private IIGameMaterial GetBakedMaterialFromShellMaterial(IIGameMaterial materialNode) { if (isShellMaterial(materialNode)) { // Shell Material Parameters // Original Material not exported => only for the offline rendering in 3DS Max // Baked Material => used for the export IMtl bakedMtl = materialNode.IPropertyContainer.GetProperty(1).MaxParamBlock2.GetMtl(3, 0, 0); if (bakedMtl != null) { Guid guid = bakedMtl.GetGuid(); for (int indexSubMaterial = 0; indexSubMaterial < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; indexSubMaterial++) { IIGameMaterial subMaterialNode = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(indexSubMaterial); if (guid.Equals(subMaterialNode.MaxMaterial.GetGuid())) { return(subMaterialNode); } } } } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Return null if the material is supported. /// Otherwise return the unsupported material (himself or one of its sub-materials) /// </summary> /// <param name="materialNode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IIGameMaterial isMaterialSupported(IIGameMaterial materialNode) { if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { // Check sub materials recursively for (int indexSubMaterial = 0; indexSubMaterial < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; indexSubMaterial++) { IIGameMaterial subMaterialNode = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(indexSubMaterial); IIGameMaterial unsupportedSubMaterial = isMaterialSupported(subMaterialNode); if (unsupportedSubMaterial != null) { return(unsupportedSubMaterial); } } // Multi/sub-object material if (isMultiSubObjectMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } } else { // Standard material var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2; if (stdMat != null) { return(null); } // Physical material if (isPhysicalMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } // Arnold material if (isArnoldMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } } return(materialNode); }
private void ExportMaterial(IIGameMaterial materialNode, BabylonScene babylonScene) { var name = materialNode.MaterialName; var id = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString(); RaiseMessage(name, 1); // --- prints --- #region prints { RaiseVerbose("materialNode.MaterialClass=" + materialNode.MaterialClass, 2); RaiseVerbose("materialNode.NumberOfTextureMaps=" + materialNode.NumberOfTextureMaps, 2); var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer=" + propertyContainer, 2); if (propertyContainer != null) { RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties=" + propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties, 3); for (int i = 0; i < propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties; i++) { var prop = propertyContainer.GetProperty(i); if (prop != null) { RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer.GetProperty(" + i + ")=" + prop.Name, 3); switch (prop.GetType_) { case PropType.StringProp: string propertyString = ""; RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyString, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyString, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyString=" + propertyString, 4); break; case PropType.IntProp: int propertyInt = 0; RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyInt, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyInt, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyInt=" + propertyInt, 4); break; case PropType.FloatProp: float propertyFloat = 0; RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, true), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyFloat=" + propertyFloat, 4); RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, false), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyFloat=" + propertyFloat, 4); break; case PropType.Point3Prop: IPoint3 propertyPoint3 = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, 0, 0); RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyPoint3, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(propertyPoint3, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyPoint3=" + Point3ToString(propertyPoint3), 4); break; case PropType.Point4Prop: IPoint4 propertyPoint4 = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(0, 0, 0, 0); RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyPoint4, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(propertyPoint4, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyPoint4=" + Point4ToString(propertyPoint4), 4); break; case PropType.UnknownProp: default: RaiseVerbose("Unknown property type", 4); break; } } else { RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer.GetProperty(" + i + ") IS NULL", 3); } } } } #endregion if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { var babylonMultimaterial = new BabylonMultiMaterial { name = name, id = id }; var guids = new List <string>(); for (var index = 0; index < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; index++) { var subMat = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(index); if (subMat != null) { guids.Add(subMat.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString()); if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(subMat)) { referencedMaterials.Add(subMat); ExportMaterial(subMat, babylonScene); } } else { guids.Add(Guid.Empty.ToString()); } } babylonMultimaterial.materials = guids.ToArray(); babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Add(babylonMultimaterial); return; } var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2; if (stdMat != null) { var isSelfIllumColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false); var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial { name = name, id = id, ambient = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetAmbient(0, false).ToArray(), diffuse = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(), specular = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSpecular(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShinStr(0, false)), specularPower = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShininess(0, false) * 256, emissive = isSelfIllumColor ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)), // compute the pre-multiplied emissive color alpha = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false) }; // If Self-Illumination color checkbox is checked // Then self-illumination is assumed to be pre-multiplied // Otherwise self-illumination needs to be multiplied with diffuse // linkEmissiveWithDiffuse attribute tells the Babylon engine to perform