public static void ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IPin sourcePin, IPin destinationPin, bool useIntelligentConnect) { int hr = 0; if (graphBuilder == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("graphBuilder"); } if (sourcePin == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sourcePin"); } if (destinationPin == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationPin"); } if (useIntelligentConnect) { hr = graphBuilder.Connect(sourcePin, destinationPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } else { hr = graphBuilder.ConnectDirect(sourcePin, destinationPin, null); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } }
private void Play() { int r; String selected_device_name = cbDevices.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (selected_device_name.Length <= 0) { return; } IBaseFilter input = ((Device)cbDevices.SelectedItem).Filter; VideoOutPinConfiguration pin_config = (VideoOutPinConfiguration)cbFormat.SelectedItem; if (input == null || pin_config == null || !pin_config.ApplyConfiguration()) { return; } r = graph_builder.AddFilter(input, cbDevices.SelectedText); r = graph_builder.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)grabber, "grabber"); IPin input_out = pin_config.Pin; IPin grabber_in = GetFirstPin((IBaseFilter)grabber, PinDirection.Input); if (input_out != null && grabber_in != null) { r = graph_builder.Connect(input_out, grabber_in); } r = media_control.Run(); active_config = pin_config; bPlay.Text = "Stop"; }
public void RenderAudio(IGraphBuilder pGraphBuilder, IBaseFilter splitter) { var pPin = DsUtils.GetPin(splitter, PinDirection.Output, new[] { MediaType.Audio }); if (pPin != null) { _streamSelect = splitter as IAMStreamSelect; if (_streamSelect != null && BuildSoundRenderer(pGraphBuilder)) { var pInputPin = DsUtils.GetPin(_directSoundBaseFilter, PinDirection.Input); var hr = pGraphBuilder.Connect(pPin, pInputPin); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pInputPin); if (hr == DsHlp.S_OK || hr == DsHlp.VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER) { _audioStreams.AddRange(_streamSelect.GetSelectableStreams().Where(s => s.MajorType == MediaType.Audio)); } else { pGraphBuilder.RemoveFilter(_directSoundBaseFilter); Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject(_directSoundBaseFilter); _directSoundBaseFilter = null; _basicAudio = null; } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pPin); } }
public static int ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder graph, IPin pinOut, IBaseFilter dest) { if ((graph == null) || (pinOut == null) || (dest == null)) { return(WinAPI.E_FAIL); } IPin pinIn = null; try { // Find an input pin on the downstream filter. int hr = GetUnconnectedPin(dest, PinDirection.Input, out pinIn); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Try to connect them. hr = graph.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); return(0); } catch (COMException) { } finally { Util.ReleaseComObject(ref pinIn); } return(WinAPI.E_FAIL); }
public void RenderAudio(IGraphBuilder pGraphBuilder, IBaseFilter splitter) { IPin pPin; var nSkip = 0; while ((pPin = DsUtils.GetPin(splitter, PinDirection.Output, false, nSkip)) != null) { if (DsUtils.IsMediaTypeSupported(pPin, MediaType.Audio) == 0) { // this unconnected pin supports audio type! // let's render it! if (BuildSoundRenderer(pGraphBuilder)) { var pInputPin = DsUtils.GetPin(_directSoundBaseFilters.Last(), PinDirection.Input); var hr = pGraphBuilder.Connect(pPin, pInputPin); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pInputPin); if (hr == DsHlp.S_OK || hr == DsHlp.VFW_S_PARTIAL_RENDER) { if (_directSoundBaseFilters.Count == 8) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pPin); break; // out of while cycle } } else { var pBaseFilter = _directSoundBaseFilters.Last(); pGraphBuilder.RemoveFilter(pBaseFilter); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pBaseFilter); _basicAudioInterfaces.RemoveAt(_basicAudioInterfaces.Count - 1); _directSoundBaseFilters.RemoveAt(_directSoundBaseFilters.Count - 1); nSkip++; } } else { // could not create/add DirectSound filter Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pPin); break; // out of while cycle } } else { nSkip++; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pPin); } // end of while _currentAudioStream = 0; _audioStreamsCount = _basicAudioInterfaces.Count; const int lVolume = -10000; for (var i = 1; i < _audioStreamsCount; i++) { _basicAudioInterfaces[i].put_Volume(lVolume); } }
/// <summary> /// Connect the upstrem filter's pin with downstream filter /// </summary> /// <param name="graph"></param> /// <param name="pOut"></param> /// <param name="dest"></param> public static void ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder graph, IPin pOut, IBaseFilter dest) { if (pOut == null) { throw new Exception("Unable to find any output pin"); } IPin pIn = null; ///Get downstream filter's input pin GetUnconnectedPin(dest, out pIn, PinDirection.Input); try { ///Connect the pins if (graph.Connect(pOut, pIn) < 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to connect selected pins"); } } finally { ///Dispose off the input pin Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pIn); } }
public static void ConnectFilter(IGraphBuilder graph, IBaseFilter out_flt, int out_no, IBaseFilter in_flt, int in_no) { var out_pin = FindPin(out_flt, out_no, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); var inp_pin = FindPin(in_flt, in_no, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); graph.Connect(out_pin, inp_pin); }
public virtual void AddCompressor(FilterInfo fiCompressor) { RemoveCompressor(); compressor = (Compressor)Filter.CreateFilter(fiCompressor); iGB.AddFilter(compressor.BaseFilter, compressor.FriendlyName); compressor.AddedToGraph(fgm); // Chooses input pin try { iGB.Connect(source.OutputPin, compressor.InputPin); } catch (COMException) { RemoveCompressor(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Crée le filtre "File Splitter (demuxer)" et l'ajoute au graphe. /// </summary> /// <param name="graph">Le graphe.</param> /// <param name="filtersConfig">La configuration pour ce fichier.</param> /// <param name="sourceOutputPin">Le pin de sortie de la source.</param> /// <param name="parserOutputAudioPin">Le pin de sortie audio.</param> /// <param name="parserOutputVideoPin">Le pin de sortie vidéo</param> /// <returns>Le filtre File SPlitter.</returns> internal static IBaseFilter CreateSplitterFilter(IGraphBuilder graph, ExtensionFiltersSource filtersConfig, IPin sourceOutputPin, out IPin parserOutputAudioPin, out IPin parserOutputVideoPin) { Type filterType = null; IBaseFilter parserFilter = null; FilterSource splitterSource = filtersConfig.Splitter; if (splitterSource.SourceType != FilterSourceTypeEnum.External) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The Splitter Filter Source cannot be Automatic"); } CreateFilter(splitterSource.ExternalCLSID, splitterSource.Name, ref filterType, ref parserFilter); IPin parserInputPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(parserFilter, PinDirection.Input, 0); int hr = graph.AddFilter(parserFilter, splitterSource.Name); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Connectiong FileSource et Splitter hr = graph.Connect(sourceOutputPin, parserInputPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); SafeRelease(sourceOutputPin); SafeRelease(parserInputPin); // Pins de sortie parserOutputAudioPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(parserFilter, PinDirection.Output, 0); parserOutputVideoPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(parserFilter, PinDirection.Output, 1); // Only video or audio if (parserOutputVideoPin == null) { parserOutputVideoPin = parserOutputAudioPin; parserOutputAudioPin = null; } parserOutputVideoPin.EnumMediaTypes(out IEnumMediaTypes enumMediaTypes); AMMediaType[] mts = { null }; while (enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mts, IntPtr.Zero) == 0) { if (mts[0].majorType != MediaType.Video) { // Invert in case it's not the appropriate media type IPin temp = parserOutputAudioPin; parserOutputAudioPin = parserOutputVideoPin; parserOutputVideoPin = temp; break; } } return(parserFilter); }
public virtual void AddCompressor(FilterInfo fiCompressor) { RemoveCompressor(); compressor = (Compressor)Filter.CreateFilter(fiCompressor); iGB.AddFilter(compressor.BaseFilter, compressor.FriendlyName); compressor.AddedToGraph(fgm); // Chooses input pin Dictionary <string, Object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(); args.Add("SourceFilter", source); compressor.PreConnectConfig(args); try { iGB.Connect(source.OutputPin, compressor.InputPin); } catch (COMException) { RemoveCompressor(); throw; } }
/// <summary>Connects together to graph filters.</summary> /// <param name="graph">The graph on which the filters exist.</param> /// <param name="source">The source filter.</param> /// <param name="outPinName">The name of the output pin on the source filter.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination filter.</param> /// <param name="inPinName">The name of the input pin on the destination filter.</param> protected void Connect(IGraphBuilder graph, IBaseFilter source, string outPinName, IBaseFilter destination, string inPinName) { IPin outPin = source.FindPin(outPinName); DisposalCleanup.Add(outPin); IPin inPin = destination.FindPin(inPinName); DisposalCleanup.Add(inPin); graph.Connect(outPin, inPin); }
/// <summary> /// Using a GraphBuilder, connect an output pin to the destination filter. /// </summary> /// <param name="pGraph">Specifies the graph builder.</param> /// <param name="pOut">Specifies the output pin to connect.</param> /// <param name="pDst">Specifies the destination filter.</param> /// <returns>A value of 0 is returned on success, or an error value on failure.</returns> public static int ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder pGraph, IPin pOut, IBaseFilter pDst) { IPin pIn = null; int hr = FindUnconnectedPin(pDst, PinDirection.Input, out pIn); if (hr == 0) { hr = pGraph.Connect(pOut, pIn); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pIn); } return(hr); }
private static void ConnectSubpictureToSubpictureFilter(IGraphBuilder pGraphBuilder, IPin subpictureOutPin, IBaseFilter subpictureFilter) { var subpictureInputPin = GetInputPin(subpictureFilter); try { var hr = pGraphBuilder.Connect(subpictureOutPin, subpictureInputPin); hr.ThrowExceptionForHR(GraphBuilderError.CantRenderSubpicture); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(subpictureInputPin); } }
void ConnectPins(IBaseFilter upFilter, string upName, IBaseFilter downFilter, string downName) { int hr; IPin pin1, pin2; PinDirection PinDirThis; if (upName == "CapturePin") { pin1 = captureDevOutPin; } else { hr = upFilter.FindPin(upName, out pin1); if (hr < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } hr = pin1.QueryDirection(out PinDirThis); if (hr < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } if (PinDirThis != PinDirection.Output) { throw new Exception("Wrong upstream pin"); } } //pin1 = GetPin(upFilter, PinDirection.Output); hr = downFilter.FindPin(downName, out pin2); if (hr < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } hr = pin2.QueryDirection(out PinDirThis); if (hr < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } if (PinDirThis != PinDirection.Input) { throw new Exception("Wrong downstream pin"); } //pin2 = GetPin(downFilter, PinDirection.Input); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pin1, pin2); if (hr < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } }
private bool TryConnectToAny(IPin sourcePin, IBaseFilter destinationFilter) { IEnumPins pinEnum; int hr = destinationFilter.EnumPins(out pinEnum); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IPin[] pins = { null }; while (pinEnum.Next(pins.Length, pins, IntPtr.Zero) == 0) { int err = m_graphBuilder.Connect(sourcePin, pins[0]); if (err == 0) { return(true); } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pins[0]); } return(false); }
public void RenderVideo(IGraphBuilder pGraphBuilder, IRenderer renderer) { InsureSourceOutPin(); var videoRendererInputPin = renderer.GetInputPin(); if (videoRendererInputPin != null) { var hr = pGraphBuilder.Connect(_sourceOutPin, videoRendererInputPin); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(videoRendererInputPin); // that's it, if hr > 0 (partial success) the video stream is already rendered but there are unrendered (audio) streams hr.ThrowExceptionForHR(GraphBuilderError.CantRenderFile); } else { throw new FilterGraphBuilderException(GraphBuilderError.CantRenderFile); } }
public override void AddedToGraph(FilgraphManager fgm) { IGraphBuilder gb = (IGraphBuilder)fgm; //Add the Blackmagic Decoder filter and connect it. try { bfDecoder = Filter.CreateBaseFilterByName("Blackmagic Design Decoder (DMO)"); gb.AddFilter(bfDecoder, "Blackmagic Design Decoder (DMO)"); IPin decoderInput; bfDecoder.FindPin("in0", out decoderInput); bfDecoder.FindPin("out0", out decoderOutput); captureOutput = GetPin(filter, _PinDirection.PINDIR_OUTPUT, Pin.PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, Guid.Empty, false, 0); gb.Connect(captureOutput, decoderInput); } catch { throw new ApplicationException("Failed to add the BlackMagic Decoder filter to the graph"); } base.AddedToGraph(fgm); }
/// <summary> /// カメラ制御とビデオ品質制御 /// </summary> public static void Sample14() { string __FUNCTION__ = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; Console.WriteLine(__FUNCTION__); IGraphBuilder graph = null; ICaptureGraphBuilder2 builder = null; IBaseFilter videoSource = null; IBaseFilter videoGrabber = null; IBaseFilter videoRenderer = null; var videoGrabberCB = new CxSampleGrabberCB(); try { #region グラフビルダーの生成: { // 必須: graph = (IGraphBuilder)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_FilterGraph); if (graph == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a GraphBuilder."); } // 任意: 当例に於いては必須ではありませんが、後述のフィルタ接続を簡潔に記述できます. builder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2); if (builder == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a GraphBuilder."); } builder.SetFiltergraph(graph); } #endregion #region 像入力用: ソースフィルタを生成します. { videoSource = Axi.CreateFilter(GUID.CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory, null, 0); if (videoSource == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a videoSource."); } graph.AddFilter(videoSource, "VideoSource"); // フレームサイズを設定します. // ※注) この操作は、ピンを接続する前に行う必要があります. IPin pin = Axi.FindPin(videoSource, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); Axi.SetFormatSize(pin, 640, 480); } #endregion #region 像捕獲用: サンプルグラバーを生成します. { videoGrabber = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_SampleGrabber); if (videoGrabber == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a videoGrabber."); } graph.AddFilter(videoGrabber, "videoGrabber"); // サンプルグラバフィルタの入力形式設定. // SetMediaType で必要なメディア タイプを指定します。 // // ※AM_MEDIA_TYPE 構造体のメンバをすべて設定する必要はない。 // ※デフォルトでは、サンプル グラバに優先メディア タイプはない。 // ※サンプル グラバを正しいフィルタに確実に接続するには、フィルタ グラフを作成する前にこのメソッドを呼び出す。 // majortype: // subtype : { var grabber = (ISampleGrabber)videoGrabber; var mt = new AM_MEDIA_TYPE(); mt.majortype = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video); mt.subtype = new Guid(GUID.MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24); mt.formattype = new Guid(GUID.FORMAT_VideoInfo); grabber.SetMediaType(mt); grabber.SetBufferSamples(false); // サンプルコピー 無効. grabber.SetOneShot(false); // One Shot 無効. //grabber.SetCallback(videoGrabberCB, 0); // 0:SampleCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する. grabber.SetCallback(videoGrabberCB, 1); // 1:BufferCB メソッドを呼び出すよう指示する. } } #endregion #region 像出力用: レンダラーを生成します. { videoRenderer = (IBaseFilter)Axi.CoCreateInstance(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer); if (videoRenderer == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException("Failed to create a videoRenderer."); } graph.AddFilter(videoRenderer, "videoRenderer"); } #endregion #region フィルタの接続: if (builder != null) { unsafe { var mediatype = new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video); var hr = (HRESULT)builder.RenderStream(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(&mediatype), videoSource, videoGrabber, videoRenderer); if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK) { throw new CxDSException(hr); } } } else { // ピンの取得. IPin videoSourceOutput = Axi.FindPin(videoSource, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin videoGrabberInput = Axi.FindPin(videoGrabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); IPin videoGrabberOutput = Axi.FindPin(videoGrabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin videoRendererInput = Axi.FindPin(videoRenderer, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); // ピンの接続. graph.Connect(videoSourceOutput, videoGrabberInput); graph.Connect(videoGrabberOutput, videoRendererInput); } #endregion // ------------------------------ #region カメラ制御: Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("CameraControlProperty"); { #region 取得: var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); var ranges = new Dictionary <CameraControlProperty, TxPropertyRange>(); var control = Axi.GetInterface <IAMCameraControl>(graph); foreach (CameraControlProperty prop in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CameraControlProperty))) { HRESULT hr; var range = TxPropertyRange.Reset(); try { // レンジの取得. hr = (HRESULT)control.GetRange( prop, ref range.Min, ref range.Max, ref range.SteppingDelta, ref range.DefaultValue, ref range.CapsFlag ); if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK) { continue; } // 現在値の取得. hr = (HRESULT)control.Get( prop, ref range.Value, ref range.Flag ); if (hr < HRESULT.S_OK) { continue; } range.IsSupported = true; } catch (System.Exception) { } finally { ranges[prop] = range; } } Console.WriteLine("Completed. {0:F3} msec", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); #endregion #region 視覚的な確認の為の出力: Console.WriteLine("--- {0,-22}: {1,5}, {2,5}, {3,6}, {4,4}, {5,5} ~ {6,5}", "Name", "Value", "Def", "Flag", "Step", "Lower", "Upper"); foreach (var item in ranges) { var name = item.Key.ToString(); var range = item.Value; if (range.IsSupported) { Console.WriteLine("[O] {0,-22}: {1,5}, {2,5}, 0x{3:X4}, {4,4}, {5,5} ~ {6,5}", name, range.Value, range.DefaultValue, range.CapsFlag, range.SteppingDelta, range.Min, range.Max ); } else { Console.WriteLine("[-] {0,-22}:", name); } } #endregion } #endregion #region ビデオ品質制御: Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("VideoProcAmpProperty"); { #region 取得: var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); var ranges = new Dictionary <VideoProcAmpProperty, TxPropertyRange>(); var control = Axi.GetInterface <IAMVideoProcAmp>(graph); foreach (VideoProcAmpProperty prop in Enum.GetValues(typeof(VideoProcAmpProperty))) { HRESULT hr; var range = TxPropertyRange.Reset(); try { // レンジ. hr = (HRESULT)control.GetRange( prop, ref range.Min, ref range.Max, ref range.SteppingDelta, ref range.DefaultValue, ref range.CapsFlag ); if (hr >= HRESULT.S_OK) { // 現在値. hr = (HRESULT)control.Get( prop, ref range.Value, ref range.Flag ); if (hr >= HRESULT.S_OK) { range.IsSupported = true; } } } catch (System.Exception) { } ranges[prop] = range; } Console.WriteLine("Completed. {0:F3} msec", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds); #endregion #region 視覚的な確認の為の出力: Console.WriteLine("--- {0,-22}: {1,5}, {2,5}, {3,6}, {4,4}, {5,5} ~ {6,5}", "Name", "Value", "Def", "Flag", "Step", "Lower", "Upper"); foreach (var item in ranges) { var name = item.Key.ToString(); var range = item.Value; if (range.IsSupported) { Console.WriteLine("[O] {0,-22}: {1,5}, {2,5}, 0x{3:X4}, {4,4}, {5,5} ~ {6,5}", name, range.Value, range.DefaultValue, range.CapsFlag, range.SteppingDelta, range.Min, range.Max ); } else { Console.WriteLine("[-] {0,-22}:", name); } } #endregion } #endregion } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.StackTrace); } finally { #region 解放: if (videoSource != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(videoSource); } videoSource = null; if (videoGrabber != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(videoGrabber); } videoGrabber = null; if (videoRenderer != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(videoRenderer); } videoRenderer = null; if (builder != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(builder); } builder = null; if (graph != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(graph); } graph = null; #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Worker thread that captures the images /// </summary> private void RunWorker() { try { // Create the main graph _graph = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(FilterGraph)) as IGraphBuilder; // Create the webcam source _sourceObject = FilterInfo.CreateFilter(_monikerString); // Create the grabber _grabber = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(SampleGrabber)) as ISampleGrabber; _grabberObject = _grabber as IBaseFilter; // Add the source and grabber to the main graph _graph.AddFilter(_sourceObject, "source"); _graph.AddFilter(_grabberObject, "grabber"); using (AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType()) { mediaType.MajorType = MediaTypes.Video; mediaType.SubType = MediaSubTypes.RGB32; _grabber.SetMediaType(mediaType); if (_graph.Connect(_sourceObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0), _grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Input, 0)) >= 0) { if (_grabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mediaType) == 0) { // During startup, this code can be too fast, so try at least 3 times int retryCount = 0; bool succeeded = false; while ((retryCount < 3) && !succeeded) { // Tried again retryCount++; try { // Retrieve the grabber information VideoInfoHeader header = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.FormatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); _capGrabber.Width = header.BmiHeader.Width; _capGrabber.Height = header.BmiHeader.Height; // Succeeded succeeded = true; } catch (Exception retryException) { // Trace Trace.TraceInformation("Failed to retrieve the grabber information, tried {0} time(s)", retryCount); // Sleep Thread.Sleep(50); } } } } _graph.Render(_grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0)); _grabber.SetBufferSamples(false); _grabber.SetOneShot(false); _grabber.SetCallback(_capGrabber, 1); // Get the video window IVideoWindow wnd = (IVideoWindow)_graph; wnd.put_AutoShow(false); wnd = null; // Create the control and run _control = (IMediaControl)_graph; _control.Run(); // Wait for the stop signal while (!_stopSignal.WaitOne(0, true)) { Thread.Sleep(10); } // Stop when ready _control.StopWhenReady(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Trace Trace.WriteLine(ex); } finally { // Clean up Release(); } }
