public async Task <IActionResult> LatestBlogPosts() { try { var query = new GraphQLRequest(@" query { blogPosts(limit: 10, sort: ""published_at:desc"") { id title published_at description banner { url } tags { id name } } } "); var response = await _graphQLClientRef.SendQueryAsync <BlogPostsType>(query); return(Ok(response.Data.BlogPosts ?? new List <BlogPost>())); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError("{exception}", ex); return(BadRequest()); } }
public async Task <List <Country> > Get() { var result = this.countryRepository.Get(); var respone = _client.SendQueryAsync <ResponseCountryCollection>(QueryGetCountry()).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); if (respone.Data.Country != null) { respone.Data.Country.ForEach(x => x.IsApi = true); return(result.Result.Union(respone.Data.Country).ToList()); } return(await result); }
/// <summary> /// Get all Continents from graphQL server /// </summary> /// <returns>Collection of Continents</returns> public async Task <ICollection <Continent> > GetAllContinentsAsync() { var request = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @"{ continents{ code, name, } }" }; var continents = await _graphQLClient.SendQueryAsync <GraphQLContinentsResponse>(request); return(continents.Data.continents); }
public static Task <GraphQLResponse <TResponse> > SendQueryAsync <TResponse>(this IGraphQLClient client, string query, object?variables = null, string?operationName = null, Func <TResponse> defineResponseType = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { _ = defineResponseType; return(client.SendQueryAsync <TResponse>(new GraphQLRequest(query, variables, operationName), cancellationToken: cancellationToken)); }
public async Task <T> FetchValuesAsync <T>( string query) { var request = new GraphQLHttpRequest(query); var response = await _httpClient.SendQueryAsync <T>(request); return(response.Data); }
public async Task <Page> GetSeasonalAnimeList() { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query { Page(page:1, perPage:50) { pageInfo { total, perPage, currentPage, lastPage, hasNextPage } media(season:SUMMER, seasonYear:2020, format:TV) { id, title { userPreferred } coverImage { large } } } } " }; var response = await _client.SendQueryAsync <PageInfoAndMediaResponseType>(query); return(response.Data.Page); }
public async Task <List <Owner> > GetAllOwners() { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query ownersQuery{ owners { id name address accounts { id type description } } }", }; var response = await _client.SendQueryAsync <ResponseOwnerCollectionType>(query); return(response.Data.Owners); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <CountryDtoResult> > GetAll() { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query { Flag { svgFile country { name capital population area populationDensity } } } " }; var list = await _repository.SelectAsync(); if (list.Count() > 0) { return(_mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CountryDtoResult> >(list)); } var response = await _client.SendQueryAsync <ResponseDto>(query); var resultApi = response.Data.Flag; foreach (var item in resultApi) { if (await _repository.SelectByName(item.Country.Name) == null) { await _repository.InsertAsync(new CountryEntity { Name = item.Country.Name, Capital = item.Country.Capital, Population = item.Country.Population, Area = item.Country.Area, PopulationDensity = item.Country.PopulationDensity, SvgFile = item.SvgFile, OriginalInfo = true, ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item) }); } } return(_mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CountryDtoResult> >(await _repository.SelectAsync())); }
/// <summary> /// Get the first 150 most liquid market pairs ordered by desc /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <Pools> GetMostLiquidMarketPairs() { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" { pairs(first: 150, orderBy: reserveETH orderDirection: desc){ token0 { symbol } token1 { symbol } reserveETH reserveUSD } } " }; GraphQLResponse <Pools> response = await _graphQLClient.SendQueryAsync <Pools>(query); return(response.Data); }
