コード例 #1
        private async Task RemoveCachedCredential(IExecutionContext context, string repositoryPath, Uri repositoryUrl, string remoteName)
            // there is nothing cached in repository Url.
            if (_repositoryUrlWithCred == null)

            //remove credential from fetch url
            context.Debug("Remove injected credential from git remote fetch url.");
            int exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetUrl(context, repositoryPath, remoteName, repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);

            context.Debug("Remove injected credential from git remote push url.");
            int exitCode_setpushurl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetPushUrl(context, repositoryPath, remoteName, repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);

            if (exitCode_seturl != 0 || exitCode_setpushurl != 0)
                // if unable to use git.exe set fetch url back, modify git config file on disk. make sure we don't left credential.
                context.Warning("Unable to use git.exe remove injected credential from git remote fetch url, modify git config file on disk to remove injected credential.");
                string gitConfig = Path.Combine(repositoryPath, ".git/config");
                if (File.Exists(gitConfig))
                    string gitConfigContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(repositoryPath, ".git", "config"));
                    gitConfigContent = gitConfigContent.Replace(_repositoryUrlWithCred.AbsoluteUri, repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                    File.WriteAllText(gitConfig, gitConfigContent);
コード例 #2
        public async Task GetSourceAsync(
            IExecutionContext executionContext,
            ServiceEndpoint endpoint,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Validate args.
            ArgUtil.NotNull(executionContext, nameof(executionContext));
            ArgUtil.NotNull(endpoint, nameof(endpoint));

            executionContext.Output($"Syncing repository: {endpoint.Name} ({RepositoryType})");
            Uri repositoryUrl = endpoint.Url;

            if (!repositoryUrl.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository url need to be an absolute uri.");

            string targetPath    = GetEndpointData(endpoint, Constants.EndpointData.SourcesDirectory);
            string sourceBranch  = GetEndpointData(endpoint, Constants.EndpointData.SourceBranch);
            string sourceVersion = GetEndpointData(endpoint, Constants.EndpointData.SourceVersion);

            bool clean = false;

            if (endpoint.Data.ContainsKey(WellKnownEndpointData.Clean))
                clean = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(endpoint.Data[WellKnownEndpointData.Clean]);

            bool checkoutSubmodules = false;

            if (endpoint.Data.ContainsKey(WellKnownEndpointData.CheckoutSubmodules))
                checkoutSubmodules = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(endpoint.Data[WellKnownEndpointData.CheckoutSubmodules]);

            bool exposeCred = executionContext.Variables.GetBoolean(Constants.Variables.System.EnableAccessToken) ?? false;

            Trace.Info($"Repository url={repositoryUrl}");

            // Determine which git will be use
            // On windows, we prefer the built-in portable git within the agent's externals folder, set system.prefergitfrompath=true can change the behavior,
            // agent will find git.exe from %PATH%
            // On Linux, we will always use git find in %PATH% regardless of system.prefergitfrompath
            bool preferGitFromPath = executionContext.Variables.GetBoolean(Constants.Variables.System.PreferGitFromPath) ?? false;

            // On linux/OSX, we will always find git from %PATH%
            preferGitFromPath = true;

            // Determine do we need to provide creds to git operation
            _selfManageGitCreds = executionContext.Variables.GetBoolean(Constants.Variables.System.SelfManageGitCreds) ?? false;
            if (_selfManageGitCreds)
                // Customer choose to own git creds by themselves.

            // Initialize git command manager
            _gitCommandManager = HostContext.GetService <IGitCommandManager>();
            await _gitCommandManager.LoadGitExecutionInfo(executionContext, useBuiltInGit : !preferGitFromPath);

            // Make sure the build machine met all requirements for the git repository
            // For now, the only requirement we have is git version greater than 2.9 for on-prem tfsgit
            RequirementCheck(executionContext, endpoint);

            // retrieve credential from endpoint.
            string username = string.Empty;
            string password = string.Empty;
            if (!_selfManageGitCreds && endpoint.Authorization != null)
                switch (endpoint.Authorization.Scheme)
                case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth:
                    username = EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth;
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.AccessToken, out password))
                        password = string.Empty;

                case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.UsernamePassword:
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Username, out username))
                        // leave the username as empty, the username might in the url, like: http://[email protected]
                        username = string.Empty;
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Password, out password))
                        // we have username, but no password
                        password = string.Empty;

                    executionContext.Warning($"Unsupport endpoint authorization schemes: {endpoint.Authorization.Scheme}");