/// <summary> /// helper function to connect 2 filters /// </summary> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graph builder.</param> /// <param name="pinSource">The ping source.</param> /// <param name="destinationFilter">The destination filter.</param> /// <param name="destinationPinIndex">The index of the destination pin</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ConnectFilter(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IPin pinSource, IBaseFilter destinationFilter, out int destinationPinIndex) { //Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: ConnectFilter()"); Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: PinSource:{0}", LogPinInfo(pinSource)); destinationPinIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) { IPin pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(destinationFilter, PinDirection.Input, i); if (pinIn == null) return false; destinationPinIndex++; IPin connectedToPin; if (pinIn.ConnectedTo(out connectedToPin) != 0) connectedToPin = null; if (connectedToPin == null) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pinDest {0}:{1}", i, LogPinInfo(pinIn)); int hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinSource, pinIn); if (hr == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pins connected"); Release.ComObject("pindest" + i, pinIn); return true; } } else { Release.ComObject("connectedToPin", connectedToPin); } Release.ComObject("pindest" + i, pinIn); } return false; }
/// <summary> /// グラフの生成 /// </summary> /// <param name="output_file">出力ファイル</param> public virtual void Setup(string output_file) { this.Dispose(); try { CxDSCameraParam param = this.Param; // グラフビルダー. // CoCreateInstance GraphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_FilterGraph))); #region フィルタ追加. // 画像入力フィルタ. IBaseFilter capture = CreateVideoCapture(param); if (capture == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(capture, "CaptureFilter"); IPin capture_out = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(capture, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); this.CaptureFilter = capture; this.CaptureOutPin = capture_out; // サンプルグラバー. IBaseFilter grabber = (IBaseFilter)CreateSampleGrabber(); if (grabber == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(grabber, "SampleGrabber"); this.SampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)grabber; #endregion #region キャプチャビルダー: { int hr = 0; CaptureBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2))); hr = CaptureBuilder.SetFiltergraph(GraphBuilder); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(output_file)) { // レンダラー. IBaseFilter renderer = null; renderer = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer))); if (renderer == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(renderer, "Renderer"); this.Renderer = renderer; #if true // IGraphBuilder.Connect の代わりに ICaptureGraphBuilder2.RenderStream を使用する. // fig) [capture]-out->-in-[sample grabber]-out->-in-[null render] hr = CaptureBuilder.RenderStream(new Guid(GUID.PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE), new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video), capture, grabber, renderer); #else // ピンの取得. IPin grabber_in = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(grabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); IPin grabber_out = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(grabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin renderer_in = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(renderer, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); // ピンの接続. GraphBuilder.Connect(capture_out, grabber_in); GraphBuilder.Connect(grabber_out, renderer_in); // ピンの保管. //SampleGrabberInPin = grabber_in; //SampleGrabberOutPin = grabber_out; //RendererInPin = renderer_in; #endif } else { IBaseFilter mux = null; IFileSinkFilter sync = null; hr = CaptureBuilder.SetOutputFileName(new Guid(GUID.MEDIASUBTYPE_Avi), output_file, ref mux, ref sync); hr = CaptureBuilder.RenderStream(new Guid(GUID.PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE), new Guid(GUID.MEDIATYPE_Video), capture, grabber, mux); this.Mux = mux; this.Sync = sync; } } #endregion #region 保管: フレームサイズ. VIDEOINFOHEADER vinfo = DSLab.Axi.GetVideoInfo(SampleGrabber); this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo = vinfo.bmiHeader; this.SampleGrabberCB.FrameSize = new Size( System.Math.Abs(this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo.biWidth), System.Math.Abs(this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo.biHeight) ); #endregion #region 保管: デバイス名称. try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.FilterInfo.Name) == false) { this.DeviceName = param.FilterInfo.Name; } else { int filter_index = param.FilterInfo.Index; List<DSLab.CxDSFilterInfo> filters = DSLab.Axi.GetFilterList(DSLab.GUID.CLSID_VideoInputDeviceCategory); if (0 <= filter_index && filter_index < filters.Count) { this.DeviceName = filters[filter_index].Name; } } } catch (System.Exception) { this.DeviceName = ""; } #endregion // DEBUG #if DEBUG DebugPrint(this.GraphBuilder); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { this.Dispose(); throw new DSLab.CxDSException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the DVD DirectShow graph /// </summary> private void BuildGraph() { try { FreeResources(); int hr; /* Create our new graph */ m_graph = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraphNoThread(); #if DEBUG m_rot = new DsROTEntry(m_graph); #endif /* We are going to use the VMR9 for now. The EVR does not * seem to work with the interactive menus yet. It should * play Dvds fine otherwise */ var rendererType = VideoRendererType.VideoMixingRenderer9; /* Creates and initializes a new renderer ready to render to WPF */ m_renderer = CreateVideoRenderer(rendererType, m_graph, 2); /* Do some VMR9 specific stuff */ if (rendererType == VideoRendererType.VideoMixingRenderer9) { var mixer = m_renderer as IVMRMixerControl9; if(mixer != null) { VMR9MixerPrefs dwPrefs; mixer.GetMixingPrefs(out dwPrefs); dwPrefs &= ~VMR9MixerPrefs.RenderTargetMask; dwPrefs |= VMR9MixerPrefs.RenderTargetYUV; /* Enable this line to prefer YUV */ //hr = mixer.SetMixingPrefs(dwPrefs); } } /* Create a new DVD Navigator. */ var dvdNav = (IBaseFilter)new DVDNavigator(); /* The DVDControl2 interface lets us control DVD features */ m_dvdControl = dvdNav as IDvdControl2; if (m_dvdControl == null) throw new Exception("Could not QueryInterface the IDvdControl2 interface"); /* QueryInterface the DVDInfo2 */ m_dvdInfo = dvdNav as IDvdInfo2; /* If a Dvd directory has been set then use it, if not, let DShow find the Dvd */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DvdDirectory)) { hr = m_dvdControl.SetDVDDirectory(DvdDirectory); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } /* This gives us the DVD time in Hours-Minutes-Seconds-Frame time format, and other options */ hr = m_dvdControl.SetOption(DvdOptionFlag.HMSFTimeCodeEvents, true); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* If the graph stops, resume at the same point */ m_dvdControl.SetOption(DvdOptionFlag.ResetOnStop, false); hr = m_graph.AddFilter(dvdNav, "DVD Navigator"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IPin dvdVideoPin = null; IPin dvdAudioPin = null; IPin dvdSubPicturePin = null; IPin dvdNavPin; int i = 0; /* Loop all the output pins on the DVD Navigator, trying to find which pins are which. * We could more easily find the pins by name, but this is more fun...and more flexible * if we ever want to use a 3rd party DVD navigator that used different pin names */ while ((dvdNavPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(dvdNav, PinDirection.Output, i)) != null) { var mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; IntPtr pFetched = IntPtr.Zero; IEnumMediaTypes mediaTypeEnum; dvdNavPin.EnumMediaTypes(out mediaTypeEnum); /* Loop over each of the mediaTypes of each pin */ while (mediaTypeEnum.Next(1, mediaTypes, pFetched) == 0) { AMMediaType mediaType = mediaTypes[0]; /* This will be the video stream pin */ if (mediaType.subType == MediaSubType.Mpeg2Video) { /* Keep the ref and we'll work with it later */ dvdVideoPin = dvdNavPin; break; } /* This will be the audio stream pin */ if (mediaType.subType == MediaSubType.DolbyAC3 || mediaType.subType == MediaSubType.Mpeg2Audio) { /* Keep the ref and we'll work with it later */ dvdAudioPin = dvdNavPin; break; } /* This is the Dvd sub picture pin. This generally * shows overlays for Dvd menus and sometimes closed captions */ if (mediaType.subType == DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE) { /* Keep the ref and we'll work with it later */ dvdSubPicturePin = dvdNavPin; break; } } mediaTypeEnum.Reset(); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mediaTypeEnum); i++; } /* This is the windowed renderer. This is *NEEDED* in order * for interactive menus to work with the other VMR9 in renderless mode */ var dummyRenderer = (IBaseFilter)new VideoMixingRenderer9(); var dummyRendererConfig = (IVMRFilterConfig9)dummyRenderer; /* In order for this interactive menu trick to work, the VMR9 * must be set to Windowed. We will make sure the window is hidden later on */ hr = dummyRendererConfig.SetRenderingMode(VMR9Mode.Windowed); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = dummyRendererConfig.SetNumberOfStreams(1); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = m_graph.AddFilter(dummyRenderer, "Dummy Windowed"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); if (dvdAudioPin != null) { /* This should render out to the default audio device. We * could modify this code here to go out any audio * device, such as SPDIF or another sound card */ hr = m_graph.Render(dvdAudioPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } /* Get the first input pin on our dummy renderer */ m_dummyRendererPin = DsFindPin.ByConnectionStatus(dummyRenderer, /* Filter to search */ PinConnectedStatus.Unconnected, 0); /* Get an available pin on our real renderer */ IPin rendererPin = DsFindPin.ByConnectionStatus(m_renderer, /* Filter to search */ PinConnectedStatus.Unconnected, 0); /* Pin index */ /* Connect the pin to the renderer */ hr = m_graph.Connect(dvdVideoPin, rendererPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* Get the next available pin on our real renderer */ rendererPin = DsFindPin.ByConnectionStatus(m_renderer, /* Filter to search */ PinConnectedStatus.Unconnected, 0); /* Pin index */ /* Render the sub picture, which will connect * the DVD navigator to the codec, not the renderer */ hr = m_graph.Render(dvdSubPicturePin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* These are the subtypes most likely to be our dvd subpicture */ var preferedSubpictureTypes = new[]{MediaSubType.ARGB4444, MediaSubType.AI44, MediaSubType.AYUV, MediaSubType.ARGB32}; IPin dvdSubPicturePinOut = null; /* Find what should be the subpicture pin out */ foreach (var guidType in preferedSubpictureTypes) { dvdSubPicturePinOut = FindPinInGraphByMediaType(guidType, /* GUID of the media type being searched for */ PinDirection.Output, m_graph); /* Our current graph */ if (dvdSubPicturePinOut != null) break; } if (dvdSubPicturePinOut == null) throw new Exception("Could not find the sub picture pin out"); /* Here we connec thte Dvd sub picture pin to the video renderer. * This enables the overlays on Dvd menus and some closed * captions to be rendered. */ hr = m_graph.Connect(dvdSubPicturePinOut, rendererPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* Search for the Line21 out in the graph */ IPin line21Out = FindPinInGraphByMediaType(MediaType.AuxLine21Data, PinDirection.Output, m_graph); if (line21Out == null) throw new Exception("Could not find the Line21 pin out"); /* We connect our line21Out out in to the dummy renderer * this is what ultimatly makes interactive DVDs work with * VMR9 in renderless (for WPF) */ hr = m_graph.Connect(line21Out, m_dummyRendererPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); /* This is the dummy renderers Win32 window. */ m_dummyRenderWindow = dummyRenderer as IVideoWindow; if (m_dummyRenderWindow == null) throw new Exception("Could not QueryInterface for IVideoWindow"); ConfigureDummyWindow(); /* Setup our base classes with this filter graph */ SetupFilterGraph(m_graph); /* Sets the NaturalVideoWidth/Height */ SetNativePixelSizes(m_renderer); } catch (Exception ex) { FreeResources(); InvokeMediaFailed(new MediaFailedEventArgs(ex.Message, ex)); return; } InvokeMediaOpened(); }
/// <summary> build the capture graph for grabber. </summary> private void SetupGraph(string FileName) { int hr; // Get the graphbuilder object this.graphBuilder = new FilterGraph() as IGraphBuilder; this.mediaControl = this.graphBuilder as IMediaControl; this.mediaSeeking = this.graphBuilder as IMediaSeeking; this.mediaEvent = this.graphBuilder as IMediaEvent; try { // Get the SampleGrabber interface this.sampleGrabber = new SampleGrabber() as ISampleGrabber; this.sampleGrabberFilter = sampleGrabber as IBaseFilter; ConfigureSampleGrabber(sampleGrabber); // Add the frame grabber to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(sampleGrabberFilter, "Ds.NET Sample Grabber"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IBaseFilter aviSplitter = new AviSplitter() as IBaseFilter; // Add the aviSplitter to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(aviSplitter, "Splitter"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Have the graph builder construct its appropriate graph automatically hr = this.graphBuilder.RenderFile(FileName, null); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); #if DEBUG m_rot = new DsROTEntry(graphBuilder); #endif // Remove the video renderer filter IBaseFilter defaultVideoRenderer = null; graphBuilder.FindFilterByName("Video Renderer", out defaultVideoRenderer); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(defaultVideoRenderer); // Disconnect anything that is connected // to the output of the sample grabber IPin iPinSampleGrabberOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sampleGrabberFilter, PinDirection.Output, 0); IPin iPinVideoIn; hr = iPinSampleGrabberOut.ConnectedTo(out iPinVideoIn); if (hr == 0) { // Disconnect the sample grabber output from the attached filters hr = iPinVideoIn.Disconnect(); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = iPinSampleGrabberOut.Disconnect(); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } else { // Try other way round because automatic renderer could not build // graph including the sample grabber IPin iPinAVISplitterOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aviSplitter, PinDirection.Output, 0); IPin iPinAVISplitterIn; hr = iPinAVISplitterOut.ConnectedTo(out iPinAVISplitterIn); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = iPinAVISplitterOut.Disconnect(); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = iPinAVISplitterIn.Disconnect(); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Connect the avi splitter output to sample grabber IPin iPinSampleGrabberIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sampleGrabberFilter, PinDirection.Input, 0); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(iPinAVISplitterOut, iPinSampleGrabberIn); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } // Add the null renderer to the graph nullrenderer = new NullRenderer() as IBaseFilter; hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(nullrenderer, "Null renderer"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Get the input pin of the null renderer IPin iPinNullRendererIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(nullrenderer, PinDirection.Input, 0); // Connect the sample grabber to the null renderer hr = graphBuilder.Connect(iPinSampleGrabberOut, iPinNullRendererIn); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Read and cache the image sizes SaveSizeInfo(sampleGrabber); this.GetFrameStepInterface(); } finally { } }
/// <summary> /// グラフの生成 /// </summary> public virtual void Setup() { this.Dispose(); try { // グラフ. // CoCreateInstance GraphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_FilterGraph))); #region フィルタ追加. // ファイル入力. IBaseFilter capture = null; GraphBuilder.AddSourceFilter(SourceFile, "CaptureFilter", ref capture); if (capture == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); #if false // DMO ラッパーフィルタ. // IBaseFilter dmo = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_DMOWrapperFilter))); if (dmo != null) { //// Mpeg4 Decoder DMO //// F371728A-6052-4D47-827C-D039335DFE0A //// 4A69B442-28BE-4991-969C-B500ADF5D8A8 //// mpg4decd.dll [C:\Windows\System32, C:\Windows\SysWOW64] var idmo = (IDMOWrapperFilter)dmo; idmo.Init(new Guid("F371728A-6052-4D47-827C-D039335DFE0A"), new Guid("4A69B442-28BE-4991-969C-B500ADF5D8A8")); idmo = null; this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(dmo, "Mpeg4 Decoder DMO"); } #endif #if false // Avi Splitter IBaseFilter splitter = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_AVISplitter))); if (splitter == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(splitter, "Avi Splitter"); // Avi Decompressor IBaseFilter decompressor = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_AVIDec))); if (decompressor == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(decompressor, "Avi Decompressor"); #endif // サンプルグラバー. IBaseFilter grabber = (IBaseFilter)CreateSampleGrabber(); if (grabber == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(grabber, "SampleGrabber"); // レンダラー. IBaseFilter renderer = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer))); if (renderer == null) throw new System.IO.IOException(); this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(renderer, "Renderer"); #endregion #region ピンの取得. IPin capture_out = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(capture, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin grabber_in = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(grabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); IPin grabber_out = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(grabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin renderer_in = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(renderer, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); #endregion #region ピンの接続. GraphBuilder.Connect(capture_out, grabber_in); GraphBuilder.Connect(grabber_out, renderer_in); #endregion #region 保管: インターフェース. CaptureFilter = capture; CaptureOutPin = capture_out; SampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)grabber; SampleGrabberInPin = grabber_in; SampleGrabberOutPin = grabber_out; Renderer = renderer; RendererInPin = renderer_in; #endregion #region 保管: フレームサイズ. VIDEOINFOHEADER vinfo = DSLab.Axi.GetVideoInfo(SampleGrabber); this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo = vinfo.bmiHeader; this.SampleGrabberCB.FrameSize = new Size( System.Math.Abs(this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo.biWidth), System.Math.Abs(this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo.biHeight) ); #endregion #region インタフェースの抽出: { DSLab.IGraphBuilder graph = this.GraphBuilder; DSLab.IEnumFilters filters = null; DSLab.IBaseFilter filter = null; int fetched = 0; int hr = graph.EnumFilters(ref filters); while (filters.Next(1, ref filter, ref fetched) == (int)DSLab.HRESULT.S_OK) { if (fetched == 0) break; if (filter is DSLab.IMediaSeeking) { // シーク操作用. Seeking = (DSLab.IMediaSeeking)filter; } else { // フィルタ解放. Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filter); filter = null; } } // 解放. Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filters); } #endregion // DEBUG #if DEBUG DebugPrint(this.GraphBuilder); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DSLab.CxDSException(ex); } }
public static IBaseFilter AddToGraph(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder) { IBaseFilter vob = null; DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.DirectVobSubAutoload, out vob); if (vob == null) { //Try the "normal" filter then. DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.DirectVobSubNormal, out vob); } //if the directvobsub filter has not been added to the graph. (i.e. with evr) //we add a bit more intelligence to determine if subtitles are enabled. //and if subtitles are present for the video / movie then we add it if necessary to the graph. if (vob == null) { Log.Info("VideoPlayerVMR9: No VobSub filter in the current graph"); //the filter has not been added lets check if it should be added or not. //add the filter to the graph vob = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, "DirectVobSub"); if (vob == null) { Log.Warn("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub filter not found! You need to install VSFilter"); return null; } else { Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: VobSub filter added to graph"); } } else // VobSub already loaded { return vob; } // Check if Haali Media Splitter is in the graph. IBaseFilter hms = null; DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.HaaliGuid, out hms); if (hms == null) DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.MPCMatroska, out hms); if (hms == null) DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.MPCMatroskaSource, out hms); if (hms == null) DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.LAVFilter, out hms); if (hms == null) DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.LAVFilterSource, out hms); if (hms != null) { IPin pinSubTo = null; // It is. Connect it' subtitle output pin (if any) to Vobsub's subtitle input. pinSubTo = DirectShowUtil.FindPin(hms, PinDirection.Output, "Subtitle"); if (pinSubTo == null) { while (true) { IPin freeSubtitle = DirectShowUtil.FindFirstFreePinSub(hms, PinDirection.Output, ""); IPin freeVobSub = DirectShowUtil.FindFirstFreePin(vob, PinDirection.Input, "Input"); if (freeSubtitle != null && freeVobSub != null) { Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: Connecting Matroska's subtitle output to VobSub's input."); graphBuilder.Connect(freeSubtitle, freeVobSub); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(freeSubtitle); freeSubtitle = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(freeVobSub); freeVobSub = null; } else break; } } DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(hms); hms = null; if (pinSubTo != null) { Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: Connecting Haali's subtitle output to VobSub's input."); // Try to render pins IPin pinVobSubSub = DirectShowUtil.FindPin(vob, PinDirection.Input, "Input"); // If pinSubTo is already connected (disconnect it) graphBuilder.Disconnect(pinSubTo); graphBuilder.Connect(pinSubTo, pinVobSubSub); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinSubTo); pinSubTo = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVobSubSub); pinVobSubSub = null; } } // Now check if vobsub's video input is not connected. // Check only if vmr9 is connected (render was successful). VMR9Util Vmr9 = VMR9Util.g_vmr9; if (Vmr9.IsVMR9Connected) { Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: Connect VobSub's video pins"); IPin pinVobSubVideoIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vob, PinDirection.Input, 0); IPin pinVobSubVideoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vob, PinDirection.Output, 0); // This is the pin that we will connect to vobsub's input. IPin pinVideoTo = Vmr9.PinConnectedTo; IPin pinVideoFrom = null; pinVideoTo.ConnectedTo(out pinVideoFrom); pinVideoTo.Disconnect(); pinVideoFrom.Disconnect(); //Now make connection to VobSub int hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinVideoTo, pinVobSubVideoIn); //hr = graphBuilder.Render(pinVideoFrom); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: could not connect Vobsub's input video pin"); return null; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinVobSubVideoOut, pinVideoFrom); //hr = graphBuilder.Render(pinVobSubVideoOut); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: could not connect Vobsub's output video pin"); return null; } Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: Vobsub's video pins connected"); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoTo); pinVideoTo = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVobSubVideoIn); pinVobSubVideoIn = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVobSubVideoOut); pinVobSubVideoOut = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoFrom); pinVideoFrom = null; } Vmr9 = null; return vob; }
