private static async Task<IRole> GetMuteRole(IGuild guild) { const string defaultMuteRoleName = "nadeko-mute"; var muteRoleName = GuildMuteRoles.GetOrAdd(guild.Id, defaultMuteRoleName); var muteRole = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == muteRoleName); if (muteRole == null) { //if it doesn't exist, create it try { muteRole = await guild.CreateRoleAsync(muteRoleName, GuildPermissions.None).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { //if creations fails, maybe the name is not correct, find default one, if doesn't work, create default one muteRole = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == muteRoleName) ?? await guild.CreateRoleAsync(defaultMuteRoleName, GuildPermissions.None).ConfigureAwait(false); } foreach (var toOverwrite in guild.GetTextChannels()) { try { await toOverwrite.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(muteRole, new OverwritePermissions(sendMessages: PermValue.Deny, attachFiles: PermValue.Deny)) .ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { } await Task.Delay(200).ConfigureAwait(false); } } return muteRole; }
public Poll(IUserMessage umsg, string question, IEnumerable<string> enumerable, bool isPublic = false) { this.originalMessage = umsg; this.guild = ((ITextChannel)umsg.Channel).Guild; this.question = question; this.answers = enumerable as string[] ?? enumerable.ToArray(); this.isPublic = isPublic; }
public TriviaGame(IGuild guild, ITextChannel channel, bool showHints, int winReq = 10) { _log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger(); ShowHints = showHints; this.guild = guild; = channel; WinRequirement = winReq; Task.Run(async () => { try { await StartGame().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { } }); }
public static async Task StopTimeoutAsync(List<TimedoutUser> users, TimedoutUser info, IGuildUser user, IGuild guild) { users.Remove(info); Console.WriteLine($"{user.Username}'s time out has been removed!"); var role = guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "qttimedout"); var userroles = user.RoleIds.ToList(); userroles.Remove(role.Id); try { await user.ModifyAsync(x => x.RoleIds = userroles.ToArray()); } catch (Exception) { } info.timer.Dispose(); return; }
//Voice Regions public static async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <RestVoiceRegion> > GetVoiceRegionsAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options) { var models = await client.ApiClient.GetGuildVoiceRegionsAsync(guild.Id, options).ConfigureAwait(false); return(models.Select(x => RestVoiceRegion.Create(client, x)).ToImmutableArray()); }
private static ITextChannel TryGetLogChannel(IGuild guild, LogSetting logSetting, LogChannelType logChannelType = LogChannelType.Text) { ulong id = 0; switch (logChannelType) { case LogChannelType.Text: id = logSetting.ChannelId; break; case LogChannelType.Voice: id = logSetting.VoicePresenceChannelId; break; case LogChannelType.UserPresence: id = logSetting.UserPresenceChannelId; break; } var channel = guild.GetTextChannel(id); if (channel == null) using (var uow = DbHandler.UnitOfWork()) { var newLogSetting = uow.GuildConfigs.For(guild.Id).LogSetting; switch (logChannelType) { case LogChannelType.Text: logSetting.IsLogging = false; break; case LogChannelType.Voice: logSetting.LogVoicePresence = false; break; case LogChannelType.UserPresence: logSetting.LogUserPresence = false; break; } GuildLogSettings.AddOrUpdate(guild.Id, newLogSetting, (gid, old) => newLogSetting); uow.Complete(); return null; } else return channel; }
public static async Task DeleteAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, RequestOptions options) { await client.ApiClient.DeleteGuildAsync(guild.Id, options).ConfigureAwait(false); }
