public void InsertTest(IHeap <int> heap, bool isMin) { var newList = RandomList().ToList(); var tmpLst = new List <int>(TestList); tmpLst.AddRange(newList); tmpLst.Sort(); if (!isMin) { tmpLst.Reverse(); } foreach (var num in newList) { heap.Insert(num); } var heapList = new List <int>(); while (!heap.IsEmpty()) { heapList.Add(heap.ExtractMin().Value); } Console.WriteLine("isMin:" + isMin); Console.WriteLine("Expect:" + string.Join(", ", tmpLst)); Console.WriteLine("Result:" + string.Join(", ", heapList)); Assert.IsTrue(tmpLst.SequenceEqual(heapList)); }
private static IEnumerable <TSource> ConsumeHeap <TSource>(this IHeap <TSource> heap) { while (heap.Count > 0) { yield return(heap.Remove()); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a typed space for objects of the specified type /// </summary> public static ISpace <T> GetSpace <T>(this IHeap heap) where T : HeapObject { var atr = HeapAttribute.Lookup <HeapSpaceAttribute>(typeof(T)); var area = heap.NonNull(nameof(heap))[atr.Area]; return(area.GetSpace <T>()); }
protected BTree( IHdfStreamProvider aStreamProvider, IHeap aAllocator) { mrStreamProvider = aStreamProvider; mrStreamSpaceAllocator = aAllocator; }
public void MergeTest(IHeap <int> heap, bool isMin) { var newList = RandomList().ToList(); var tmpLst = new List <int>(TestList); tmpLst.AddRange(newList); tmpLst.Sort(); if (!isMin) { tmpLst.Reverse(); } var newHeap = CreateHeap(isMin) as BinomialHeap <int>; Assert.NotNull(newHeap); foreach (var num in newList) { newHeap.Insert(num); } var binaryHeap = heap as BinomialHeap <int>; Assert.IsNotNull(binaryHeap); binaryHeap.Merge(newHeap); var heapList = GetHeapList(isMin).ToList(); Console.WriteLine("isMin:" + isMin); Console.WriteLine("Expect:" + string.Join(", ", tmpLst)); Console.WriteLine("Result:" + string.Join(", ", heapList)); Assert.IsTrue(tmpLst.SequenceEqual(heapList)); }
public static async Task <SaveResult <object> > ExecResultAsync(this IHeap heap, HeapRequest query, Guid idempotencyToken = default(Guid), INode node = null) { var atr = HeapAttribute.Lookup <HeapProcAttribute>(query.NonNull(nameof(query)).GetType()); var area = heap.NonNull(nameof(heap))[atr.Area]; return(await area.ExecuteAsync(query, idempotencyToken, node)); }
public void EmptyFlagFalseInNonEmptyHeap() { IHeap <int> heap = NewHeapInstance <int>(); heap.Insert(5); Assert.IsFalse(heap.IsEmpty); }
public void SizeIsOneInOneEntryHeap() { IHeap <int> heap = NewHeapInstance <int>(); heap.Insert(5); Assert.AreEqual(1, heap.Size); }
public void Pop_N_TryPop_Behaves_For_Empty_Heap(int capacity) { IHeap <int> instance = Substitute.ForPartsOf <AbstractBinaryHeap <int> >(capacity); Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => instance.Pop()); Assert.False(instance.TryPop(out _)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a <see cref="PriorityQueue{T}" /> with given <see cref="IHeap{T}" />. /// If no <see cref="IHeap{T}" /> is given, <see cref="BinaryHeap{T}" /> and <see cref="PriorityComparer{T}" /> will be /// used. /// </summary> /// <param name="heap">Initial Heap.</param> public PriorityQueue(IHeap <IPriority <T> > heap = null) { if (heap == null) { heap = Heaps.Default(new PriorityComparer <T>()); } _heap = heap; }
public HeapIntConnector(int dataAddress, HeapType dataType, IHeap heap, IHeapConnectorFactory heapDataFactory, DeallocationFunc deallocFunc) : base(dataAddress, dataType, heap, heapDataFactory, deallocFunc) { if (dataType.BuiltInType != BuiltInTypeEnum.Integer) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid heap type!"); } }
public void ExceptionThrownIfNullIsInserted() { IHeap <int?> heap = NewHeapInstance <int?>( 10, (x, y) => Nullable.Compare(x, y)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => heap.Insert(null)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a HeapConnector instance. /// </summary> public HeapConnector(int dataAddress, HeapType dataType, IHeap heap, IHeapConnectorFactory heapDataFactory, DeallocationFunc deallocFunc) { this.dataAddress = dataAddress; this.dataType = dataType; this.heap = heap; this.heapDataFactory = heapDataFactory; this.deallocationFunc = deallocFunc; }