void RunWorker() { try { graph = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(FilterGraph)) as IGraphBuilder; sourceObject = FilterInfo.CreateFilter(deviceMoniker); grabber = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(SampleGrabber)) as ISampleGrabber; grabberObject = grabber as IBaseFilter; graph.AddFilter(sourceObject, "source"); graph.AddFilter(grabberObject, "grabber"); using (AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType()) { mediaType.MajorType = MediaTypes.Video; mediaType.SubType = MediaSubTypes.RGB32; grabber.SetMediaType(mediaType); if (graph.Connect(sourceObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0), grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Input, 0)) >= 0) { if (grabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mediaType) == 0) { VideoInfoHeader header = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.FormatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); capGrabber.Width = header.BmiHeader.Width; capGrabber.Height = header.BmiHeader.Height; } } graph.Render(grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0)); grabber.SetBufferSamples(false); grabber.SetOneShot(false); grabber.SetCallback(capGrabber, 1); IVideoWindow wnd = (IVideoWindow)graph; wnd.put_AutoShow(false); wnd = null; control = (IMediaControl)graph; control.Run(); while (!stopSignal.WaitOne(0, true)) { Thread.Sleep(10); } control.StopWhenReady(); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(ex); } finally { graph = null; sourceObject = null; grabberObject = null; grabber = null; capGrabber = null; control = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Worker thread that captures the images /// </summary> private void Init() { try { log.Trace("Start worker thread"); // Create the main graph _graph = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(FilterGraph)) as IGraphBuilder; // Create the webcam source _sourceObject = FilterInfo.CreateFilter(_monikerString); // Create the grabber _grabber = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(SampleGrabber)) as ISampleGrabber; _grabberObject = _grabber as IBaseFilter; // Add the source and grabber to the main graph _graph.AddFilter(_sourceObject, "source"); _graph.AddFilter(_grabberObject, "grabber"); using (AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType()) { mediaType.MajorType = MediaTypes.Video; mediaType.SubType = MediaSubTypes.RGB32; _grabber.SetMediaType(mediaType); if (_graph.Connect(_sourceObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0), _grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Input, 0)) >= 0) { if (_grabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mediaType) == 0) { // During startup, this code can be too fast, so try at least 3 times int retryCount = 0; bool succeeded = false; while ((retryCount < 3) && !succeeded) { // Tried again retryCount++; try { // Retrieve the grabber information VideoInfoHeader header = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.FormatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); _capGrabber.Width = header.BmiHeader.Width; _capGrabber.Height = header.BmiHeader.Height; // Succeeded succeeded = true; } catch { // Trace log.InfoFormat("Failed to retrieve the grabber information, tried {0} time(s)", retryCount); // Sleep Thread.Sleep(50); } } } } _graph.Render(_grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0)); _grabber.SetBufferSamples(false); _grabber.SetOneShot(false); _grabber.SetCallback(_capGrabber, 1); log.Trace("_grabber set up"); // Get the video window IVideoWindow wnd = (IVideoWindow)_graph; wnd.put_AutoShow(false); wnd = null; // Create the control and run _control = (IMediaControl)_graph; _control.Run(); log.Trace("control runs"); // Wait for the stop signal //while (!_stopSignal.WaitOne(0, true)) //{ // Thread.Sleep(10); //} } }catch (Exception ex) { // Trace log.Debug(ex); Release(); } }
public bool Transcode(TranscodeInfo info, MediaPortal.Core.Transcoding.VideoFormat format, MediaPortal.Core.Transcoding.Quality quality, Standard standard) { if (!Supports(format)) return false; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(info.file); if (ext.ToLower() != ".dvr-ms" && ext.ToLower() != ".sbe") { Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: wrong file format"); return false; } //disable xvid status window while encoding /* try { using (RegistryKey subkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\GNU\XviD", true)) { if (subkey != null) { Int32 uivalue = 0; subkey.SetValue("display_status", (Int32)uivalue); subkey.SetValue("debug", (Int32)uivalue); subkey.SetValue("bitrate", (Int32)bitrate); uivalue = 1; subkey.SetValue("interlacing", (Int32)uivalue); } } } catch (Exception) { }*/ //Type comtype = null; //object comobj = null; try { graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); _rotEntry = new DsROTEntry((IFilterGraph)graphBuilder); Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add filesource"); bufferSource = (IStreamBufferSource)new StreamBufferSource(); IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)bufferSource; graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "SBE SOURCE"); IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)bufferSource; Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: load file:{0}", info.file); int hr = fileSource.Load(info.file, null); /*string strDemuxerMoniker = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{AFB6C280-2C41-11D3-8A60-0000F81E0E4A}"; mpegDemuxer = Marshal.BindToMoniker(strDemuxerMoniker) as IBaseFilter; if (mpegDemuxer == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to add mpeg2 demuxer"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(mpegDemuxer, "MPEG-2 Demultiplexer"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add mpeg2 demuxer to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; }*/ //add mpeg2 audio/video codecs string strVideoCodecMoniker = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{39F498AF-1A09-4275-B193-673B0BA3D478}"; string strAudioCodec = "MPC - MPA Decoder Filter"; Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add MPV mpeg2 video decoder"); Mpeg2VideoCodec = Marshal.BindToMoniker(strVideoCodecMoniker) as IBaseFilter; if (Mpeg2VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to add MPV mpeg2 video decoder"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(Mpeg2VideoCodec, "MPC - MPEG-2 Video Decoder (Gabest)"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add MPV mpeg2 video to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add MPA mpeg2 audio codec:{0}", strAudioCodec); Mpeg2AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); if (Mpeg2AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to add MPV mpeg2 audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output #0 of streambuffer source->mpeg2 audio codec pin 1 //connect output #1 of streambuffer source->mpeg2 video codec pin 1 Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: connect streambufer source->mpeg audio/video decoders"); IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)bufferSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); //audio pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)bufferSource, PinDirection.Output, 1); //video if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to get pins of source"); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2VideoCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //video pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2AudioCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //audio if (pinIn0 == null || pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to get pins of mpeg2 video/audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } if (!AddCodecs(graphBuilder, info)) return false; // hr=(graphBuilder as IMediaFilter).SetSyncSource(null); // if (hr!=0) // Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:to SetSyncSource :0x{0:X}",hr); mediaControl = graphBuilder as IMediaControl; mediaSeeking = bufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking; mediaEvt = graphBuilder as IMediaEventEx; mediaPos = graphBuilder as IMediaPosition; //get file duration Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: Get duration of movie"); long lTime = 5 * 60 * 60; lTime *= 10000000; long pStop = 0; hr = mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); if (hr == 0) { long lStreamPos; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lStreamPos); // stream position m_dDuration = lStreamPos; lTime = 0; mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); } double duration = m_dDuration / 10000000d; Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: movie duration:{0}", MediaPortal.Util.Utils.SecondsToHMSString((int)duration)); // hr=(graphBuilder as IMediaFilter).SetSyncSource(null); // if (hr!=0) // Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:to SetSyncSource :0x{0:X}",hr); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } int maxCount = 20; while (true) { long lCurrent; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lCurrent); double dpos = (double)lCurrent; dpos /= 10000000d; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (dpos >= 2.0d) break; maxCount--; if (maxCount <= 0) break; } mediaControl.Stop(); FilterState state; mediaControl.GetState(500, out state); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(aviMuxer); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(divxCodec); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(mp3Codec); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter((IBaseFilter)fileWriterFilter); if (!AddCodecs(graphBuilder, info)) return false; // hr=(graphBuilder as IMediaFilter).SetSyncSource(null); // if (hr!=0) // Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:to SetSyncSource :0x{0:X}",hr); Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: start transcoding"); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:Unable create graph: {0}", ex.Message); Cleanup(); return false; } return true; }
// Thread entry point public void WorkerThread() { bool failed = false; // grabber Grabber grabber = new Grabber(this); // objects object graphObj = null; object sourceObj = null; object grabberObj = null; // interfaces IGraphBuilder graph = null; IBaseFilter sourceBase = null; IBaseFilter grabberBase = null; ISampleGrabber sg = null; IFileSourceFilter fileSource = null; IMediaControl mc = null; IMediaEventEx mediaEvent = null; int code, param1, param2; while ((!failed) && (!stopEvent.WaitOne(0, true))) { try { // Get type for filter graph Type srvType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.FilterGraph); if (srvType == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating filter graph"); } // create filter graph graphObj = Activator.CreateInstance(srvType); graph = (IGraphBuilder)graphObj; // Get type for windows media source filter srvType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.WindowsMediaSource); if (srvType == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating WM source"); } // create windows media source filter sourceObj = Activator.CreateInstance(srvType); sourceBase = (IBaseFilter)sourceObj; // Get type for sample grabber srvType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.SampleGrabber); if (srvType == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating sample grabber"); } // create sample grabber grabberObj = Activator.CreateInstance(srvType); sg = (ISampleGrabber)grabberObj; grabberBase = (IBaseFilter)grabberObj; // add source filter to graph graph.AddFilter(sourceBase, "source"); graph.AddFilter(grabberBase, "grabber"); // set media type AMMediaType mt = new AMMediaType(); mt.majorType = MediaType.Video; mt.subType = MediaSubType.RGB24; sg.SetMediaType(mt); // load file fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)sourceObj; fileSource.Load(this.source, null); // connect pins if (graph.Connect(DSTools.GetOutPin(sourceBase, 0), DSTools.GetInPin(grabberBase, 0)) < 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed connecting filters"); } // get media type if (sg.GetConnectedMediaType(mt) == 0) { VideoInfoHeader vih = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mt.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); grabber.Width = vih.BmiHeader.Width; grabber.Height = vih.BmiHeader.Height; mt.Dispose(); } // render graph.Render(DSTools.GetOutPin(grabberBase, 0)); // sg.SetBufferSamples(false); sg.SetOneShot(false); sg.SetCallback(grabber, 1); // window IVideoWindow win = (IVideoWindow)graphObj; win.put_AutoShow(false); win = null; // get events interface mediaEvent = (IMediaEventEx)graphObj; // get media control mc = (IMediaControl)graphObj; // run mc.Run(); while (!stopEvent.WaitOne(0, true)) { Thread.Sleep(100); // get an event if (mediaEvent.GetEvent(out code, out param1, out param2, 0) == 0) { // release params mediaEvent.FreeEventParams(code, param1, param2); // if (code == (int)EventCode.Complete) { break; } } } mc.StopWhenReady(); } // catch any exceptions catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("----: " + e.Message); failed = true; } // finalization block finally { // release all objects mediaEvent = null; mc = null; fileSource = null; graph = null; sourceBase = null; grabberBase = null; sg = null; if (graphObj != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(graphObj); graphObj = null; } if (sourceObj != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceObj); sourceObj = null; } if (grabberObj != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(grabberObj); grabberObj = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Crée le graphe DirectShow avec LAVFilters /// </summary> void SetupLAVGraph() { //System.IO.FileStream fs = null; try { try { /* Creates the GraphBuilder COM object */ _graph = new FilterGraphNoThread() as IGraphBuilder; if (_graph == null) { throw new Exception("Could not create a graph"); } //if (_graphLogLocation != null) //{ // fs = System.IO.File.Create(_graphLogLocation); // int r = _graph.SetLogFile(fs.Handle); //} // // Creating FileSource filter // IBaseFilter sourceFilter = GraphHelper.CreateLAVSplitterSourceFilter(_graph, _sourceFilePath, out IPin parserVideoOutputPin, out IPin parserAudioOutputPin); // // Creating renderer // Type videoRendererFilterType = null; IBaseFilter videoRenderer = null; GraphHelper.CreateFilter(NULL_RENDERER, "Null Renderer", ref videoRendererFilterType, ref videoRenderer); int hr = _graph.AddFilter(videoRenderer, "Null Renderer"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IPin videoRendererInputPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(videoRenderer, PinDirection.Input, 0); // // Creating Video filter // // Connection du sample Grabber var sampleGrabberFilter = (IBaseFilter)_sampleGrabber; hr = _graph.AddFilter(sampleGrabberFilter, "Sample Grabber"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IPin sampleGrabberInputPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sampleGrabberFilter, PinDirection.Input, 0); IPin sampleGrabberOuputPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sampleGrabberFilter, PinDirection.Output, 0); //Insertion du Color Space Converter Type filterType = null; IBaseFilter colorSpaceConverter = null; GraphHelper.CreateFilter(GraphHelper.CLSID_COLOR_SPACE_CONVERTER, GraphHelper.COLOR_SPACE_CONVERTER_FRIENDLYNAME, ref filterType, ref colorSpaceConverter); hr = _graph.AddFilter(colorSpaceConverter, GraphHelper.COLOR_SPACE_CONVERTER_FRIENDLYNAME); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); IPin colorSpaceConverterInputPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(colorSpaceConverter, PinDirection.Input, 0); GraphHelper.ConnectLAVSplitterAndRendererWithLAVDecoder(_graph, parserVideoOutputPin, colorSpaceConverterInputPin); IPin colorSpaceConverterOutputPin = DsFindPin.ByDirection(colorSpaceConverter, PinDirection.Output, 0); hr = _graph.ConnectDirect(colorSpaceConverterOutputPin, sampleGrabberInputPin, null); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = _graph.Connect(sampleGrabberOuputPin, videoRendererInputPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Removes the clock to run the graph as fast as possible ((IMediaFilter)_graph).SetSyncSource(null); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(parserAudioOutputPin); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(parserVideoOutputPin); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(videoRendererInputPin); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(sampleGrabberInputPin); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(sampleGrabberOuputPin); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(colorSpaceConverterInputPin); GraphHelper.SafeRelease(colorSpaceConverterOutputPin); _mediaSeeking = _graph as IMediaSeeking; _mediaControl = _graph as IMediaControl; _mediaEvent = _graph as IMediaEventEx; /* Attempt to set the time format */ hr = _mediaSeeking.SetTimeFormat(TimeFormat.MediaTime); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } catch (Exception ex) { this.TraceError(ex, ex.Message); /* This exection will happen usually if the media does * not exist or could not open due to not having the * proper filters installed */ FreeResources(); } } finally { //if (_graphLogLocation != null && fs != null) // fs.Close(); } }
public static void RemoveFromGraph(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder) { IBaseFilter vob = null; DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.DirectVobSubAutoload, out vob); if (vob == null) { //Try the "normal" filter then. DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.DirectVobSubNormal, out vob); if (vob == null) return; } Log.Info("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub in graph, removing..."); // Check where video inputs are connected IPin pinVideoIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vob, PinDirection.Input, 0); IPin pinVideoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vob, PinDirection.Output, 0); //find directvobsub's video output pin source input pin IPin pinVideoTo = null; pinVideoOut.ConnectedTo(out pinVideoTo); //find directvobsub's video input pin source output pin IPin pinVideoFrom = null; pinVideoIn.ConnectedTo(out pinVideoFrom); int hr; if (pinVideoFrom != null) { hr = pinVideoFrom.Disconnect(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub failed disconnecting source pin"); } } if (pinVideoTo != null) { hr = pinVideoTo.Disconnect(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub failed disconnecting destination pin"); } } //remove the DirectVobSub filter from the graph graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(vob); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(vob); vob = null; //reconnect the source output pin to the vmr9/evr filter hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinVideoFrom, pinVideoTo); //hr = graphBuilder.Render(pinVideoFrom); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoFrom); pinVideoFrom = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoTo); pinVideoTo = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoOut); pinVideoOut = null; DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoIn); pinVideoIn = null; if (hr != 0) Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: Could not connect video out to video renderer: {0}", hr); else Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub graph rebuild finished"); }