            // prepare credentail embedded urls
            _repositoryUrlWithCred = UrlUtil.GetCredentialEmbeddedUrl(repositoryUrl, username, password);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl))
                _proxyUrlWithCred = UrlUtil.GetCredentialEmbeddedUrl(new Uri(executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl), executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUsername, executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyPassword);

            // Check the current contents of the root folder to see if there is already a repo
            // If there is a repo, see if it matches the one we are expecting to be there based on the remote fetch url
            // if the repo is not what we expect, remove the folder
            if (!await IsRepositoryOriginUrlMatch(executionContext, targetPath, repositoryUrl))
                // Delete source folder
                IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);
                // delete the index.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation casue git.exe crash last time.
                string lockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\index.lock");
                if (File.Exists(lockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the index.lock file: {lockFile}");

                // When repo.clean is selected for a git repo, execute git clean -fdx and git reset --hard HEAD on the current repo.
                // This will help us save the time to reclone the entire repo.
                // If any git commands exit with non-zero return code or any exception happened during git.exe invoke, fall back to delete the repo folder.
                if (clean)
                    Boolean softCleanSucceed = true;

                    // git clean -fdx
                    int exitCode_clean = await _gitCommandManager.GitClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                    if (exitCode_clean != 0)
                        executionContext.Debug($"'git clean -fdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_clean}, this normally caused by:\n    1) Path too long\n    2) Permission issue\n    3) File in use\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git clean -fdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                        softCleanSucceed = false;

                    // git reset --hard HEAD
                    if (softCleanSucceed)
                        int exitCode_reset = await _gitCommandManager.GitReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                        if (exitCode_reset != 0)
                            executionContext.Debug($"'git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_reset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                            softCleanSucceed = false;

                    // git clean -fdx and git reset --hard HEAD for each submodule
                    if (checkoutSubmodules)
                        if (softCleanSucceed)
                            int exitCode_submoduleclean = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                            if (exitCode_submoduleclean != 0)
                                executionContext.Debug($"'git submodule foreach git clean -fdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_submoduleclean}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git submodule foreach git clean -fdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                                softCleanSucceed = false;

                        if (softCleanSucceed)
                            int exitCode_submodulereset = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                            if (exitCode_submodulereset != 0)
                                executionContext.Debug($"'git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_submodulereset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git submodule foreach git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                                softCleanSucceed = false;

                    if (!softCleanSucceed)
                        //fall back
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable to run \"git clean -fdx\" and \"git reset --hard HEAD\" successfully, delete source folder instead.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);

            // if the folder is missing, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))

            // if the folder contains a .git folder, it means the folder contains a git repo that matches the remote url and in a clean state.
            // we will run git fetch to update the repo.
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git")))
                // init git repository
                int exitCode_init = await _gitCommandManager.GitInit(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_init != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe init repository under {targetPath}, 'git init' failed with exit code: {exitCode_init}");

                int exitCode_addremote = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteAdd(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);

                if (exitCode_addremote != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe add remote 'origin', 'git remote add' failed with exit code: {exitCode_addremote}");

            executionContext.Progress(0, "Starting fetch...");

            // disable git auto gc
            int exitCode_disableGC = await _gitCommandManager.GitDisableAutoGC(executionContext, targetPath);

            if (exitCode_disableGC != 0)
                executionContext.Warning("Unable turn off git auto garbage collection, git fetch operation may trigger auto garbage collection which will affect the performence of fetching.");

            // always remove any possible left extraheader setting from git config.
            if (await _gitCommandManager.GitConfigExist(executionContext, targetPath, $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader"))
                executionContext.Debug("Remove any extraheader setting from git config.");
                await RemoveGitConfig(executionContext, targetPath, $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader", string.Empty);

            // always remove any possible left proxy setting from git config, the proxy setting may contains credential
            if (await _gitCommandManager.GitConfigExist(executionContext, targetPath, $"http.proxy"))
                executionContext.Debug("Remove any proxy setting from git config.");
                await RemoveGitConfig(executionContext, targetPath, $"http.proxy", string.Empty);

            List <string> additionalFetchArgs = new List <string>();
            if (!_selfManageGitCreds)
                // v2.9 git support provide auth header as cmdline arg.
                // as long 2.9 git exist, VSTS repo, TFS repo and Github repo will use this to handle auth challenge.
                if (UseAuthHeaderCmdlineArg)
                    additionalFetchArgs.Add($"-c http.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateAuthHeader(username, password)}\"");
                    // Otherwise, inject credential into fetch/push url
                    // inject credential into fetch url
                    executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote url.");
                    ArgUtil.NotNull(_repositoryUrlWithCred, nameof(_repositoryUrlWithCred));