such multiplication babylonMaterial.linkEmissiveWithDiffuse = !isSelfIllumColor; // useEmissiveAsIllumination attribute tells the Babylon engine to use pre-multiplied emissive as illumination babylonMaterial.useEmissiveAsIllumination = isSelfIllumColor; // Store the emissive value (before multiplication) for gltf babylonMaterial.selfIllum = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false); babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided; babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire; // Textures BabylonFresnelParameters fresnelParameters; babylonMaterial.ambientTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 0, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Ambient babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 1, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Diffuse if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuseFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } babylonMaterial.specularTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 2, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Specular babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 5, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Emissive if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.emissive[0] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[1] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[2] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } } babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 6, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, false, true); // Opacity if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.opacityFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.alpha == 1 && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.alpha = 0; } } babylonMaterial.bumpTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 8, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Bump babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 9, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, true); // Reflection if (fresnelParameters != null) { if (babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture == null) { RaiseWarning("Fallout cannot be used with reflection channel without a texture", 2); } else { babylonMaterial.reflectionFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } } // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } if (babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && == && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha && !babylonMaterial.opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB) { // This is a alpha testing purpose babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = null; babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; RaiseWarning("Opacity texture was removed because alpha from diffuse texture can be use instead", 2); RaiseWarning("If you do not want this behavior, just set Alpha Source = None on your diffuse texture", 2); } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } // TODO - Find another way to detect if material is physical else if (materialNode.MaterialClass.ToLower() == "physical material" || // English materialNode.MaterialClass.ToLower() == "physisches material" || // German // TODO - check if translation is ok materialNode.MaterialClass.ToLower() == "matériau physique") // French { var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial { name = name, id = id }; // --- Global --- // Alpha //var alphaFromXParency = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false); var alphaFromPropertyContainer = 1.0f - propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(17); //RaiseMessage("alphaFromXParency=" + alphaFromXParency, 2); //RaiseMessage("alphaFromPropertyContainer=" + alphaFromPropertyContainer, 2); babylonMaterial.alpha = alphaFromPropertyContainer; babylonMaterial.baseColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(); babylonMaterial.metallic = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(6); babylonMaterial.roughness = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(4); var invertRoughness = propertyContainer.GetBoolProperty(5); if (invertRoughness) { // Inverse roughness babylonMaterial.roughness = 1 - babylonMaterial.roughness; } // Self illumination is computed from emission color, luminance, temperature and weight babylonMaterial.emissive = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false) ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)); // --- Textures --- babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(materialNode, babylonMaterial.baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha, babylonScene, name); babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportMetallicRoughnessTexture(materialNode, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness, babylonScene, name, invertRoughness); var normalMapAmount = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(91); babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 30, babylonScene, normalMapAmount); babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 17, babylonScene); // Use diffuse roughness map as ambient occlusion babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 6, babylonScene); // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f; } if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha)) { babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.metallic = 1.0f; babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f; } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } else { RaiseWarning("Unsupported material type: " + materialNode.MaterialClass, 2); } }
/// <summary> /// Return null if the material is supported. /// Otherwise return the unsupported material (himself or one of its sub-materials) /// </summary> /// <param name="materialNode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IIGameMaterial isMaterialSupported(IIGameMaterial materialNode) { // Shell material if (isShellMaterial(materialNode)) { var bakedMaterial = GetBakedMaterialFromShellMaterial(materialNode); if (bakedMaterial == null) { return(materialNode); } return(isMaterialSupported(bakedMaterial)); } if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { // Check sub materials recursively for (int indexSubMaterial = 0; indexSubMaterial < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; indexSubMaterial++) { IIGameMaterial subMaterialNode = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(indexSubMaterial); IIGameMaterial unsupportedSubMaterial = isMaterialSupported(subMaterialNode); if (unsupportedSubMaterial != null) { return(unsupportedSubMaterial); } } // Multi/sub-object material if (isMultiSubObjectMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } } else { // Standard material var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.NumParamBlocks > 0 ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2 : null; if (stdMat != null) { return(null); } // Physical material if (isPhysicalMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } // Arnold material if (isArnoldMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } // DirectX Shader if (isDirectXShaderMaterial(materialNode)) { return(isMaterialSupported(GetRenderMaterialFromDirectXShader(materialNode))); } } return(materialNode); }