private static Handle AllocateAndWrite(IHeap <byte> heap, string text) { var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text); var handle = heap.Allocate(bytes.Length); heap.Write(handle, bytes); return(handle); }
public ProgState(IStack es, IOutBuffer ob, IDictionary vt, int i, IHeap hp) { = es; this.ob = ob; this.vt = vt; this.hp = hp; psId = i; }
public void EmptyFlagTrueAfterHeapBecomesEmpty() { IHeap <int> heap = NewHeapInstance <int>(); heap.Insert(5); heap.Remove(); Assert.IsTrue(heap.IsEmpty); }
public PrgState(IStack<IStmt> stack, IDictionary<String, int> symbol_table, IList<int> output, IHeap<int> hp) { state_id = id_gen++; exeStack = stack; symTable = symbol_table; outList = output; h = hp; }
public PrgState(IStack <IStmt> stack, IDictionary <String, int> symbol_table, IList <int> output, IHeap <int> hp) { state_id = id_gen++; exeStack = stack; symTable = symbol_table; outList = output; h = hp; }
public void EmptyFlagTrueAfterHeapIsCleared() { IHeap <int> heap = NewHeapInstance <int>(); heap.Insert(5); heap.Clear(); Assert.IsTrue(heap.IsEmpty); }
public void SizeIsZeroAfterHeapBecomesEmpty() { IHeap <int> heap = NewHeapInstance <int>(); heap.Insert(5); heap.Remove(); Assert.AreEqual(0, heap.Size); }
public void SizeIsZeroAfterHeapIsCleared() { IHeap <int> heap = NewHeapInstance <int>(); heap.Insert(5); heap.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(0, heap.Size); }
public int eval(IDictionary <String, int> tbl, IHeap <int> h) { if (tbl.containsKey(id)) { return((int)tbl[id]); } throw new UninitializedVariableException(); }
internal static void UnpackSerializedHeap(XElement heapNode, IHeap <XElement> heap) { var elementsEnumerator = heapNode.Elements().GetEnumerator(); while (elementsEnumerator.MoveNext()) { heap.Add(XMLUtility.GuidOfAttribute(elementsEnumerator.Current), elementsEnumerator.Current); } }
public PrgState() { id = 0; exeStack = null; symTable = null; output = null; originalProgram = null; heap = null; }
public void SizeTest(IHeap <int> heap) { var tmpLst = new List <int>(TestList); var expected = tmpLst.Count; var result = heap.Size(); Console.WriteLine("Expect:" + expected + " Result:" + result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PriorityQueue{TKey, TValue}"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="initialCapacity">The initial queue capacity.</param> /// <param name="maximumSize">The maximum recommended number of elements in the queue. The actual number of elements might be larger.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"> /// <paramref name="maximumSize"/> is zero or less. /// </exception> public PriorityQueue(int initialCapacity, int maximumSize) { if (maximumSize < 1) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maximumSize), maximumSize, "The maximum size of priority queue must be greater than zero."); } this.heap = new BinaryHeap <TKey, TValue>(initialCapacity, maximumSize); }
public PrgState(MyIStack <IStmt> stk, Stack <MyIDictionary <MyMap> > symtbl, MyIList <int> otp, IStmt crtstm, IHeap <HMap> h) { id++; exeStack = stk; symTable = symtbl; output = otp; originalProgram = crtstm; exeStack.Push(crtstm); heap = h; }
public ProgramState(IMyStack<IMyStatement> executionStack, IMyDictionary<string, int> myDictionary, IMyList<string> output, IHeap<int, int> heap, IMyStatement originalProgram) { this.executionStack = executionStack; this.myDictionary = myDictionary; this.output = output; this.originalProgram = originalProgram; this.executionStack.push(originalProgram); this.heap = heap; this.stateId = globalStateId++; }
public HeapServer(IHeap heap, TcpServer tcpServer) { if (heap == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("heap"); if (tcpServer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("tcpServer"); Heap = heap; TcpServer = tcpServer; }