                    // inject credential into fetch url
                    executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote fetch url.");
                    int exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetUrl(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", _repositoryUrlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);

                    if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote fetch url, 'git remote set-url' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

                    // inject credential into push url
                    executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote push url.");
                    exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetPushUrl(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", _repositoryUrlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);

                    if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote push url, 'git remote set-url --push' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

                // Prepare proxy config for fetch.
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl))
                    executionContext.Debug($"Config proxy server '{executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl}' for git fetch.");
                    ArgUtil.NotNull(_proxyUrlWithCred, nameof(_proxyUrlWithCred));
                    additionalFetchArgs.Add($"-c http.proxy=\"{_proxyUrlWithCred.AbsoluteUri}\"");

            // If this is a build for a pull request, then include
            // the pull request reference as an additional ref.
            string fetchSpec = IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) ? StringUtil.Format("+{0}:{1}", sourceBranch, GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch)) : null;

            int exitCode_fetch = await _gitCommandManager.GitFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", new List <string>() { fetchSpec }, string.Join(" ", additionalFetchArgs), cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_fetch != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_fetch}");

            // Checkout
            // sourceToBuild is used for checkout
            // if sourceBranch is a PR branch or sourceVersion is null, make sure branch name is a remote branch. we need checkout to detached head.
            // (change refs/heads to refs/remotes/origin, refs/pull to refs/remotes/pull, or leava it as it when the branch name doesn't contain refs/...)
            // if sourceVersion provide, just use that for checkout, since when you checkout a commit, it will end up in detached head.
            executionContext.Progress(80, "Starting checkout...");
            string sourcesToBuild;
            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion))
                sourcesToBuild = GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch);
                sourcesToBuild = sourceVersion;

            // Finally, checkout the sourcesToBuild (if we didn't find a valid git object this will throw)
            int exitCode_checkout = await _gitCommandManager.GitCheckout(executionContext, targetPath, sourcesToBuild, cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_checkout != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git checkout failed with exit code: {exitCode_checkout}");

            // Submodule update
            if (checkoutSubmodules)
                executionContext.Progress(90, "Updating submodules...");
                int exitCode_submoduleInit = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleInit(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_submoduleInit != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule init failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleInit}");

                List <string> additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs = new List <string>();
                if (!_selfManageGitCreds)
                    if (UseAuthHeaderCmdlineArg)
                        string authorityUrl = repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri.Replace(repositoryUrl.PathAndQuery, string.Empty);
                        additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs.Add($"-c http.{authorityUrl}.extraheader=\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateAuthHeader(username, password)}\"");

                    // Prepare proxy config for submodule update.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl))
                        executionContext.Debug($"Config proxy server '{executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl}' for git submodule update.");
                        ArgUtil.NotNull(_proxyUrlWithCred, nameof(_proxyUrlWithCred));
                        additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs.Add($"-c http.proxy=\"{_proxyUrlWithCred.AbsoluteUri}\"");

                int exitCode_submoduleUpdate = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleUpdate(executionContext, targetPath, string.Join(" ", additionalSubmoduleUpdateArgs), cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_submoduleUpdate != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule update failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleUpdate}");

            // handle expose creds, related to 'Allow Scripts to Access OAuth Token' option
            if (!_selfManageGitCreds)
                if (UseAuthHeaderCmdlineArg && exposeCred)
                    string configKey   = $"http.{repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri}.extraheader";
                    string configValue = $"\"AUTHORIZATION: {GenerateAuthHeader(username, password)}\"";
                    _configModifications[configKey] = configValue.Trim('\"');
                    int exitCode_config = await _gitCommandManager.GitConfig(executionContext, targetPath, configKey, configValue);

                    if (exitCode_config != 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git config failed with exit code: {exitCode_config}");

                if (!UseAuthHeaderCmdlineArg && !exposeCred)
                    // remove cached credential from origin's fetch/push url.
                    await RemoveCachedCredential(executionContext, targetPath, repositoryUrl, "origin");

                if (exposeCred)
                    // save proxy setting to git config.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl))
                        executionContext.Debug($"Save proxy config for proxy server '{executionContext.Variables.Agent_ProxyUrl}' into git config.");
                        ArgUtil.NotNull(_proxyUrlWithCred, nameof(_proxyUrlWithCred));