//General /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="func"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> public static async Task <Model> ModifyAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, Action <GuildProperties> func, RequestOptions options) { if (func == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(func)); } var args = new GuildProperties(); func(args); var apiArgs = new API.Rest.ModifyGuildParams { AfkChannelId = args.AfkChannelId, AfkTimeout = args.AfkTimeout, SystemChannelId = args.SystemChannelId, DefaultMessageNotifications = args.DefaultMessageNotifications, Icon = args.Icon.IsSpecified ? args.Icon.Value?.ToModel() : Optional.Create <ImageModel?>(), Name = args.Name, Splash = args.Splash.IsSpecified ? args.Splash.Value?.ToModel() : Optional.Create <ImageModel?>(), VerificationLevel = args.VerificationLevel }; if (args.AfkChannel.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.AfkChannelId = args.AfkChannel.Value.Id; } else if (args.AfkChannelId.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.AfkChannelId = args.AfkChannelId.Value; } if (args.SystemChannel.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.SystemChannelId = args.SystemChannel.Value.Id; } else if (args.SystemChannelId.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.SystemChannelId = args.SystemChannelId.Value; } if (args.Owner.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.OwnerId = args.Owner.Value.Id; } else if (args.OwnerId.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.OwnerId = args.OwnerId.Value; } if (args.Region.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.RegionId = args.Region.Value.Id; } else if (args.RegionId.IsSpecified) { apiArgs.RegionId = args.RegionId.Value; } if (!apiArgs.Splash.IsSpecified && guild.SplashId != null) { apiArgs.Splash = new ImageModel(guild.SplashId); } if (!apiArgs.Icon.IsSpecified && guild.IconId != null) { apiArgs.Icon = new ImageModel(guild.IconId); } return(await client.ApiClient.ModifyGuildAsync(guild.Id, apiArgs, options).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the values of this object. /// </summary> /// <param name="guild">The guild.</param> /// <param name="inviteTime">The invite time.</param> internal void Initialize(IGuild guild, TickCount inviteTime) { _guild = guild; _inviteTime = inviteTime; }
public EphemeralUser WithGuildContext(IGuild guild) { if (guild is { })
public async Task <bool> TryBlockEarly(IGuild guild, IUserMessage msg) => !(msg.Author is IGuildUser gu) //it's never filtered outside of guilds, and never block administrators
public static bool HasCooldown(Command cmd, IGuild guild, IUser user) { if (guild == null) return false; var cmdcds = CmdCdsCommands.commandCooldowns.GetOrAdd(guild.Id, new ConcurrentHashSet<CommandCooldown>()); CommandCooldown cdRule; if ((cdRule = cmdcds.FirstOrDefault(cc => cc.CommandName == cmd.Text.ToLowerInvariant())) != null) { var activeCdsForGuild = activeCooldowns.GetOrAdd(guild.Id, new ConcurrentHashSet<ActiveCooldown>()); if (activeCdsForGuild.FirstOrDefault(ac => ac.UserId == user.Id && ac.Command == cmd.Text.ToLowerInvariant()) != null) { return true; } else { activeCdsForGuild.Add(new ActiveCooldown() { UserId = user.Id, Command = cmd.Text.ToLowerInvariant(), }); var t = Task.Run(async () => { try { await Task.Delay(cdRule.Seconds * 1000); activeCdsForGuild.RemoveWhere(ac => ac.Command == cmd.Text.ToLowerInvariant() && ac.UserId == user.Id); } catch { } }); } } return false; }
public Task ServerBlacklist(AddRemove action, IGuild guild) => Blacklist(action, guild.Id, BlacklistType.Server);
public Task ResumeAudioAsync(IGuild guild) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ReplacementBuilder WithDefault(IUser user, IMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild, DiscordSocketClient client) => WithUser(user) .WithChannel(channel) .WithServer(client, guild) .WithClient(client);
public UserTypeParserInput(IGuild guild, string username) { Guild = guild; Username = username; }
public string GetPrefix(IGuild guild) => GetPrefix(guild?.Id);
public override async Task UploadDatabaseBackupAsync(IMessageChannel channel, IGuild guild) { await UploadDatabaseBackupAsync(channel, DatabaseFilePath); }