public void GetMinTest(IHeap <int> heap, bool isMin) { var tmpLst = new List <int>(TestList); Console.WriteLine("isMin:" + isMin); var expected = isMin ? tmpLst.Min() : tmpLst.Max(); var result = heap.GetMin().Value; Console.WriteLine("Expect:" + expected + " Result:" + result); Assert.AreEqual(expected, result); }
void AssertMinToMax(IHeap <int> minHeap) { int currentValue = minHeap.Pop(); for (int i = 1; i < minHeap.Count; i++) { int nextValue = minHeap.Pop(); Assert.IsTrue(currentValue <= nextValue); currentValue = nextValue; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new priority queue. /// </summary> /// <param name="maxBased">Weather this PriorityQueue will order based on highest value or lowest value</param> /// <param name="size">The starting size of this queue</param> public PriorityQueue(bool maxBased, int size = 10) { if (maxBased) { _heap = new MaxHeap <QueueNode <T> >(size); } else { _heap = new MinHeap <QueueNode <T> >(size); } }
void AssertMaxToMin(IHeap <int> maxHeap) { int currentValue = maxHeap.Pop(); for (int i = 1; i < maxHeap.Count; i++) { int nextValue = maxHeap.Pop(); Assert.IsTrue(currentValue >= nextValue); currentValue = nextValue; } }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> h) { if (op == '+') return (e1.eval(tbl, h) + e2.eval(tbl, h)); if (op == '-') return (e1.eval(tbl, h) - e2.eval(tbl, h)); if (op == '*') return (e1.eval(tbl, h) * e2.eval(tbl, h)); if (op == '/') { if (e2.eval (tbl, h) == 0) throw new DivisionByZeroException (); return (e1.eval (tbl, h) / e2.eval (tbl, h)); } return 0; }
public WTree(IHeap heap) { if (heap == null) throw new NullReferenceException("heap"); this.heap = heap; if (heap.Exists(HANDLE_SETTINGS)) { //create root branch with dummy handle RootBranch = new Branch(this, NodeType.Leaf, 0); //read settings - settings will set the RootBranch.NodeHandle using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(heap.Read(HANDLE_SETTINGS))) Settings.Deserialize(this, ms); //read scheme using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(heap.Read(HANDLE_SCHEME))) scheme = Scheme.Deserialize(new BinaryReader(ms)); ////load branch cache //using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Heap.Read(HANDLE_ROOT))) // RootBranch.Cache.Load(this, new BinaryReader(ms)); isRootCacheLoaded = false; } else { //obtain reserved handles var handle = heap.ObtainNewHandle(); if (handle != HANDLE_SETTINGS) throw new Exception("Logical error."); scheme = new WaterfallTree.Scheme(); handle = heap.ObtainNewHandle(); if (handle != HANDLE_SCHEME) throw new Exception("Logical error."); handle = heap.ObtainNewHandle(); if (handle != HANDLE_ROOT) throw new Exception("Logical error."); handle = heap.ObtainNewHandle(); if (handle != HANDLE_RESERVED) throw new Exception("Logical error."); RootBranch = new Branch(this, NodeType.Leaf); //the constructor will invoke Heap.ObtainHandle() isRootCacheLoaded = true; } CacheThread = new Thread(DoCache); CacheThread.Start(); }
/** * Evaluates the expression * For simplicity the result will be converted to int * @param table The table of values in case of a variable * @return int result */ public int eval(IMyDictionary<string, int> table, IHeap<int, int> heap) { switch (operatorType) { case OperatorsEnum.ADD: return (int)(firstExpression.eval(table, heap) + secondExpression.eval(table, heap)); case OperatorsEnum.SUBSTRACT: return (int)(firstExpression.eval(table, heap) - secondExpression.eval(table, heap)); case OperatorsEnum.MULTIPLY: return (int)(firstExpression.eval(table, heap) * secondExpression.eval(table, heap)); case OperatorsEnum.DIVIDE: return (int)(firstExpression.eval(table, heap) + secondExpression.eval(table, heap)); default: return int.MaxValue; } }
/** * Evaluates the expression * For simplicity the result will be converted to int * * @param table The table of values in case of a variable * @return int result */ public int eval(IMyDictionary<string, int> table, IHeap<int, int> heap) { bool firstBoolean; bool secondBoolean; if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) == 0) { firstBoolean = false; } else { firstBoolean = true; } if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) == 0) { secondBoolean = false; } else { secondBoolean = true; } switch (operatorType) { case OperatorsEnum.AND: if (firstBoolean && secondBoolean) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.OR: if (firstBoolean || secondBoolean) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.NOT: if (!firstBoolean) { return 1; } return 0; default: return int.MinValue; } }
