コード例 #1
 public void Draw(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, float x, float y, int startLine, int countLines)
     if (startLine != 0 || countLines < boxes.Height)
         writer.WriteLine("@ ({1},{2}) partial description '{0}' [start:{3} count:{4}]", id, x, y, startLine, countLines, x, y);
         writer.WriteLine("@ ({1},{2}) description '{0}'", id, x, y);
コード例 #2
        // Render the punchcard onto the given graphics at (0,0). Only draw the parts that lie within
        // the clip rect.
        void Render(IGraphicsTarget g, int startLine, int countLines)
            PointF upperLeft = new PointF(margin, margin);       // upper left of the current line.

            List <CourseView.ControlView> boxes = GetAllBoxes(); // mapping from box number to control views.
            int lineCount = NumberOfLines(boxes);


            try {
                for (int line = 0; line <= lineCount; ++line)
                    if (line >= startLine && line < startLine + countLines)
                        Matrix matrixNew;

                        // Set transform so the each cell is 100x100, and the origin of the line is at (0,0).
                        matrixNew = new Matrix();
                        matrixNew.Translate(upperLeft.X, upperLeft.Y);
                        matrixNew.Scale(cellSize / 100.0F, cellSize / 100.0F);

                        // Draw the line.
                        RenderLine(g, boxes, line, (line == lineCount || line == startLine + countLines - 1));


                        upperLeft.Y += cellSize;
            finally {
コード例 #3
ファイル: SymbolDB.cs プロジェクト: osorensen/PurplePen
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the given symbol to fill the rectange in that graphics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">Graphics to draw in.</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color to use for drawing.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">The rectange to fill.</param>
        public void Draw(IGraphicsTarget g, CmykColor color, RectangleF rect)
            Matrix matNew = new Matrix();

            matNew.Translate((rect.Left + rect.Right) / 2.0F, (rect.Top + rect.Bottom) / 2.0F);
            if (kind >= 'T')
                // An instructional directive that spans 8 columns
                matNew.Scale(rect.Width / 1600.0F, -rect.Height / 200.0F);
                // Regular square symbol.
                matNew.Scale(rect.Width / 200.0F, -rect.Height / 200.0F);


            for (int i = 0; i < strokes.Length; ++i)
                strokes[i].Draw(g, color);

コード例 #4
        public void Draw(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, float x, float y, int startLine, int countLines)
            Matrix transform = new Matrix();

            transform.Translate(x, y);
            Render(grTarget, startLine, countLines);
コード例 #5
 // Draws a given page. 0 is the first page.
 public void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, int pageNumber)
     foreach (PositionedRectangle positionedRectangle in positions)
         if (positionedRectangle.pageNumber == pageNumber)
             positionedRectangle.description.Draw(grTarget, positionedRectangle.location.X, positionedRectangle.location.Y, positionedRectangle.startLine, positionedRectangle.countLines);
コード例 #6
ファイル: CoursePdf.cs プロジェクト: osorensen/PurplePen
        private void PushRectangleClip(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, RectangleF rect)
            object rectanglePath = new object();

            graphicsTarget.CreatePath(rectanglePath, new List <GraphicsPathPart> {
                new GraphicsPathPart(GraphicsPathPartKind.Start, new PointF[] { rect.Location }),
                new GraphicsPathPart(GraphicsPathPartKind.Lines, new PointF[] { new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top) }),
                new GraphicsPathPart(GraphicsPathPartKind.Close, new PointF[0])
            }, FillMode.Winding);
コード例 #7
        // Create pens and fonts we use.
        void CreateObjects(IGraphicsTarget g)
            CmykColor black = CmykColor.FromCmyk(0, 0, 0, 1);

            blackBrush = new object();
            g.CreateSolidBrush(blackBrush, black);
            thinPen = new object();
            g.CreatePen(thinPen, black, PunchcardAppearance.thinLine, LineCap.Flat, LineJoin.Miter, 5F);
            thickPen = new object();
            g.CreatePen(thickPen, black, PunchcardAppearance.thickLine, LineCap.Flat, LineJoin.Miter, 5F);

            textMetrics = new GDIPlus_TextMetrics();
コード例 #8
ファイル: SymbolDB.cs プロジェクト: osorensen/PurplePen
            public void Draw(IGraphicsTarget g, CmykColor color)
                object brush = new object();
                object pen   = new object();

                if (kind == SymbolStrokes.Circle || kind == SymbolStrokes.Polyline || kind == SymbolStrokes.Polygon ||
                    kind == SymbolStrokes.PolyBezier)
                    g.CreatePen(pen, color, thickness, ends, corners, 5);
                    g.CreateSolidBrush(brush, color);