private bool AddCodecs(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, TranscodeInfo info) { int hr; Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add ffdshow (Divx) codec to graph"); string monikerXVID = @"@device:sw:{33D9A760-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\ffdshow video encoder"; divxCodec = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerXVID) as IBaseFilter; if (divxCodec == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Unable to create Divx MPEG-4 Codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(divxCodec, "ffdshow video encoder"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add DivX MPEG-4 Codec to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add MPEG3 codec to graph"); string monikerMPEG3 = @"@device:cm:{33D9A761-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\85MPEG Layer-3"; mp3Codec = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerMPEG3) as IBaseFilter; if (mp3Codec == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Unable to create MPEG Layer-3 Codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(mp3Codec, "MPEG Layer-3"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add MPEG Layer-3 to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //add filewriter Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add FileWriter to graph"); string monikerFileWrite = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{8596E5F0-0DA5-11D0-BD21-00A0C911CE86}"; IBaseFilter fileWriterbase = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerFileWrite) as IBaseFilter; if (fileWriterbase == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Unable to create FileWriter"); Cleanup(); return false; } fileWriterFilter = fileWriterbase as IFileSinkFilter2; if (fileWriterFilter == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add unable to get IFileSinkFilter for filewriter"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(fileWriterbase, "FileWriter"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add FileWriter to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //set output filename //AMMediaType mt = new AMMediaType(); string outputFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(info.file, ".avi"); Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: set output file to :{0}", outputFileName); hr = fileWriterFilter.SetFileName(outputFileName, null); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to set filename for filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } // add avi muxer Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: add AVI Muxer to graph"); string monikerAviMuxer = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{E2510970-F137-11CE-8B67-00AA00A3F1A6}"; aviMuxer = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerAviMuxer) as IBaseFilter; if (aviMuxer == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Unable to create AviMux"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(aviMuxer, "AviMux"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:Add AviMux to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of mpeg2 codec to xvid codec Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: connect mpeg2 video codec->divx codec"); IPin pinOut, pinIn; pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(divxCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get input pin of divx codec:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2VideoCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get output pin of mpeg2 video codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to connect mpeg2 video codec->divx:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of mpeg2 audio codec to mpeg3 codec Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: connect mpeg2 audio codec->mp3 codec"); pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp3Codec, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get input pin of mp3 codec:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2AudioCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get output pin of mpeg2 audio codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to connect mpeg2 audio codec->mpeg3:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of mpeg3 codec to pin#0 of avimux Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: connect mp3 codec->avimux"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp3Codec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get input pin of mp3 codec:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aviMuxer, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get output pin of mpeg2 audio codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to connect mpeg3 codec->avimux:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of xvid codec to pin#1 of avimux Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: connect divx codec->avimux"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(divxCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get input pin of mp3 codec:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aviMuxer, PinDirection.Input, 1); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get output#1 pin of avimux :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:unable to connect divx codec->avimux:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect avi mux out->filewriter in Log.Info("DVRMS2DIVX: connect avimux->filewriter"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aviMuxer, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get output pin of avimux:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(fileWriterbase, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:cannot get input pin of Filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2DIVX:FAILED:connect muxer->filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> /// build the capture graph for grabber. /// </summary> /// <param name="strCapture">The STR capture.</param> /// <param name="strCompressor">The STR compressor.</param> /// <param name="strFileName">Name of the STR file.</param> /// <param name="iFrameRate">The i frame rate.</param> /// <param name="iWidth">Width of the i.</param> /// <param name="iHeight">Height of the i.</param> /// <param name="owner">The owner.</param> /// <param name="record">if set to <c>true</c> [record].</param> private void SetupGraph(string strCapture, string strCompressor, string strFileName, int iFrameRate, int iWidth, int iHeight, IntPtr owner, bool record) { ICaptureGraphBuilder2 captureGraphBuilder = null; ISampleGrabber sampGrabber = null; IBaseFilter theIPinTee = null; IBaseFilter mux = null; IFileSinkFilter sink = null; IBaseFilter captureDevice = null; IBaseFilter captureCompressor = null; IBaseFilter theRenderer = null; int hr = 0; try { //Create the filter for the selected video input captureDevice = CreateFilter(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice, strCapture); //Create the filter for the selected video compressor captureCompressor = CreateFilter(FilterCategory.VideoCompressorCategory, strCompressor); //Create the Graph _graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); //Create the Capture Graph Builder captureGraphBuilder = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)new CaptureGraphBuilder2(); // Attach the filter graph to the capture graph hr = captureGraphBuilder.SetFiltergraph(this._graphBuilder); checkHR(hr, "Error attaching filter graph to capture graph"); //Add the Video input device to the graph hr = _graphBuilder.AddFilter(captureDevice, "QUAVS input filter"); checkHR(hr, "Error attaching video input"); //setup cature device SetConfigParms(captureGraphBuilder, captureDevice, iFrameRate, iWidth, iHeight); //Add a sample grabber sampGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)new SampleGrabber(); ConfigureSampleGrabber(sampGrabber); hr = _graphBuilder.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)sampGrabber, "QUAVS SampleGrabber"); checkHR(hr, "Error adding sample grabber"); //connect capture device to SampleGrabber hr = _graphBuilder.Connect(GetPin(captureDevice, "Capture"), GetPin((IBaseFilter)sampGrabber, "Input")); checkHR(hr, "Error attaching sample grabber to capture pin"); //Add Ininite Pin Tee theIPinTee = (IBaseFilter)new InfTee(); hr = _graphBuilder.AddFilter(theIPinTee, "QUAVS Pin Tee"); checkHR(hr, "Error adding infinite tee pin"); //connect capture SampleGrabber to IPinTee hr = _graphBuilder.Connect(GetPin((IBaseFilter)sampGrabber, "Output"), GetPin(theIPinTee, "Input")); checkHR(hr, "Error adding SampleGrabber"); if (record) { //Add the Video compressor filter to the graph hr = _graphBuilder.AddFilter(captureCompressor, "QUAVS compressor filter"); checkHR(hr, "Error adding compressor filter"); //connect capture IPinTee output1 to compressor hr = _graphBuilder.Connect(GetPin(theIPinTee, "Output1"), GetPin(captureCompressor, "Input")); checkHR(hr, "Error adding TO DO"); //Create the file writer part of the graph. SetOutputFileName does this for us, and returns the mux and sink hr = captureGraphBuilder.SetOutputFileName(MediaSubType.Avi, strFileName, out mux, out sink); checkHR(hr, "Error adding mux filter or setting output file name"); //connect compressor to mux output hr = _graphBuilder.Connect(GetPin(captureCompressor, "Output"), GetPin(mux, "Input 01")); checkHR(hr, "Error connecting the compressor to mux"); // Get the default video renderer theRenderer = new VideoRendererDefault() as IBaseFilter; hr = _graphBuilder.AddFilter(theRenderer, "Renderer"); checkHR(hr, "Error adding screen renderer"); //connect capture TO DO hr = _graphBuilder.Connect(GetPin(theIPinTee, "Output2"), GetPin(theRenderer, "VMR Input0")); checkHR(hr, "Error connecting screen renderer"); } else { // Get the default video renderer theRenderer = new VideoRendererDefault() as IBaseFilter; hr = _graphBuilder.AddFilter(theRenderer, "Renderer"); checkHR(hr, "Error adding screen renderer"); //connect capture TO DO hr = _graphBuilder.Connect(GetPin(theIPinTee, "Output1"), GetPin(theRenderer, "VMR Input0")); checkHR(hr, "Error connecting screen renderer"); } SaveSizeInfo(sampGrabber); #if DEBUG _rot = new DsROTEntry(_graphBuilder); #endif if (owner != IntPtr.Zero) { //get the video window from the graph IVideoWindow videoWindow = null; videoWindow = (IVideoWindow)_graphBuilder; //Set the owener of the videoWindow to an IntPtr of some sort (the Handle of any control - could be a form / button etc.) hr = videoWindow.put_Owner(owner); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); //Set the style of the video window hr = videoWindow.put_WindowStyle(WindowStyle.Child | WindowStyle.ClipChildren); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = videoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Make the video window visible hr = videoWindow.put_Visible(OABool.True); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } //Create the media control for controlling the graph _mediaCtrl = (IMediaControl)this._graphBuilder; } catch (Exception e) { TraceException.WriteLine(e); //Trace.WriteLine(e.Message); CloseInterfaces(); } finally { if (sink != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sink); sink = null; } if (mux != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(mux); mux = null; } if (captureGraphBuilder != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(captureGraphBuilder); captureGraphBuilder = null; } if (sampGrabber != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sampGrabber); sampGrabber = null; } if (theIPinTee != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(theIPinTee); theIPinTee = null; } if (captureDevice != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(captureDevice); captureDevice = null; } if (captureCompressor != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(captureCompressor); captureCompressor = null; } if (theRenderer != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(theRenderer); theRenderer = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Worker thread. /// </summary> /// private void WorkerThread( ) { // grabber Grabber grabber = new Grabber(this); // objects object graphObject = null; object sourceObject = null; object grabberObject = null; // interfaces IGraphBuilder graph = null; IBaseFilter sourceBase = null; IBaseFilter grabberBase = null; ISampleGrabber sampleGrabber = null; IMediaControl mediaControl = null; IFileSourceFilter fileSource = null; try { // get type for filter graph Type type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.FilterGraph); if (type == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating filter graph"); } // create filter graph graphObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); graph = (IGraphBuilder)graphObject; // create source device's object type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.AsyncReader); if (type == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating filter async reader"); } sourceObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); sourceBase = (IBaseFilter)sourceObject; fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)sourceObject; fileSource.Load(fileName, null); // get type for sample grabber type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.SampleGrabber); if (type == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating sample grabber"); } // create sample grabber grabberObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); sampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)grabberObject; grabberBase = (IBaseFilter)grabberObject; // add source and grabber filters to graph graph.AddFilter(sourceBase, "source"); graph.AddFilter(grabberBase, "grabber"); // set media type AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType( ); mediaType.MajorType = MediaType.Video; mediaType.SubType = MediaSubType.RGB24; sampleGrabber.SetMediaType(mediaType); // connect pins if (graph.Connect(Tools.GetOutPin(sourceBase, 0), Tools.GetInPin(grabberBase, 0)) < 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed connecting filters"); } // get media type if (sampleGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mediaType) == 0) { VideoInfoHeader vih = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.FormatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); grabber.Width = vih.BmiHeader.Width; grabber.Height = vih.BmiHeader.Height; mediaType.Dispose( ); } // let's do rendering, if we don't need to prevent freezing if (!preventFreezing) { // render pin graph.Render(Tools.GetOutPin(grabberBase, 0)); // configure video window IVideoWindow window = (IVideoWindow)graphObject; window.put_AutoShow(false); window = null; } // configure sample grabber sampleGrabber.SetBufferSamples(false); sampleGrabber.SetOneShot(false); sampleGrabber.SetCallback(grabber, 1); // get media control mediaControl = (IMediaControl)graphObject; // run mediaControl.Run( ); while (!stopEvent.WaitOne(0, true)) { Thread.Sleep(100); } mediaControl.StopWhenReady( ); } catch (Exception exception) { // provide information to clients if (VideoSourceError != null) { VideoSourceError(this, new VideoSourceErrorEventArgs(exception.Message)); } } finally { // release all objects graph = null; sourceBase = null; grabberBase = null; sampleGrabber = null; mediaControl = null; fileSource = null; if (graphObject != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(graphObject); graphObject = null; } if (sourceObject != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceObject); sourceObject = null; } if (grabberObject != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(grabberObject); grabberObject = null; } } }
public bool Transcode(TranscodeInfo info, VideoFormat format, Quality quality, Standard standard) { try { if (!Supports(format)) return false; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(info.file); if (ext.ToLowerInvariant() != ".dvr-ms" && ext.ToLowerInvariant() != ".sbe") { Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: wrong file format"); return false; } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: create graph"); graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); _rotEntry = new DsROTEntry((IFilterGraph)graphBuilder); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add streambuffersource"); bufferSource = (IStreamBufferSource)new StreamBufferSource(); IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)bufferSource; graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "SBE SOURCE"); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: load file:{0}", info.file); IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)bufferSource; int hr = fileSource.Load(info.file, null); //add mpeg2 audio/video codecs string strVideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; using (MediaPortal.Profile.Settings xmlreader = new MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings()) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", "MPC - MPEG-2 Video Decoder (Gabest)"); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", "MPC - MPA Decoder Filter"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add mpeg2 video codec:{0}", strVideoCodec); Mpeg2VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:Add mpeg2 video to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add mpeg2 audio codec:{0}", strAudioCodec); Mpeg2AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); if (Mpeg2AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to add mpeg2 audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: connect streambufer source->mpeg audio/video decoders"); //connect output #0 of streambuffer source->mpeg2 audio codec pin 1 //connect output #1 of streambuffer source->mpeg2 video codec pin 1 IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)bufferSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); //audio pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)bufferSource, PinDirection.Output, 1); //video if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get pins of source"); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2VideoCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //video pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2AudioCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //audio if (pinIn0 == null || pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get pins of mpeg2 video/audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } string outputFilename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(info.file, ".wmv"); if (!AddWmAsfWriter(outputFilename, quality, standard)) return false; Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: start pre-run"); mediaControl = graphBuilder as IMediaControl; mediaSeeking = bufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking; mediaEvt = graphBuilder as IMediaEventEx; mediaPos = graphBuilder as IMediaPosition; //get file duration long lTime = 5 * 60 * 60; lTime *= 10000000; long pStop = 0; hr = mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); if (hr == 0) { long lStreamPos; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lStreamPos); // stream position m_dDuration = lStreamPos; lTime = 0; mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); } double duration = m_dDuration / 10000000d; Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: movie duration:{0}", Util.Utils.SecondsToHMSString((int)duration)); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } int maxCount = 20; while (true) { long lCurrent; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lCurrent); double dpos = (double)lCurrent; dpos /= 10000000d; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (dpos >= 2.0d) break; maxCount--; if (maxCount <= 0) break; } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: pre-run done"); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: Get duration of movie"); mediaControl.Stop(); FilterState state; mediaControl.GetState(500, out state); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: reconnect mpeg2 video codec->ASF WM Writer"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(fileWriterbase); if (!AddWmAsfWriter(outputFilename, quality, standard)) return false; Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: Start transcoding"); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Handle exceptions. Log.Error("unable to transcode file:{0} message:{1}", info.file, e.Message); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> create the used COM components and get the interfaces. </summary> protected bool GetInterfaces() { VMR9Util.g_vmr9 = null; if (IsRadio == false) { Vmr9 = VMR9Util.g_vmr9 = new VMR9Util(); // switch back to directx fullscreen mode Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode"); GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SWITCH_FULL_WINDOWED, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, null); GUIWindowManager.SendMessage(msg); } //Type comtype = null; //object comobj = null; DsRect rect = new DsRect(); = 0; rect.bottom = GUIGraphicsContext.form.Height; rect.left = 0; rect.right = GUIGraphicsContext.form.Width; try { graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: add source filter"); if (IsRadio == false) { bool AddVMR9 = VMR9Util.g_vmr9 != null && VMR9Util.g_vmr9.AddVMR9(graphBuilder); if (!AddVMR9) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:Failed to add VMR9 to graph"); return false; } VMR9Util.g_vmr9.Enable(false); } _mpegDemux = (IBaseFilter)new MPEG2Demultiplexer(); graphBuilder.AddFilter(_mpegDemux, "MPEG-2 Demultiplexer"); _rtspSource = (IBaseFilter)new RtpSourceFilter(); int hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)_rtspSource, "RTSP Source Filter"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:unable to add RTSP source filter:{0:X}", hr); return false; } // add preferred video & audio codecs Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: add video/audio codecs"); string strVideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; string strAudiorenderer = ""; int intFilters = 0; // FlipGer: count custom filters string strFilters = ""; // FlipGer: collect custom filters string postProcessingFilterSection = "mytv"; using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { if (_mediaType == g_Player.MediaType.Video) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "mpeg2videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "mpeg2audiocodec", ""); strAudiorenderer = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "audiorenderer", "Default DirectSound Device"); postProcessingFilterSection = "movieplayer"; } else { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", ""); strAudiorenderer = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiorenderer", "Default DirectSound Device"); postProcessingFilterSection = "mytv"; } enableDvbSubtitles = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("tvservice", "dvbsubtitles", false); // FlipGer: load infos for custom filters int intCount = 0; while (xmlreader.GetValueAsString(postProcessingFilterSection, "filter" + intCount.ToString(), "undefined") != "undefined") { if (xmlreader.GetValueAsBool(postProcessingFilterSection, "usefilter" + intCount.ToString(), false)) { strFilters += xmlreader.GetValueAsString(postProcessingFilterSection, "filter" + intCount.ToString(), "undefined") + ";"; intFilters++; } intCount++; } } string extension = Path.GetExtension(m_strCurrentFile).ToLowerInvariant(); if (IsRadio == false) { if (strVideoCodec.Length > 0) { DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); } } if (strAudioCodec.Length > 0) { DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); } if (enableDvbSubtitles == true) { try { _subtitleFilter = SubtitleRenderer.GetInstance().AddSubtitleFilter(graphBuilder); SubtitleRenderer.GetInstance().SetPlayer(this); dvbSubRenderer = SubtitleRenderer.GetInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); } } Log.Debug("Is subtitle fitler null? {0}", (_subtitleFilter == null)); // FlipGer: add custom filters to graph string[] arrFilters = strFilters.