/** * Evaluates the expression * For simplicity the result will be converted to int * @param table The table of values in case of a variable * @return int result */ public int eval(IMyDictionary<string, int> table, IHeap<int, int> heap) { switch (operatorType) { case OperatorsEnum.LESS: if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) < secondExpression.eval(table, heap)) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.LESS_EQUAL: if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) <= secondExpression.eval(table, heap)) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.GRATER_EQUAL: if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) >= secondExpression.eval(table, heap)) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.GRATER: if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) > secondExpression.eval(table, heap)) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.EQUAL: if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) == secondExpression.eval(table, heap)) { return 1; } return 0; case OperatorsEnum.DIFFERENT: if (firstExpression.eval(table, heap) != secondExpression.eval(table, heap)) { return 1; } return 0; default: return int.MinValue; } }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> h) { switch (cmp) { case "&&": if (e1.eval(tbl, h) != 0 && e2.eval(tbl, h) != 0) return 1; else return 0; case "||": if (e1.eval(tbl, h) != 0 || e2.eval(tbl, h) != 0) return 1; else return 0; case "!": if (e1.eval(tbl, h) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } return 0; }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> h) { if (cmp == "<") { if (e1.eval(tbl, h) < e2.eval(tbl, h)) return 1; else return 0; } else if (cmp == "<="){ if(e1.eval(tbl, h) <= e2.eval(tbl, h)) return 1; else return 0; } else if (cmp == "=="){ if(e1.eval(tbl, h) == e2.eval(tbl, h)) return 1; else return 0; } else if (cmp == "!="){ if(e1.eval(tbl, h) != e2.eval(tbl, h)) return 1; else return 0; } else if (cmp == ">"){ if(e1.eval(tbl, h) > e2.eval(tbl, h)) return 1; else return 0; } else if (cmp == ">="){ if(e1.eval(tbl, h) <= e2.eval(tbl, h)) return 1; else return 0; } return 0; }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> h) { return nr; }
/// <summary> /// Returns the specified number of parses or fewer for the specified tokens. /// </summary> /// <param name="tokens">A parse containing the tokens with a single parent node.</param> /// <param name="numParses">The number of parses desired.</param> /// <returns>The specified number of parses for the specified tokens.</returns> /// <remarks> /// The nodes within the returned parses are shared with other parses and therefore their /// parent node references will not be consistent with their child node reference. /// <see cref="SharpNL.Parser.Parse.Parent"/> can be used to make the parents consistent with a /// particular parse, but subsequent calls to this property can invalidate the results of earlier /// calls. /// </remarks> public Parse[] Parse(Parse tokens, int numParses) { if (createDerivationString) tokens.Derivation = new StringBuilder(); odh.Clear(); ndh.Clear(); completeParses.Clear(); var derivationStage = 0; //derivation length var maxDerivationLength = 2*tokens.ChildCount + 3; odh.Add(tokens); Parse guess = null; double minComplete = 2; double bestComplete = -100000; //approximating -infinity/0 in ln domain while (odh.Size() > 0 && (completeParses.Size() < M || odh.First().Probability < minComplete) && derivationStage < maxDerivationLength) { ndh = new ListHeap<Parse>(K); var derivationRank = 0; // foreach derivation for (var pi = odh.GetEnumerator(); pi.MoveNext() && derivationRank < K; derivationRank++) { var tp = pi.Current; //TODO: Need