                        string proxyConfigKey   = "http.proxy";
                        string proxyConfigValue = $"\"{_proxyUrlWithCred.AbsoluteUri}\"";
                        _configModifications[proxyConfigKey] = proxyConfigValue.Trim('\"');

                        int exitCode_proxyconfig = await _gitCommandManager.GitConfig(executionContext, targetPath, proxyConfigKey, proxyConfigValue);

                        if (exitCode_proxyconfig != 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git config failed with exit code: {exitCode_proxyconfig}");
コード例 #3
        public virtual async Task GetSourceAsync(IExecutionContext executionContext, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ArgUtil.NotNull(endpoint, nameof(endpoint));

            executionContext.Output($"Syncing repository: {endpoint.Name} (Git)");
            _gitCommandManager = HostContext.GetService <IGitCommandManager>();
            await _gitCommandManager.LoadGitExecutionInfo(executionContext);

            string targetPath    = executionContext.Variables.Get(Constants.Variables.Build.SourcesDirectory);
            string sourceBranch  = executionContext.Variables.Get(Constants.Variables.Build.SourceBranch);
            string sourceVersion = executionContext.Variables.Get(Constants.Variables.Build.SourceVersion);

            bool clean = false;

            if (endpoint.Data.ContainsKey(WellKnownEndpointData.Clean))
                clean = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(endpoint.Data[WellKnownEndpointData.Clean]);

            bool checkoutSubmodules = false;

            if (endpoint.Data.ContainsKey(WellKnownEndpointData.CheckoutSubmodules))
                checkoutSubmodules = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(endpoint.Data[WellKnownEndpointData.CheckoutSubmodules]);

            bool exposeCred = executionContext.Variables.GetBoolean(Constants.Variables.System.EnableAccessToken) ?? false;

            Trace.Info($"Repository url={endpoint.Url}");

            // retrieve credential from endpoint.
            Uri repositoryUrl = endpoint.Url;

            if (!repositoryUrl.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository url need to be an absolute uri.");

            string username = string.Empty;
            string password = string.Empty;

            if (endpoint.Authorization != null)
                switch (endpoint.Authorization.Scheme)
                case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth:
                    username = EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth;
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.AccessToken, out password))
                        password = string.Empty;

                case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.UsernamePassword:
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Username, out username))
                        // leave the username as empty, the username might in the url, like: http://[email protected]
                        username = string.Empty;
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Password, out password))
                        // we have username, but no password
                        password = string.Empty;

                    executionContext.Warning($"Unsupport endpoint authorization schemes: {endpoint.Authorization.Scheme}");

            // Check the current contents of the root folder to see if there is already a repo
            // If there is a repo, see if it matches the one we are expecting to be there based on the remote fetch url
            // if the repo is not what we expect, remove the folder
            if (!await IsRepositoryOriginUrlMatch(executionContext, targetPath, repositoryUrl))
                // Delete source folder
                IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);
                // delete the index.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation casue git.exe crash last time.
                string lockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\index.lock");
                if (File.Exists(lockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the index.lock file: {lockFile}");

                // When repo.clean is selected for a git repo, execute git clean -fdx and git reset --hard HEAD on the current repo.
                // This will help us save the time to reclone the entire repo.
                // If any git commands exit with non-zero return code or any exception happened during git.exe invoke, fall back to delete the repo folder.
                if (clean)
                    Boolean softClean = false;
                    // git clean -fdx
                    // git reset --hard HEAD
                    int exitCode_clean = await _gitCommandManager.GitClean(executionContext, targetPath);

                    if (exitCode_clean != 0)
                        executionContext.Debug($"'git clean -fdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_clean}, this normally caused by:\n    1) Path too long\n    2) Permission issue\n    3) File in use\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git clean -fdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                        int exitCode_reset = await _gitCommandManager.GitReset(executionContext, targetPath);

                        if (exitCode_reset != 0)
                            executionContext.Debug($"'git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_reset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                            softClean = true;

                    if (!softClean)
                        //fall back
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable to run \"git clean -fdx\" and \"git reset --hard HEAD\" successfully, delete source folder instead.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);

            // if the folder is missing, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))