public static async Task <string> GetBestScores() { var scores = await Program.p.db.GetAllScores(); string globalRankingStr = ""; Dictionary <string, int> globalRanking = new Dictionary <string, int>(); foreach (var s in scores) { int sScore = 0; foreach (var elem in s.Value) { int best = scores.Where(x => x.Value.ContainsKey(elem.Key)).Max(x => int.Parse(x.Value[elem.Key].Split('|')[0])); sScore += int.Parse(elem.Value.Split('|')[0]) * 100 / best; } if (sScore > 0) { globalRanking.Add(s.Key, sScore); } } int i = 0; while (i < 5 && globalRanking.Count > 0) { var elem = globalRanking.First(x => x.Value.Equals(globalRanking.Values.Max())); IGuild guild = Program.p.client.GetGuild(ulong.Parse(elem.Key)); if (guild != null && guild.Name != null) { if (globalRankingStr != "") { globalRankingStr += "|"; } globalRankingStr += Program.p.GetName(guild.Name) + "|" + (elem.Value / Constants.allRankedGames.Length); i++; } globalRanking.Remove(elem.Key); } StringBuilder finalStr = new StringBuilder(); // Output format: Game1Place1Server | Game1Place1Score | Game1Place2Server..... Game1Place3Score $ Game2Place1Server | Game2Place1Score foreach (var game in Constants.allRankedGames) { APreload preload = (APreload)Activator.CreateInstance(game.Item1); string gameName = preload.GetGameName(); // Prepare array containing all games serverId/score List <Tuple <string, string> > allScores = new List <Tuple <string, string> >(); foreach (var elem in scores) { if (elem.Value.ContainsKey(gameName)) { allScores.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(elem.Key, elem.Value[gameName].Split('|')[0])); } } List <Tuple <string, int> > best = new List <Tuple <string, int> >(); string bestServer; int bestScore; List <string> alreadySaid = new List <string>(); while (best.Count < 5 && allScores.Count > alreadySaid.Count) { bestServer = null; bestScore = -1; foreach (var elem in allScores) { int score = int.Parse(elem.Item2); if (!alreadySaid.Contains(elem.Item1) && (bestServer == null || score > bestScore)) { bestServer = elem.Item1; bestScore = score; } } alreadySaid.Add(bestServer); IGuild guild = Program.p.client.GetGuild(ulong.Parse(bestServer)); if (guild != null) { var name = Program.p.client.GetGuild(ulong.Parse(bestServer)).Name; if (name != null) { best.Add(new Tuple <string, int>(Program.p.GetName(name), bestScore)); } } } finalStr.Append(string.Join("|", best.Select(x => x.Item1 + "|" + x.Item2)) + "$"); } return(globalRankingStr + "$" + finalStr); }
private string GetText(IGuild server, ITextChannel channel, IGuildUser user, IUserMessage message) => $"**{server.Name} | {channel.Name}** `{user.Username}`: " + message.Content;
public static async Task ReorderChannelsAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, IEnumerable <ReorderChannelProperties> args, RequestOptions options) { var apiArgs = args.Select(x => new API.Rest.ModifyGuildChannelsParams(x.Id, x.Position)); await client.ApiClient.ModifyGuildChannelsAsync(guild.Id, apiArgs, options).ConfigureAwait(false); }
private static async Task <string> GetLeaderboardStringAsync(IEnumerable <IGrouping <ulong, KeyValuePair <ulong, MessageData> > > userMessageGroups, IGuild guild, uint page, uint pageCount) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("✨⭐🌟 🏆 Star Leaderboard 🏆 🌟⭐✨\n\n"); uint index = 1 + ((page - 1) * ENTRIES_PER_PAGE); uint lastIndex = index; long lastCount = Int64.MaxValue; foreach (IGrouping <ulong, KeyValuePair <ulong, MessageData> > userMsgGroup in userMessageGroups) { long sum = userMsgGroup.Sum(mKv => mKv.Value.GetStarCount()); if (sum < lastCount) { lastIndex = index; lastCount = sum; } AddUserLeaderboardRow( await guild.GetUserAsync(userMsgGroup.Key), sum, sb, lastIndex == 1 ? "**🥇" : lastIndex == 2 ? "🥈" : lastIndex == 3 ? "🥉" : lastIndex.ToString() + "th", lastIndex == 1 ? "**" : String.Empty ); if (lastIndex <= 3) { sb.Append('\n'); } index++; } sb.Append("*Page "); sb.Append(page); sb.Append(" of "); sb.Append(pageCount); sb.Append("*"); return(sb.ToString()); }
private string GetText(string text, IGuild guild, params object[] replacements) => _strings.GetText(text, guild?.Id, "Help".ToLowerInvariant(), replacements);
public async Task <bool> TryBlockLate(DiscordSocketClient client, IUserMessage msg, IGuild guild, IMessageChannel channel, IUser user, string moduleName, string commandName) { await Task.Yield(); if (guild == null) { return(false); } else { var resetCommand = commandName == "resetperms"; PermissionCache pc = GetCache(guild.Id); if (!resetCommand && !pc.Permissions.CheckPermissions(msg, commandName, moduleName, out int index)) { if (pc.Verbose) { try { await channel.SendErrorAsync(_strings.GetText("trigger", guild.Id, "Permissions".ToLowerInvariant(), index + 1, Format.Bold(pc.Permissions[index].GetCommand(_cmd.GetPrefix(guild), (SocketGuild)guild)))).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { } } return(true); } if (moduleName == "Permissions") { var roles = (user as SocketGuildUser)?.Roles ?? ((IGuildUser)user).RoleIds.Select(x => guild.GetRole(x)).Where(x => x != null); if (!roles.Any(r => r.Name.Trim().ToLowerInvariant() == pc.PermRole.Trim().ToLowerInvariant()) && user.Id != ((IGuildUser)user).Guild.OwnerId) { var returnMsg = $"You need the **{pc.PermRole}** role in order to use permission commands."; if (pc.Verbose) { try { await channel.SendErrorAsync(returnMsg).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { } } return(true); } } } return(false); }