to look at this for K-best parsing cases /* if (tp.getProb() < bestComplete) { //this parse and the ones which follow will never win, stop advancing. break; } */ if (guess == null && derivationStage == 2) { guess = tp; } #if DEBUG if (debugOn) { Console.Out.WriteLine(derivationStage + " " + derivationRank + " " + tp.Probability); Console.Out.WriteLine(tp.ToString()); Console.Out.WriteLine(); } #endif Parse[] nd; if (derivationStage == 0) { nd = AdvanceTags(tp); } else if (derivationStage == 1) { nd = AdvanceChunks(tp, ndh.Size() < K ? bestComplete : ndh.Last().Probability); } else { // i > 1 nd = AdvanceParses(tp, Q); } if (nd != null) { for (int k = 0, kl = nd.Length; k < kl; k++) { if (nd[k].Complete) { AdvanceTop(nd[k]); if (nd[k].Probability > bestComplete) { bestComplete = nd[k].Probability; } if (nd[k].Probability < minComplete) { minComplete = nd[k].Probability; } completeParses.Add(nd[k]); } else { ndh.Add(nd[k]); } } } else { if (ReportFailedParse) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Couldn't advance parse " + derivationStage + " stage " + derivationRank + "!\n"); } AdvanceTop(tp); completeParses.Add(tp); } } derivationStage++; odh = ndh; } if (completeParses.Size() == 0) { if (ReportFailedParse) Console.Error.WriteLine("Couldn't find parse for: " + tokens); //Parse r = (Parse) odh.first(); //; //System.out.println(); return new[] {guess}; } if (numParses == 1) { return new[] {completeParses.First()}; } var topParses = new List<Parse>(); while (!completeParses.IsEmpty() && topParses.Count < numParses) { var tp = completeParses.Extract(); topParses.Add(tp); //parses.remove(tp); } return topParses.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AbstractBottomUpParser"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="tagger">The pos-tagger that the parser uses.</param> /// <param name="chunker">The chunker that the parser uses to chunk non-recursive structures.</param> /// <param name="headRules">The head rules for the parser.</param> /// <param name="beamSize">Size of the beam.</param> /// <param name="advancePercentage">The advance percentage.</param> protected AbstractBottomUpParser(IPOSTagger tagger, IChunker chunker, AbstractHeadRules headRules, int beamSize, double advancePercentage) { this.tagger = tagger; this.chunker = chunker; M = beamSize; K = beamSize; Q = advancePercentage; ReportFailedParse = true; this.headRules = headRules; punctSet = headRules.PunctuationTags; odh = new ListHeap<Parse>(K); ndh = new ListHeap<Parse>(K); completeParses = new ListHeap<Parse>(K); }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> h) { if (tbl.containsKey(id)) return (int) tbl[id]; throw new UninitializedVariableException (); }
public HeapServer(IHeap heap, int port = 7183) : this(heap, new TcpServer(port)) { }
public int eval(IMyDictionary<string, int> table, IHeap<int, int> heap) { return heap.lookUp(table.lookUp(variableName)); }
public void createProgram(IMyStack<IMyStatement> mExecutionStack, IMyDictionary<String, int> myDictionary, IMyList<String> mOutput, IHeap<int, int> heap, IMyStatement mInitialProgram) { programStateList.Add(new ProgramState(mExecutionStack, myDictionary, mOutput, heap, mInitialProgram)); }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> h) { Console.WriteLine("Input a number: "); return Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); }
public void setHeap(IHeap<int, int> heap) { this.heap = heap; }
public int eval(IDictionary<String, int> tbl, IHeap<int> heap) { int address = tbl[id]; return heap[address]; }
public int eval(IMyDictionary<string, int> table, IHeap<int, int> heap) { return number; }
public static IStorageEngine FromHeap(IHeap heap) { return new StorageEngine(heap); }
public void Initialize() { this.comparision = (x, y) => y.CompareTo(x); this.heap = new BinaryHeap<int>(comparision); }
/** * Evaluate the variable by getting its value from the Table * @param table Table of values * @return int value */ public int eval(IMyDictionary<string, int> table, IHeap<int, int> heap) { return table.lookUp(name); }