OSDirectoryContents") .Field("installables") .Description("Fetches installables for this directory, searching all top level files and directories," + "not including the current directory itself.") .Argument("platformId", arg => arg.Type <NonNullType <PlatformIdType> >() .Description("The platform to look up installables for.")) .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <InstallableType> > > >(); }
protected override void Configure( IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <INode> descriptor) { descriptor .Name(Names.Node) .Description(TypeResources.NodeType_TypeDescription); descriptor .Field(Names.Id) .Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("TaskResult") .Description("Describes a task result that yields some value."); descriptor.Field("description") .Description("Describes this task result in a human-friendly way.") .Type <StringType>(); descriptor.Field("name") .Description("The name of this task result.") .Type <StringType>(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("InstallationPayload") .WithClientMutationId(); descriptor.Field("jobId") .Description("The `jobId` of the installation or verification that was updated.") .Type <NonNullType <UuidType> >(); descriptor.Field("game") .Description("The game that is the target of the installation or validation.") .Type <GameType>(); }
protected override void Configure( IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <INode> descriptor) { descriptor .Name(Names.Node) .Description( "The node interface is implemented by entities that have " + "a global unique identifier."); descriptor .Field(Names.Id) .Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <IPerson> descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Character"); descriptor.Field(f => f.Id) .Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); descriptor.Field(f => f.Name) .Type <StringType>(); descriptor.Field(f => f.Height) .Type <FloatType>() .Argument("unit", a => a.Type <EnumType <Unit> >()); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <IProductSuggestion> descriptor) { descriptor.Name("IProductSuggestion"); descriptor.Field(_ => _.ProductID).Description("unique identifier for a product"); descriptor.Field(_ => _.Name).Description("the name of the product"); descriptor.Field(_ => _.Category).Description("the category or kind of product"); descriptor.Field(_ => _.Price).Description("the price the product is sold for"); descriptor.Field(_ => _.Available).Description("true if the product can be sold"); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("ScrapeContextPayload") .WithClientMutationId(); descriptor.Field("context") .Description("The scrape context that was updated.") .Type <ScrapeContextType>(); descriptor.Field("jobId") .Description("The `jobId` of the scrape context that can be used to query or update the scrape context.") .Type <NonNullType <UuidType> >(); descriptor.Field("game") .Description("The game the scrape context was created for.") .Type <NonNullType <GameType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name(nameof(GeoJSONInterface)); // TODO: move to resource descriptor.Field("type") .Type <NonNullType <EnumType <GeoJSONGeometryType> > >() .Description("The geometry type of the GeoJSON object"); descriptor.Field("bbox") .Type <ListType <FloatType> >() .Description("The minimum bounding box around the geometry object"); descriptor.Field("crs") .Type <IntType>() .Description("The coordinate reference system integer identifier"); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("DirectoryInfo") .Description("Describes a directory in a filesystem, regardless of whether the filesystem is virtualized or realized (OS)."); descriptor.Field("lastModifiedTime") .Description("The last modified time of the directory, in UTC.") .Type <NonNullType <DateTimeType> >(); descriptor.Field("createdTime") .Description("The creation time of the directory, in UTC.") .Type <NonNullType <DateTimeType> >(); descriptor.Field("name") .Description("The name of the directory.") .Type <NonNullType <StringType> >(); descriptor.Field("osPath") .Description("The path of the file on the realized operating system.") .Type <NonNullType <OSDirectoryPathType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <IThing> descriptor) { descriptor.Name("IThing"); descriptor.Field(x => x.AdditionalType); descriptor.Field(x => x.AlternateName); descriptor.Field(x => x.DisambiguatingDescription); descriptor.Field(x => x.Description); descriptor.Field(x => x.Name); descriptor.Field(x => x.SameAs); descriptor.Field(x => x.Url); descriptor.Ignore(x => x.Identifier); descriptor.Ignore(x => x.PotentialAction); descriptor.Ignore(x => x.Image); descriptor.Ignore(x => x.MainEntityOfPage); descriptor.Ignore(x => x.SubjectOf); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <IAsyncJobQueue> descriptor) { descriptor.Name("JobQueue") .Description("Provides queries for a job queue"); descriptor.Field(s => s.GetActiveJobs()) .Name("activeJobIds") .Description("The jobs currently active in the scraping queue.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <UuidType> > > >(); descriptor.Field(s => s.GetQueuedJobs()) .Name("queuedJobIds") .Description("The jobs currently in the scraping queue.