private static void ButtonsForWebService() { AddButtonForGetTime(); var url = new IHTMLInput(ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, ""); url.AttachToDocument(); var DownloadData = new IHTMLButton { innerText = "DownloadData" }.AttachToDocument(); DownloadData.onclick += delegate { new AlphaWebService().DownloadData(url.value, x => { new IHTMLPre { innerText = url.value + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + x }.AttachToDocument(); } ); }; }
public UltraApplication(IHTMLElement e) { new IHTMLDiv { innerHTML = "Hello world" }.AttachToDocument(); var GetTime = new IHTMLButton { innerText = "GetTime" }.AttachToDocument(); GetTime.onclick += delegate { new AlphaWebService().GetTime("[client time]: " + DateTime.Now + " [server time]", x => { new IHTMLDiv { innerText = x }.AttachToDocument(); } ); }; var url = new IHTMLInput(ScriptCoreLib.Shared.HTMLInputTypeEnum.text, ""); url.AttachToDocument(); var DownloadData = new IHTMLButton { innerText = "DownloadData" }.AttachToDocument(); DownloadData.onclick += delegate { new AlphaWebService().DownloadData(url.value, x => { new IHTMLPre { innerText = url.value + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + x }.AttachToDocument(); } ); }; }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { Func<IHTMLAudio, Action<double>> loop = snd => { Action iloop = null; var r = new IHTMLInput(); var label = new IHTMLLabel(snd.src, r).AttachToDocument(); dynamic rr = r; rr.type = "range"; r.AttachToDocument(); Action newvolume = delegate { snd.volume = int.Parse(r.value) / 100; }; r.onchange += delegate { newvolume(); }; iloop = delegate { Console.WriteLine("at canplaythrough " + new { snd.duration }); newvolume();; snd.onended += delegate { Console.WriteLine("at onended"); }; //var xsnd = snd; var xsnd = new IHTMLAudio { src = snd.src }; xsnd.autobuffer = true; new ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Runtime.Timer( delegate { snd.volume = snd.volume * 0.5; Console.WriteLine("at timer " + new { snd.currentTime, snd.duration }); snd = xsnd; iloop(); } ).StartTimeout((int)(1000 * snd.duration - 0.8)); xsnd.load(); }; snd.autobuffer = true; // Console.WriteLine("waiting for canplaythrough"); snd.addEventListener( "canplaythrough", new Action( delegate { iloop(); } ) ); new IHTMLBreak().AttachToDocument(); return nextvolume => { r.value = "" + (int)(nextvolume * 100); newvolume(); }; }; //loop(new helicopter1wav()); var r0 = loop(new dieselloop()); var r1 = loop(new dieselloopm5()); var r2 = loop(new dieselloopm5m5()); // we need SIN var zero = 0; var lookup = new[] { new double [] {zero, 0, 0}, new double [] {0, 0, 1}, new double [] {0, 1, 0}, new double [] {1, 0, 0}, }; var tween_r0 = NumericEmitter.OfDouble( (x, y) => { r0(x); } ); var tween_r1 = NumericEmitter.OfDouble( (x, y) => { r1(x); } ); var tween_r2 = NumericEmitter.OfDouble( (x, y) => { r2(x); } ); Action masterswitchchanged = delegate { var masterswitch = int.Parse(page.masterswitch.value); Console.WriteLine( new { masterswitch } ); lookup[masterswitch].With( x => { tween_r0(x[0], 0); tween_r1(x[1], 0); tween_r2(x[2], 0); } ); }; page.masterswitch.onchange += delegate { masterswitchchanged(); }; page.masterswitch.value = "" + (lookup.Length - 1); masterswitchchanged(); }
private void Setup(System.Action done) { t = new Timer(); var text = new IHTMLInput(HTMLInputTypeEnum.text); text.className = "TalkToOthers"; text.AttachToDocument(); text.onkeypress += delegate(IEvent x) { if (x.IsReturn) { this.CurrentSession.IServer_TalkToOthers(text.value); this.DisplayNotification(text.value, Color.Blue); text.value = ""; } }; = 1000; //Native.Document.body.DisableContextMenu(); //CreateRotatingTank(96 + 48 * 7, 96 + 48 * 1, t, "tree_1", 383, 392); //CreateRotatingTank(96 + 48 * 1, 96 + 48 * 2, t, "tank_1", 308, 339); int u = 7; System.Action idone = null; System.Action<System.Action> adone = delegate(System.Action x) { if (x != null) idone += x; u--; if (u == 0) { if (idone != null) { idone(); idone = null; } //done(); //t.StartInterval(100); } }; done(); t.StartInterval(100); UnitCache.Of("harvester_1", 71, 71 + 31, 48, 48, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Unit.Of(c, 32 * 7, 24 * i, t, 5); } }); } ); building_1 = UnitCache.Of("building_1", 365, 365 + 17, 72, 72, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { var xu = Unit.Of(c, 32 * 14, 72 * i, t, 2); System.Action To3 = null; System.Action To4 = null; System.Action To1r = null; System.Action To1 = null; To3 = delegate { xu.Cache = building_3; xu.WhenDone = To4; }; To1r = delegate { xu.ReverseAnimation = true; xu.Cache = building_1; xu.WhenDone = To1; }; To1 = delegate { xu.ReverseAnimation = false; xu.Cache = building_1; xu.WhenDone = To3; }; To4 = delegate { xu.Cache = building_4; xu.WhenDone = To1r; }; xu.WhenDone = To3; } }); } ); UnitCache.Of("building_2", 1252, 1252 + 15, 48, 48, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Unit.Of(c, 32 * 17, 48 * i, t, 6); } }); } ); building_4 = UnitCache.Of("building_4", 405, 405 + 17, 72, 72, uc => adone(null)); building_3 = UnitCache.Of("building_3", 393, 393 + 11, 72, 72, uc => adone(null)); UnitCache.Of("tank_2", 308, 308 + 31, 24, 24, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { Unit.Of(c, 32 * 3, 24 * i, t, 3); } }); } ); explosion_1 = UnitCache.Of("explosion_1", 990, 1015, 78, 121, delegate(UnitCache c) { adone(delegate { Native.Document.body.onclick += delegate(IEvent ev) { int cx = ev.CursorX; int cy = ev.CursorY; UserCreateExplosion(cx, cy); }; }); } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/building/power.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 50 + 48 * i, 200, 48, 72, 0, 23, t); } } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/building/cy.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 50 + 72 * i, 300, 72, 72, 0, 34, t); } } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/building/barrack.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 280 + 48 * i, 300, 48, 72, 0, 46, t); } } ); new IHTMLImage("fx/vehicle/veh_cy.png").InvokeOnComplete( delegate(IHTMLImage img) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { SpawnAnimation(img, 50 + 48 * i, 400, 48, 48, 0, 31, t); } } ); //.InvokeOnComplete( // delegate(IHTMLImage img) // { // this.Explosion = img; // for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // { // SpawnAnimation(img, 250 + 48 * i, 200, 78, 121, 0, 25, t); // } // } //); }