private void ExportMaterial(IIGameMaterial materialNode, BabylonScene babylonScene) { var name = materialNode.MaterialName; var id = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString(); // Check if the material was already exported. The material id is unique. if (babylonScene.MaterialsList.FirstOrDefault(m => == id) != null) { return; } RaiseMessage(name, 1); // --- prints --- #region prints { RaiseVerbose("materialNode.MaterialClass=" + materialNode.MaterialClass, 2); RaiseVerbose("materialNode.NumberOfTextureMaps=" + materialNode.NumberOfTextureMaps, 2); var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer=" + propertyContainer, 2); if (propertyContainer != null) { RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties=" + propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties, 3); for (int i = 0; i < propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties; i++) { var prop = propertyContainer.GetProperty(i); if (prop != null) { RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer.GetProperty(" + i + ")=" + prop.Name, 3); switch (prop.GetType_) { case PropType.StringProp: string propertyString = ""; RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyString, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyString, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyString=" + propertyString, 4); break; case PropType.IntProp: int propertyInt = 0; RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyInt, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyInt, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyInt=" + propertyInt, 4); break; case PropType.FloatProp: float propertyFloat = 0; RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, true)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, true), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyFloat=" + propertyFloat, 4); RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, false)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, false), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyFloat=" + propertyFloat, 4); break; case PropType.Point3Prop: IPoint3 propertyPoint3 = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, 0, 0); RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyPoint3, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(propertyPoint3, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyPoint3=" + Point3ToString(propertyPoint3), 4); break; case PropType.Point4Prop: IPoint4 propertyPoint4 = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(0, 0, 0, 0); RaiseVerbose("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyPoint4, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(propertyPoint4, 0), 4); RaiseVerbose("propertyPoint4=" + Point4ToString(propertyPoint4), 4); break; case PropType.UnknownProp: default: RaiseVerbose("Unknown property type", 4); break; } } else { RaiseVerbose("propertyContainer.GetProperty(" + i + ") IS NULL", 3); } } } } #endregion if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { var babylonMultimaterial = new BabylonMultiMaterial { name = name, id = id }; var guids = new List <string>(); for (var index = 0; index < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; index++) { var subMat = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(index); if (subMat != null) { guids.Add(subMat.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString()); if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(subMat)) { referencedMaterials.Add(subMat); ExportMaterial(subMat, babylonScene); } } else { guids.Add(Guid.Empty.ToString()); } } babylonMultimaterial.materials = guids.ToArray(); babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Add(babylonMultimaterial); return; } var unlitProperty = materialNode.IPropertyContainer.QueryProperty("BabylonUnlit"); bool isUnlit = unlitProperty != null?unlitProperty.GetBoolValue() : false; var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.NumParamBlocks > 0 ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2 : null; if (stdMat != null) { var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial { name = name, id = id, isUnlit = isUnlit, diffuse = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(), alpha = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false) }; babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided; babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire; var isSelfIllumColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false); var maxSpecularColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSpecular(0, false).ToArray(); if (isUnlit == false) { babylonMaterial.ambient = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetAmbient(0, false).ToArray(); babylonMaterial.specular = maxSpecularColor.Multiply(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShinStr(0, false)); babylonMaterial.specularPower = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShininess(0, false) * 256; babylonMaterial.emissive = isSelfIllumColor ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)); // compute the pre-multiplied emissive color // If Self-Illumination color checkbox is checked // Then self-illumination is assumed to be pre-multiplied // Otherwise self-illumination needs to be multiplied with diffuse // linkEmissiveWithDiffuse attribute tells the Babylon engine to perform such multiplication babylonMaterial.linkEmissiveWithDiffuse = !isSelfIllumColor; // useEmissiveAsIllumination attribute tells the Babylon engine to use pre-multiplied emissive as illumination babylonMaterial.useEmissiveAsIllumination = isSelfIllumColor; // Store the emissive value (before multiplication) for gltf babylonMaterial.selfIllum = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false); } // Textures BabylonFresnelParameters fresnelParameters; babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 1, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Diffuse if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuseFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } if ((babylonMaterial.alpha == 1.0f && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture == null) && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.originalPath.EndsWith(".tif") || babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.originalPath.EndsWith(".tiff")) && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha) { RaiseWarning($"Diffuse texture named {babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.originalPath} is a .tif file and its Alpha Source is 'Image Alpha' by default.", 2); RaiseWarning($"If you don't want material to be in BLEND mode, set diffuse texture Alpha Source to 'None (Opaque)'", 2); } babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 6, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, false, true); // Opacity if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.opacityFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.alpha == 1 && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.alpha = 0; } } if (isUnlit == false) { babylonMaterial.ambientTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 0, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Ambient babylonMaterial.specularTexture = ExportSpecularTexture(materialNode, maxSpecularColor, babylonScene); babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 5, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Emissive if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.emissive[0] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[1] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[2] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } } babylonMaterial.bumpTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 8, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Bump babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 9, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, true); // Reflection if (fresnelParameters != null) { if (babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture == null) { RaiseWarning("Fallout cannot be used with reflection channel without a texture", 2); } else { babylonMaterial.reflectionFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } } } // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } if (babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && == && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha && !babylonMaterial.opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB) { // This is a alpha testing purpose babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = null; babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; RaiseWarning("Opacity texture was removed because alpha from diffuse texture can be use instead", 2); RaiseWarning("If you do not want this behavior, just set Alpha Source = None on your diffuse texture", 2); } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } else if (isPhysicalMaterial(materialNode)) { var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial { name = name, id = id, isUnlit = isUnlit }; // --- Global --- // Alpha //var alphaFromXParency = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false); var alphaFromPropertyContainer = 1.0f - propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(17); //RaiseMessage("alphaFromXParency=" + alphaFromXParency, 2); //RaiseMessage("alphaFromPropertyContainer=" + alphaFromPropertyContainer, 2); babylonMaterial.alpha = alphaFromPropertyContainer; babylonMaterial.baseColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(); var invertRoughness = propertyContainer.GetBoolProperty(5); if (isUnlit == false) { babylonMaterial.metallic = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(6); babylonMaterial.roughness = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(4); if (invertRoughness) { // Inverse roughness babylonMaterial.roughness = 1 - babylonMaterial.roughness; } // Self illumination is computed from emission color, luminance, temperature and weight babylonMaterial.emissive = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false) ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)); } else { // Ignore specified roughness and metallic values babylonMaterial.metallic = 0; babylonMaterial.roughness = 0.9f; } // --- Textures --- // 1 - base color ; 9 - transparancy weight ITexmap colorTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 1); ITexmap alphaTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 9); babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(colorTexmap, alphaTexmap, babylonMaterial.baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha, babylonScene, name); if (isUnlit == false) { // Metallic, roughness, ambient occlusion ITexmap metallicTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 5); ITexmap roughnessTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 4); ITexmap ambientOcclusionTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 6); // Use diffuse roughness map as ambient occlusion // Check if MR or ORM textures are already merged bool areTexturesAlreadyMerged = false; if (metallicTexmap != null && roughnessTexmap != null) { string sourcePathMetallic = getSourcePath(metallicTexmap); string sourcePathRoughness = getSourcePath(roughnessTexmap); if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathRoughness) { if (ambientOcclusionTexmap != null && exportParameters.mergeAOwithMR) { string sourcePathAmbientOcclusion = getSourcePath(ambientOcclusionTexmap); if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathAmbientOcclusion) { // Metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion are already merged RaiseVerbose("Metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion are already merged", 2); BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTexmap, babylonScene); babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture; babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ormTexture; areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true; } } else { // Metallic and roughness are already merged RaiseVerbose("Metallic and roughness are already merged", 2); BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTexmap, babylonScene); babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture; areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true; } } } if (areTexturesAlreadyMerged == false) { if (metallicTexmap != null || roughnessTexmap != null) { // Merge metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion RaiseVerbose("Merge metallic and roughness (and ambient occlusion if `mergeAOwithMR` is enabled)", 2); BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportORMTexture(exportParameters.mergeAOwithMR ? ambientOcclusionTexmap : null, roughnessTexmap, metallicTexmap, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness, babylonScene, invertRoughness); babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture; if (ambientOcclusionTexmap != null) { if (exportParameters.mergeAOwithMR) { babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ormTexture; } else { babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 6, babylonScene); } } } else if (ambientOcclusionTexmap != null) { // Simply export occlusion texture RaiseVerbose("Simply export occlusion texture", 2); babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportTexture(ambientOcclusionTexmap, babylonScene); } } if (ambientOcclusionTexmap != null && !exportParameters.mergeAOwithMR && babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture == null) { RaiseVerbose("Exporting occlusion texture without merging with metallic roughness", 2); babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ExportTexture(ambientOcclusionTexmap, babylonScene); } var normalMapAmount = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(91); babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 30, babylonScene, normalMapAmount); babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 17, babylonScene); } if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha)) { var alphaTestProperty = materialNode.IPropertyContainer.QueryProperty("BabylonAlphaTest"); bool isAlphaTest = alphaTestProperty != null?alphaTestProperty.GetBoolValue() : false; babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = isAlphaTest ? (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHATEST : (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.metallic = 1.0f; babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f; } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } else if (isArnoldMaterial(materialNode)) { var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial { name = name, id = id, isUnlit = isUnlit }; // Alpha babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f - propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(32); // Color: base * weight float[] baseColor = propertyContainer.GetPoint3Property(5).ToArray(); float baseWeight = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(2); babylonMaterial.baseColor = baseColor.Multiply(baseWeight); // Metallic & roughness bool invertRoughness = false; babylonMaterial.roughness = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(17); // specular_roughness babylonMaterial.metallic = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(29); // Emissive: emission_color * emission float[] emissionColor = propertyContainer.GetPoint3Property(94).ToArray(); float emissionWeight = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(91); babylonMaterial.emissive = emissionColor.Multiply(emissionWeight); // --- Textures --- // 1 - base_color ; 5 - diffuse_roughness ; 9 - metalness ; 10 - transparent ITexmap colorTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 1); ITexmap alphaTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 10); babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(colorTexmap, alphaTexmap, babylonMaterial.baseColor, babylonMaterial.alpha, babylonScene, name); if (isUnlit == false) { // Metallic, roughness ITexmap metallicTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 9); ITexmap roughnessTexmap = _getTexMap(materialNode, 5); // Check if MR textures are already merged bool areTexturesAlreadyMerged = false; if (metallicTexmap != null && roughnessTexmap != null) { string sourcePathMetallic = getSourcePath(metallicTexmap); string sourcePathRoughness = getSourcePath(roughnessTexmap); if (sourcePathMetallic == sourcePathRoughness) { // Metallic and roughness are already merged RaiseVerbose("Metallic and roughness are already merged", 2); BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportTexture(metallicTexmap, babylonScene); babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture; // The already merged map is assumed to contain Ambient Occlusion in R channel babylonMaterial.occlusionTexture = ormTexture; areTexturesAlreadyMerged = true; } } if (areTexturesAlreadyMerged == false) { if (metallicTexmap != null || roughnessTexmap != null) { // Merge metallic, roughness RaiseVerbose("Merge metallic and roughness", 2); BabylonTexture ormTexture = ExportORMTexture(null, roughnessTexmap, metallicTexmap, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness, babylonScene, invertRoughness); babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ormTexture; } } babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 20, babylonScene); babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 30, babylonScene); } // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; babylonMaterial.alpha = 1.0f; } if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha)) { babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.metallic = 1.0f; babylonMaterial.roughness = 1.0f; } // Add the material to the scene babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } else { // isMaterialExportable check should prevent this to happen RaiseError("Unsupported material type: " + materialNode.MaterialClass, 2); } }
private void ExportMaterial(IIGameMaterial materialNode, BabylonScene babylonScene) { var name = materialNode.MaterialName; var id = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString(); RaiseMessage(name, 1); if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { var babylonMultimaterial = new BabylonMultiMaterial { name = name, id = id }; var guids = new List<string>(); for (var index = 0; index < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; index++) { var subMat = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(index); if (subMat != null) { guids.Add(subMat.