            // if the folder contains a .git folder, it means the folder contains a git repo that matches the remote url and in a clean state.
            // we will run git fetch to update the repo.
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git")))
                // init git repository
                int exitCode_init = await _gitCommandManager.GitInit(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_init != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe init repository under {targetPath}, 'git init' failed with exit code: {exitCode_init}");

                int exitCode_addremote = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteAdd(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);

                if (exitCode_addremote != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe add remote 'origin', 'git remote add' failed with exit code: {exitCode_addremote}");

            executionContext.Progress(0, "Starting fetch...");

            // disable git auto gc
            int exitCode_disableGC = await _gitCommandManager.GitDisableAutoGC(executionContext, targetPath);

            if (exitCode_disableGC != 0)
                executionContext.Warning("Unable turn off git auto garbage collection, git fetch operation may trigger auto garbage collection which will affect the performence of fetching.");

            // inject credential into fetch url
            executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote url.");
            Uri urlWithCred = null;

            urlWithCred = GetCredentialEmbeddedRepoUrl(repositoryUrl, username, password);

            // inject credential into fetch url
            executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote fetch url.");
            int exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetUrl(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", urlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);

            if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote fetch url, 'git remote set-url' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

            // inject credential into push url
            executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote push url.");
            exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetPushUrl(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", urlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);

            if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote push url, 'git remote set-url --push' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

            // If this is a build for a pull request, then include
            // the pull request reference as an additional ref.
            string fetchSpec = IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) ? StringUtil.Format("+{0}:{1}", sourceBranch, GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch)) : null;

            int exitCode_fetch = await _gitCommandManager.GitFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", new List <string>() { fetchSpec }, string.Empty, cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_fetch != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_fetch}");

            if (!exposeCred)
                // remove cached credential from origin's fetch/push url.
                await RemoveCachedCredential(executionContext, targetPath, repositoryUrl, "origin");

            // Checkout
            // sourceToBuild is used for checkout
            // if sourceBranch is a PR branch or sourceVersion is null, make sure branch name is a remote branch. we need checkout to detached head.
            // (change refs/heads to refs/remotes/origin, refs/pull to refs/remotes/pull, or leava it as it when the branch name doesn't contain refs/...)
            // if sourceVersion provide, just use that for checkout, since when you checkout a commit, it will end up in detached head.
            executionContext.Progress(80, "Starting checkout...");
            string sourcesToBuild;

            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion))
                sourcesToBuild = GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch);
                sourcesToBuild = sourceVersion;

            // Finally, checkout the sourcesToBuild (if we didn't find a valid git object this will throw)
            int exitCode_checkout = await _gitCommandManager.GitCheckout(executionContext, targetPath, sourcesToBuild, cancellationToken);

            if (exitCode_checkout != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git checkout failed with exit code: {exitCode_checkout}");

            // Submodule update
            if (checkoutSubmodules)
                executionContext.Progress(90, "Updating submodules...");
                int exitCode_submoduleInit = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleInit(executionContext, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_submoduleInit != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule init failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleInit}");

                int exitCode_submoduleUpdate = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleUpdate(executionContext, targetPath, string.Empty, cancellationToken);

                if (exitCode_submoduleUpdate != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule update failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleUpdate}");
コード例 #4
        private async Task SyncAndCheckout(
            IExecutionContext context,
            ServiceEndpoint endpoint,
            string targetPath,
            bool clean,
            string sourceBranch,
            string sourceVersion,
            bool checkoutSubmodules,
            bool exposeCred,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            int gitCommandExitCode;

            // retrieve credential from endpoint.
            Uri repositoryUrl = endpoint.Url;

            if (!repositoryUrl.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository url need to be an absolute uri.");

            string username = string.Empty;
            string password = string.Empty;

            if (endpoint.Authorization != null)
                switch (endpoint.Authorization.Scheme)
                case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth:
                    username = EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth;
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.AccessToken, out password))
                        password = string.Empty;

                case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.UsernamePassword:
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Username, out username))
                        // leave the username as empty, the username might in the url, like: http://[email protected]
                        username = string.Empty;
                    if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Password, out password))
                        // we have username, but no password
                        password = string.Empty;

                    context.Warning($"Unsupport endpoint authorization schemes: {endpoint.Authorization.Scheme}");