                switch (kind)
                case SymbolStrokes.Disc:
                    g.FillEllipse(brush, points[0], radius, radius);

                case SymbolStrokes.Circle:
                    g.DrawEllipse(pen, points[0], radius, radius);

                case SymbolStrokes.Polyline:
                    g.DrawPolyline(pen, points);

                case SymbolStrokes.Polygon:
                    g.DrawPolygon(pen, points);

                case SymbolStrokes.FilledPolygon:
                    g.FillPolygon(brush, points, FillMode.Alternate);

                case SymbolStrokes.PolyBezier:
                    g.DrawPath(pen, CreateBezierPath(points));

                case SymbolStrokes.FilledPolyBezier:
                    g.FillPath(brush, CreateBezierPath(points));

                    Debug.Fail("Bad SymbolStroke kind");
コード例 #9
        public void PrintToPdf(string pathName, bool cmykMode)
            PdfWriter pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pathName), cmykMode);

            // Set up and position everything.
            printPreviewInProgress = false;
            printingToBitmaps      = false;

            PrintEventArgs printArgs = new PrintEventArgs();

            BeginPrint(this, printArgs);

            while (currentPage < totalPages)
                // Set the page settings.
                QueryPageSettingsEventArgs queryPageSettingsArgs = new QueryPageSettingsEventArgs(pageSettings);
                QueryPageSettings(this, queryPageSettingsArgs);

                Size  pageSize          = pageSettings.Bounds.Size;
                SizeF paperSizeInInches = new SizeF(pageSize.Width / 100F, pageSize.Height / 100F);

                Rectangle pageBounds   = pageSettings.Bounds;
                Rectangle marginBounds = Rectangle.FromLTRB(pageBounds.Left + pageSettings.Margins.Left, pageBounds.Top + pageSettings.Margins.Top, pageBounds.Right - pageSettings.Margins.Right, pageBounds.Bottom - pageSettings.Margins.Bottom);
                float     dpi          = 1200; // Make a PDF high resolution, although this is unlikely to matter much.

                // create and print a page.
                using (IGraphicsTarget grTarget = pdfWriter.BeginPage(paperSizeInInches)) {
                    // Move the origin of the graphics to the margin boundaries.
                    Matrix translateTransform = new Matrix();
                    translateTransform.Translate(marginBounds.Left, marginBounds.Top);
                    SizeF size = new SizeF(marginBounds.Width, marginBounds.Height);

                    DrawPage(grTarget, currentPage, size, dpi);



            EndPrint(this, printArgs);

コード例 #10
        // Draw a pattern of dots. The center of the edge dots are on the edges of the given rectangle, so the dots
        // protrude out a dot radius from the rectangle.
        private void DrawPattern(IGraphicsTarget g, PunchPattern pattern, RectangleF punchRect)
            float dxPerDot = (pattern.size > 1) ? punchRect.Width / (pattern.size - 1) : 0;
            float dyPerDot = (pattern.size > 1) ? punchRect.Height / (pattern.size - 1) : 0;
            float r        = PunchcardAppearance.dotRadius;

            for (int row = 0; row < pattern.size; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < pattern.size; ++col)
                    if (pattern.dots[row, col])
                        float xCenter = punchRect.Left + dxPerDot * col;
                        float yCenter = punchRect.Top + dyPerDot * row;
                        g.FillEllipse(blackBrush, new PointF(xCenter, yCenter), r, r);
コード例 #11
ファイル: CoursePdf.cs プロジェクト: osorensen/PurplePen
        // The core printing routine.
        void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, CoursePage page)
            // Get the course view for the course we are printing.
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreatePrintingCourseView(eventDB, page.courseDesignator);

            // Get the correct purple color to print the course in.
            short ocadId;
            float purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK;
            bool  purpleOverprint;

            FindPurple.GetPurpleColor(mapDisplay, appearance, out ocadId, out purpleC, out purpleM, out purpleY, out purpleK, out purpleOverprint);

            // Create a course layout from the view.
            CourseLayout layout = new CourseLayout();

            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.Descriptions, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorOcadId, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorName, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorC, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorM, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorY, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorK, false);
            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.MainCourse, ocadId, NormalCourseAppearance.courseColorName, purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK, purpleOverprint);
            CourseFormatter.FormatCourseToLayout(symbolDB, courseView, appearance, layout, CourseLayer.MainCourse);

            // Set the course layout into the map display

            // Set the transform, and the clip.
            Matrix transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(page.mapRectangle, page.printRectangle);

            PushRectangleClip(graphicsTarget, page.printRectangle);
            // Determine the resolution in map coordinates.
            Matrix inverseTransform = transform.Clone();

            float minResolutionPage = 100F / 2400F;  // Assume 2400 DPI as the base resolution, to get very accurate print.
            float minResolutionMap  = Geometry.TransformDistance(minResolutionPage, inverseTransform);

            // And draw.
            mapDisplay.Draw(graphicsTarget, page.mapRectangle, minResolutionMap);

コード例 #12
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: JoblyFonty/PurplePen
        // Draw the bitmap map part.
        void DrawBitmapMap(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, RectangleF visRect, float minResolution)
            // Setup transform.