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString()); if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(subMat)) { referencedMaterials.Add(subMat); ExportMaterial(subMat, babylonScene); } } else { guids.Add(Guid.Empty.ToString()); } } babylonMultimaterial.materials = guids.ToArray(); babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Add(babylonMultimaterial); return; } var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial { name = name, id = id, ambient = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetAmbient(0, false).ToArray(), diffuse = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(), specular = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSpecular(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShinStr(0, false)), specularPower = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShininess(0, false) * 256, emissive = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false) ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)), alpha = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false) }; var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2; if (stdMat != null) { babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided; babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire; // Textures BabylonFresnelParameters fresnelParameters; babylonMaterial.ambientTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 0, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Ambient babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 1, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Diffuse if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuseFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } babylonMaterial.specularTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 2, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Specular babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 5, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Emissive if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.emissive[0] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[1] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[2] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } } babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 6, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, false, true); // Opacity if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.opacityFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.alpha == 1 && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.alpha = 0; } } babylonMaterial.bumpTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 8, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Bump babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 9, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, true); // Reflection if (fresnelParameters != null) { if (babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture == null) { RaiseWarning("Fallout cannot be used with reflection channel without a texture", 2); } else { babylonMaterial.reflectionFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } } // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } if (babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && == && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha && !babylonMaterial.opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB) { // This is a alpha testing purpose babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = null; babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; RaiseWarning("Opacity texture was removed because alpha from diffuse texture can be use instead", 2); RaiseWarning("If you do not want this behavior, just set Alpha Source = None on your diffuse texture", 2); } } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); }
private void ExportMaterial(IIGameMaterial materialNode, BabylonScene babylonScene) { var name = materialNode.MaterialName; var id = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString(); RaiseMessage(name, 1); if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { var babylonMultimaterial = new BabylonMultiMaterial { name = name, id = id }; var guids = new List <string>(); for (var index = 0; index < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; index++) { var subMat = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(index); if (subMat != null) { guids.Add(subMat.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString()); if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(subMat)) { referencedMaterials.Add(subMat); ExportMaterial(subMat, babylonScene); } } else { guids.Add(Guid.Empty.ToString()); } } babylonMultimaterial.materials = guids.ToArray(); babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Add(babylonMultimaterial); return; } var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial { name = name, id = id, ambient = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetAmbient(0, false).ToArray(), diffuse = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(), specular = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSpecular(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShinStr(0, false)), specularPower = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShininess(0, false) * 256, emissive = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false) ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)), alpha = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false) }; var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2; if (stdMat != null) { babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided; babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire; // Textures BabylonFresnelParameters fresnelParameters; babylonMaterial.ambientTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 0, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Ambient babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 1, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Diffuse if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuseFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } babylonMaterial.specularTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 2, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Specular babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 5, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Emissive if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.emissive[0] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[1] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[2] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } } babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 6, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, false, true); // Opacity if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.opacityFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.alpha == 1 && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.alpha = 0; } } babylonMaterial.bumpTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 8, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Bump babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 9, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, true); // Reflection if (fresnelParameters != null) { if (babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture == null) { RaiseWarning("Fallout cannot be used with reflection channel without a texture", 2); } else { babylonMaterial.reflectionFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } } // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } if (babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && == && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha && !babylonMaterial.opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB) { // This is a alpha testing purpose babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = null; babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; RaiseWarning("Opacity texture was removed because alpha from diffuse texture can be use instead", 2); RaiseWarning("If you do not want this behavior, just set Alpha Source = None on your diffuse texture", 2); } } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); }
/// <summary> /// Return null if the material is supported. /// Otherwise return the unsupported material (himself or one of its sub-materials) /// </summary> /// <param name="materialNode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IIGameMaterial isMaterialSupported(IIGameMaterial materialNode) { // Shell material if (isShellMaterial(materialNode)) { var bakedMaterial = GetBakedMaterialFromShellMaterial(materialNode); if (bakedMaterial == null) { return(materialNode); } return(isMaterialSupported(bakedMaterial)); } if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { // Check sub materials recursively for (int indexSubMaterial = 0; indexSubMaterial < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; indexSubMaterial++) { IIGameMaterial subMaterialNode = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(indexSubMaterial); IIGameMaterial unsupportedSubMaterial = isMaterialSupported(subMaterialNode); if (unsupportedSubMaterial != null) { return(unsupportedSubMaterial); } } // Multi/sub-object material if (isMultiSubObjectMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } } else { // Standard material var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.NumParamBlocks > 0 ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2 : null; if (stdMat != null) { return(null); } // Physical material if (isPhysicalMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } // Custom material exporters IMaxMaterialExporter materialExporter; if (materialExporters.TryGetValue(new ClassIDWrapper(materialNode.MaxMaterial.ClassID), out materialExporter)) { if (isGltfExported && materialExporter is IMaxGLTFMaterialExporter) { return(null); } else if (isBabylonExported && materialExporter is IMaxBabylonMaterialExporter) { return(null); } } // Arnold material if (isArnoldMaterial(materialNode)) { return(null); } // DirectX Shader if (isDirectXShaderMaterial(materialNode)) { return(isMaterialSupported(GetRenderMaterialFromDirectXShader(materialNode))); } } return(materialNode); }
private void ExportMaterial(IIGameMaterial materialNode, BabylonScene babylonScene) { var name = materialNode.MaterialName; var id = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString(); RaiseMessage(name, 1); // --- prints --- { RaiseMessage("materialNode.MaterialClass=" + materialNode.MaterialClass, 2); RaiseMessage("materialNode.NumberOfTextureMaps=" + materialNode.NumberOfTextureMaps, 2); var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; RaiseMessage("propertyContainer=" + propertyContainer, 2); if (propertyContainer != null) { RaiseMessage("propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties=" + propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties, 3); for (int i = 0; i < propertyContainer.NumberOfProperties; i++) { var prop = propertyContainer.GetProperty(i); if (prop != null) { RaiseMessage("propertyContainer.GetProperty(" + i + ")=" + prop.Name, 3); switch (prop.GetType_) { case PropType.StringProp: string propertyString = ""; RaiseMessage("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyString, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyString, 0), 4); RaiseMessage("propertyString=" + propertyString, 4); break; case PropType.IntProp: int propertyInt = 0; RaiseMessage("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyInt, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyInt, 0), 4); RaiseMessage("propertyInt=" + propertyInt, 4); break; case PropType.FloatProp: float propertyFloat = 0; RaiseMessage("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, true), 4); RaiseMessage("propertyFloat=" + propertyFloat, 4); RaiseMessage("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyFloat, 0, false), 4); RaiseMessage("propertyFloat=" + propertyFloat, 4); break; case PropType.Point3Prop: IPoint3 propertyPoint3 = Loader.Global.Point3.Create(0, 0, 0); RaiseMessage("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyPoint3, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(propertyPoint3, 0), 4); RaiseMessage("propertyPoint3=" + Point3ToString(propertyPoint3), 4); break; case PropType.Point4Prop: IPoint4 propertyPoint4 = Loader.Global.Point4.Create(0, 0, 0, 0); RaiseMessage("prop.GetPropertyValue(ref propertyPoint4, 0)=" + prop.GetPropertyValue(propertyPoint4, 0), 4); RaiseMessage("propertyPoint4=" + Point4ToString(propertyPoint4), 4); break; case PropType.UnknownProp: default: RaiseMessage("Unknown property type", 4); break; } } else { RaiseMessage("propertyContainer.GetProperty(" + i + ") IS NULL", 3); } } } } if (materialNode.SubMaterialCount > 0) { var babylonMultimaterial = new BabylonMultiMaterial { name = name, id = id }; var guids = new List <string>(); for (var index = 0; index < materialNode.SubMaterialCount; index++) { var subMat = materialNode.GetSubMaterial(index); if (subMat != null) { guids.Add(subMat.