コード例 #1
        List <IVirtualThread> GetThreadsFromList(IGlobalExpressionEvaluator e, string listName, UInt64?pxCurrentTCB, ref int currentThread)
            List <IVirtualThread> threads = new List <IVirtualThread>();

            // Find how many tasks are there in this list
            int?threadsInListCount = (int?)e.EvaluateIntegralExpression(listName + ".uxNumberOfItems");

            // If none, abort early; also, it's possible that a given list doesn't exist --
            // for instance if INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend is 0
            if (!threadsInListCount.HasValue || threadsInListCount == 0)

            // Get the first list item in that list, and the corresponding task control block
            UInt64 currentListItem = (UInt64)e.EvaluateIntegralExpression(listName + ".xListEnd.pxNext");
            UInt64 currentTCB      = (UInt64)e.EvaluateIntegralExpression(string.Format("((ListItem_t*)0x{0:x})->pvOwner", currentListItem));

            for (int j = 0; j < threadsInListCount.Value; j++)
                // Get stack pointer
                UInt64 savedSP = (UInt64)e.EvaluateIntegralExpression(string.Format("((TCB_t*)0x{0:x})->pxTopOfStack", currentTCB));

                // Get task name
                string name = e.EvaluateRawExpression(string.Format("((TCB_t*)0x{0:x})->pcTaskName", currentTCB));

                // Trim null characters (\000) and quotes from the name
                Regex rgx = new Regex("\\\"(.*)\\\"(.*)");
                name = name.Replace("\\000", "");
                name = rgx.Replace(name, "$1");

                // Add this thread to the list
                threads.Add(new VirtualThread(CPUType,                    // CPU type
                                              name,                       // task name
                                              savedSP,                    // stack pointer
                                              currentThread++,            // index
                                              pxCurrentTCB == currentTCB, // is currently running? (yes if equality holds)
                                              e));                        // evaluator

                // Iterate to next list item and TCB
                currentListItem = (UInt64)e.EvaluateIntegralExpression(string.Format("((ListItem_t*)0x{0:x})->pxNext", currentListItem));
                currentTCB      = (UInt64)e.EvaluateIntegralExpression(string.Format("((ListItem_t*)0x{0:x})->pvOwner", currentListItem));