            // Setup drawing map and intensity.
            BitmapScaling scalingMode = antialiased ? BitmapScaling.MediumQuality : BitmapScaling.NearestNeighbor;

            if (bitmap.PixelHeight * bitmap.PixelWidth > 50000000)
                scalingMode = BitmapScaling.NearestNeighbor;            // Turn off high quality scaling for very large bitmaps.
            // Get source bitmap. Use the dimmed bitmap if there is one.
            IGraphicsBitmap sourceBitmap;

            if (dimmedBitmap != null)
                sourceBitmap = dimmedBitmap;
                sourceBitmap = bitmap;

            // Draw it.
            grTarget.DrawBitmap(sourceBitmap, new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight), scalingMode, minResolution);

            if (mapIntensity < 0.99 && sourceBitmap == bitmap)
                // Dimming desired, but we don't have a dimmed bitmap. Use an alpha mask instead.
                CmykColor dimmedWhite = CmykColor.FromCmyka(0, 0, 0, 0, 1 - mapIntensity);
                object    brush       = new object();
                grTarget.CreateSolidBrush(brush, dimmedWhite);
                grTarget.FillRectangle(brush, new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight));

            // Pop transform
コード例 #13
        // Render one punch box
        private void RenderPunchBox(IGraphicsTarget g, CourseView.ControlView controlView, RectangleF rect)
            // Draw the ordinal number, if there is one.
            if (controlView.ordinal > 0)
                DrawSingleLineText(g, controlView.ordinal.ToString(), PunchcardAppearance.controlNumberFont, new PointF(rect.Left + 6, rect.Top + 3), StringAlignment.Near, StringAlignment.Near);

            // If it's a score course, and a score has been defined, then put the score.
            if (courseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.Score)
                int points = 0;
                if (controlView.courseControlIds[0].IsNotNone)
                    points = eventDB.GetCourseControl(controlView.courseControlIds[0]).points;

                if (points > 0)
                    DrawSingleLineText(g, points.ToString(), PunchcardAppearance.scoreFont, new PointF((rect.Left + rect.Right) / 2, rect.Top + 3), StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Near);

            // Draw the code.
            string code = string.Format("({0})", eventDB.GetControl(controlView.controlId).code);

            DrawSingleLineText(g, code, PunchcardAppearance.codeFont, new PointF(rect.Right - 5F, rect.Top + 3), StringAlignment.Far, StringAlignment.Near);

            // Draw the punch pattern.
            RectangleF punchRect = RectangleF.FromLTRB(rect.Left + 20F, rect.Top + 27.5F, rect.Right - 20F, rect.Bottom - 12.5F);

            PunchPattern pattern = eventDB.GetControl(controlView.controlId).punches;

            if (pattern != null)
                DrawPattern(g, pattern, punchRect);
コード例 #14
        private void DrawSingleLineText(IGraphicsTarget g, string text, FontDesc fontDesc, PointF pt, StringAlignment horizAlignment, StringAlignment vertAlignment)
            object font = new object();

            g.CreateFont(font, fontDesc.Name, fontDesc.EmHeight, fontDesc.TextEffects);

            ITextFaceMetrics fontMetrics = textMetrics.GetTextFaceMetrics(fontDesc.Name, fontDesc.EmHeight, fontDesc.TextEffects);
            SizeF            size        = fontMetrics.GetTextSize(text);

            switch (horizAlignment)
            case StringAlignment.Near:

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                pt.X = pt.X - size.Width / 2F; break;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                pt.X = pt.X - size.Width; break;

            switch (vertAlignment)
            case StringAlignment.Near:

            case StringAlignment.Center:
                pt.Y = pt.Y - size.Height / 2F; break;

            case StringAlignment.Far:
                pt.Y = pt.Y - size.Height; break;

            g.DrawText(text, font, blackBrush, pt);

コード例 #15
ファイル: CoursePrinting.cs プロジェクト: osorensen/PurplePen
        // The core printing routine. The origin of the graphics is the upper-left of the margins,
        // and the printArea in the size to draw into (in hundreths of an inch).
        protected override void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, int pageNumber, SizeF printArea, float dpi)
            CoursePage page = pages[pageNumber];

