public BarCodeListViewItem(IGenericContainer container) : base(container.GetBarCode()) { MyBarCode = container.GetBarCode(); MyText = container.GetIdentifier(); this.SubItems.Add(MyText); }
private void InitWithPutInContainer(IGenericContainer container) { StatusLabel.Text = "Waiting for scanned containers (plates/tubes/etc) to be placed in the deposit below. \nClose and go to next step by pressing OK or cancel."; PutInContainerTextBox.Text = container.GetIdentifier(); _putInContainer = container; OkButton.Enabled = false; }
private void LoadContainerPath() { if (IsNotNull(MyDeposit) && MyContainerPath == "") { GenericContainerList pathList; StringBuilder pathRow = new StringBuilder(); pathList = MyDeposit.GetContainerPath(); foreach (IGenericContainer singleContainer in pathList) { pathRow.Append("//"); pathRow.Append(singleContainer.GetIdentifier()); } pathRow.Append("//"); pathRow.Append(MyDeposit.GetIdentifier()); MyContainerPath = pathRow.ToString(); } }
public DuoViewItem(IGenericContainer deposit, IGenericContainer container) : base(container.GetIdentifier()) { MyDeposit = deposit; MySampleContainer = container; MyContainerPath = ""; this.SubItems.Add(deposit.GetIdentifier()); this.Checked = true; }
public DuoViewItem(IGenericContainer deposit, IGenericContainer container) : base(container.GetIdentifier()) { _deposit = deposit; _sampleContainer = container; _containerPath = ""; SubItems.Add(deposit.GetIdentifier()); Checked = true; }
public string GetStorageContainerName() { string name; name = ""; if (IsNotNull(MyStorageContainer)) { name = MyStorageContainer.GetIdentifier(); } return(name); }
private void LoadContainerPath() { if (_deposit != null && _containerPath == "") { StringBuilder pathRow = new StringBuilder(); GenericContainerList pathList = _deposit.GetContainerPath(); foreach (IGenericContainer singleContainer in pathList) { pathRow.Append("//"); pathRow.Append(singleContainer.GetIdentifier()); } pathRow.Append("//"); pathRow.Append(_deposit.GetIdentifier()); _containerPath = pathRow.ToString(); } }
private static void CheckCirularReferens(IGenericContainer moveContainer, IGenericContainer toContainer) { GenericContainerList containerPath; // Check that containers not are moved into it's own content. // Avoid circular reference. if (IsNotNull(toContainer)) { containerPath = toContainer.GetContainerPath(); //Add the destination container itself to the path. containerPath.Add(toContainer); if (containerPath.IsMember(moveContainer)) { throw new DataException("Can't move " + moveContainer.GetIdentifier() + " into " + toContainer.GetIdentifier() + ". Circular referenses are not allowed!"); } } }
public ContainerToBePlacedViewItem(IGenericContainer container) : base(container.GetIdentifier()) { _container = container; }
public void Update() { this.SubItems[(int)ListIndex.SampleContainer].Text = MySampleContainer.GetIdentifier(); this.SubItems[(int)ListIndex.Storage].Text = MyDeposit.GetIdentifier(); }