            // Check the current contents of the root folder to see if there is already a repo
            // If there is a repo, see if it matches the one we are expecting to be there based on the remote fetch url
            // if the repo is not what we expect, remove the folder
            if (!await IsRepositoryOriginUrlMatch(context, targetPath, repositoryUrl))
                // Delete source folder
                IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);
                // When repo.clean is selected for a git repo, execute git clean -fdx and git reset --hard HEAD on the current repo.
                // This will help us save the time to reclone the entire repo.
                // If any git commands exit with non-zero return code or any exception happened during git.exe invoke, fall back to delete the repo folder.
                if (clean)
                    Boolean softClean = false;
                    // git clean -fdx
                    // git reset --hard HEAD
                    gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitClean(context, targetPath);

                    if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                        context.Debug($"'git clean -fdx' failed with exit code {gitCommandExitCode}, this normally caused by:\n    1) Path too long\n    2) Permission issue\n    3) File in use\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git clean -fdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                        gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitReset(context, targetPath);

                        if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                            context.Debug($"'git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {gitCommandExitCode}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                            softClean = true;

                    if (!softClean)
                        //fall back
                        context.Warning("Unable to run \"git clean -fdx\" and \"git reset --hard HEAD\" successfully, delete source folder instead.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);

            // if the folder is missing, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))

            // inject credential into fetch url
            context.Debug("Inject credential into git remote url.");
            Uri urlWithCred = null;

            urlWithCred = GetCredentialEmbeddedRepoUrl(repositoryUrl, username, password);

            // if the folder contains a .git folder, it means the folder contains a git repo that matches the remote url and in a clean state.
            // we will run git fetch to update the repo.
            if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git")))
                // disable git auto gc
                int exitCode_disableGC = await _gitCommandManager.GitDisableAutoGC(context, targetPath);

                if (exitCode_disableGC != 0)
                    context.Warning("Unable turn off git auto garbage collection, git fetch operation may trigger auto garbage collection which will affect the performence of fetching.");

                // inject credential into fetch url
                context.Debug("Inject credential into git remote fetch url.");
                int exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetUrl(context, targetPath, "origin", urlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);

                if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote fetch url, 'git remote set-url' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

                // inject credential into push url
                context.Debug("Inject credential into git remote push url.");
                exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetPushUrl(context, targetPath, "origin", urlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);

                if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote push url, 'git remote set-url --push' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

                // If this is a build for a pull request, then include
                // the pull request reference as an additional ref.
                string fetchSpec = IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) ? StringUtil.Format("+{0}:{1}", sourceBranch, GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch)) : null;

                context.Progress(0, "Starting fetch...");
                gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitFetch(context, targetPath, "origin", new List <string>() { fetchSpec }, username, password, exposeCred, cancellationToken);

                if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {gitCommandExitCode}");
                context.Progress(0, "Starting clone...");
                gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitClone(context, targetPath, urlWithCred, username, password, exposeCred, cancellationToken);

                if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git clone failed with exit code: {gitCommandExitCode}");

                if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch))
                    // Clone doesn't pull the refs/pull namespace so we need to Fetch the appropriate ref
                    string fetchSpec = StringUtil.Format("+{0}:{1}", sourceBranch, GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch));

                    context.Progress(76, $"Starting fetch pull request ref... {fetchSpec}");
                    context.Output("Starting fetch pull request ref");
                    gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitFetch(context, targetPath, "origin", new List <string>() { fetchSpec }, username, password, exposeCred, cancellationToken);

                    if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {gitCommandExitCode}");

            if (!exposeCred)
                // remove cached credential from origin's fetch/push url.
                await RemoveCachedCredential(context, targetPath, repositoryUrl, "origin");

            // Checkout
            // delete the index.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation casue git.exe crash last time.
            string lockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\index.lock");

            if (File.Exists(lockFile))
                catch (Exception ex)
                    context.Debug($"Unable to delete the index.lock file: {lockFile}");

            // sourceToBuild is used for checkout
            // if sourceBranch is a PR branch or sourceVersion is null, make sure branch name is a remote branch. we need checkout to detached head.
            // (change refs/heads to refs/remotes/origin, refs/pull to refs/remotes/pull, or leava it as it when the branch name doesn't contain refs/...)
            // if sourceVersion provide, just use that for checkout, since when you checkout a commit, it will end up in detached head.
            context.Progress(80, "Starting checkout...");
            string sourcesToBuild;

            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion))
                sourcesToBuild = GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch);
                sourcesToBuild = sourceVersion;

            // Finally, checkout the sourcesToBuild (if we didn't find a valid git object this will throw)
            gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitCheckout(context, targetPath, sourcesToBuild, cancellationToken);

            if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git checkout failed with exit code: {gitCommandExitCode}");