            // Get the course view for the course we are printing.
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreatePrintingCourseView(eventDB, page.courseDesignator);

            // Get the correct purple color to print the course in.
            short ocadId;
            float purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK;
            bool  purpleOverprint;

            FindPurple.GetPurpleColor(mapDisplay, appearance, out ocadId, out purpleC, out purpleM, out purpleY, out purpleK, out purpleOverprint);

            // Create a course layout from the view.
            CourseLayout layout = new CourseLayout();

            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.Descriptions, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorOcadId, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorName, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorC, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorM, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorY, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorK, false);
            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.MainCourse, ocadId, NormalCourseAppearance.courseColorName, purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK, purpleOverprint);
            CourseFormatter.FormatCourseToLayout(symbolDB, courseView, appearance, layout, CourseLayer.MainCourse);

            // Set the course layout into the map display

            // Collecting garbage should make out of memory less common.

            if (graphicsTarget is GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget)
                // We print to intermediate bands of bitmaps. This is the only way to get purple blending correct.
                // Other code ensure that if purple blending is on, we always take this code path.

                GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget gdiGraphicsTarget = ((GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget)graphicsTarget);
                Graphics g = gdiGraphicsTarget.Graphics;
                // Save and restore state so we can mess with stuff.
                GraphicsState graphicsState = g.Save();

                // Printing via a bitmap. Works best with some print drivers.
                dpi = AdjustDpi(dpi);

                const long        MAX_PIXELS_PER_BAND = 20000000; // 20M pixels = 60M bytes (3 bytes per pixel).
                List <CoursePage> bands = BandPageToLimitBitmapSize(page, dpi, MAX_PIXELS_PER_BAND);

                // Create the bitmap. Can do this once because each band is the same size.
                int    bitmapWidth  = (int)Math.Round(bands[0].printRectangle.Width * dpi / 100F);
                int    bitmapHeight = (int)Math.Round(bands[0].printRectangle.Height * dpi / 100F);
                Bitmap bitmap       = new Bitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                foreach (CoursePage band in bands)
                    // Set the transform
                    Matrix transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(band.mapRectangle, new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight));
                    mapDisplay.Draw(bitmap, transform);

                    try {
                        // Draw the bitmap on the printer.
                        g.DrawImage(bitmap, band.printRectangle);
                    catch (Exception) { }

                // restore state.
                // Print directly. Used only when prerasterization is off.
                // Set the transform, and the clip.
                Matrix transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(page.mapRectangle, page.printRectangle);
                PushRectangleClip(graphicsTarget, page.printRectangle);
                // Determine the resolution in map coordinates.
                Matrix inverseTransform = transform.Clone();
                float minResolutionPage = 100F / dpi;
                float minResolutionMap  = Geometry.TransformDistance(minResolutionPage, inverseTransform);

                // And draw.
                mapDisplay.Draw(graphicsTarget, page.mapRectangle, minResolutionMap);

コード例 #16
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: JoblyFonty/PurplePen
        // Draw the map and course onto a graphics. A helper for the other two draw methods.
        private void DrawHelper(IGraphicsTarget grTargetOcadMap, IGraphicsTarget grTargetBitmapMap, IGraphicsTarget grTargetCourses, RectangleF visRect, float minResolution)
            RenderOptions renderOptions = new RenderOptions();

            renderOptions.minResolution = minResolution;

            if (Printing)
                renderOptions.usePatternBitmaps = false;    // don't use pattern bitmaps when printing, they cause some problems in some printer drivers and we want best quality.
            else if (antialiased && minResolution < 0.007F) // use pattern bitmaps unless high quality and zoomed in very far
                renderOptions.usePatternBitmaps = false;
                renderOptions.usePatternBitmaps = true;

            renderOptions.showSymbolBounds       = showBounds;
            renderOptions.renderTemplates        = RenderTemplateOption.MapAndTemplates;
            renderOptions.blendOverprintedColors = ocadOverprintEffect;

            // First draw the real map.
            switch (mapType)
            case MapType.OCAD:
                grTargetOcadMap.PushAntiAliasing(Printing ? false : antialiased);       // don't anti-alias on printer
                DrawOcadMap(grTargetOcadMap, visRect, renderOptions);

            case MapType.Bitmap:
            case MapType.PDF:
                grTargetBitmapMap.PushAntiAliasing(Printing ? false : antialiased);       // don't anti-alias on printer
                DrawBitmapMap(grTargetBitmapMap, visRect, minResolution);

            case MapType.None:

