public async Task Setup() { client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474")); await client.ConnectAsync(); await client.Cypher.Match("(m:Movie)").DetachDelete("m").ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); await client.Cypher.Match("(m:Person)").DetachDelete("m").ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); await client.Cypher.Match("(m:Greeting)").DetachDelete("m").ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); }
public async Task <BasicResponseDto> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await _client.ConnectAsync(); await _client.ConnectAsync(); var stops = await _client.Cypher.Match($"(stop: Stop) WHERE {request.LineNo} in stop.lines") .Return(stop => stop.As <Stop>()) .ResultsAsync; if (!stops.Any()) { return(new ListResponseDto <int>(false, $"Line with number: {request.LineNo} does not exist.")); } // Delete old line foreach (var stopToDelete in stops) { if (stopToDelete.lines.Count() == 1) { await _client.Cypher.Match($"(stop: Stop {{ name: '{}' }})").DetachDelete("stop") .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); } else { var stopLines = stopToDelete.lines.ToList(); stopLines.RemoveAll(x => x == request.LineNo); var array = $"[{string.Join(",", stopLines.Distinct().ToArray())}]"; var query = $"stop.lines = {array}"; await _client.Cypher.Match($"(stop: Stop {{ name: '{}' }})").Set(query) .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); } } return(new BasicResponseDto(true)); }
public async Task <ListResponseDto <Stop> > Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await _client.ConnectAsync(); var query = $"(start: Stop {{ name: '{request.StartStop}' }}),(dest: Stop {{ name: '{request.DestStop}' }})"; var result = await _client.Cypher.Match(query).Return <List <Stop> >("shortestPath((start) -[*]- (dest))").ResultsAsync; if (!result.Any()) { return(new ListResponseDto <Stop>(true, $"Cannot find connection between {request.StartStop} and {request.DestStop}.")); } var stops = result.First().Where(s => != null).ToList(); return(new ListResponseDto <Stop>(stops)); }
public async Task <ListResponseDto <int> > Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await _client.ConnectAsync(); var result = await _client.Cypher.Match("(stop: Stop)") .Return(stop => stop.As <Stop>()) .ResultsAsync; if (!result.Any()) { return(new ListResponseDto <int>(true)); } var lines = result.SelectMany(x => x.lines).Distinct().ToList(); return(new ListResponseDto <int>(lines)); }
public async Task <ListResponseDto <LineDto> > Handle(Query request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await _client.ConnectAsync(); var query = $"(line: Line) WHERE line.lineNumber = {request.Number}"; var lines = await _client.Cypher.Match(query) .Return(line => line.As <Line>()) .ResultsAsync; if (!lines.Any()) { return(new ListResponseDto <LineDto>(true, "Line not found.")); } var lineDto = new LineDto() { lineNumber = lines.First().lineNumber, stops = lines.First().stops }; return(new ListResponseDto <LineDto>(lineDto)); }
public GraphDbContext(IGraphDbSettings settings) { _client = new GraphClient(new Uri(settings.ConnectionString), settings.User, settings.Password); _client.ConnectAsync().Wait(); }
public async Task <BasicResponseDto> Handle(Command request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await _client.ConnectAsync(); await _client.ConnectAsync(); var line = await _client.Cypher.Match($"(stop: Stop) WHERE {request.lineNumber} in stop.lines") .Return(stop => stop.As <Stop>()) .ResultsAsync; if (line.Any()) { return(new ListResponseDto <int>(false, $"Line with number: {request.lineNumber} arleady exists.")); } // Create stops foreach (var stopName in request.stops) { var entities = await _client.Cypher.Match($"(stop: Stop) WHERE = '{stopName}'") .Return(stop => stop.As <Stop>()) .ResultsAsync; var entity = entities.FirstOrDefault(); if (entity == null) { var stopQuery = $"(stop: Stop {{ name: '{stopName}', lines: [{request.lineNumber}]}})"; await _client.Cypher.Create(stopQuery) .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); } else { var stopLines = entity.lines.ToList(); stopLines.Add(request.lineNumber); var array = $"[{string.Join(",", stopLines.Distinct().ToArray())}]"; var query = $"stop.lines = {array}"; await _client.Cypher.Match($"(stop: Stop {{ name: '{stopName}' }})").Set(query) .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); } } // Create relations var stopsList = request.stops.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < stopsList.Count - 1; i++) { var start = stopsList.ElementAt(i); var dest = stopsList.ElementAt(i + 1); var relationQuery = $"(a)-[r:LEADS_TO]->(b)"; await _client.Cypher.Match($"(a:Stop),(b:Stop) WHERE = '{start}' AND = '{dest}'") .Merge(relationQuery) .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); await _client.Cypher.Match($"(a:Stop),(b:Stop) WHERE = '{dest}' AND = '{start}'") .Merge(relationQuery) .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); } // Create line var arrayOfStops = String.Join(",", request.stops.Select(x => string.Format("\"{0}\"", x))); var lineQuery = $"(line: Line {{ lineNumber: {request.lineNumber}, stops: [{arrayOfStops}]}})"; await _client.Cypher.Create(lineQuery) .ExecuteWithoutResultsAsync(); return(new BasicResponseDto(true)); }