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < intFilters; i++) { DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, arrFilters[i]); } if (strAudiorenderer.Length > 0) { audioRendererFilter = DirectShowUtil.AddAudioRendererToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudiorenderer, false); } Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: load:{0}", m_strCurrentFile); IFileSourceFilter interfaceFile = (IFileSourceFilter)_rtspSource; if (interfaceFile == null) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:Failed to get IFileSourceFilter"); return false; } //Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: open file:{0}",filename); hr = interfaceFile.Load(m_strCurrentFile, null); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:Failed to open file:{0} :0x{1:x}", m_strCurrentFile, hr); return false; } #region connect rtspsource->demux Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:connect rtspsource->mpeg2 demux"); IPin pinTsOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)_rtspSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinTsOut == null) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:failed to find output pin of tsfilesource"); return false; } IPin pinDemuxIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_mpegDemux, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinDemuxIn == null) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:failed to find output pin of tsfilesource"); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinTsOut, pinDemuxIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:failed to connect rtspsource->mpeg2 demux:{0:X}", hr); return false; } DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinTsOut); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinDemuxIn); #endregion #region render demux output pins if (IsRadio) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:render audio demux outputs"); IEnumPins enumPins; _mpegDemux.EnumPins(out enumPins); IPin[] pins = new IPin[2]; int fetched = 0; while (enumPins.Next(1, pins, out fetched) == 0) { if (fetched != 1) { break; } PinDirection direction; pins[0].QueryDirection(out direction); if (direction == PinDirection.Input) { continue; } IEnumMediaTypes enumMediaTypes; pins[0].EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[20]; int fetchedTypes; enumMediaTypes.Next(20, mediaTypes, out fetchedTypes); for (int i = 0; i < fetchedTypes; ++i) { if (mediaTypes[i].majorType == MediaType.Audio) { graphBuilder.Render(pins[0]); break; } } } } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:render audio/video demux outputs"); IEnumPins enumPins; _mpegDemux.EnumPins(out enumPins); IPin[] pins = new IPin[2]; int fetched = 0; while (enumPins.Next(1, pins, out fetched) == 0) { if (fetched != 1) { break; } PinDirection direction; pins[0].QueryDirection(out direction); if (direction == PinDirection.Input) { continue; } graphBuilder.Render(pins[0]); } } #endregion // Connect DVB subtitle filter pins in the graph if (_mpegDemux != null && enableDvbSubtitles == true) { IMpeg2Demultiplexer demuxer = _mpegDemux as IMpeg2Demultiplexer; hr = demuxer.CreateOutputPin(GetTSMedia(), "Pcr", out _pinPcr); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:_pinPcr OK"); IPin pDemuxerPcr = DsFindPin.ByName(_mpegDemux, "Pcr"); IPin pSubtitlePcr = DsFindPin.ByName(_subtitleFilter, "Pcr"); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pDemuxerPcr, pSubtitlePcr); } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:Failed to create _pinPcr in demuxer:{0:X}", hr); } hr = demuxer.CreateOutputPin(GetTSMedia(), "Subtitle", out _pinSubtitle); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:_pinSubtitle OK"); IPin pDemuxerSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_mpegDemux, "Subtitle"); IPin pSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_subtitleFilter, "In"); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pDemuxerSubtitle, pSubtitle); } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:Failed to create _pinSubtitle in demuxer:{0:X}", hr); } hr = demuxer.CreateOutputPin(GetTSMedia(), "PMT", out _pinPMT); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:_pinPMT OK"); IPin pDemuxerSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_mpegDemux, "PMT"); IPin pSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_subtitleFilter, "PMT"); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pDemuxerSubtitle, pSubtitle); } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:Failed to create _pinPMT in demuxer:{0:X}", hr); } } if (IsRadio == false) { if (!VMR9Util.g_vmr9.IsVMR9Connected) { //VMR9 is not supported, switch to overlay Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: vmr9 not connected"); _mediaCtrl = null; Cleanup(); return false; } VMR9Util.g_vmr9.SetDeinterlaceMode(); } _mediaCtrl = (IMediaControl)graphBuilder; mediaEvt = (IMediaEventEx)graphBuilder; _mediaSeeking = (IMediaSeeking)graphBuilder; mediaPos = (IMediaPosition)graphBuilder; basicAudio = graphBuilder as IBasicAudio; //DirectShowUtil.SetARMode(graphBuilder,AspectRatioMode.Stretched); DirectShowUtil.EnableDeInterlace(graphBuilder); if (VMR9Util.g_vmr9 != null) { m_iVideoWidth = VMR9Util.g_vmr9.VideoWidth; m_iVideoHeight = VMR9Util.g_vmr9.VideoHeight; } if (audioRendererFilter != null) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer9:set reference clock"); IMediaFilter mp = graphBuilder as IMediaFilter; IReferenceClock clock = audioRendererFilter as IReferenceClock; hr = mp.SetSyncSource(null); hr = mp.SetSyncSource(clock); Log.Info("RTSPPlayer9:set reference clock:{0:X}", hr); } Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: graph build successfull"); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Error.SetError("Unable to play movie", "Unable build graph for VMR9"); Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:exception while creating DShow graph {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); CloseInterfaces(); return false; } }
public bool Transcode(TranscodeInfo info, MediaPortal.Core.Transcoding.VideoFormat format, MediaPortal.Core.Transcoding.Quality quality, Standard standard) { if (!Supports(format)) { return(false); } string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(info.file); if (ext.ToLower() != ".ts" && ext.ToLower() != ".mpg") { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: wrong file format"); return(false); } try { graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder) new FilterGraph(); _rotEntry = new DsROTEntry((IFilterGraph)graphBuilder); Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add filesource"); TsReader reader = new TsReader(); tsreaderSource = (IBaseFilter)reader; IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource; graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "TSReader Source"); IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)tsreaderSource; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: load file:{0}", info.file); int hr = fileSource.Load(info.file, null); //add audio/video codecs string strVideoCodec = ""; string strH264VideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; string strAACAudioCodec = ""; using (MediaPortal.Profile.Settings xmlreader = new MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings()) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", ""); strAACAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "aacaudiocodec", ""); strH264VideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "h264videocodec", ""); } //Find the type of decoder required for the output video & audio pins on TSReader. Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: find tsreader compatible audio/video decoders"); IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); //audio pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource, PinDirection.Output, 1); //video if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to get output pins of tsreader"); Cleanup(); return(false); } bool usingAAC = false; IEnumMediaTypes enumMediaTypes; hr = pinOut0.EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); while (true) { AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; int typesFetched; hr = enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mediaTypes, out typesFetched); if (hr != 0 || typesFetched == 0) { break; } if (mediaTypes[0].majorType == MediaType.Audio && mediaTypes[0].subType == MediaSubType.LATMAAC) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: found LATM AAC audio out pin on tsreader"); usingAAC = true; } } bool usingH264 = false; hr = pinOut1.EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); while (true) { AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; int typesFetched; hr = enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mediaTypes, out typesFetched); if (hr != 0 || typesFetched == 0) { break; } if (mediaTypes[0].majorType == MediaType.Video && mediaTypes[0].subType == AVC1) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: found H.264 video out pin on tsreader"); usingH264 = true; } } //Add the type of decoder required for the output video & audio pins on TSReader. Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add audio/video decoders to graph"); if (usingH264 == false) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add mpeg2 video decoder:{0}", strVideoCodec); VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); if (VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: unable to add mpeg2 video decoder"); Cleanup(); return(false); } } else { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add h264 video codec:{0}", strH264VideoCodec); VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strH264VideoCodec); if (VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to add h264 video codec"); Cleanup(); return(false); } } if (usingAAC == false) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add mpeg2 audio codec:{0}", strAudioCodec); AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); if (AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to add mpeg2 audio codec"); Cleanup(); return(false); } } else { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add aac audio codec:{0}", strAACAudioCodec); AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAACAudioCodec); if (AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to add aac audio codec"); Cleanup(); return(false); } } Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect tsreader->audio/video decoders"); //connect output #0 (audio) of tsreader->audio decoder input pin 0 //connect output #1 (video) of tsreader->video decoder input pin 0 pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(AudioCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //audio pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(VideoCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //video if (pinIn0 == null || pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to get pins of video/audio codecs"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } //add encoders, muxer & filewriter if (!AddCodecs(graphBuilder, info)) { return(false); } //setup graph controls mediaControl = graphBuilder as IMediaControl; mediaSeeking = tsreaderSource as IMediaSeeking; mediaEvt = graphBuilder as IMediaEventEx; mediaPos = graphBuilder as IMediaPosition; //get file duration Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: Get duration of recording"); long lTime = 5 * 60 * 60; lTime *= 10000000; long pStop = 0; hr = mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); if (hr == 0) { long lStreamPos; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lStreamPos); // stream position m_dDuration = lStreamPos; lTime = 0; mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); } double duration = m_dDuration / 10000000d; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: recording duration: {0}", MediaPortal.Util.Utils.SecondsToHMSString((int)duration)); //run the graph to initialize the filters to be sure hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } int maxCount = 20; while (true) { long lCurrent; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lCurrent); double dpos = (double)lCurrent; dpos /= 10000000d; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (dpos >= 2.0d) { break; } maxCount--; if (maxCount <= 0) { break; } } mediaControl.Stop(); FilterState state; mediaControl.GetState(500, out state); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(mp4Muxer); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(h264Encoder); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(aacEncoder); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter((IBaseFilter)fileWriterFilter); if (!AddCodecs(graphBuilder, info)) { return(false); } //Set Encoder quality & Muxer settings if (!EncoderSet(graphBuilder, info)) { return(false); } //start transcoding - run the graph Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: start transcoding"); //setup flow control //need to leverage CBAsePin, CPullPin & IAsyncReader methods. IAsyncReader synchVideo = null; mediaSample = VideoCodec as IMediaSample; hr = synchVideo.SyncReadAligned(mediaSample); //So we only parse decoder output whent the encoders are ready. hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: Unable create graph: {0}", ex.Message); Cleanup(); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Worker thread that captures the images /// </summary> private void RunWorker() { try { // Create the main graph m_igrphbldGraph = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(FilterGraph)) as IGraphBuilder; // Create the webcam source m_sourceObject = FilterInfo.CreateFilter(m_sMonikerString); // Create the grabber m_isplGrabber = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(SampleGrabber)) as ISampleGrabber; m_grabberObject = m_isplGrabber as IBaseFilter; // Add the source and grabber to the main graph m_igrphbldGraph.AddFilter(m_sourceObject, "source"); m_igrphbldGraph.AddFilter(m_grabberObject, "grabber"); using (AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType()) { mediaType.MajorType = MediaTypes.Video; mediaType.SubType = MediaSubTypes.RGB32; m_isplGrabber.SetMediaType(mediaType); if (m_igrphbldGraph.Connect(m_sourceObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0), m_grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Input, 0)) >= 0) { if (m_isplGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mediaType) == 0) { // During startup, this code can be too fast, so try at least 3 times int retryCount = 0; bool succeeded = false; while ((retryCount < 3) && !succeeded) { // Tried again retryCount++; try { // Retrieve the grabber information VideoInfoHeader header = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.FormatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); m_grbrCapGrabber.Width = header.BmiHeader.Width; m_grbrCapGrabber.Height = header.BmiHeader.Height; // Succeeded succeeded = true; } catch (Exception retryException) { // Trace Trace.TraceInformation("Failed to retrieve the grabber information, tried {0} time(s)", retryCount); // Sleep Thread.Sleep(50); } } } } m_igrphbldGraph.Render(m_grabberObject.GetPin(PinDirection.Output, 0)); m_isplGrabber.SetBufferSamples(false); m_isplGrabber.SetOneShot(false); m_isplGrabber.SetCallback(m_grbrCapGrabber, 1); // Get the video window IVideoWindow wnd = (IVideoWindow)m_igrphbldGraph; wnd.put_AutoShow(false); wnd = null; // Create the control and run m_imedctrlControl = (IMediaControl)m_igrphbldGraph; m_imedctrlControl.Run(); // Wait for the stop signal while (!m_rstevStopSignal.WaitOne(0, true)) { Thread.Sleep(10); } // Stop when ready // _control.StopWhenReady(); m_imedctrlControl.Stop(); // Wait a bit... It apparently takes some time to stop IMediaControl Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { // Trace Trace.WriteLine(ex); } finally { // Clean up this.Release(); } }
public bool Transcode(TranscodeInfo info, VideoFormat format, Quality quality, Standard standard) { try { if (!Supports(format)) { return(false); } string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(info.file); if (ext.ToLower() != ".dvr-ms" && ext.ToLower() != ".sbe") { Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: wrong file format"); return(false); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: create graph"); graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder) new FilterGraph(); _rotEntry = new DsROTEntry((IFilterGraph)graphBuilder); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add streambuffersource"); bufferSource = (IStreamBufferSource) new StreamBufferSource(); IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)bufferSource; graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "SBE SOURCE"); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: load file:{0}", info.file); IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)bufferSource; int hr = fileSource.Load(info.file, null); //add mpeg2 audio/video codecs string strVideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; using (MediaPortal.Profile.Settings xmlreader = new MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings()) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", "MPC - MPEG-2 Video Decoder (Gabest)"); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", "MPC - MPA Decoder Filter"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add mpeg2 video codec:{0}", strVideoCodec); Mpeg2VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:Add mpeg2 video to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add mpeg2 audio codec:{0}", strAudioCodec); Mpeg2AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); if (Mpeg2AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to add mpeg2 audio codec"); Cleanup(); return(false); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: connect streambufer source->mpeg audio/video decoders"); //connect output #0 of streambuffer source->mpeg2 audio codec pin 1 //connect output #1 of streambuffer source->mpeg2 video codec pin 1 IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)bufferSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); //audio pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)bufferSource, PinDirection.Output, 1); //video if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get pins of source"); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2VideoCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //video pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(Mpeg2AudioCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //audio if (pinIn0 == null || pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get pins of mpeg2 video/audio codec"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } string outputFilename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(info.file, ".wmv"); if (!AddWmAsfWriter(outputFilename, quality, standard)) { return(false); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: start pre-run"); mediaControl = graphBuilder as IMediaControl; mediaSeeking = bufferSource as IStreamBufferMediaSeeking; mediaEvt = graphBuilder as IMediaEventEx; mediaPos = graphBuilder as IMediaPosition; //get file duration long lTime = 5 * 60 * 60; lTime *= 10000000; long pStop = 0; hr = mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); if (hr == 0) { long lStreamPos; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lStreamPos); // stream position m_dDuration = lStreamPos; lTime = 0; mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); } double duration = m_dDuration / 10000000d; Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: movie duration:{0}", Util.Utils.SecondsToHMSString((int)duration)); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } int maxCount = 20; while (true) { long lCurrent; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lCurrent); double dpos = (double)lCurrent; dpos /= 10000000d; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (dpos >= 2.0d) { break; } maxCount--; if (maxCount <= 0) { break; } } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: pre-run done"); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: Get duration of movie"); mediaControl.Stop(); FilterState state; mediaControl.GetState(500, out state); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: reconnect mpeg2 video codec->ASF WM Writer"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(fileWriterbase); if (!AddWmAsfWriter(outputFilename, quality, standard)) { return(false); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: Start transcoding"); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Handle exceptions. Log.Error("unable to transcode file:{0} message:{1}", info.file, e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
