コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The vertRemap is a list of vertices in the new vertex buffer, and where they came from.
        /// This could be a reordering of the original vertex buffer, it could even be a repetition.
        /// It could also be some vertices were deleted, BUT if those vertices are still referenced
        /// then this will throw an exception.
        /// The values in the index buffer will change, but it will stay the same length.
        /// </summary>
        public static IGeometryAttributes RemapVertices(this IGeometryAttributes g, IArray <int> vertRemap)
            var vertLookup = (-1).Repeat(g.NumVertices).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < vertRemap.Count; ++i)
                var oldVert = vertRemap[i];
                vertLookup[oldVert] = i;

            var oldIndices = g.GetAttributeIndex()?.Data ?? g.NumVertices.Range();
            var newIndices = oldIndices.Select(i => vertLookup[i]).Evaluate();

            if (newIndices.Any(x => x == -1))
                throw new Exception("At least one of the indices references a vertex that no longer exists");

            return(g.RemapVertices(vertRemap, newIndices));
コード例 #2
 public static IArray <int> GetAttributeDataIndex(this IGeometryAttributes self) => self.GetAttributeIndex()?.Data;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// For mesh g, create a new mesh from the passed selected faces,
        /// discarding un-referenced data and generating new index, vertex & face buffers.
        /// </summary>
        public static IGeometryAttributes SelectFaces(this IGeometryAttributes g, IArray <int> faces)
            // Early exit, if all selected no need to do anything
            if (g.NumFaces == faces.Count)

            // Early exit, if none selected no need to do anything
            if (faces.Count == 0)

            // First, get all the indices for this array of faces
            var oldIndices    = g.GetAttributeIndex();
            var oldSelIndices = new int[faces.Count * g.NumCornersPerFace];

            // var oldIndices = faces.SelectMany(f => f.Indices());
            for (int i = 0; i < faces.Count; i++)
                for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
                    oldSelIndices[i * 3 + t] = oldIndices.Data[faces[i] * g.NumCornersPerFace + t];

            // We need to create list of newIndices, and remapping
            // of oldVertices to newVertices
            var newIndices = (-1).Repeat(oldSelIndices.Length).ToArray();
            // Each index could potentially be in the new mesh
            var indexLookup = (-1).Repeat(oldIndices.ElementCount).ToArray();

            // Build mapping.  For each index, if the vertex it has
            // already been referred to has been mapped, use the
            // mapped index.  Otherwise, remember that we need this vertex
            var numUsedVertices = 0;
            // remapping from old vert array => new vert array
            // Cache built of the old indices of vertices that are used
            // should be equivalent to indexLookup.Where(i => i != -1)
            var oldVertices  = g.GetAttributePosition();
            var usedVertices = (-1).Repeat(oldVertices.ElementCount).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < oldSelIndices.Length; ++i)
                var oldIndex = oldSelIndices[i];
                var newIndex = indexLookup[oldIndex];
                if (newIndex < 0)
                    // remapping from old vert array => new vert array
                    usedVertices[numUsedVertices] = oldIndex;
                    newIndex = indexLookup[oldIndex] = numUsedVertices++;
                newIndices[i] = newIndex;

            //var faceRemapping = faces.Select(f => f.Index);
            var vertRemapping   = usedVertices.Take(numUsedVertices).ToIArray();
            var cornerRemapping = g.FaceIndicesToCornerIndices(faces);

                   .Select(attr => attr.Remap(vertRemapping))
                   .Concat(g.FaceAttributes().Select(attr => attr.Remap(faces)))
                   .Concat(g.EdgeAttributes().Select(attr => attr.Remap(cornerRemapping)))
                   .Concat(g.CornerAttributes().Select(attr => attr.Remap(cornerRemapping)))