internal RestGuildIntegration(BaseDiscordClient discord, IGuild guild, ulong id) : base(discord, id) { Guild = guild; }
private bool CommandAllowedByRole(CommandInfo command, STDTContext db, IGuildUser user, IGuild guild) { var perm = db.CommandRolePermissions.Find(command.Name); if (perm is null) { return(true); } var guildRoles = guild.Roles; var userMinRole = guild.GetRole((ulong)perm.MinimumRole); foreach (var role in guildRoles) { if (role.Position >= userMinRole.Position) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public async Task <PunishmentAction?> Warn(IGuild guild, ulong userId, string modName, string reason) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reason)) { reason = "-"; } var guildId = guild.Id; var warn = new Warning() { UserId = userId, GuildId = guildId, Forgiven = false, Reason = reason, Moderator = modName, }; int warnings = 1; List <WarningPunishment> ps; using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) { ps = uow.GuildConfigs.For(guildId, set => set.Include(x => x.WarnPunishments)) .WarnPunishments; warnings += uow.Warnings .For(guildId, userId) .Where(w => !w.Forgiven && w.UserId == userId) .Count(); uow.Warnings.Add(warn); uow.Complete(); } var p = ps.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Count == warnings); if (p != null) { var user = await guild.GetUserAsync(userId); if (user == null) { return(null); } switch (p.Punishment) { case PunishmentAction.Mute: if (p.Time == 0) { await _mute.MuteUser(user).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await _mute.TimedMute(user, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(p.Time)).ConfigureAwait(false); } break; case PunishmentAction.Kick: await user.KickAsync("Warned too many times.").ConfigureAwait(false); break; case PunishmentAction.Ban: await guild.AddBanAsync(user, reason : "Warned too many times.").ConfigureAwait(false); break; case PunishmentAction.Softban: await guild.AddBanAsync(user, 7, reason : "Warned too many times").ConfigureAwait(false); try { await guild.RemoveBanAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { await guild.RemoveBanAsync(user).ConfigureAwait(false); } break; case PunishmentAction.RemoveRoles: await user.RemoveRolesAsync(user.GetRoles().Where(x => x.Id != guild.EveryoneRole.Id)); break; default: break; } return(p.Punishment); } return(null); }
public static async Task <IReadOnlyCollection <RoleModel> > ReorderRolesAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, IEnumerable <ReorderRoleProperties> args, RequestOptions options) { var apiArgs = args.Select(x => new API.Rest.ModifyGuildRolesParams(x.Id, x.Position)); return(await client.ApiClient.ModifyGuildRolesAsync(guild.Id, apiArgs, options).ConfigureAwait(false)); }
private async void Kick(IGuildUser user, IUserMessage message, IGuild guild) { try { if (await guild.GetUserAsync(user.Id) == null) { //already kicked by ReactionAdded event or server left return; } List <IUser> yesUser = new List <IUser>(await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(Information.VotekickYes)); List <IUser> noUser = new List <IUser>(await message.GetReactionUsersAsync(Information.VotekickNo)); string nl = Environment.NewLine; // -1 for own reaction int yes = yesUser.Count - 1; int no = noUser.Count - 1; //only users in a voice channel can votekick int online = new List <IGuildUser>(((await guild.GetUsersAsync()).Where(u => (u.Status == UserStatus.Online && u.VoiceChannel != null)))).Count; //more than half of server users voted yes if (yes > online / 2 && no < yes) { //check if admin voted no -> dismiss vote foreach (IUser iuser in noUser) { if (CheckIfAdmin(iuser as IGuildUser)) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"An admin voted _no_, _{Helper.GetName(user)}_ cannot be