/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { var button = new IHTMLButton(); button.innerText = "Click me"; button.WhenClicked(async b => { //Native.document.documentElement.style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.wait; Native.document.documentElement.style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.progress; await WebMethod2(); Native.document.documentElement.style.cursor = IStyle.CursorEnum.auto; }); button.AttachToDocument(); }
//public readonly ApplicationWebService service = new ApplicationWebService(); /// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { var service = this; #region pre Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement> pre = (value, output) => { return new IHTMLPre { innerText = value }.AttachTo(output); }; #endregion #region pre Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement> browse = null; browse = (path, output) => { var list = new IHTMLButton { innerText = path }.AttachTo(output); var group = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(output); list.onclick += delegate { group.style.margin = "1em"; group.style.paddingLeft = "1em"; group.style.border = "1px solid gray"; list.disabled = true; service.File_list(path, ydirectory: value => { browse(path + "/" + value, group); }, yfile: value => { var link = new IHTMLAnchor { href = "/io" + path + "/" + value, innerText = value }; link.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; link.AttachTo(group); } ); }; return group; }; #endregion #region f Action<string, string, Action<string, Action<string>>, Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement>> f = (text, arg1, c, y) => { var btn = new IHTMLButton(text).AttachToDocument(); var output = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); btn.onclick += e => { btn.style.color = JSColor.Red; output.Clear(); c(arg1, value => { btn.style.color = JSColor.Blue; y(value, output); } ); } ; }; #endregion #region ff Action<string, Func<Task<string>>, Func<string, IHTMLDiv, IHTMLElement>> ff = (text, c, y) => { var btn = new IHTMLButton(text).AttachToDocument(); var output = new IHTMLDiv().AttachToDocument(); btn.WhenClicked( async e => { btn.style.color = JSColor.Red; output.Clear(); var value = await c(); btn.style.color = JSColor.Blue; y(value, output); } ); }; #endregion #if CORE_PARTIAL ff("Environment_getDataDirectory", () => service.Environment_getDataDirectory(), browse); ff("Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory", () => service.Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory(), browse); ff("Environment_getExternalStorageDirectory", () => service.Environment_getExternalStorageDirectory(), browse); ff("Environment_getExternalStorageState", () => service.Environment_getExternalStorageState(), pre); ff("Environment_getRootDirectory", () => service.Environment_getRootDirectory(), browse); //service.Environment_DIRECTORY("", // ( // string DIRECTORY_MUSIC, // string DIRECTORY_PODCASTS, // string DIRECTORY_RINGTONES, // string DIRECTORY_ALARMS, // string DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS, // string DIRECTORY_PICTURES, // string DIRECTORY_MOVIES, // string DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, // string DIRECTORY_DCIM // ) => f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_MUSIC", DIRECTORY_MUSIC, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_PODCASTS", DIRECTORY_PODCASTS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_RINGTONES", DIRECTORY_RINGTONES, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_ALARMS", DIRECTORY_ALARMS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS", DIRECTORY_NOTIFICATIONS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_PICTURES", DIRECTORY_PICTURES, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_MOVIES", DIRECTORY_MOVIES, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS", DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); #endif f("Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory DIRECTORY_DCIM", DIRECTORY_DCIM, service.Environment_getExternalStoragePublicDirectory, browse); new IHTMLElement(IHTMLElement.HTMLElementEnum.hr).AttachToDocument(); // new IHTMLButton("Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory").AttachToDocument().onclick += // e => service.Environment_getDownloadCacheDirectory("", // value => new IHTMLPre { innerText = value }.AttachToDocument() //); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); var output = new IHTMLTextArea().AttachToDocument(); var gexf = new XElement("gexf"); gexf.Add( new XElement("meta", new XElement("creator", "jsc"), new XElement("description", "NASDAQSNA") ) ); var graph = new XElement("graph", new XAttribute("mode", "static"), new XAttribute("defaultedgetype", "directed") ); gexf.Add(graph); var nodes = new XElement("nodes"); graph.Add(nodes); var edges = new XElement("edges"); graph.Add(edges); output.value = gexf.ToString(); output.onfocus += delegate { output.value = gexf.ToString(); }; output.onmouseover += delegate { output.value = gexf.ToString(); }; var NumericNodeIdLookup = new List<string>(); Func<string, int> GetNumericNodeId = k => { if (!NumericNodeIdLookup.Contains(k)) NumericNodeIdLookup.Add(k); return NumericNodeIdLookup.IndexOf(k); }; #region AddRelatedCompanies Func<IHTMLDiv, string, Action, Task> AddRelatedCompanies = null; AddRelatedCompanies = (c, qid, done) => { var nqid = GetNumericNodeId(qid).ToString(); var cc = new IHTMLDiv(); cc.style.marginLeft = "2em"; var service = new ApplicationWebService { qid = qid, yield = (id, CompanyName, Price) => { var nid = GetNumericNodeId(id).ToString(); if (nodes.Elements().Any(k => k.Attribute("id").Name.LocalName == nid)) { } else { nodes.Add( new XElement("node", new XAttribute("id", nid), new XAttribute("label", CompanyName) ) ); } var btn = new IHTMLButton { innerText = id + " " + CompanyName + " " + Price }; btn.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; if (qid == id) { btn.disabled = true; if (c == null) { btn.AttachToDocument(); cc.AttachToDocument(); } else { //btn.AttachTo(c); cc.AttachTo(c); } if (done != null) done(); } else { edges.Add( new XElement("edge", new XAttribute("source", nqid), new XAttribute("target", nid) ) ); btn.AttachTo(cc); var ccc = new IHTMLDiv(); ccc.AttachTo(cc); int cx = 0; ccc.ToggleVisible(); btn.WhenClicked( async delegate { if (cx == 0) { btn.style.color = JSColor.Red; await AddRelatedCompanies(ccc, id, delegate { btn.style.color = JSColor.Blue; } ); } cx++; ccc.ToggleVisible(); } ); } } }; return service.GetRelatedCompanies(); }; #endregion AddRelatedCompanies(null, "NASDAQ:FB", null); AddRelatedCompanies(null, "NASDAQ:GOOG", null); }
public Application(IApp page) { this.ScreenWidth = Native.window.screen.width; this.ScreenHeight = Native.window.screen.height; var now = DateTime.Now; this.ClientTime = now.ToString(); //Native.document.body.querySelectorAll("script[src='view-source']").WithEach(x => x.Orphanize()); Console.WriteLine("before notify"); this.Notfiy().ContinueWithResult( data => { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("at notify"); Console.WriteLine(new { data.visit, data.DataSource.Rows.Count }); // I/chromium( 2322): ", source: (29877) //I/chromium( 2322): [INFO:CONSOLE(29877)] "{ visit = 4, Count = 0 }", source: (29877) var g = new DataGridView { ReadOnly = true, SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect, DataSource = data.DataSource, }.AttachControlToDocument(); var reset = new IHTMLButton { "reset" }.AttachToDocument(); reset.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.absolute; reset.style.right = "1em"; reset.style.top = "1em"; reset.style.zIndex = 100; reset.WhenClicked( async button => { await this.Reset(); Native.document.documentElement.Clear(); Native.window.alert("reload"); Native.document.location.reload(); } ); Console.WriteLine("before CellDoubleClick"); #region CellDoubleClick g.CellDoubleClick += async (sender, args) => { //As a service to the app, App Engine adds some headers: //X-AppEngine-Country //Country from which the request originated, as an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. App Engine determines this code from the client's IP address. //X-AppEngine-Region //Name of region from which the request originated. This value only makes sense in the context of the country in X-AppEngine-Country. For example, if the country is "US" and the region is "ca", that "ca" means "California", not Canada. //X-AppEngine-City //Name of the city from which the request originated. For example, a request from the city of Mountain View might have the header value mountain view. //X-AppEngine-CityLatLong //Latitude and longitude of the city from which the request originated. This string might look like "37.386051,-122.083851" for a request from Mountain View. // script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.get_Item(System.String, System.Int32)] //var Key = g["Key", args.RowIndex]; // is it a string, long, or signed db enum? var Key = (string)g.Rows[args.RowIndex].Cells["Key"].Value; var gg = new DataGridView { ReadOnly = true, Dock = DockStyle.Fill, SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect }; gg.CellFormatting += (ggsender, e) => { if (e.RowIndex < 0) return; if (e.ColumnIndex < 0) return; if (e.Value == null) return; if (e.Value is System.DBNull) return; string stringValue = (string)e.Value; var i = 0; if (int.TryParse(stringValue, out i)) { //e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Gray; //e.CellStyle.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x808080); //e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xa0, 0xa0, 0xa0); //e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0); e.CellStyle.BackColor = SystemColors.ButtonFace; } else { e.CellStyle.BackColor = Color.White; } }; var ff = new Form(); ff.Controls.Add(gg); ff.Show(); var headers = await this.GetVisitHeadersFor( (Design.Book1BSheet1Key)Convert.ToInt64( Key ) ); gg.DataSource = headers; //g.DataSource = headers; //Native.window.alert( // new { args.RowIndex, Key } // ); }; #endregion } ); }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IApp page) { // Initialize ApplicationSprite sprite.AttachSpriteToDocument(); // how did it work before? #if v #region visualize Action<bool, byte[], Action<double, double, Action<double>, IWindow>> visualize_and_getpadding = null; visualize_and_getpadding = (allowpadding, bytes, set_padding) => { var r = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(bytes)); var floats = new double[bytes.Length / 4]; //Console.WriteLine("floats " + new { floats.Length }); for (int i = 0; i < floats.Length; i++) { // X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib\JavaScript\BCLImplementation\System\IO\BinaryReader.cs // do we do floats? floats[i] = r.ReadSingle(); } var paddingmode_yellow = allowpadding; var paddingsamples_yellow = 0; var paddingmode_yellow_agg = 0.0; var paddingmode_yellow_grace = 411; var paddingmode_red = allowpadding; var paddingsamples_red = 0; var paddingmode_red_agg = 0.0; var paddingmode_red_grace = 411; #region max var min = 0.0; var minset = false; var max = 0.0; var maxset = false; for (int ix = 0; ix < floats.Length; ix += 2) { // arg[0] is typeof System.Single //script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [static System.Console.WriteLine(System.Single)] var l0 = floats[ix]; var r0 = floats[ix + 1]; if (l0 != 0) if (minset) { min = Math.Min(min, l0); } else { min = l0; minset = true; } if (maxset) { max = Math.Max(max, l0); } else { max = l0; maxset = true; } } var absmax = max.Max(Math.Abs(min)); #endregion #region paddingmode_yellow for (int ix = 0; ix < floats.Length; ix += 2) { // arg[0] is typeof System.Single //script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [static System.Console.WriteLine(System.Single)] var l0 = floats[ix]; var r0 = floats[ix + 1]; if (paddingmode_yellow) { // discard noise if (Math.Abs(l0) > 0.08 * absmax) paddingmode_yellow_agg += Math.Abs(l0); } if (paddingmode_yellow_agg > absmax * 2.1) { if (Math.Abs(l0) < 0.02 * absmax) { paddingmode_yellow = false; } } if (paddingmode_yellow) { paddingsamples_yellow++; if (paddingmode_yellow_agg > absmax * 3.2) { if (paddingmode_yellow_grace > 0) { paddingmode_yellow_grace--; } else { // rollback paddingsamples_yellow -= 411; paddingmode_yellow = false; } } } } #endregion // count down while near zero, then wait for zero #region paddingmode_red for (int ix = floats.Length - 1; ix >= 0; ix -= 2) { var l0 = floats[ix]; var r0 = floats[ix + 1]; if (paddingmode_red) { // discard noise if (Math.Abs(l0) > 0.08 * absmax) paddingmode_red_agg += Math.Abs(l0); } if (paddingmode_red_agg > absmax * 2.1) { if (Math.Abs(l0) < 0.02 * absmax) { paddingmode_red = false; } } if (paddingmode_red) { paddingsamples_red++; if (paddingmode_red_agg > absmax * 3.2) { if (paddingmode_red_grace > 0) { paddingmode_red_grace--; } else { // rollback paddingsamples_red -= 411; paddingmode_red = false; } } } } #endregion