public async Task <ProductModel> GetProduct(int id) { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query productQuery($productId:ID!) { product(id:$productID) { id name price rating photoFileName description stock introducedAt reviews { title review } } }", Variables = new { productId = id } }; var response = await _graphQLClient.SendQueryAsync <ProductModel>(query, CancellationToken.None); return(response.Data); }
private Schema InitSchema(IGraphQLClient gqlClient) { var request = new GraphQLRequest { Query = GetIntrospectionQuery() }; var result = Task.Run(async() => await gqlClient.SendQueryAsync <JObject>(request, CancellationToken.None)) .GetAwaiter() .GetResult() .Data; var queryType = (JObject)result["__schema"]["queryType"]; var types = ((JArray)result["__schema"]["types"]).Cast <JObject>().ToArray(); var dummySchema = new Schema(); dummySchema.Initialize(); var schemaTypes = new SchemaTypes(dummySchema, new DefaultServiceProvider()); var cache = new Dictionary <string, IGraphType>(); var qt = ResolveGraphType(_ => schemaTypes[_] ?? (cache.ContainsKey(_) ? cache[_] : null), types, queryType, cache); var commonTypes = cache.Values.ToArray(); foreach (var type in types) { ResolveGraphType(_ => schemaTypes[_] ?? (cache.ContainsKey(_) ? cache[_] : null), types, type, cache); } var newSchema = new Schema(); newSchema.Query = (IObjectGraphType)qt; foreach (var type in cache.Values.Except(commonTypes)) { newSchema.RegisterType(type); } newSchema.Initialize(); return(newSchema); }
public async Task <List <Owner> > GetAllOwners() { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @"query ownersQuery{ owners{ id, name, address, accounts{ id, description, ownerId, type } } }" }; var response = await _graphQLClient.SendQueryAsync <ResponseOwnerCollectionType>(query); return(response.Data.Owners); }
public object Execute(Expression expression) { var variablesResolver = new VariablesResolver(); var query = queryBuilder.BuildQuery(expression, variablesResolver, out var entryPoint); var request = new GraphQLRequest { Query = query, Variables = variablesResolver.GetAllVariables().ToDictionary(_ =>, _ => _.value) }; var result = Task.Run(() => client.SendQueryAsync <JToken>(request, CancellationToken.None)) .GetAwaiter() .GetResult(); expression = RewriteExpression(expression, result.Data[entryPoint]); return(expression switch { MethodCallExpression method => Expression.Lambda <Func <object> >(method).Compile()(), ConstantExpression constant => constant.Value, _ => throw new NotImplementedException() });
public async Task <IEnumerable <CountryDtoResult> > GetAll() { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query { Flag { svgFile country { name capital population area populationDensity officialLanguages { name } } } } " }; var response = await _client.SendQueryAsync <ResponseDto>(query); var resultApi = response.Data.Flag; foreach (var item in resultApi) { var country = await _repository.SelectByName(item.Country.Name); if (country == null) { await _repository.InsertAsync(new CountryEntity { Name = item.Country.Name, Capital = item.Country.Capital, Population = item.Country.Population, Area = item.Country.Area, PopulationDensity = item.Country.PopulationDensity, OfficialLanguage = item.Country.OfficialLanguages.FirstOrDefault().name, SvgFile = item.SvgFile, OriginalInfo = true, ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item) }); } else { if (country.OfficialLanguage == null) { await _repository.UpdateAsync(new CountryEntity { Id = country.Id, Name = country.Name, Capital = country.Capital, Population = country.Population, Area = country.Area, PopulationDensity = country.PopulationDensity, OfficialLanguage = item.Country.OfficialLanguages.FirstOrDefault().name, SvgFile = country.SvgFile, OriginalInfo = true, ObjectJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item) }); } } } return(_mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CountryDtoResult> >(await _repository.SelectAsync())); }
public static Task <GraphQLResponse <TResponse> > SendQueryAsync <TResponse>(this IGraphQLClient client, GraphQLRequest request, Func <TResponse> defineResponseType, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) => client.SendQueryAsync <TResponse>(request, cancellationToken);