            // Submodule update
            if (checkoutSubmodules)
                context.Progress(90, "Updating submodules...");
                gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleInit(context, targetPath);

                if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule init failed with exit code: {gitCommandExitCode}");

                // we can use the following code if we want to inject different credential for different submodules.
                // inject credentials for each submodule
                // Dictionary<string, Uri> submoduleUrls = GitGetSubmoduleUrls(m_rootPath);
                // inject credentials into submoduleUrls
                // GitUpdateSubmoduleUrls(m_rootPath, submoduleUrls);

                context.Command("git submodule update");
                gitCommandExitCode = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleUpdate(context, targetPath, cancellationToken);

                if (gitCommandExitCode != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule update failed with exit code: {gitCommandExitCode}");
コード例 #5
        public virtual async Task GetSourceAsync(IExecutionContext executionContext, ServiceEndpoint endpoint, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ArgUtil.NotNull(endpoint, nameof(endpoint));

            executionContext.Output($"Syncing repository: {endpoint.Name} (Git)");
            _gitCommandManager = HostContext.GetService<IGitCommandManager>();
            await _gitCommandManager.LoadGitExecutionInfo(executionContext);

            string targetPath = executionContext.Variables.Get(Constants.Variables.Build.SourcesDirectory);
            string sourceBranch = executionContext.Variables.Get(Constants.Variables.Build.SourceBranch);
            string sourceVersion = executionContext.Variables.Get(Constants.Variables.Build.SourceVersion);

            bool clean = false;
            if (endpoint.Data.ContainsKey(WellKnownEndpointData.Clean))
                clean = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(endpoint.Data[WellKnownEndpointData.Clean]);

            bool checkoutSubmodules = false;
            if (endpoint.Data.ContainsKey(WellKnownEndpointData.CheckoutSubmodules))
                checkoutSubmodules = StringUtil.ConvertToBoolean(endpoint.Data[WellKnownEndpointData.CheckoutSubmodules]);

            bool exposeCred = executionContext.Variables.GetBoolean(Constants.Variables.System.EnableAccessToken) ?? false;

            Trace.Info($"Repository url={endpoint.Url}");

            // retrieve credential from endpoint.
            Uri repositoryUrl = endpoint.Url;
            if (!repositoryUrl.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Repository url need to be an absolute uri.");

            string username = string.Empty;
            string password = string.Empty;
            if (endpoint.Authorization != null)
                switch (endpoint.Authorization.Scheme)
                    case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth:
                        username = EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.OAuth;
                        if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.AccessToken, out password))
                            password = string.Empty;
                    case EndpointAuthorizationSchemes.UsernamePassword:
                        if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Username, out username))
                            // leave the username as empty, the username might in the url, like: http://[email protected]
                            username = string.Empty;
                        if (!endpoint.Authorization.Parameters.TryGetValue(EndpointAuthorizationParameters.Password, out password))
                            // we have username, but no password
                            password = string.Empty;
                        executionContext.Warning($"Unsupport endpoint authorization schemes: {endpoint.Authorization.Scheme}");

            // Check the current contents of the root folder to see if there is already a repo
            // If there is a repo, see if it matches the one we are expecting to be there based on the remote fetch url
            // if the repo is not what we expect, remove the folder
            if (!await IsRepositoryOriginUrlMatch(executionContext, targetPath, repositoryUrl))
                // Delete source folder
                IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);
                // delete the index.lock file left by previous canceled build or any operation casue git.exe crash last time.
                string lockFile = Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git\\index.lock");
                if (File.Exists(lockFile))
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        executionContext.Debug($"Unable to delete the index.lock file: {lockFile}");

                // When repo.clean is selected for a git repo, execute git clean -fdx and git reset --hard HEAD on the current repo.
                // This will help us save the time to reclone the entire repo.
                // If any git commands exit with non-zero return code or any exception happened during git.exe invoke, fall back to delete the repo folder.
                if (clean)
                    Boolean softClean = false;
                    // git clean -fdx
                    // git reset --hard HEAD
                    int exitCode_clean = await _gitCommandManager.GitClean(executionContext, targetPath);
                    if (exitCode_clean != 0)
                        executionContext.Debug($"'git clean -fdx' failed with exit code {exitCode_clean}, this normally caused by:\n    1) Path too long\n    2) Permission issue\n    3) File in use\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git clean -fdx' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                        int exitCode_reset = await _gitCommandManager.GitReset(executionContext, targetPath);
                        if (exitCode_reset != 0)
                            executionContext.Debug($"'git reset --hard HEAD' failed with exit code {exitCode_reset}\nFor futher investigation, manually run 'git reset --hard HEAD' on repo root: {targetPath} after each build.");
                            softClean = true;

                    if (!softClean)
                        //fall back
                        executionContext.Warning("Unable to run \"git clean -fdx\" and \"git reset --hard HEAD\" successfully, delete source folder instead.");
                        IOUtil.DeleteDirectory(targetPath, cancellationToken);