kicked!"); return; } } IInviteMetadata invite = await((IGuildChannel)message.Channel).CreateInviteAsync(maxUses: 1); try { IDMChannel dm = await user.CreateDMChannelAsync(); await dm.SendMessageAsync($"You've been kicked from the _{guild.Name}_ guild by votekick!" + nl + $"As I'm very generous today, here's an invite link to the _{guild.Name}_ guild:" + nl + invite.Url); } catch { //user is not allowing DMs? await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Helper.GetName(user)} is not allowing private messages, " + "someone gotta send him an invite link again.." + nl + invite.Url); } await user.KickAsync(); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"You bullies kicked the poor {Helper.GetName(user)}.."); try { Cirilla.Client.ReactionAdded -= ReactionAdded; } catch { //event removed } } else { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Time's up. Less than half of the online users ({yes}) " + $"voted to kick {Helper.GetName(user)}. Votekick dismissed."); } } catch { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Could not kick {Helper.GetName(user)}.. :confused:"); } }
public static async Task <RestBan> GetBanAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, ulong userId, RequestOptions options) { var model = await client.ApiClient.GetGuildBanAsync(guild.Id, userId, options).ConfigureAwait(false); return(RestBan.Create(client, model)); }
public static IPagedEnumerable <IAuditLog> EnumerateAuditLogs(this IGuild guild, int limit, Snowflake?actorId = null, Snowflake?startFromId = null, IRestRequestOptions options = null) { return(guild.EnumerateAuditLogs <IAuditLog>(limit, actorId, startFromId, options)); }
public static async Task RemoveBanAsync(IGuild guild, BaseDiscordClient client, ulong userId, RequestOptions options) { await client.ApiClient.RemoveGuildBanAsync(guild.Id, userId, options).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public static Task <IReadOnlyList <IAuditLog> > FetchAuditLogsAsync(this IGuild guild, int limit = Discord.Limits.Rest.FetchAuditLogsPageSize, Snowflake?actorId = null, Snowflake?startFromId = null, IRestRequestOptions options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return(guild.FetchAuditLogsAsync <IAuditLog>(limit, actorId, startFromId, options, cancellationToken)); }
private Task _client_UserBanned(IUser usr, IGuild guild) { LogSetting logSetting; if (!GuildLogSettings.TryGetValue(guild.Id, out logSetting) || !logSetting.IsLogging || !logSetting.UserBanned) return Task.CompletedTask; ITextChannel logChannel; if ((logChannel = TryGetLogChannel(guild, logSetting)) == null) return Task.CompletedTask; var task = Task.Run(async () => { try { await logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"‼️🕕`{prettyCurrentTime}`👤__**{usr.Username}#{usr.Discriminator}**__🚫 **| USER BANNED |** 🆔 `{usr.Id}`").ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Warn(ex); } }); return Task.CompletedTask; }
public static Task <IReadOnlyList <IGuildVoiceRegion> > FetchVoiceRegionsAsync(this IGuild guild, IRestRequestOptions options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var client = guild.GetRestClient(); return(client.FetchGuildVoiceRegionsAsync(guild.Id, options, cancellationToken)); }
public static Task <IReadOnlyList <TAuditLog> > FetchAuditLogsAsync <TAuditLog>(this IGuild guild, int limit = Discord.Limits.Rest.FetchAuditLogsPageSize, Snowflake?actorId = null, Snowflake?startFromId = null, IRestRequestOptions options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TAuditLog : class, IAuditLog { var client = guild.GetRestClient(); return(client.FetchAuditLogsAsync <TAuditLog>(guild.Id, limit, actorId, startFromId, options, cancellationToken)); }
/* * Application Commands */ public static Task <IReadOnlyList <IApplicationCommand> > FetchApplicationCommandsAsync(this IGuild guild, Snowflake applicationId, IRestRequestOptions options = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var client = guild.GetRestClient(); return(client.FetchGuildApplicationCommandsAsync(applicationId, guild.Id, options, cancellationToken)); }
public TimeoutInfo(List<TimedoutUser> users, TimedoutUser info, IGuildUser user, IGuild guild) { this.users = users; = info; this.user = user; this.guild = guild; }