// Thread entry point public void WorkerThread() { // grabber Grabber grabber = new Grabber(this); // objects object graphObj = null; object sourceObj = null; object grabberObj = null; // interfaces IGraphBuilder graph = null; IBaseFilter sourceBase = null; IBaseFilter grabberBase = null; ISampleGrabber sg = null; IMediaControl mc = null; try { // Get type for filter graph Type srvType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.FilterGraph); if (srvType == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating filter graph"); } // create filter graph graphObj = Activator.CreateInstance(srvType); graph = (IGraphBuilder)graphObj; // ---- UCOMIBindCtx bindCtx = null; UCOMIMoniker moniker = null; int n = 0; // create bind context if (Win32.CreateBindCtx(0, out bindCtx) == 0) { // convert moniker`s string to a moniker if (Win32.MkParseDisplayName(bindCtx, source, ref n, out moniker) == 0) { // get device base filter Guid filterId = typeof(IBaseFilter).GUID; moniker.BindToObject(null, null, ref filterId, out sourceObj); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(moniker); moniker = null; } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(bindCtx); bindCtx = null; } // ---- if (sourceObj == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating device object for moniker"); } sourceBase = (IBaseFilter)sourceObj; // Get type for sample grabber srvType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.SampleGrabber); if (srvType == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating sample grabber"); } // create sample grabber grabberObj = Activator.CreateInstance(srvType); sg = (ISampleGrabber)grabberObj; grabberBase = (IBaseFilter)grabberObj; // add source filter to graph graph.AddFilter(sourceBase, "source"); graph.AddFilter(grabberBase, "grabber"); // set media type AMMediaType mt = new AMMediaType(); mt.majorType = MediaType.Video; mt.subType = MediaSubType.RGB24; sg.SetMediaType(mt); // connect pins if (graph.Connect(DSTools.GetOutPin(sourceBase, 0), DSTools.GetInPin(grabberBase, 0)) < 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed connecting filters"); } // get media type if (sg.GetConnectedMediaType(mt) == 0) { VideoInfoHeader vih = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mt.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); grabber.Width = vih.BmiHeader.Width; grabber.Height = vih.BmiHeader.Height; mt.Dispose(); } // render graph.Render(DSTools.GetOutPin(grabberBase, 0)); // sg.SetBufferSamples(false); sg.SetOneShot(false); sg.SetCallback(grabber, 1); // window IVideoWindow win = (IVideoWindow)graphObj; win.put_AutoShow(false); win = null; // get media control mc = (IMediaControl)graphObj; // run mc.Run(); while (!stopEvent.WaitOne(0, true)) { Thread.Sleep(100); } mc.StopWhenReady(); } // catch any exceptions catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("----: " + e.Message); } // finalization block finally { // release all objects mc = null; graph = null; sourceBase = null; grabberBase = null; sg = null; if (graphObj != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(graphObj); graphObj = null; } if (sourceObj != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceObj); sourceObj = null; } if (grabberObj != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(grabberObj); grabberObj = null; } } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { m_PictureReady = new ManualResetEvent(false); // ¨PlayMovieInWindow( "c:\\temp\\beckscen2.avi" ); int hr; this.graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); // this.graphBuilder.AddFilter( // Get the SampleGrabber interface ISampleGrabber sampGrabber = new SampleGrabber() as ISampleGrabber; IBaseFilter ibfRenderer = null; IBaseFilter capFilter = null; IPin iPinInFilter = null; IPin iPinOutFilter = null; IPin iPinInDest = null; // Add the video source hr = graphBuilder.AddSourceFilter(Filename, "Ds.NET FileFilter", out capFilter); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Hopefully this will be the video pin IPin iPinOutSource = DsFindPin.ByDirection(capFilter, PinDirection.Output, 0); IBaseFilter baseGrabFlt = sampGrabber as IBaseFilter; ConfigureSampleGrabber(sampGrabber); iPinInFilter = DsFindPin.ByDirection(baseGrabFlt, PinDirection.Input, 0); iPinOutFilter = DsFindPin.ByDirection(baseGrabFlt, PinDirection.Output, 0); // Add the frame grabber to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(baseGrabFlt, "Ds.NET Grabber"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(iPinOutSource, iPinInFilter); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); // Get the default video renderer ibfRenderer = (IBaseFilter)new VideoRendererDefault(); // Add it to the graph hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(ibfRenderer, "Ds.NET VideoRendererDefault"); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); iPinInDest = DsFindPin.ByDirection(ibfRenderer, PinDirection.Input, 0); // Connect the graph. Many other filters automatically get added here hr = graphBuilder.Connect(iPinOutFilter, iPinInDest); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); this.mediaControl = (IMediaControl)this.graphBuilder; this.mediaEventEx = (IMediaEventEx)this.graphBuilder; this.mediaSeeking = (IMediaSeeking)this.graphBuilder; this.mediaPosition = (IMediaPosition)this.graphBuilder; this.videoWindow = this.graphBuilder as IVideoWindow; this.basicVideo = this.graphBuilder as IBasicVideo; this.basicAudio = this.graphBuilder as IBasicAudio; hr = this.videoWindow.put_Owner(panel1.Handle); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); hr = this.videoWindow.put_WindowStyle(WindowStyle.Child | WindowStyle.ClipSiblings | WindowStyle.ClipChildren); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); if (this.basicVideo == null) return; int lHeight, lWidth; hr = this.basicVideo.GetVideoSize(out lWidth, out lHeight); Console.WriteLine("video: %d x %d\n", lWidth, lHeight); m_videoWidth = lWidth; m_videoHeight = lHeight; SaveSizeInfo(sampGrabber); newbitmap = new Bitmap(lWidth, lHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); origbitmap = new Bitmap(lWidth, lHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); m_ImageChanged = true; pictureBox1.Width = lWidth; pictureBox1.Height = lHeight; pictureBox2.Width = lWidth; pictureBox2.Height = lHeight; pictureBox2.Top = pictureBox1.Top + lHeight + 4; duration = 0.0f; this.mediaPosition.get_Duration(out duration); m_ipBuffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(Math.Abs(m_stride) * m_videoHeight); // this.ClientSize = new Size(lWidth, lHeight); Application.DoEvents(); hr = this.videoWindow.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, panel1.Width, panel1.Height); this.mediaControl.Run(); timer1.Enabled = true; // buildCaptureGRaph( ( (capDevices[iDeviceNum], iWidth, iHeight, iBPP, hControl); // buildCaptureaph(); }
/// <summary> /// helper function to connect 2 filters /// </summary> /// <param name="graphBuilder">graph builder interface</param> /// <param name="pinSource">souce pin</param> /// <param name="filterDest">destination filter</param> /// <param name="destPinIndex">input pin index</param> public static bool ConnectPin(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IPin pinSource, IBaseFilter filterDest, int destPinIndex) { IPin pin; pinSource.ConnectedTo(out pin); if (pin != null) { Release.ComObject("Connect Pin", pin); return false; } IPin pinDest = DsFindPin.ByDirection(filterDest, PinDirection.Input, destPinIndex); if (pinDest == null) return false; int hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinSource, pinDest); if (hr != 0) { Release.ComObject("Connect Pin", pinDest); return false; } Release.ComObject("Connect Pin", pinDest); return true; }
public bool Transcode(TranscodeInfo info, MediaPortal.Core.Transcoding.VideoFormat format, MediaPortal.Core.Transcoding.Quality quality, Standard standard) { if (!Supports(format)) return false; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(info.file); if (ext.ToLowerInvariant() != ".ts" && ext.ToLowerInvariant() != ".mpg") { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: wrong file format"); return false; } try { graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); _rotEntry = new DsROTEntry((IFilterGraph)graphBuilder); Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add filesource"); TsReader reader = new TsReader(); tsreaderSource = (IBaseFilter)reader; IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource; graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "TSReader Source"); IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)tsreaderSource; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: load file:{0}", info.file); int hr = fileSource.Load(info.file, null); //add audio/video codecs string strVideoCodec = ""; string strH264VideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; string strAACAudioCodec = ""; using (MediaPortal.Profile.Settings xmlreader = new MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings()) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", ""); strAACAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "aacaudiocodec", ""); strH264VideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "h264videocodec", ""); } //Find the type of decoder required for the output video & audio pins on TSReader. Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: find tsreader compatible audio/video decoders"); IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); //audio pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource, PinDirection.Output, 1); //video if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to get output pins of tsreader"); Cleanup(); return false; } bool usingAAC = false; IEnumMediaTypes enumMediaTypes; hr = pinOut0.EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); while (true) { AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; int typesFetched; hr = enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mediaTypes, out typesFetched); if (hr != 0 || typesFetched == 0) break; if (mediaTypes[0].majorType == MediaType.Audio && mediaTypes[0].subType == MediaSubType.LATMAAC) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: found LATM AAC audio out pin on tsreader"); usingAAC = true; } } bool usingH264 = false; hr = pinOut1.EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); while (true) { AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; int typesFetched; hr = enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mediaTypes, out typesFetched); if (hr != 0 || typesFetched == 0) break; if (mediaTypes[0].majorType == MediaType.Video && mediaTypes[0].subType == AVC1) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: found H.264 video out pin on tsreader"); usingH264 = true; } } //Add the type of decoder required for the output video & audio pins on TSReader. Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add audio/video decoders to graph"); if (usingH264 == false) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add mpeg2 video decoder:{0}", strVideoCodec); VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); if (VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: unable to add mpeg2 video decoder"); Cleanup(); return false; } } else { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add h264 video codec:{0}", strH264VideoCodec); VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strH264VideoCodec); if (VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to add h264 video codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } } if (usingAAC == false) { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add mpeg2 audio codec:{0}", strAudioCodec); AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); if (AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to add mpeg2 audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } } else { Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add aac audio codec:{0}", strAACAudioCodec); AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAACAudioCodec); if (AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to add aac audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } } Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect tsreader->audio/video decoders"); //connect output #0 (audio) of tsreader->audio decoder input pin 0 //connect output #1 (video) of tsreader->video decoder input pin 0 pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(AudioCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //audio pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(VideoCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //video if (pinIn0 == null || pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to get pins of video/audio codecs"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //add encoders, muxer & filewriter if (!AddCodecs(graphBuilder, info)) return false; //setup graph controls mediaControl = graphBuilder as IMediaControl; mediaSeeking = tsreaderSource as IMediaSeeking; mediaEvt = graphBuilder as IMediaEventEx; mediaPos = graphBuilder as IMediaPosition; //get file duration Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: Get duration of recording"); long lTime = 5 * 60 * 60; lTime *= 10000000; long pStop = 0; hr = mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); if (hr == 0) { long lStreamPos; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lStreamPos); // stream position m_dDuration = lStreamPos; lTime = 0; mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); } double duration = m_dDuration / 10000000d; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: recording duration: {0}", MediaPortal.Util.Utils.SecondsToHMSString((int)duration)); //run the graph to initialize the filters to be sure hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } int maxCount = 20; while (true) { long lCurrent; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lCurrent); double dpos = (double)lCurrent; dpos /= 10000000d; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (dpos >= 2.0d) break; maxCount--; if (maxCount <= 0) break; } mediaControl.Stop(); FilterState state; mediaControl.GetState(500, out state); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(mp4Muxer); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(h264Encoder); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(aacEncoder); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter((IBaseFilter)fileWriterFilter); if (!AddCodecs(graphBuilder, info)) return false; //Set Encoder quality & Muxer settings if (!EncoderSet(graphBuilder, info)) return false; //start transcoding - run the graph Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: start transcoding"); //setup flow control //need to leverage CBAsePin, CPullPin & IAsyncReader methods. IAsyncReader synchVideo = null; mediaSample = VideoCodec as IMediaSample; hr = synchVideo.SyncReadAligned(mediaSample); //So we only parse decoder output whent the encoders are ready. hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: Unable create graph: {0}", ex.Message); Cleanup(); return false; } return true; }
/// <summary> create the used COM components and get the interfaces. </summary> protected bool GetInterfaces() { VMR9Util.g_vmr9 = null; if (IsRadio == false) { Vmr9 = VMR9Util.g_vmr9 = new VMR9Util(); // switch back to directx fullscreen mode Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: Enabling DX9 exclusive mode"); GUIMessage msg = new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_SWITCH_FULL_WINDOWED, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, null); GUIWindowManager.SendMessage(msg); } //Type comtype = null; //object comobj = null; DsRect rect = new DsRect(); = 0; rect.bottom = GUIGraphicsContext.form.Height; rect.left = 0; rect.right = GUIGraphicsContext.form.Width; try { graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder) new FilterGraph(); Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: add source filter"); if (IsRadio == false) { bool AddVMR9 = VMR9Util.g_vmr9 != null && VMR9Util.g_vmr9.AddVMR9(graphBuilder); if (!AddVMR9) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:Failed to add VMR9 to graph"); return(false); } VMR9Util.g_vmr9.Enable(false); } _mpegDemux = (IBaseFilter) new MPEG2Demultiplexer(); graphBuilder.AddFilter(_mpegDemux, "MPEG-2 Demultiplexer"); _rtspSource = (IBaseFilter) new RtpSourceFilter(); int hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter((IBaseFilter)_rtspSource, "RTSP Source Filter"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:unable to add RTSP source filter:{0:X}", hr); return(false); } // add preferred video & audio codecs Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: add video/audio codecs"); string strVideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; string strAudiorenderer = ""; int intFilters = 0; // FlipGer: count custom filters string strFilters = ""; // FlipGer: collect custom filters string postProcessingFilterSection = "mytv"; using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { if (_mediaType == g_Player.MediaType.Video) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "mpeg2videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "mpeg2audiocodec", ""); strAudiorenderer = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("movieplayer", "audiorenderer", "Default DirectSound Device"); postProcessingFilterSection = "movieplayer"; } else { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", ""); strAudiorenderer = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiorenderer", "Default DirectSound Device"); postProcessingFilterSection = "mytv"; } enableDvbSubtitles = xmlreader.GetValueAsBool("tvservice", "dvbsubtitles", false); // FlipGer: load infos for custom filters int intCount = 0; while (xmlreader.GetValueAsString(postProcessingFilterSection, "filter" + intCount.ToString(), "undefined") != "undefined") { if (xmlreader.GetValueAsBool(postProcessingFilterSection, "usefilter" + intCount.ToString(), false)) { strFilters += xmlreader.GetValueAsString(postProcessingFilterSection, "filter" + intCount.ToString(), "undefined") + ";"; intFilters++; } intCount++; } } string extension = Path.GetExtension(m_strCurrentFile).ToLowerInvariant(); if (IsRadio == false) { if (strVideoCodec.Length > 0) { DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); } } if (strAudioCodec.Length > 0) { DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); } if (enableDvbSubtitles == true) { try { _subtitleFilter = SubtitleRenderer.GetInstance().AddSubtitleFilter(graphBuilder); SubtitleRenderer.GetInstance().SetPlayer(this); dvbSubRenderer = SubtitleRenderer.GetInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e); } } Log.Debug("Is subtitle fitler null? {0}", (_subtitleFilter == null)); // FlipGer: add custom filters to graph string[] arrFilters = strFilters.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < intFilters; i++) { DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, arrFilters[i]); } if (strAudiorenderer.Length > 0) { audioRendererFilter = DirectShowUtil.AddAudioRendererToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudiorenderer, false); } Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: load:{0}", m_strCurrentFile); IFileSourceFilter interfaceFile = (IFileSourceFilter)_rtspSource; if (interfaceFile == null) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:Failed to get IFileSourceFilter"); return(false); } //Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: open file:{0}",filename); hr = interfaceFile.Load(m_strCurrentFile, null); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:Failed to open file:{0} :0x{1:x}", m_strCurrentFile, hr); return(false); } #region connect rtspsource->demux Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:connect rtspsource->mpeg2 demux"); IPin pinTsOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)_rtspSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinTsOut == null) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:failed to find output pin of tsfilesource"); return(false); } IPin pinDemuxIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(_mpegDemux, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinDemuxIn == null) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:failed to find output pin of tsfilesource"); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinTsOut, pinDemuxIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:failed to connect rtspsource->mpeg2 demux:{0:X}", hr); return(false); } DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinTsOut); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinDemuxIn); #endregion #region render demux output pins if (IsRadio) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:render audio demux outputs"); IEnumPins enumPins; _mpegDemux.EnumPins(out enumPins); IPin[] pins = new IPin[2]; int fetched = 0; while (enumPins.Next(1, pins, out fetched) == 0) { if (fetched != 1) { break; } PinDirection direction; pins[0].QueryDirection(out direction); if (direction == PinDirection.Input) { continue; } IEnumMediaTypes enumMediaTypes; pins[0].EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[20]; int fetchedTypes; enumMediaTypes.Next(20, mediaTypes, out fetchedTypes); for (int i = 0; i < fetchedTypes; ++i) { if (mediaTypes[i].majorType == MediaType.Audio) { graphBuilder.Render(pins[0]); break; } } } } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:render audio/video demux outputs"); IEnumPins enumPins; _mpegDemux.EnumPins(out enumPins); IPin[] pins = new IPin[2]; int fetched = 0; while (enumPins.Next(1, pins, out fetched) == 0) { if (fetched != 1) { break; } PinDirection direction; pins[0].QueryDirection(out direction); if (direction == PinDirection.Input) { continue; } graphBuilder.Render(pins[0]); } } #endregion // Connect DVB subtitle filter pins in the graph if (_mpegDemux != null && enableDvbSubtitles == true) { IMpeg2Demultiplexer demuxer = _mpegDemux as IMpeg2Demultiplexer; hr = demuxer.CreateOutputPin(GetTSMedia(), "Pcr", out _pinPcr); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:_pinPcr OK"); IPin pDemuxerPcr = DsFindPin.ByName(_mpegDemux, "Pcr"); IPin pSubtitlePcr = DsFindPin.ByName(_subtitleFilter, "Pcr"); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pDemuxerPcr, pSubtitlePcr); } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:Failed to create _pinPcr in demuxer:{0:X}", hr); } hr = demuxer.CreateOutputPin(GetTSMedia(), "Subtitle", out _pinSubtitle); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:_pinSubtitle OK"); IPin pDemuxerSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_mpegDemux, "Subtitle"); IPin pSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_subtitleFilter, "In"); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pDemuxerSubtitle, pSubtitle); } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:Failed to create _pinSubtitle in demuxer:{0:X}", hr); } hr = demuxer.CreateOutputPin(GetTSMedia(), "PMT", out _pinPMT); if (hr == 0) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:_pinPMT OK"); IPin pDemuxerSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_mpegDemux, "PMT"); IPin pSubtitle = DsFindPin.ByName(_subtitleFilter, "PMT"); hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pDemuxerSubtitle, pSubtitle); } else { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer:Failed to create _pinPMT in demuxer:{0:X}", hr); } } if (IsRadio == false) { if (!VMR9Util.g_vmr9.IsVMR9Connected) { //VMR9 is not supported, switch to overlay Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: vmr9 not connected"); _mediaCtrl = null; Cleanup(); return(false); } VMR9Util.g_vmr9.SetDeinterlaceMode(); } _mediaCtrl = (IMediaControl)graphBuilder; mediaEvt = (IMediaEventEx)graphBuilder; _mediaSeeking = (IMediaSeeking)graphBuilder; mediaPos = (IMediaPosition)graphBuilder; basicAudio = graphBuilder as IBasicAudio; //DirectShowUtil.SetARMode(graphBuilder,AspectRatioMode.Stretched); DirectShowUtil.EnableDeInterlace(graphBuilder); if (VMR9Util.g_vmr9 != null) { m_iVideoWidth = VMR9Util.g_vmr9.VideoWidth; m_iVideoHeight = VMR9Util.g_vmr9.VideoHeight; } if (audioRendererFilter != null) { Log.Info("RTSPPlayer9:set reference clock"); IMediaFilter mp = graphBuilder as IMediaFilter; IReferenceClock clock = audioRendererFilter as IReferenceClock; hr = mp.SetSyncSource(null); hr = mp.SetSyncSource(clock); Log.Info("RTSPPlayer9:set reference clock:{0:X}", hr); } Log.Info("RTSPPlayer: graph build successfull"); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { Error.SetError("Unable to play movie", "Unable build graph for VMR9"); Log.Error("RTSPPlayer:exception while creating DShow graph {0} {1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); CloseInterfaces(); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Connects two filters to one another /// </summary> /// <param name="graphBuilder">current graph reference</param> /// <param name="sourceFilter">source filter</param> /// <param name="destinationFilter">destination filetr</param> /// <param name="deviceName">filter name</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ConnectFilter(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IBaseFilter sourceFilter, IBaseFilter destinationFilter, string deviceName) { //Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: ConnectFilter()"); IPin pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(destinationFilter, PinDirection.Input, 0); Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: PinDest:{0}", LogPinInfo(pinIn)); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) { IPin pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sourceFilter, PinDirection.Output, i); if (pinOut == null) return false; Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pinSource {0}:{1}", i, LogPinInfo(pinOut)); //Hauppauge hack - sorry, i attempted to do this right, but hauppauge drivers report incorrect values //and it takes a very long time to reject the audio to video connection - diehard2 int hr = -1; IPin testPin = null; try { pinOut.ConnectedTo(out testPin); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Log.WriteFile("Error while connecting a filter: ", ex); } if (testPin != null) { Release.ComObject("outPin", pinOut); Release.ComObject("testPin", testPin); Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: skipping pin"); continue; } if (deviceName.Contains("Hauppauge") && (LogPinInfo(pinOut).Contains("Audio") || LogPinInfo(pinIn).Contains("Audio"))) { if (LogPinInfo(pinOut).Contains("Audio") && LogPinInfo(pinIn).Contains("Audio")) hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); } else hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pins connected"); Release.ComObject("pinIn", pinIn); Release.ComObject("pinOut", pinOut); return true; } Release.ComObject("pinOut", pinOut); Release.ComObject("testPin", testPin); } Release.ComObject("pinIn", pinIn); return false; }