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <UuidType> > > >(); descriptor.Field(s => s.GetZombieJobs()) .Name("zombieJobIds") .Description("The jobs that are still in the scraping queue, but no longer has items to process.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <UuidType> > > >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name(InterfaceTypeName); descriptor .Field(TypeFieldName) .Type <NonNullType <GeoJsonGeometryEnumType> >() .Description(GeoJson_Field_Type_Description); descriptor .Field(BboxFieldName) .Type <ListType <FloatType> >() .Description(GeoJson_Field_Bbox_Description); descriptor .Field(CrsFieldName) .Type <IntType>() .Description(GeoJson_Field_Crs_Description); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("BaseEntityType"); descriptor.Field("id").Type <NonNullType <UuidType> >(); // descriptor.Field("uuid").Type<StringType>(); // descriptor.Field("creator").Type<AccountType>(); descriptor.Field("creationTime").Type <DateTimeType>(); // descriptor.Field("modifier").Type<AccountType>(); descriptor.Field("modifiedTime").Type <DateTimeType>(); // descriptor.Field("extendData").Type<StringType>(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("DirectoryContents") .Description("Describes the contents of a directory as an edge."); descriptor.Field("root") .Description("The root directory.") .Type <DirectoryInfoInterface>(); descriptor.Field("files") .Description("The files contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <FileInfoInterface> > > >(); descriptor.Field("directories") .Description("The child directories contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <DirectoryInfoInterface> > > >(); descriptor.Field("directoryCount") .Description("The number of child directories contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <IntType> >(); descriptor.Field("fileCount") .Description("The number of child files contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <IntType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <ICharacter> descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Character"); descriptor.Field(f => f.Id) .Type <NonNullType <IdType> >(); descriptor.Field(f => f.Name) .Type <StringType>(); descriptor.Field(f => f.Friends) .UsePaging <CharacterType>(); descriptor.Field(f => f.AppearsIn) .Type <ListType <EpisodeType> >(); descriptor.Field(f => f.Height) .Type <FloatType>() .Argument("unit", a => a.Type <EnumType <Unit> >()); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("OSDirectoryContents") .Description("Describes the contents of a directory in the realized, OS-dependent file system.") .Interface <DirectoryContentsInterface>(); descriptor.Field("root") .Description("The root directory.") .Type <OSDirectoryInfoInterface>(); descriptor.Field("files") .Description("The files contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <OSFileInfoType> > > >(); descriptor.Field("directories") .Description("The child directories contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <OSDirectoryInfoInterface> > > >(); descriptor.Field("directoryCount") .Description("The number of child directories contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <IntType> >(); descriptor.Field("fileCount") .Description("The number of child files contained in this directory.") .Type <NonNullType <IntType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor <Character> descriptor) { descriptor .Name("Character") .Description("A character from the Star Wars universe"); descriptor .Field(x => x.Id) .Type <NonNullType <IdType> >() .Description("The unique identifier of the character."); descriptor .Field(x => x.Name) .Description("The name of the character."); descriptor .Field(x => x.AppearsIn) .Description("Which movie they appear in."); descriptor .Field(x => x.Friends) .Type <NonNullType <ListType <NonNullType <CharacterInterface> > > >() .Description("The friends of the character, or an empty list if they have none."); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("FileInfo") .Description("Describes a file in a filesystem, regardless of whether the filesystem is virtualized or realized (OS)."); descriptor.Field("extension") .Description("The extension of the file.") .Type <NonNullType <StringType> >(); descriptor.Field("name") .Description("The name of the file.") .Type <NonNullType <StringType> >(); descriptor.Field("osPath") .Description("The path of the file on the realized operating system.") .Type <NonNullType <OSFilePathType> >(); descriptor.Field("lastModifiedTime") .Description("The last modified time of the file, in UTC.") .Type <NonNullType <DateTimeType> >(); descriptor.Field("createdTime") .Description("The creation time of the file, in UTC.") .Type <NonNullType <DateTimeType> >(); descriptor.Field("size") .Description("The size of the file, in bytes.") .Type <NonNullType <IntType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Alphabetical"); descriptor.Field("foo").Type <NonNullType <StringType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Error"); descriptor.Field("message").Type <NonNullType <StringType> >(); }
protected override void Configure(IInterfaceTypeDescriptor descriptor) { descriptor.Name("Intelligent"); descriptor.Field("iq").Type <NonNullType <IntType> >(); }