            // Now draw the courseMap on top.
            if (Printing)
                grTargetCourses.PushAntiAliasing(true);   // always anti-alias the course unless printing
            // Always turn blending on.
            renderOptions.blendOverprintedColors = true;

            if (courseMap != null)
                using (courseMap.Read())
                    courseMap.Draw(grTargetCourses, visRect, renderOptions, null);



            if (printArea.HasValue && !printArea.Value.Contains(visRect))
                object printAreaOutline = new object();

                grTargetCourses.CreateSolidBrush(printAreaOutline, CmykColor.FromCmyka(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.12F));
                if (printArea.Value.Top > visRect.Top)
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(visRect.Left, visRect.Top, visRect.Right, printArea.Value.Top);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);
                if (printArea.Value.Bottom < visRect.Bottom)
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(visRect.Left, printArea.Value.Bottom, visRect.Right, visRect.Bottom);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);
                if (printArea.Value.Left > visRect.Left)
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(visRect.Left, printArea.Value.Top, printArea.Value.Left, printArea.Value.Bottom);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);
                if (printArea.Value.Right < visRect.Right)
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(printArea.Value.Right, printArea.Value.Top, visRect.Right, printArea.Value.Bottom);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);

コード例 #17
 // The core printing routine. The origin of the graphics is the upper-left of the margins,
 // and the printArea in the size to draw into (in hundreths of an inch).
 protected override void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, int pageNumber, SizeF printArea, float dpi)
     Graphics g = ((GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget)graphicsTarget).Graphics;
     positioner.DrawPage(g, pageNumber);
コード例 #18
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: JoblyFonty/PurplePen
 // Draw the map and course onto a graphics target. The color model is ignored. The intensity
 // must be 1, and purple blending is never performed.
 public void Draw(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, RectangleF visRect, float minResolution)
     Debug.Assert(MapIntensity == 1.0F);
     DrawHelper(grTarget, grTarget, grTarget, visRect, minResolution);
コード例 #19
        // The core printing routine. The origin of the graphics is the upper-left of the margins,
        // and the printArea in the size to draw into (in hundreths of an inch).
        protected override void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, int pageNumber, SizeF printArea, float dpi)
            CoursePage page = pages[pageNumber];

            // Get the course view for the course we are printing.
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreatePrintingCourseView(eventDB, page.courseDesignator);

            // Get the correct purple color to print the course in.
            short ocadId;
            float purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK;
            bool purpleOverprint;
            FindPurple.GetPurpleColor(mapDisplay, appearance, out ocadId, out purpleC, out purpleM, out purpleY, out purpleK, out purpleOverprint);

            // Create a course layout from the view.
            CourseLayout layout = new CourseLayout();
            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.Descriptions, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorOcadId, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorName, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorC, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorM, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorY, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorK, false);
            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.MainCourse, ocadId, NormalCourseAppearance.courseColorName, purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK, purpleOverprint);
            CourseFormatter.FormatCourseToLayout(symbolDB, courseView, appearance, layout, CourseLayer.MainCourse);

            // Set the course layout into the map display

            // Collecting garbage should make out of memory less common.

            if (graphicsTarget is GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget) {
                // We print to intermediate bands of bitmaps. This is the only way to get purple blending correct.
                // Other code ensure that if purple blending is on, we always take this code path.

                GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget gdiGraphicsTarget = ((GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget)graphicsTarget);
                Graphics g = gdiGraphicsTarget.Graphics;
                // Save and restore state so we can mess with stuff.
                GraphicsState graphicsState = g.Save();

                // Printing via a bitmap. Works best with some print drivers.
                dpi = AdjustDpi(dpi);

                const long MAX_PIXELS_PER_BAND = 20000000;    // 20M pixels = 60M bytes (3 bytes per pixel).
                List<CoursePage> bands = BandPageToLimitBitmapSize(page, dpi, MAX_PIXELS_PER_BAND);

                // Create the bitmap. Can do this once because each band is the same size.
                int bitmapWidth = (int) Math.Round(bands[0].printRectangle.Width * dpi / 100F);
                int bitmapHeight = (int) Math.Round(bands[0].printRectangle.Height * dpi / 100F);
                Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                foreach (CoursePage band in bands) {
                    // Set the transform
                    Matrix transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(band.mapRectangle, new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight));
                    mapDisplay.Draw(bitmap, transform);

                    // Draw the bitmap on the printer.
                    g.DrawImage(bitmap, band.printRectangle);

                // restore state.
            else {
                // Print directly. Used only when prerasterization is off.
                // Set the transform, and the clip.
                Matrix transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(page.mapRectangle, page.printRectangle);
                PushRectangleClip(graphicsTarget, page.printRectangle);
                // Determine the resolution in map coordinates.
                Matrix inverseTransform = transform.Clone();
                float minResolutionPage = 100F / dpi;
                float minResolutionMap = Geometry.TransformDistance(minResolutionPage, inverseTransform);