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString()); if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(subMat)) { referencedMaterials.Add(subMat); ExportMaterial(subMat, babylonScene); } } else { guids.Add(Guid.Empty.ToString()); } } babylonMultimaterial.materials = guids.ToArray(); babylonScene.MultiMaterialsList.Add(babylonMultimaterial); return; } var stdMat = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetParamBlock(0).Owner as IStdMat2; if (stdMat != null) { var babylonMaterial = new BabylonStandardMaterial { name = name, id = id, ambient = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetAmbient(0, false).ToArray(), diffuse = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(), specular = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSpecular(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShinStr(0, false)), specularPower = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetShininess(0, false) * 256, emissive = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false) ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)), alpha = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false) }; babylonMaterial.backFaceCulling = !stdMat.TwoSided; babylonMaterial.wireframe = stdMat.Wire; // Textures BabylonFresnelParameters fresnelParameters; babylonMaterial.ambientTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 0, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Ambient babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 1, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Diffuse if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuseFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } babylonMaterial.specularTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 2, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Specular babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 5, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Emissive if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.emissiveFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.emissive[0] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[1] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissive[2] == 0 && babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } } babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 6, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, false, true); // Opacity if (fresnelParameters != null) { babylonMaterial.opacityFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; if (babylonMaterial.alpha == 1 && babylonMaterial.opacityTexture == null) { babylonMaterial.alpha = 0; } } babylonMaterial.bumpTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 8, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene); // Bump babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture = ExportTexture(stdMat, 9, out fresnelParameters, babylonScene, true); // Reflection if (fresnelParameters != null) { if (babylonMaterial.reflectionTexture == null) { RaiseWarning("Fallout cannot be used with reflection channel without a texture", 2); } else { babylonMaterial.reflectionFresnelParameters = fresnelParameters; } } // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.diffuse = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissive = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } if (babylonMaterial.opacityTexture != null && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture != null && == && babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha && !babylonMaterial.opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB) { // This is a alpha testing purpose babylonMaterial.opacityTexture = null; babylonMaterial.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; RaiseWarning("Opacity texture was removed because alpha from diffuse texture can be use instead", 2); RaiseWarning("If you do not want this behavior, just set Alpha Source = None on your diffuse texture", 2); } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } else if (materialNode.MaterialClass == "Physical Material") { var propertyContainer = materialNode.IPropertyContainer; var babylonMaterial = new BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial { name = name, id = id }; // --- Global --- // Alpha // --- // TODO - Unclear if alpha must be stored within 'alpha' property of BABYLON.Material // or within alpha channel of 'baseColor' of BABYLON.PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial // --- // TODO - XParency seems computed from several parameters // 'Transparency' property is one of them // Which value to use? var alphaFromXParency = 1.0f - materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetXParency(0, false); var alphaFromPropertyContainer = 1.0f - propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(17); RaiseMessage("alphaFromXParency=" + alphaFromXParency, 2); RaiseMessage("alphaFromPropertyContainer=" + alphaFromPropertyContainer, 2); babylonMaterial.alpha = alphaFromXParency; babylonMaterial.baseColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).ToArray(); babylonMaterial.metallic = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(6); babylonMaterial.roughness = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(4); if (propertyContainer.GetIntProperty(5) == 1) { // Inverse roughness babylonMaterial.roughness = 1 - babylonMaterial.roughness; } // Self illumination is computed from emission color, luminance, temperature and weight babylonMaterial.emissiveColor = materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColorOn(0, false) ? materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllumColor(0, false).ToArray() : materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetDiffuse(0, false).Scale(materialNode.MaxMaterial.GetSelfIllum(0, false)); // --- Textures --- babylonMaterial.baseTexture = ExportBaseColorAlphaTexture(materialNode, babylonScene, name); if (babylonMaterial.alpha != 1.0f || (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null && babylonMaterial.baseTexture.hasAlpha)) { babylonMaterial.transparencyMode = (int)BabylonPBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial.TransparencyMode.ALPHABLEND; } babylonMaterial.metallicRoughnessTexture = ExportMetallicRoughnessTexture(materialNode, babylonMaterial.metallic, babylonMaterial.roughness, babylonScene, name); babylonMaterial.environmentTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 3, babylonScene); var normalMapAmount = propertyContainer.GetFloatProperty(91); babylonMaterial.normalTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 30, babylonScene, normalMapAmount); babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture = ExportPBRTexture(materialNode, 17, babylonScene); // Constraints if (babylonMaterial.baseTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.baseColor = new[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; } if (babylonMaterial.emissiveTexture != null) { babylonMaterial.emissiveColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; } babylonScene.MaterialsList.Add(babylonMaterial); } else { RaiseWarning("Unsupported material type: " + materialNode.MaterialClass, 2); } }