コード例 #1
 public void Handle(UmbracoApplicationStartingNotification notification)
     // ensure we have some essential directories
     // every other component can then initialize safely
コード例 #2
        public void Setup()
            var testRoot = TestContext.CurrentContext.TestDirectory.Split("bin")[0];

            // Create an example JSON log file to check results
            // As a one time setup for all tets in this class/fixture
            IIOHelper           ioHelper   = TestHelper.IOHelper;
            IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv = TestHelper.GetHostingEnvironment();

            ILoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration = TestHelper.GetLoggingConfiguration(hostingEnv);

            var exampleLogfilePath = Path.Combine(testRoot, "TestHelpers", "Assets", LogfileName);

            _newLogfileDirPath = loggingConfiguration.LogDirectory;
            _newLogfilePath    = Path.Combine(_newLogfileDirPath, LogfileName);

            // Create/ensure Directory exists

            // Copy the sample files
            File.Copy(exampleLogfilePath, _newLogfilePath, true);

            ILogger <SerilogJsonLogViewer> logger = Mock.Of <ILogger <SerilogJsonLogViewer> >();
            var logViewerConfig = new LogViewerConfig(LogViewerQueryRepository, Mock.Of <IScopeProvider>());
            var logLevelLoader  = Mock.Of <ILogLevelLoader>();

            _logViewer = new SerilogJsonLogViewer(logger, logViewerConfig, loggingConfiguration, logLevelLoader, Log.Logger);