                // And draw.
                mapDisplay.Draw(graphicsTarget, page.mapRectangle, minResolutionMap);

コード例 #20
ファイル: BasicPrinting.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
 // The core printing routine. The origin of the graphics is the upper-left of the margins,
 // and the printArea is the size to draw into (in hundreths of an inch), within the margins.
 // dpi is the resolution of the printing in dots per inch.
 protected abstract void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, int pageNumber, SizeF printArea, float dpi);
コード例 #21
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
        // Draw the map and course onto a graphics. A helper for the other two draw methods.
        private void DrawHelper(IGraphicsTarget grTargetOcadMap, IGraphicsTarget grTargetBitmapMap, IGraphicsTarget grTargetCourses, RectangleF visRect, float minResolution)
            RenderOptions renderOptions = new RenderOptions();
            renderOptions.minResolution = minResolution;

            if (Printing)
                renderOptions.usePatternBitmaps = false;   // don't use pattern bitmaps when printing, they cause some problems in some printer drivers and we want best quality.
            else if (antialiased && minResolution < 0.007F)  // use pattern bitmaps unless high quality and zoomed in very far
                renderOptions.usePatternBitmaps = false;
                renderOptions.usePatternBitmaps = true;

            renderOptions.showSymbolBounds = showBounds;
            renderOptions.renderTemplates = RenderTemplateOption.MapAndTemplates;
            renderOptions.blendOverprintedColors = ocadOverprintEffect;

            // First draw the real map.
            switch (mapType) {
            case MapType.OCAD:
                grTargetOcadMap.PushAntiAliasing(Printing ? false : antialiased);       // don't anti-alias on printer
                DrawOcadMap(grTargetOcadMap, visRect, renderOptions);

            case MapType.Bitmap:
            case MapType.PDF:
                grTargetBitmapMap.PushAntiAliasing(Printing ? false : antialiased);       // don't anti-alias on printer
                DrawBitmapMap(grTargetBitmapMap, visRect, minResolution);

            case MapType.None:

            // Now draw the courseMap on top.
            if (Printing)
                grTargetCourses.PushAntiAliasing(true);   // always anti-alias the course unless printing

            // Always turn blending on.
            renderOptions.blendOverprintedColors = true;

            if (courseMap != null) {
                using (courseMap.Read())
                    courseMap.Draw(grTargetCourses, visRect, renderOptions, null);



            if (printArea.HasValue && !printArea.Value.Contains(visRect)) {
                object printAreaOutline = new object();

                grTargetCourses.CreateSolidBrush(printAreaOutline, CmykColor.FromCmyka(0, 0, 0, 1, 0.12F));
                if (printArea.Value.Top > visRect.Top) {
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(visRect.Left, visRect.Top, visRect.Right, printArea.Value.Top);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);
                if (printArea.Value.Bottom < visRect.Bottom) {
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(visRect.Left, printArea.Value.Bottom, visRect.Right, visRect.Bottom);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);
                if (printArea.Value.Left > visRect.Left) {
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(visRect.Left, printArea.Value.Top, printArea.Value.Left, printArea.Value.Bottom);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);
                if (printArea.Value.Right < visRect.Right) {
                    RectangleF draw = RectangleF.FromLTRB(printArea.Value.Right, printArea.Value.Top, visRect.Right, printArea.Value.Bottom);
                    grTargetCourses.FillRectangle(printAreaOutline, draw);

コード例 #22
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
 // Draw the map and course onto a graphics target. The color model is ignored. The intensity
 // must be 1, and purple blending is never performed.
 public void Draw(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, RectangleF visRect, float minResolution)
     Debug.Assert(MapIntensity == 1.0F);
     DrawHelper(grTarget, grTarget, grTarget, visRect, minResolution);
コード例 #23
        // Render a single line of the punchcard. "lastLine" is true if this is the last line (draws the bottom line).
        private void RenderLine(IGraphicsTarget g, List <CourseView.ControlView> boxes, int line, bool lastLine)
            int lineCount = NumberOfLines(boxes);

            // Draw top line.
            float fullWidth = punchcardFormat.boxesAcross * 100;

            if (line == 0 || line == 1)
                g.DrawLine(thickPen, new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(fullWidth, 0));
                g.DrawLine(thinPen, new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(fullWidth, 0));

            // Draw bottom line, if requested
            if (lastLine)
                g.DrawLine(thickPen, new PointF(0, 100), new PointF(fullWidth, 100));