public static void ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IPin sourcePin, IPin destinationPin, bool useIntelligentConnect) { int hr = 0; if (graphBuilder == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("graphBuilder"); if (sourcePin == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sourcePin"); if (destinationPin == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationPin"); if (useIntelligentConnect) { hr = graphBuilder.Connect(sourcePin, destinationPin); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } else { hr = graphBuilder.ConnectDirect(sourcePin, destinationPin, null); DsError.ThrowExceptionForHR(hr); } }
/// <summary> /// helper function to connect 2 filters /// </summary> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graph builder.</param> /// <param name="sourceFilter">The source filter.</param> /// <param name="destinationFilter">The destination filter.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ConnectFilter(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IBaseFilter sourceFilter, IBaseFilter destinationFilter) { //Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: ConnectFilter()"); IPin pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(destinationFilter, PinDirection.Input, 0); Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: PinDest:{0}", LogPinInfo(pinIn)); for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) { IPin pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sourceFilter, PinDirection.Output, i); Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pinSource {0}:{1}", i, LogPinInfo(pinOut)); int hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pins connected"); Release.ComObject("pinIn", pinIn); Release.ComObject("pinOut", pinOut); return true; } Release.ComObject("pinOut", pinOut); } Release.ComObject("pinIn", pinIn); return false; }
/// <summary> /// グラフの生成 /// </summary> public virtual void Setup() { this.Dispose(); try { // グラフ. // CoCreateInstance GraphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_FilterGraph))); #region フィルタ追加. // ファイル入力. IBaseFilter capture = null; GraphBuilder.AddSourceFilter(SourceFile, "CaptureFilter", ref capture); if (capture == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException(); } #if false // DMO ラッパーフィルタ. // IBaseFilter dmo = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_DMOWrapperFilter))); if (dmo != null) { //// Mpeg4 Decoder DMO //// F371728A-6052-4D47-827C-D039335DFE0A //// 4A69B442-28BE-4991-969C-B500ADF5D8A8 //// mpg4decd.dll [C:\Windows\System32, C:\Windows\SysWOW64] var idmo = (IDMOWrapperFilter)dmo; idmo.Init(new Guid("F371728A-6052-4D47-827C-D039335DFE0A"), new Guid("4A69B442-28BE-4991-969C-B500ADF5D8A8")); idmo = null; this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(dmo, "Mpeg4 Decoder DMO"); } #endif #if false // Avi Splitter IBaseFilter splitter = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_AVISplitter))); if (splitter == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException(); } this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(splitter, "Avi Splitter"); // Avi Decompressor IBaseFilter decompressor = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_AVIDec))); if (decompressor == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException(); } this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(decompressor, "Avi Decompressor"); #endif // サンプルグラバー. IBaseFilter grabber = (IBaseFilter)CreateSampleGrabber(); if (grabber == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException(); } this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(grabber, "SampleGrabber"); // レンダラー. IBaseFilter renderer = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(new Guid(GUID.CLSID_NullRenderer))); if (renderer == null) { throw new System.IO.IOException(); } this.GraphBuilder.AddFilter(renderer, "Renderer"); #endregion #region ピンの取得. IPin capture_out = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(capture, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin grabber_in = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(grabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); IPin grabber_out = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(grabber, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_OUTPUT); IPin renderer_in = DSLab.Axi.FindPin(renderer, 0, PIN_DIRECTION.PINDIR_INPUT); #endregion #region ピンの接続. GraphBuilder.Connect(capture_out, grabber_in); GraphBuilder.Connect(grabber_out, renderer_in); #endregion #region 保管: インターフェース. CaptureFilter = capture; CaptureOutPin = capture_out; SampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)grabber; SampleGrabberInPin = grabber_in; SampleGrabberOutPin = grabber_out; Renderer = renderer; RendererInPin = renderer_in; #endregion #region 保管: フレームサイズ. VIDEOINFOHEADER vinfo = DSLab.Axi.GetVideoInfo(SampleGrabber); this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo = vinfo.bmiHeader; this.SampleGrabberCB.FrameSize = new Size( System.Math.Abs(this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo.biWidth), System.Math.Abs(this.SampleGrabberCB.BitmapInfo.biHeight) ); #endregion #region インタフェースの抽出: { DSLab.IGraphBuilder graph = this.GraphBuilder; DSLab.IEnumFilters filters = null; DSLab.IBaseFilter filter = null; int fetched = 0; int hr = graph.EnumFilters(ref filters); while (filters.Next(1, ref filter, ref fetched) == (int)DSLab.HRESULT.S_OK) { if (fetched == 0) { break; } if (filter is DSLab.IMediaSeeking) { // シーク操作用. Seeking = (DSLab.IMediaSeeking)filter; } else { // フィルタ解放. Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filter); filter = null; } } // 解放. Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filters); } #endregion // DEBUG #if DEBUG DebugPrint(this.GraphBuilder); #endif } catch (Exception ex) { throw new DSLab.CxDSException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// helper function to connect 2 filters /// </summary> /// <param name="graphBuilder">The graph builder.</param> /// <param name="sourceFilter">The source filter.</param> /// <param name="pinDestination">The pin destination.</param> /// <param name="sourcePinIndex">The determined output index of the source filter</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool ConnectFilter(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, IBaseFilter sourceFilter, IPin pinDestination, out int sourcePinIndex) { //Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: ConnectFilter()"); Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: PinDest:{0}", LogPinInfo(pinDestination)); sourcePinIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) { IPin pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(sourceFilter, PinDirection.Output, i); if (pinOut == null) return false; Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pinSource {0}:{1}", i, LogPinInfo(pinOut)); int hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinDestination); if (hr == 0) { Log.Log.WriteFile("analog: pins connected"); Release.ComObject("pindest" + i, pinOut); sourcePinIndex = i; return true; } Release.ComObject("pindest" + i, pinOut); } return false; }
private bool AddCodecs(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, TranscodeInfo info) { //TODO: Add de-interlacing probably by filter int hr; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add h264 video encoder to graph"); //Lead H264 Encoder (4.0) string monikerH264 = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{E2B7DF52-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9}"; h264Encoder = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerH264) as IBaseFilter; if (h264Encoder == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create h264 video encoder"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(h264Encoder, "h264 video encoder"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: h264 video encoder to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add aac audio encoder to graph"); //Monograph AAC Encoder //string monikerAAC = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{88F36DB6-D898-40B5-B409-466A0EECC26A}"; //Lead AAC Encoder string monikerAAC = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{E2B7DD70-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9}"; aacEncoder = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerAAC) as IBaseFilter; if (aacEncoder == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create aac audio encoder"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(aacEncoder, "aac audio encoder"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add aac audio encoder to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } // dump filter ???? //add filewriter Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add FileWriter to graph"); string monikerFileWrite = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{8596E5F0-0DA5-11D0-BD21-00A0C911CE86}"; IBaseFilter fileWriterbase = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerFileWrite) as IBaseFilter; if (fileWriterbase == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create FileWriter"); Cleanup(); return(false); } fileWriterFilter = fileWriterbase as IFileSinkFilter2; if (fileWriterFilter == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add unable to get IFileSinkFilter for filewriter"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(fileWriterbase, "FileWriter"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add FileWriter to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } //set output filename string outputFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(info.file, ".mp4"); Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: set output file to :{0}", outputFileName); hr = fileWriterFilter.SetFileName(outputFileName, null); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to set filename for filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } // add mp4 muxer Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add MP4 Muxer to graph"); //Lead ISO Multiplexer string monikermp4Muxer = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{990D1978-E48D-43AF-B12D-24A7456EC89F}"; mp4Muxer = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikermp4Muxer) as IBaseFilter; if (mp4Muxer == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create MP4Mux"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(mp4Muxer, "MP4Mux"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add MP4Mux to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } //connect output of audio codec to aac encoder IPin pinOut, pinIn; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect audio codec->aac encoder"); pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aacEncoder, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of aac encoder:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(AudioCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get output pin of audio codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect audio codec->aac encoder: 0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } //connect output of video codec to h264 encoder Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect video codec->h264 encoder"); pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(h264Encoder, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of h264 encoder:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(VideoCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get output pin of video codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect video codec->h264 encoder :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } //connect output of aac encoder to pin#0 of mp4mux Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect aac encoder->mp4mux"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aacEncoder, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of aac encoder:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp4Muxer, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin#1 of mp4 muxer :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect aac encoder->mp4mux: 0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } //connect output of h264 encoder to pin#1 of mp4mux Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect h264 encoder->mp4mux"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(h264Encoder, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of h264 encoder :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp4Muxer, PinDirection.Input, 1); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input#0 pin of mp4mux :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect h264 encoder->mp4mux :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } // dump filter?? //connect mp4 muxer out->filewriter Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect mp4mux->filewriter"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp4Muxer, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get output pin of avimux:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(fileWriterbase, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: connect mp4 muxer->filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } return(true); }
public static void RemoveFromGraph(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder) { IBaseFilter vob = null; using (Settings xmlreader = new MPSettings()) { string engineType = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("subtitles", "engine", "DirectVobSub"); XySubFilter = engineType.Equals("XySubFilter"); } if (!XySubFilter) { DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.DirectVobSubAutoload, out vob); if (vob == null) { //Try the "normal" filter then. DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.DirectVobSubNormal, out vob); } } if (vob == null) { DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.XySubFilterAutoload, out vob); if (vob != null) { //remove the XySubFilter filter from the graph graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(vob); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(vob); vob = null; return; } //Try the XySubFilter "normal" filter then. DirectShowUtil.FindFilterByClassID(graphBuilder, ClassId.XySubFilterNormal, out vob); if (vob != null) { //remove the XySubFilter filter from the graph graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(vob); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(vob); vob = null; } return; } Log.Info("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub in graph, removing..."); // Check where video inputs are connected IPin pinVideoIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vob, PinDirection.Input, 0); IPin pinVideoOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(vob, PinDirection.Output, 0); //find directvobsub's video output pin source input pin IPin pinVideoTo = null; if (pinVideoOut != null) { pinVideoOut.ConnectedTo(out pinVideoTo); } //find directvobsub's video input pin source output pin IPin pinVideoFrom = null; if (pinVideoIn != null) { pinVideoIn.ConnectedTo(out pinVideoFrom); } int hr = 0; if (pinVideoFrom != null) { hr = pinVideoFrom.Disconnect(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub failed disconnecting source pin"); } } if (pinVideoTo != null) { hr = pinVideoTo.Disconnect(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub failed disconnecting destination pin"); } } //remove the DirectVobSub filter from the graph graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(vob); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(vob); vob = null; //reconnect the source output pin to the vmr9/evr filter if (pinVideoFrom != null) { if (pinVideoTo != null) { hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinVideoFrom, pinVideoTo); } //hr = graphBuilder.Render(pinVideoFrom); DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoFrom); pinVideoFrom = null; } if (pinVideoTo != null) { DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoTo); pinVideoTo = null; } if (pinVideoOut != null) { DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoOut); pinVideoOut = null; } if (pinVideoIn != null) { DirectShowUtil.ReleaseComObject(pinVideoIn); pinVideoIn = null; } if (hr != 0) Log.Error("VideoPlayerVMR9: Could not connect video out to video renderer: {0}", hr); else Log.Debug("VideoPlayerVMR9: DirectVobSub graph rebuild finished"); }
/// <summary> /// Worker thread. /// </summary> /// private void WorkerThread( ) { ReasonToFinishPlaying reasonToStop = ReasonToFinishPlaying.StoppedByUser; // grabber Grabber grabber = new Grabber(this); // objects object graphObject = null; object grabberObject = null; // interfaces IGraphBuilder graph = null; IBaseFilter sourceBase = null; IBaseFilter grabberBase = null; ISampleGrabber sampleGrabber = null; IMediaControl mediaControl = null; IMediaEventEx mediaEvent = null; try { // get type for filter graph Type type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.FilterGraph); if (type == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating filter graph"); } // create filter graph graphObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); graph = (IGraphBuilder)graphObject; // create source device's object graph.AddSourceFilter(fileName, "source", out sourceBase); if (sourceBase == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating source filter"); } // get type for sample grabber type = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(Clsid.SampleGrabber); if (type == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Failed creating sample grabber"); } // create sample grabber grabberObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type); sampleGrabber = (ISampleGrabber)grabberObject; grabberBase = (IBaseFilter)grabberObject; // add grabber filters to graph graph.AddFilter(grabberBase, "grabber"); // set media type AMMediaType mediaType = new AMMediaType( ); mediaType.MajorType = MediaType.Video; mediaType.SubType = MediaSubType.RGB24; sampleGrabber.SetMediaType(mediaType); // connect pins int pinToTry = 0; IPin inPin = Tools.GetInPin(grabberBase, 0); IPin outPin = null; // find output pin acceptable by sample grabber while (true) { outPin = Tools.GetOutPin(sourceBase, pinToTry); if (outPin == null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(inPin); throw new ApplicationException("Did not find acceptable output video pin in the given source"); } if (graph.Connect(outPin, inPin) < 0) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(outPin); outPin = null; pinToTry++; } else { break; } } Marshal.ReleaseComObject(outPin); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(inPin); // get media type if (sampleGrabber.GetConnectedMediaType(mediaType) == 0) { VideoInfoHeader vih = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.FormatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader)); grabber.Width = vih.BmiHeader.Width; grabber.Height = vih.BmiHeader.Height; mediaType.Dispose( ); } // let's do rendering, if we don't need to prevent freezing if (!preventFreezing) { // render pin graph.Render(Tools.GetOutPin(grabberBase, 0)); // configure video window IVideoWindow window = (IVideoWindow)graphObject; window.put_AutoShow(false); window = null; } // configure sample grabber sampleGrabber.SetBufferSamples(false); sampleGrabber.SetOneShot(false); sampleGrabber.SetCallback(grabber, 1); // disable clock, if someone requested it if (!referenceClockEnabled) { IMediaFilter mediaFilter = (IMediaFilter)graphObject; mediaFilter.SetSyncSource(null); } // get media control mediaControl = (IMediaControl)graphObject; // get media events' interface mediaEvent = (IMediaEventEx)graphObject; IntPtr p1, p2; DsEvCode code; // run mediaControl.Run( ); do { if (mediaEvent != null) { if (mediaEvent.GetEvent(out code, out p1, out p2, 0) >= 0) { mediaEvent.FreeEventParams(code, p1, p2); if (code == DsEvCode.Complete) { reasonToStop = ReasonToFinishPlaying.EndOfStreamReached; break; } } } }while (!stopEvent.WaitOne(100, false)); mediaControl.Stop( ); } catch (Exception exception) { // provide information to clients if (VideoSourceError != null) { VideoSourceError(this, new VideoSourceErrorEventArgs(exception.Message)); } } finally { // release all objects graph = null; grabberBase = null; sampleGrabber = null; mediaControl = null; mediaEvent = null; if (graphObject != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(graphObject); graphObject = null; } if (sourceBase != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(sourceBase); sourceBase = null; } if (grabberObject != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(grabberObject); grabberObject = null; } } if (PlayingFinished != null) { PlayingFinished(this, reasonToStop); } }