var w = new IWindow(); w.onload += delegate { Console.WriteLine("onload"); try { //BitConverter.ToSingle( w.document.body.style.margin = "0px"; // verbose huh. svg::svg? var svg = new ISVGSVGElement().AttachTo(w.document.body); var path_current = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path_current.setAttribute("style", "stroke-width: 5; stroke: blue; fill: none;"); var path = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path.setAttribute("style", "stroke: black; fill: none;"); var path_loop2 = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path_loop2.setAttribute("style", "stroke: green; fill: none;"); var xw = new StringBuilder().Append("M0,400 "); // done { min = 7.847271400218976e-44, max = 2.320612754833406e-38, paddingsamples = 1337 } w.document.body.style.minHeight = 800 + "px"; var scalex = 4 / 44.1; w.document.body.style.minWidth = floats.Length * scalex * 2 + "px"; w.document.body.style.overflow = IStyle.OverflowEnum.auto; // we should have 4096 stereo samples var samples = floats.Length; var samplesperchannel = samples / 2; #region xw for (int ix = 0; ix < floats.Length; ix += 2) { // arg[0] is typeof System.Single //script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [static System.Console.WriteLine(System.Single)] var l0 = floats[ix]; var r0 = floats[ix + 1]; // 0 is -60db // max is 0db // http://audio.tutsplus.com/articles/general/all-youll-ever-need-to-know-about-samples-and-bits/ //iy = (200.0 - l0 * 1E37 * 200); var iy = (400.0 - l0 * 400.0); xw.Append(" L" + (ix * scalex) + "," + iy); //Console.WriteLine("" + ReadFloat32(i)); } #endregion #region xw_loop2 var xw_loop2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int ix = paddingsamples_yellow * 2; ix < floats.Length - paddingsamples_red * 2; ix += 2) { // arg[0] is typeof System.Single //script: error JSC1000: No implementation found for this native method, please implement [static System.Console.WriteLine(System.Single)] var l0 = floats[ix]; var r0 = floats[ix + 1]; var iy = (400.0 - l0 * 400.0); if (xw_loop2.ToString().Length == 0) xw_loop2.Append(" M" + ((2 * (samplesperchannel - paddingsamples_red - paddingsamples_yellow) * scalex) + ((ix + 1) * scalex)) + "," + iy); else xw_loop2.Append(" L" + ((2 * (samplesperchannel - paddingsamples_red - paddingsamples_yellow) * scalex) + ((ix + 1) * scalex)) + "," + iy); } #endregion // A frame rate of 44,100 is 44,100 samples per SECOND, or 44.1 kHz. var duration_seconds = samplesperchannel / 44100; w.document.title = new { samplesperchannel, paddingsamples_yellow, paddingsamples_red, duration_seconds }.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("done " + new { min, max, paddingsamples_yellow, paddingsamples_red }); //xw.Append(" L30,210"); path.d = xw.ToString(); path_loop2.d = xw_loop2.ToString(); var path_zero = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path_zero.setAttribute("style", "stroke-width: 1; stroke: gray; fill: none;"); path_zero.d = "M0,400 L" + (2 * samplesperchannel * scalex) + ",400"; //var path_leftpadding = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); //path_leftpadding.setAttribute("style", "stroke-width: 5; stroke: red; fill: none;"); //path_leftpadding.d = "M0,400 L" + (2 * paddingsamples * scalex) + ",400"; var path_leftpadding_yellow = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path_leftpadding_yellow.setAttribute("style", "stroke-width: 3; stroke: yellow; fill: none;"); path_leftpadding_yellow.d = "M0,400 L" + (2 * paddingsamples_yellow * scalex) + ",400"; var path_leftpadding_red = new ISVGPathElement().AttachTo(svg); path_leftpadding_red.setAttribute("style", "stroke-width: 3; stroke: red; fill: none;"); path_leftpadding_red.d = "M" + (2 * (samplesperchannel - paddingsamples_red) * scalex) + ",400 L" + (2 * (samplesperchannel - 0) * scalex) + ",400"; Action<double> set_position = position => { var x = (2 * position * scalex); path_current.d = "M" + x + ",50 L" + x + ",750 L" + (x + MP3PitchLoop.BLOCK_SIZE * 2 * scalex) + ",750 L" + (x + MP3PitchLoop.BLOCK_SIZE * 2 * scalex) + ",50 L" + x + ",50"; }; set_padding( paddingsamples_yellow, paddingsamples_red, set_position, w ); set_position(paddingsamples_yellow); } catch (Exception error) { Console.WriteLine("error " + new { error.Message, error }); } Console.WriteLine("done"); }; }; #endregion #region f Func<IHTMLButton, Action<string, PlayAtAndAllowToStop>> f = x => (base64, playat) => { var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); visualize_and_getpadding( true, bytes, (paddingleft, paddingright, set_position, w) => { var toolbar = new IHTMLDiv().AttachTo(w.document.body); toolbar.style.SetLocation(4, 4); toolbar.style.position = IStyle.PositionEnum.