            // Draw side lines.
            float lineTop    = -PunchcardAppearance.thickLine / 2;
            float lineBottom = 100 + PunchcardAppearance.thickLine / 2;

            g.DrawLine(thickPen, new PointF(0, lineTop), new PointF(0, lineBottom));
            g.DrawLine(thickPen, new PointF(fullWidth, lineTop), new PointF(fullWidth, lineBottom));

            if (line == 0)
                // Draw title
                RectangleF   rect         = new RectangleF(0, 0, fullWidth, 100);
                StringFormat stringFormat = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericDefault);
                stringFormat.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
                stringFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                stringFormat.FormatFlags   = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

                DrawSingleLineText(g, courseView.CourseFullName, PunchcardAppearance.titleFont, rect.Center(), StringAlignment.Center, StringAlignment.Center);
                // Draw grid lines and the boxes.
                for (int col = 0; col < punchcardFormat.boxesAcross; ++col)
                    if (col != 0)
                        g.DrawLine(thinPen, new PointF(100 * col, lineTop), new PointF(100 * col, lineBottom));

                    RectangleF boxRect = new RectangleF(100 * col, 0, 100, 100);

                    // Figure out the box number (0 based!)
                    int lineStart, boxWithinLine, boxNumber;
                    if (punchcardFormat.topToBottom)
                        lineStart = (line - 1) * punchcardFormat.boxesAcross;
                        lineStart = (lineCount - line) * punchcardFormat.boxesAcross;
                    if (punchcardFormat.leftToRight)
                        boxWithinLine = col;
                        boxWithinLine = (punchcardFormat.boxesAcross - col - 1);
                    boxNumber = lineStart + boxWithinLine;

                    if (boxNumber < boxes.Count)
                        RenderPunchBox(g, boxes[boxNumber], boxRect);
コード例 #24
ファイル: CoursePdf.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
        // The core printing routine.
        void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, CoursePage page)
            // Get the course view for the course we are printing.
            CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreatePrintingCourseView(eventDB, page.courseDesignator);

            // Get the correct purple color to print the course in.
            short ocadId;
            float purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK;
            bool purpleOverprint;
            FindPurple.GetPurpleColor(mapDisplay, appearance, out ocadId, out purpleC, out purpleM, out purpleY, out purpleK, out purpleOverprint);

            // Create a course layout from the view.
            CourseLayout layout = new CourseLayout();
            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.Descriptions, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorOcadId, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorName, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorC, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorM, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorY, NormalCourseAppearance.blackColorK, false);
            layout.SetLayerColor(CourseLayer.MainCourse, ocadId, NormalCourseAppearance.courseColorName, purpleC, purpleM, purpleY, purpleK, purpleOverprint);
            CourseFormatter.FormatCourseToLayout(symbolDB, courseView, appearance, layout, CourseLayer.MainCourse);

            // Set the course layout into the map display

            // Set the transform, and the clip.
            Matrix transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(page.mapRectangle, page.printRectangle);
            PushRectangleClip(graphicsTarget, page.printRectangle);
            // Determine the resolution in map coordinates.
            Matrix inverseTransform = transform.Clone();
            float minResolutionPage = 100F / 2400F;  // Assume 2400 DPI as the base resolution, to get very accurate print.
            float minResolutionMap = Geometry.TransformDistance(minResolutionPage, inverseTransform);

            // And draw.
            mapDisplay.Draw(graphicsTarget, page.mapRectangle, minResolutionMap);

コード例 #25
ファイル: CoursePdf.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
 private void PushRectangleClip(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, RectangleF rect)
     object rectanglePath = new object();
     graphicsTarget.CreatePath(rectanglePath, new List<GraphicsPathPart> {
         new GraphicsPathPart(GraphicsPathPartKind.Start, new PointF[] { rect.Location }),
         new GraphicsPathPart(GraphicsPathPartKind.Lines, new PointF[] { new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)}),
         new GraphicsPathPart(GraphicsPathPartKind.Close, new PointF[0])
     }, FillMode.Winding);
コード例 #26
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
        // Draw the bitmap map part.
        void DrawBitmapMap(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, RectangleF visRect, float minResolution)
            // Setup transform.

            // Setup drawing map and intensity.
            BitmapScaling scalingMode = antialiased ? BitmapScaling.MediumQuality : BitmapScaling.NearestNeighbor;
            if (bitmap.PixelHeight * bitmap.PixelWidth > 50000000)
                scalingMode = BitmapScaling.NearestNeighbor;            // Turn off high quality scaling for very large bitmaps.