public bool Transcode(TranscodeInfo info, VideoFormat format, Quality quality, Standard standard) { try { if (!Supports(format)) return false; string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(info.file); if (ext.ToLower() != ".ts" && ext.ToLower() != ".mpg") { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: wrong file format"); return false; } Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: create graph"); graphBuilder = (IGraphBuilder)new FilterGraph(); _rotEntry = new DsROTEntry((IFilterGraph)graphBuilder); Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: add filesource"); TsReader reader = new TsReader(); tsreaderSource = (IBaseFilter)reader; //ITSReader ireader = (ITSReader)reader; //ireader.SetTsReaderCallback(this); //ireader.SetRequestAudioChangeCallback(this); IBaseFilter filter = (IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource; graphBuilder.AddFilter(filter, "TSReader Source"); IFileSourceFilter fileSource = (IFileSourceFilter)tsreaderSource; Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: load file:{0}", info.file); int hr = fileSource.Load(info.file, null); //add audio/video codecs string strVideoCodec = ""; string strH264VideoCodec = ""; string strAudioCodec = ""; string strAACAudioCodec = ""; using (MediaPortal.Profile.Settings xmlreader = new MediaPortal.Profile.MPSettings()) { strVideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "videocodec", ""); strAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "audiocodec", ""); strAACAudioCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "aacaudiocodec", ""); strH264VideoCodec = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("mytv", "h264videocodec", ""); } //Find the type of decoder required for the output video & audio pins on TSReader. Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: find tsreader compatible audio/video decoders"); IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource, PinDirection.Output, 0); //audio pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)tsreaderSource, PinDirection.Output, 1); //video if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED: unable to get output pins of tsreader"); Cleanup(); return false; } bool usingAAC = false; IEnumMediaTypes enumMediaTypes; hr = pinOut0.EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); while (true) { AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; int typesFetched; hr = enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mediaTypes, out typesFetched); if (hr != 0 || typesFetched == 0) break; if (mediaTypes[0].majorType == MediaType.Audio && mediaTypes[0].subType == MediaSubType.LATMAAC) { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: found LATM AAC audio out pin on tsreader"); usingAAC = true; } } bool usingH264 = false; hr = pinOut1.EnumMediaTypes(out enumMediaTypes); while (true) { AMMediaType[] mediaTypes = new AMMediaType[1]; int typesFetched; hr = enumMediaTypes.Next(1, mediaTypes, out typesFetched); if (hr != 0 || typesFetched == 0) break; if (mediaTypes[0].majorType == MediaType.Video && mediaTypes[0].subType == AVC1) { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: found H.264 video out pin on tsreader"); usingH264 = true; } } //Add the type of decoder required for the output video & audio pins on TSReader. Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: add audio/video decoders to graph"); if (usingH264 == false) { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: add mpeg2 video decoder:{0}", strVideoCodec); VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strVideoCodec); if (VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: unable to add mpeg2 video decoder"); Cleanup(); return false; } } else { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: add h264 video codec:{0}", strH264VideoCodec); VideoCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strH264VideoCodec); if (VideoCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED:unable to add h264 video codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } } if (usingAAC == false) { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: add mpeg2 audio codec:{0}", strAudioCodec); AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAudioCodec); if (AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED:unable to add mpeg2 audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } } else { Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: add aac audio codec:{0}", strAACAudioCodec); AudioCodec = DirectShowUtil.AddFilterToGraph(graphBuilder, strAACAudioCodec); if (AudioCodec == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED:unable to add aac audio codec"); Cleanup(); return false; } } Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: connect tsreader->audio/video decoders"); //connect output #0 (audio) of tsreader->audio decoder input pin 0 //connect output #1 (video) of tsreader->video decoder input pin 0 pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(AudioCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //audio pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(VideoCodec, PinDirection.Input, 0); //video if (pinIn0 == null || pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED: unable to get pins of video/audio codecs"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED: unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED: unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } string outputFilename = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(info.file, ".wmv"); if (!AddWmAsfWriter(outputFilename, quality, standard)) return false; Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: start pre-run"); mediaControl = graphBuilder as IMediaControl; mediaSeeking = tsreaderSource as IMediaSeeking; mediaEvt = graphBuilder as IMediaEventEx; mediaPos = graphBuilder as IMediaPosition; //get file duration long lTime = 5 * 60 * 60; lTime *= 10000000; long pStop = 0; hr = mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); if (hr == 0) { long lStreamPos; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lStreamPos); // stream position m_dDuration = lStreamPos; lTime = 0; mediaSeeking.SetPositions(new DsLong(lTime), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.AbsolutePositioning, new DsLong(pStop), AMSeekingSeekingFlags.NoPositioning); } double duration = m_dDuration / 10000000d; Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: movie duration:{0}", Util.Utils.SecondsToHMSString((int)duration)); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV: FAILED: unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } int maxCount = 20; while (true) { long lCurrent; mediaSeeking.GetCurrentPosition(out lCurrent); double dpos = (double)lCurrent; dpos /= 10000000d; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); if (dpos >= 2.0d) break; maxCount--; if (maxCount <= 0) break; } Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: pre-run done"); Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: Get duration of movie"); mediaControl.Stop(); FilterState state; mediaControl.GetState(500, out state); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: reconnect mpeg2 video codec->ASF WM Writer"); graphBuilder.RemoveFilter(fileWriterbase); if (!AddWmAsfWriter(outputFilename, quality, standard)) return false; Log.Info("TSReader2WMV: Start transcoding"); hr = mediaControl.Run(); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2WMV:FAILED:unable to start graph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: Handle exceptions. Log.Error("unable to transcode file:{0} message:{1}", info.file, e.Message); return false; } return true; }
private bool AddWmAsfWriter(string fileName, Quality quality, Standard standard) { //add asf file writer IPin pinOut0, pinOut1; IPin pinIn0, pinIn1; Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: add WM ASF Writer to graph"); string monikerAsfWriter = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{7C23220E-55BB-11D3-8B16-00C04FB6BD3D}"; fileWriterbase = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerAsfWriter) as IBaseFilter; if (fileWriterbase == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:Unable to create ASF WM Writer"); Cleanup(); return(false); } int hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(fileWriterbase, "WM ASF Writer"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:Add ASF WM Writer to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } IFileSinkFilter2 fileWriterFilter = fileWriterbase as IFileSinkFilter2; if (fileWriterFilter == null) { Log.Error("DVR2XVID:FAILED:Add unable to get IFileSinkFilter for filewriter"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = fileWriterFilter.SetFileName(fileName, null); hr = fileWriterFilter.SetMode(AMFileSinkFlags.OverWrite); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: connect audio/video codecs outputs -> ASF WM Writer"); //connect output #0 of videocodec->asf writer pin 1 //connect output #0 of audiocodec->asf writer pin 0 pinOut0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)Mpeg2AudioCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); pinOut1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection((IBaseFilter)Mpeg2VideoCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut0 == null || pinOut1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get outpins of video codec"); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinIn0 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(fileWriterbase, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn0 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get pins of asf wm writer"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut0, pinIn0); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to connect audio pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } pinIn1 = DsFindPin.ByDirection(fileWriterbase, PinDirection.Input, 1); if (pinIn1 == null) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to get pins of asf wm writer"); Cleanup(); return(false); } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut1, pinIn1); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("DVRMS2WMV:FAILED:unable to connect video pins :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } IConfigAsfWriter config = fileWriterbase as IConfigAsfWriter; IWMProfileManager profileManager = null; IWMProfileManager2 profileManager2 = null; IWMProfile profile = null; hr = WMLib.WMCreateProfileManager(out profileManager); string strprofileType = ""; switch (quality) { case Quality.HiDef: //hr = WMLib.WMCreateProfileManager(out profileManager); if (standard == Standard.Film) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPHiDef-FILM.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.NTSC) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPHiDef-NTSC.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.PAL) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPHiDef-PAL.prx"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV HiDef quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; case Quality.VeryHigh: if (standard == Standard.Film) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPVeryHigh-FILM.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.NTSC) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPVeryHigh-NTSC.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.PAL) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPVeryHigh-PAL.prx"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV Very High quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; case Quality.High: if (standard == Standard.Film) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPHigh-FILM.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.NTSC) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPHigh-NTSC.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.PAL) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPHigh-PAL.prx"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV High quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; case Quality.Medium: if (standard == Standard.Film) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPMedium-FILM.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.NTSC) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPMedium-NTSC.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.PAL) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPMedium-PAL.prx"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV Medium quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; case Quality.Low: if (standard == Standard.Film) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPLow-FILM.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.NTSC) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPLow-NTSC.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.PAL) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPLow-PAL.prx"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV Low quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; case Quality.Portable: if (standard == Standard.Film) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPPortable-FILM.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.NTSC) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPPortable-NTSC.prx"); } if (standard == Standard.PAL) { strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPPortable-PAL.prx"); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV Portable quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; case Quality.Custom: //load custom profile string customBitrate = ""; //Adjust the parameters to suit the custom settings the user has selected. switch (bitrate) { case 0: customBitrate = "100Kbs"; break; case 1: customBitrate = "256Kbs"; break; case 2: customBitrate = "384Kbs"; break; case 3: customBitrate = "768Kbs"; break; case 4: customBitrate = "1536Kbs"; break; case 5: customBitrate = "3072Kbs"; break; case 6: customBitrate = "5376Kbs"; break; } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: custom bitrate = {0}", customBitrate); //TODO: get fps values & frame size //TODO: adjust settings required //Call the SetCutomPorfile method to load the custom profile, adjust it's params from user settings & then save it. //SetCutomProfile(videoBitrate, audioBitrate, videoHeight, videoWidth, videoFps); //based on user inputs //We then reload it after as per other quality settings / profiles. strprofileType = Config.GetFile(Config.Dir.Base, @"Profiles\MPCustom.prx"); Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: set WMV Custom quality profile {0}", strprofileType); break; } //Loads profile from the above quality selection. using (StreamReader prx = new StreamReader(strprofileType)) { String profileContents = prx.ReadToEnd(); profileManager2 = profileManager as IWMProfileManager2; hr = profileManager2.LoadProfileByData(profileContents, out profile); if (hr != 0) { Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: get WMV profile - FAILED! {0}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: load profile - SUCCESS!"); //configures the WM ASF Writer to the chosen profile hr = config.ConfigureFilterUsingProfile(profile); if (hr != 0) { Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: configure profile - FAILED! {0}", hr); Cleanup(); return(false); } Log.Info("DVRMS2WMV: configure profile - SUCCESS!"); //TODO: Add DB recording information into WMV. //Release resorces if (profile != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(profile); profile = null; } if (profileManager != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(profileManager); profileManager = null; } return(true); }
private bool AddCodecs(IGraphBuilder graphBuilder, TranscodeInfo info) { //TODO: Add de-interlacing probably by filter int hr; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add h264 video encoder to graph"); //Lead H264 Encoder (4.0) string monikerH264 = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{E2B7DF52-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9}"; h264Encoder = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerH264) as IBaseFilter; if (h264Encoder == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create h264 video encoder"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(h264Encoder, "h264 video encoder"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: h264 video encoder to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add aac audio encoder to graph"); //Monograph AAC Encoder //string monikerAAC = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{88F36DB6-D898-40B5-B409-466A0EECC26A}"; //Lead AAC Encoder string monikerAAC = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{E2B7DD70-38C5-11D5-91F6-00104BDB8FF9}"; aacEncoder = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerAAC) as IBaseFilter; if (aacEncoder == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create aac audio encoder"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(aacEncoder, "aac audio encoder"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add aac audio encoder to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } // dump filter ???? //add filewriter Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add FileWriter to graph"); string monikerFileWrite = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{8596E5F0-0DA5-11D0-BD21-00A0C911CE86}"; IBaseFilter fileWriterbase = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikerFileWrite) as IBaseFilter; if (fileWriterbase == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create FileWriter"); Cleanup(); return false; } fileWriterFilter = fileWriterbase as IFileSinkFilter2; if (fileWriterFilter == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add unable to get IFileSinkFilter for filewriter"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(fileWriterbase, "FileWriter"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add FileWriter to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //set output filename string outputFileName = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(info.file, ".mp4"); Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: set output file to :{0}", outputFileName); hr = fileWriterFilter.SetFileName(outputFileName, null); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to set filename for filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } // add mp4 muxer Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: add MP4 Muxer to graph"); //Lead ISO Multiplexer string monikermp4Muxer = @"@device:sw:{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\{990D1978-E48D-43AF-B12D-24A7456EC89F}"; mp4Muxer = Marshal.BindToMoniker(monikermp4Muxer) as IBaseFilter; if (mp4Muxer == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Unable to create MP4Mux"); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.AddFilter(mp4Muxer, "MP4Mux"); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: Add MP4Mux to filtergraph :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of audio codec to aac encoder IPin pinOut, pinIn; Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect audio codec->aac encoder"); pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aacEncoder, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of aac encoder:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(AudioCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get output pin of audio codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect audio codec->aac encoder: 0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of video codec to h264 encoder Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect video codec->h264 encoder"); pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(h264Encoder, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of h264 encoder:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(VideoCodec, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get output pin of video codec :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect video codec->h264 encoder :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of aac encoder to pin#0 of mp4mux Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect aac encoder->mp4mux"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(aacEncoder, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of aac encoder:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp4Muxer, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin#1 of mp4 muxer :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect aac encoder->mp4mux: 0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } //connect output of h264 encoder to pin#1 of mp4mux Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect h264 encoder->mp4mux"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(h264Encoder, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of h264 encoder :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp4Muxer, PinDirection.Input, 1); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input#0 pin of mp4mux :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: unable to connect h264 encoder->mp4mux :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } // dump filter?? //connect mp4 muxer out->filewriter Log.Info("TSReader2MP4: connect mp4mux->filewriter"); pinOut = DsFindPin.ByDirection(mp4Muxer, PinDirection.Output, 0); if (pinOut == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get output pin of avimux:0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } pinIn = DsFindPin.ByDirection(fileWriterbase, PinDirection.Input, 0); if (pinIn == null) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: cannot get input pin of filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } hr = graphBuilder.Connect(pinOut, pinIn); if (hr != 0) { Log.Error("TSReader2MP4: FAILED: connect mp4 muxer->filewriter :0x{0:X}", hr); Cleanup(); return false; } return true; }