public async Task <ListServiceResponse <Token> > FetchAllAsync() { var result = new ListServiceResponse <Token>(); try { GraphQLResponse <TokenList> graphQLResponse = null; var list = new List <Token>(); var last = "0x0"; do { var initialRequest = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query GetTokens( $first: Int, $orderBy: ID, $orderDirection: String) { tokens( first: $first, where: { id_gt: " + $"\"{last}\"" + @" }, orderBy: $orderBy, orderDirection: $orderDirection) { id symbol name } }", OperationName = "GetTokens", Variables = new { first = 500 } }; graphQLResponse = await _graphQLClient.SendQueryAsync <TokenList>(initialRequest); if (!(graphQLResponse.Data is null)) { if (graphQLResponse.Data.Tokens.AnyAndNotNull()) { list.AddRange(graphQLResponse.Data.Tokens); var lastOne = graphQLResponse.Data.Tokens.Last(); last = lastOne.Id; } } if (!(graphQLResponse.Errors is null)) { result.ListResponse = null; result.Message = graphQLResponse.Errors?.FirstOrDefault().Message; break; } Thread.Sleep(500); } while (!(graphQLResponse.Data is null) && (graphQLResponse.Errors is null) && graphQLResponse.Data.Tokens.AnyAndNotNull()); result.ListResponse = list; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Message = ex.GetFullMessage(); } return(result); }
public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task <GraphQLResponse <Response> > SendQueryAsync(IGraphQLClient client, Variables variables, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return(client.SendQueryAsync <Response>(Request(variables), cancellationToken)); }
public async Task <List <FirewallEvent> > GetFirewallEvents(string clientIP) { DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; int attempts = 0; bool commFail = false; bool apiError = false; if (Program.Debug) { Console.WriteLine("geq: " + now.AddMinutes(Program.FirewallEventMinutes * -1).ToString("o") + " leq: " + now.AddMinutes(1).ToString("o")); } while (attempts < 4) { try { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = "query { viewer { zones(filter: {zoneTag: \"" + Program.ZoneID + "\"}) { firewallEventsAdaptive(filter: { datetime_geq: \"" + now.AddMinutes(Program.FirewallEventMinutes * -1).ToString("o") + "\", datetime_leq: \"" + now.AddMinutes(1).ToString("o") + "\", clientIP: \"" + clientIP + "\" }, limit: 10000, orderBy: [datetime_DESC]) { clientIP clientRequestPath }}}}" }; var response = await _client.SendQueryAsync <ResponseData>(query); if (response.Errors != null) { if (Program.Debug) { foreach (GraphQLError error in response.Errors) { Console.WriteLine("API error: " + error.Message); } } apiError = true; attempts++; Thread.Sleep(2000); continue; } return(response.Data.viewer.zones[0].firewallEventsAdaptive); } catch (Exception e) when(e is HttpRequestException || e is GraphQLHttpRequestException || e is TaskCanceledException) { commFail = true; attempts++; Thread.Sleep(2000); } } if (commFail && apiError) { throw new CloudflareException("Multiple Cloudflare API errors: Errors were returned and communication failed, see debug info"); } else if (apiError) { throw new CloudflareException("The Cloudflare API returned an error, see debug info"); } else { throw new CloudflareException("Communication with the Cloudflare API failed"); } }
public async Task <GraphQLData> GetAllComponentInfo(string mnf, int set, string currency) { var query = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" query MyPartSearch($q: String!, $limit: Int!, $currency: String!) { search(q: $q, limit: $limit, currency: $currency) { results { part { mpn category{ name } manufacturer { name } manufacturer_url best_datasheet { name url } short_description octopart_url images{ url } specs { attribute { name group } display_value } sellers(include_brokers: false, authorized_only: true) { company { name } offers { sku moq click_url updated inventory_level prices { price currency quantity converted_price converted_currency } } } } } } }", Variables = new { q = mnf, limit = set, currency = currency } }; var response = await _client.SendQueryAsync <GraphQLData>(query); return(response.Data); }
public Task <Result <TCast, Error.ExceptionalError> > SendQueryAsync <TResponse, TCast>(RequestAdapter <TResponse, TCast> adapter) => Result.Try(async() => { var response = (await _client.SendQueryAsync <TResponse>(adapter.Request)).Data; return(adapter.Selector(response)); });