            // if the folder is missing, create it
            if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath))

            // if the folder contains a .git folder, it means the folder contains a git repo that matches the remote url and in a clean state.
            // we will run git fetch to update the repo.
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(targetPath, ".git")))
                // init git repository
                int exitCode_init = await _gitCommandManager.GitInit(executionContext, targetPath);
                if (exitCode_init != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe init repository under {targetPath}, 'git init' failed with exit code: {exitCode_init}");

                int exitCode_addremote = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteAdd(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", repositoryUrl.AbsoluteUri);
                if (exitCode_addremote != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe add remote 'origin', 'git remote add' failed with exit code: {exitCode_addremote}");

            executionContext.Progress(0, "Starting fetch...");

            // disable git auto gc
            int exitCode_disableGC = await _gitCommandManager.GitDisableAutoGC(executionContext, targetPath);
            if (exitCode_disableGC != 0)
                executionContext.Warning("Unable turn off git auto garbage collection, git fetch operation may trigger auto garbage collection which will affect the performence of fetching.");

            // inject credential into fetch url
            executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote url.");
            Uri urlWithCred = null;
            urlWithCred = GetCredentialEmbeddedRepoUrl(repositoryUrl, username, password);

            // inject credential into fetch url
            executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote fetch url.");
            int exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetUrl(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", urlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);
            if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote fetch url, 'git remote set-url' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

            // inject credential into push url
            executionContext.Debug("Inject credential into git remote push url.");
            exitCode_seturl = await _gitCommandManager.GitRemoteSetPushUrl(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", urlWithCred.AbsoluteUri);
            if (exitCode_seturl != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to use git.exe inject credential to git remote push url, 'git remote set-url --push' failed with exit code: {exitCode_seturl}");

            // If this is a build for a pull request, then include
            // the pull request reference as an additional ref.
            string fetchSpec = IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) ? StringUtil.Format("+{0}:{1}", sourceBranch, GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch)) : null;

            int exitCode_fetch = await _gitCommandManager.GitFetch(executionContext, targetPath, "origin", new List<string>() { fetchSpec }, string.Empty, cancellationToken);
            if (exitCode_fetch != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git fetch failed with exit code: {exitCode_fetch}");

            if (!exposeCred)
                // remove cached credential from origin's fetch/push url.
                await RemoveCachedCredential(executionContext, targetPath, repositoryUrl, "origin");

            // Checkout
            // sourceToBuild is used for checkout
            // if sourceBranch is a PR branch or sourceVersion is null, make sure branch name is a remote branch. we need checkout to detached head. 
            // (change refs/heads to refs/remotes/origin, refs/pull to refs/remotes/pull, or leava it as it when the branch name doesn't contain refs/...)
            // if sourceVersion provide, just use that for checkout, since when you checkout a commit, it will end up in detached head.
            executionContext.Progress(80, "Starting checkout...");
            string sourcesToBuild;
            if (IsPullRequest(sourceBranch) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceVersion))
                sourcesToBuild = GetRemoteRefName(sourceBranch);
                sourcesToBuild = sourceVersion;

            // Finally, checkout the sourcesToBuild (if we didn't find a valid git object this will throw)
            int exitCode_checkout = await _gitCommandManager.GitCheckout(executionContext, targetPath, sourcesToBuild, cancellationToken);
            if (exitCode_checkout != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git checkout failed with exit code: {exitCode_checkout}");

            // Submodule update
            if (checkoutSubmodules)
                executionContext.Progress(90, "Updating submodules...");
                int exitCode_submoduleInit = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleInit(executionContext, targetPath);
                if (exitCode_submoduleInit != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule init failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleInit}");

                int exitCode_submoduleUpdate = await _gitCommandManager.GitSubmoduleUpdate(executionContext, targetPath, string.Empty, cancellationToken);
                if (exitCode_submoduleUpdate != 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Git submodule update failed with exit code: {exitCode_submoduleUpdate}");