/// <summary> /// Gets if guild setup system messages are enabled. /// </summary> /// <param name="guild"> The guild to check. </param> /// <returns> A <c>bool</c> indicating if the guild setup messages are enabled in the system channel. </returns> public static bool GetGuildSetupTipMessagesEnabled(this IGuild guild) => !guild.SystemChannelFlags.HasFlag(SystemChannelMessageDeny.GuildSetupTip);
public async Task Donators(IUserMessage umsg) { var channel = (ITextChannel)umsg.Channel; IEnumerable<Donator> donatorsOrdered; using (var uow = DbHandler.UnitOfWork()) { donatorsOrdered = uow.Donators.GetDonatorsOrdered(); } string str = $"**Thanks to the people listed below for making this project happen!**\n"; await channel.SendMessageAsync(str + string.Join("⭐", donatorsOrdered.Select(d => d.Name))).ConfigureAwait(false); nadekoSupportServer = nadekoSupportServer ?? NadekoBot.Client.GetGuild(117523346618318850); if (nadekoSupportServer == null) return; var patreonRole = nadekoSupportServer.GetRole(236667642088259585); if (patreonRole == null) return; var usrs = nadekoSupportServer.GetUsers().Where(u => u.Roles.Contains(patreonRole)); await channel.SendMessageAsync("\n`Patreon supporters:`\n" + string.Join("⭐", usrs.Select(d => d.Username))).ConfigureAwait(false); }
/// <summary> /// Gets if guild welcome messages have a reply with sticker button. /// </summary> /// <param name="guild"> The guild to check. </param> /// <returns> A <c>bool</c> indicating if the guild welcome messages have a reply with sticker button. </returns> public static bool GetGuildWelcomeMessageReplyEnabled(this IGuild guild) => !guild.SystemChannelFlags.HasFlag(SystemChannelMessageDeny.WelcomeMessageReply);
/// <summary> /// Appends a message to a <see cref="BitStream"/> for synchronizing the client's guild information for when /// the guild changes or the user is receiving their first update on the guild state and all values have to be sent. /// The message is then read and handled by the receiver using <see cref="UserGuildInformation.Read"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="pw">The <see cref="BitStream"/> to append the message to.</param> /// <param name="guild">The guild to send the state values for.</param> public static void WriteGuildInfo(BitStream pw, IGuild guild) { pw.WriteEnum(GuildInfoMessages.SetGuild); if (guild == null) { pw.Write(false); return; } var members = guild.GetMembers().ToArray(); var onlineMembers = guild.OnlineMembers.ToArray(); pw.Write(true); pw.Write(guild.Name); pw.Write(guild.Tag); pw.Write((ushort)members.Length); for (var i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { pw.Write(null, members[i]); } pw.Write((ushort)onlineMembers.Length); for (var i = 0; i < onlineMembers.Length; i++) { pw.Write(onlineMembers[i].Name); } }
public Task ServerBlacklist(IUserMessage imsg, AddRemove action, IGuild guild) => Blacklist(imsg, action, guild.Id, BlacklistType.Server);
/// <summary> /// Resets the values of this object. /// </summary> internal void Reset() { _guild = null; _inviteTime = TickCount.MinValue; }
public static string GetCommand(this Permission perm, IGuild guild = null) { var com = ""; switch (perm.PrimaryTarget) { case PrimaryPermissionType.User: com += "u"; break; case PrimaryPermissionType.Channel: com += "c"; break; case PrimaryPermissionType.Role: com += "r"; break; case PrimaryPermissionType.Server: com += "s"; break; } switch (perm.SecondaryTarget) { case SecondaryPermissionType.Module: com += "m"; break; case SecondaryPermissionType.Command: com += "c"; break; case SecondaryPermissionType.AllModules: com = "a" + com + "m"; break; } com += " " + (perm.SecondaryTargetName != "*" ? perm.SecondaryTargetName + " " : "") + (perm.State ? "enable" : "disable") + " "; switch (perm.PrimaryTarget) { case PrimaryPermissionType.User: if (guild == null) com += $"<@{perm.PrimaryTargetId}>"; else com += guild.GetUser(perm.PrimaryTargetId).ToString() ?? $"<@{perm.PrimaryTargetId}>"; break; case PrimaryPermissionType.Channel: com += $"<#{perm.PrimaryTargetId}>"; break; case PrimaryPermissionType.Role: if(guild == null) com += $"<@&{perm.PrimaryTargetId}>"; else com += guild.GetRole(perm.PrimaryTargetId).ToString() ?? $"<@{perm.PrimaryTargetId}>"; break; case PrimaryPermissionType.Server: break; } return NadekoBot.ModulePrefixes[typeof(Permissions).Name] + com; }