@fixed; new IHTMLButton { innerText = "play" }.AttachTo(toolbar).WhenClicked( delegate { playat( "" + paddingleft, "" + paddingright, yield_stop: stop => { var stopbtn = new IHTMLButton { innerText = "Stop" }; stopbtn.WhenClicked( delegate { stop(); stopbtn.Orphanize(); } ); stopbtn.AttachTo(toolbar); }, yield_position_anddiagnostics: (position, diagnostics) => { set_position(Convert.ToDouble(position)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(diagnostics)) { Console.WriteLine(diagnostics); var diagnostics_bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(diagnostics); visualize_and_getpadding( false, diagnostics_bytes, delegate { } ); } } ); } ); } ); }; #endregion page.VisualizeDiesel.WhenClicked( delegate { sprite.BytesForDiesel(f(page.VisualizeDiesel)); } ); page.VisualizeHelicopter.onclick += delegate { sprite.BytesForHelicopter(f(page.VisualizeHelicopter)); }; page.VisualizeJeep.onclick += delegate { sprite.BytesForJeep(f(page.VisualizeJeep)); }; page.VisualizeTone.onclick += delegate { sprite.BytesForTone(f(page.VisualizeTone)); }; page.VisualizeSandrun.onclick += delegate { sprite.BytesForSandrun(f(page.VisualizeSandrun)); }; #endif page.PlayDiesel.onclick += delegate { sprite.PlayDiesel(); }; page.PlayHelicopter.onclick += delegate { sprite.Playhelicopter1(); }; page.PlayJeep.onclick += delegate { sprite.PlayJeep(); }; page.PlayTone.onclick += delegate { sprite.PlayTone(); }; page.PlaySandrun.onclick += delegate { sprite.PlaySandrun(); }; }
/// <summary> /// This is a javascript application. /// </summary> /// <param name="page">HTML document rendered by the web server which can now be enhanced.</param> public Application(IDefault page) { @"Hello world".ToDocumentTitle(); var output = new IHTMLTextArea().AttachToDocument(); var gexf = new XElement("gexf"); gexf.Add( new XElement("meta", new XElement("creator", "jsc"), new XElement("description", "NASDAQSNA") ) ); var graph = new XElement("graph", new XAttribute("mode", "static"), new XAttribute("defaultedgetype", "directed") ); gexf.Add(graph); var nodes = new XElement("nodes"); graph.Add(nodes); var edges = new XElement("edges"); graph.Add(edges); output.value = gexf.ToString(); output.onfocus += delegate { output.value = gexf.ToString(); }; output.onmouseover += delegate { output.value = gexf.ToString(); }; var NumericNodeIdLookup = new List <string>(); Func <string, int> GetNumericNodeId = k => { if (!NumericNodeIdLookup.Contains(k)) { NumericNodeIdLookup.Add(k); } return(NumericNodeIdLookup.IndexOf(k)); }; #region AddRelatedCompanies Func <IHTMLDiv, string, Action, Task> AddRelatedCompanies = null; AddRelatedCompanies = (c, qid, done) => { var nqid = GetNumericNodeId(qid).ToString(); var cc = new IHTMLDiv(); cc.style.marginLeft = "2em"; var service = new ApplicationWebService { qid = qid, yield = (id, CompanyName, Price) => { var nid = GetNumericNodeId(id).ToString(); if (nodes.Elements().Any(k => k.Attribute("id").Name.LocalName == nid)) { } else { nodes.Add( new XElement("node", new XAttribute("id", nid), new XAttribute("label", CompanyName) ) ); } var btn = new IHTMLButton { innerText = id + " " + CompanyName + " " + Price }; btn.style.display = IStyle.DisplayEnum.block; if (qid == id) { btn.disabled = true; if (c == null) { btn.AttachToDocument(); cc.AttachToDocument(); } else { //btn.AttachTo(c); cc.AttachTo(c); } if (done != null) { done(); } } else { edges.Add( new XElement("edge", new XAttribute("source", nqid), new XAttribute("target", nid) ) ); btn.AttachTo(cc); var ccc = new IHTMLDiv(); ccc.AttachTo(cc); int cx = 0; ccc.ToggleVisible(); btn.WhenClicked( async delegate { if (cx == 0) { btn.style.color = JSColor.Red; await AddRelatedCompanies(ccc, id, delegate { btn.style.color = JSColor.Blue; } ); } cx++; ccc.ToggleVisible(); } ); } } }; return(service.GetRelatedCompanies()); }; #endregion AddRelatedCompanies(null, "NASDAQ:FB", null); AddRelatedCompanies(null, "NASDAQ:GOOG", null); }