            // Get source bitmap. Use the dimmed bitmap if there is one.
            IGraphicsBitmap sourceBitmap;
            if (dimmedBitmap != null)
                sourceBitmap = dimmedBitmap;
                sourceBitmap = bitmap;

            // Draw it.
            grTarget.DrawBitmap(sourceBitmap, new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight), scalingMode, minResolution);

            if (mapIntensity < 0.99 && sourceBitmap == bitmap) {
                // Dimming desired, but we don't have a dimmed bitmap. Use an alpha mask instead.
                CmykColor dimmedWhite = CmykColor.FromCmyka(0, 0, 0, 0, 1-mapIntensity);
                object brush = new object();
                grTarget.CreateSolidBrush(brush, dimmedWhite);
                grTarget.FillRectangle(brush, new RectangleF(0, 0, bitmap.PixelWidth, bitmap.PixelHeight));

            // Pop transform
コード例 #27
 // The core printing routine. The origin of the graphics is the upper-left of the margins,
 // and the printArea in the size to draw into (in hundreths of an inch).
 protected override void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, int pageNumber, SizeF printArea, float dpi)
     //Graphics g = ((GDIPlus_GraphicsTarget)graphicsTarget).Graphics;
     //positioner.DrawPage(g, pageNumber);
     positioner.DrawPage(graphicsTarget, pageNumber);
コード例 #28
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: petergolde/PurplePen
 // Draw the ocad map part.
 void DrawOcadMap(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, RectangleF visRect, RenderOptions renderOptions)
     using (map.Write()) {
         map.Draw(grTarget, visRect, renderOptions, null);
コード例 #29
ファイル: MapDisplay.cs プロジェクト: JoblyFonty/PurplePen
 // Draw the ocad map part.
 void DrawOcadMap(IGraphicsTarget grTarget, RectangleF visRect, RenderOptions renderOptions)
     using (map.Write()) {
         map.Draw(grTarget, visRect, renderOptions, null);
コード例 #30
 // The core printing routine. The origin of the graphics is the upper-left of the margins,
 // and the printArea is the size to draw into (in hundreths of an inch), within the margins.
 // dpi is the resolution of the printing in dots per inch.
 protected abstract void DrawPage(IGraphicsTarget graphicsTarget, int pageNumber, SizeF printArea, float dpi);
コード例 #31
        // Create a single PDF file
        void CreateOnePdfFile(string fileName, IEnumerable <CourseDesignator> courseDesignators)
            List <CoursePage> pages     = LayoutPages(courseDesignators);
            PdfWriter         pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName), coursePdfSettings.ColorModel == ColorModel.CMYK);

            IGraphicsTarget grTarget = null;

            foreach (CoursePage page in pages)
                CoursePage pageToDraw = page;

                SizeF paperSize = new SizeF(pageToDraw.paperSize.Width / 100F, pageToDraw.paperSize.Height / 100F);
                if (pageToDraw.landscape)
                    paperSize = new SizeF(paperSize.Height, paperSize.Width);

                if (controller.UpdateProgressDialog(string.Format(MiscText.CreatingFile, Path.GetFileName(fileName)), (double)currentPage / (double)totalPages))
                    throw new Exception(MiscText.CancelledByUser);

                PdfImporter pdfImporter = null;

                if (IsPdfMap)
                    // We need to re-obtain a PdfImporter every time, or else very strange bugs start to crop up.

                    pdfImporter = new PdfImporter(sourcePdfMapFileName);

                    float scaleRatio = CourseView.CreatePrintingCourseView(eventDB, page.courseDesignator).ScaleRatio;
                    if (scaleRatio == 1.0)
                        // If we're doing a PDF at scale 1, we just copy the page directly.
                        grTarget   = pdfWriter.BeginCopiedPage(pdfImporter, 0);
                        pageToDraw = PdfNonScaledPage(page.courseDesignator);
                        Matrix     transform = Geometry.CreateInvertedRectangleTransform(page.printRectangle, page.mapRectangle);
                        RectangleF printedPortionInMapCoords = Geometry.TransformRectangle(transform, new RectangleF(0, 0, paperSize.Width * 100F, paperSize.Height * 100F));
                        RectangleF printedPortionInInches    = new RectangleF(
                            Geometry.InchesFromMm(mapBounds.Height - printedPortionInMapCoords.Bottom),

                        grTarget = pdfWriter.BeginCopiedPartialPage(pdfImporter, 0, paperSize, printedPortionInInches);

                    // Don't draw the map normally.
                    mapDisplay.SetMapFile(MapType.None, null);
                    if (page.startNewPage || grTarget == null)
                        if (grTarget != null)
                            grTarget = null;
                        grTarget = pdfWriter.BeginPage(paperSize);

                DrawPage(grTarget, pageToDraw);

                if (pdfImporter != null)
                    pdfImporter = null;

                currentPage += 1;
            if (grTarget != null)
                grTarget = null;
