public void SetPosition(TrainingPosition position) { currentPosition = position; AssociatedGame = gameConstructor.Construct(Variant, position.FEN); CurrentFen = position.FEN; CurrentLastMoveToDisplay = position.LastMove; }
void PuzzleFinished(SubmittedMoveResponse response, bool correct) { CurrentPuzzleEndedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; response.Correct = correct ? 1 : -1; response.ExplanationSafe = Current.ExplanationSafe; PastPuzzleIds.Add(Current.ID); if (!correct) { Moves.RemoveAt(Moves.Count - 1); FENs.RemoveAt(FENs.Count - 1); Checks.RemoveAt(Checks.Count - 1); response.FEN = FENs[FENs.Count - 1]; ChessGame correctGame = gameConstructor.Construct(Current.Variant, response.FEN); foreach (string move in PossibleVariations.First()) { string[] p = move.Split('-', '='); correctGame.ApplyMove(new Move(p[0], p[1], correctGame.WhoseTurn, p.Length == 2 ? null : new char?(p[2][0])), true); FENs.Add(correctGame.GetFen()); Checks.Add(correctGame.IsInCheck(correctGame.WhoseTurn) ? correctGame.WhoseTurn.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() : null); Moves.Add(move); } } response.ReplayFENs = FENs; response.ReplayChecks = Checks; response.ReplayMoves = Moves; }
public Game Get(string id) { if (cache.ContainsKey(id)) { return(cache[id]); } else { Game g = gameRepository.Get(id); if (g == null) { return(null); } g.ChessGame = gameConstructor.Construct(g.ShortVariantName, g.LatestFEN); cache[id] = g; return(cache[id]); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> RegisterPuzzleForEditing(string fen, string variant, int checksByWhite, int checksByBlack) { fen += " - 0 1"; variant = Utilities.NormalizeVariantNameCapitalization(variant); if (!Array.Exists(supportedVariants, x => x == variant)) { return(Json(new { success = false, error = "Unsupported variant." })); } if (variant == "ThreeCheck") { if (checksByWhite > 2 || checksByWhite < 0 || checksByBlack > 2 || checksByBlack < 0) { return(Json(new { success = false, error = "Invalid amount of checks." })); } fen += String.Format(" +{0}+{1}", checksByWhite, checksByBlack); } Puzzle possibleDuplicate = await puzzleRepository.FindByFenAndVariantAsync(fen, variant); if (possibleDuplicate != null && possibleDuplicate.Approved) { return(Json(new { success = false, error = "Duplicate; same FEN and variant: " + Url.Action("TrainId", "Puzzle", new { id = possibleDuplicate.ID }) })); } ChessGame game = gameConstructor.Construct(variant, fen); Puzzle puzzle = new Puzzle(); Task <int?> aid = loginHandler.LoggedInUserIdAsync(HttpContext); puzzle.Game = game; puzzle.InitialFen = fen; puzzle.Variant = variant; puzzle.Solutions = new List <string>(); do { puzzle.ID = Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode(); } while (puzzlesBeingEdited.Contains(puzzle.ID)); puzzle.Author = (await aid).Value; puzzlesBeingEdited.Add(puzzle); return(Json(new { success = true, id = puzzle.ID })); }
public IActionResult RegisterPuzzleForEditing(string fen, string variant) { variant = Utilities.NormalizeVariantNameCapitalization(variant); if (!Array.Exists(supportedVariants, x => x == variant)) { return(Json(new { success = false, error = "Unsupported variant." })); } ChessGame game = gameConstructor.Construct(variant, fen); Puzzle puzzle = new Puzzle(); puzzle.Game = game; puzzle.InitialFen = fen; puzzle.Variant = variant; puzzle.Author = loginHandler.LoggedInUserId(HttpContext).Value; puzzle.Solutions = new List <string>(); do { puzzle.ID = Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode(); } while (puzzlesBeingEdited.Contains(puzzle.ID)); puzzlesBeingEdited.Add(puzzle); return(Json(new { success = true, id = puzzle.ID })); }
public Game(string id, GamePlayer white, GamePlayer black, string shortVariant, string fullVariant, int nWhite, int nBlack, bool isSymmetrical, TimeControl tc, DateTime startedUtc, int rematchLevel, IGameConstructor gameConstructor) { ID = id; White = white; PositionWhite = nWhite; Black = black; PositionBlack = nBlack; IsSymmetrical = isSymmetrical; Result = Results.ONGOING; Termination = Terminations.UNTERMINATED; TimeControl = tc; ShortVariantName = shortVariant; FullVariantName = fullVariant; string fen; if (shortVariant == "Horde") { fen = ChessUtilities.FenForHorde960(nBlack); } else if (shortVariant == "RacingKings") { fen = ChessUtilities.FenForRacingKings1440Asymmetrical(nWhite, nBlack); } else { fen = ChessUtilities.FenForChess960Asymmetrical(nWhite, nBlack); } ChessGame = gameConstructor.Construct(shortVariant, fen); InitialFEN = LatestFEN = ChessGame.GetFen(); PlayerChats = new List <ChatMessage>(); SpectatorChats = new List <ChatMessage>(); StartedUtc = startedUtc; EndedUtc = null; ClockWhite = new Clock(tc); ClockBlack = new Clock(tc); ClockTimes = new List <double>(); WhiteWantsRematch = false; BlackWantsRematch = false; WhiteWantsDraw = false; BlackWantsDraw = false; RematchLevel = rematchLevel; UciMoves = new List <string>(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Game(string id) { id = id.ToLowerInvariant(); Game game = await gameRepository.GetAsync(id); if (game == null) { return(ViewResultForHttpError(HttpContext, new NotFound("This game could not be found."))); } string whiteUsername; int? whiteId; string blackUsername; int? blackId; Player requester = Player.None; if (game.White is AnonymousPlayer) { whiteUsername = null; whiteId = null; string anonIdentifier = HttpContext.Session.GetString("anonymousIdentifier"); if (anonIdentifier == (game.White as AnonymousPlayer).AnonymousIdentifier) { requester = Player.White; } } else { whiteId = (game.White as RegisteredPlayer).UserId; whiteUsername = (await userRepository.FindByIdAsync(whiteId.Value)).Username; int?loggedOnUserId = await loginHandler.LoggedInUserIdAsync(HttpContext); if (loggedOnUserId.HasValue && loggedOnUserId.Value == whiteId) { requester = Player.White; } } if (game.Black is AnonymousPlayer) { blackUsername = null; blackId = null; string anonIdentifier = HttpContext.Session.GetString("anonymousIdentifier"); if (anonIdentifier == (game.Black as AnonymousPlayer).AnonymousIdentifier) { requester = Player.Black; } } else { blackId = (game.Black as RegisteredPlayer).UserId; blackUsername = (await userRepository.FindByIdAsync(blackId.Value)).Username; int?loggedOnUserId = await loginHandler.LoggedInUserIdAsync(HttpContext); if (loggedOnUserId.HasValue && loggedOnUserId.Value == blackId) { requester = Player.Black; } } bool finished = game.Result != Models.Variant960.Game.Results.ONGOING; string destsJson; ChessGame g = gameConstructor.Construct(game.ShortVariantName, game.LatestFEN); if (finished || requester == Player.None) { destsJson = "{}"; } else { if (g.WhoseTurn != requester) { destsJson = "{}"; } destsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(moveCollectionTransformer.GetChessgroundDestsForMoveCollection(g.GetValidMoves(g.WhoseTurn))); } string check = null; if (g.IsInCheck(Player.White)) { check = "white"; } else if (g.IsInCheck(Player.Black)) { check = "black"; } List <string> replay = new List <string> { game.InitialFEN }; List <string> replayChecks = new List <string> { null }; List <string> replayMoves = new List <string>(); ChessGame replayGame = gameConstructor.Construct(game.ShortVariantName, game.InitialFEN); List <Dictionary <string, int> > replayPocket; if (replayGame is CrazyhouseChessGame) { replayPocket = new List <Dictionary <string, int> > { replayGame.GenerateJsonPocket() }; } else { replayPocket = null; } foreach (string uciMove in game.UciMoves) { if (!uciMove.Contains("@")) { string from = uciMove.Substring(0, 2); string to = uciMove.Substring(2, 2); replayMoves.Add(string.Concat(from, "-", to)); char?promotion = null; if (uciMove.Length == 5) { promotion = uciMove[4]; } replayGame.MakeMove(new Move(from, to, replayGame.WhoseTurn, promotion), true); } else { string[] typeAndPos = uciMove.Split('@'); Position pos = new Position(typeAndPos[1]); Piece piece = replayGame.MapPgnCharToPiece(typeAndPos[0][0], replayGame.WhoseTurn); Drop drop = new Drop(piece, pos, piece.Owner); (replayGame as CrazyhouseChessGame).ApplyDrop(drop, true); replayMoves.Add(pos.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() + "-" + pos.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()); } replay.Add(replayGame.GetFen()); if (replayGame.IsInCheck(Player.White)) { replayChecks.Add("white"); } else if (replayGame.IsInCheck(Player.Black)) { replayChecks.Add("black"); } else { replayChecks.Add(null); } if (replayPocket != null) { replayPocket.Add(replayGame.GenerateJsonPocket()); } } if (game.PGN == null) { game.PGN = replayGame.GetPGN(); await gameRepository.UpdateAsync(game); } string lastMove = game.UciMoves.LastOrDefault(); if (lastMove != null && lastMove.Contains('@')) { string pos = lastMove.Split('@')[1].ToLowerInvariant(); lastMove = pos + pos; } ViewModels.Game model = new ViewModels.Game(game.ID, whiteUsername, blackUsername, whiteId, blackId, game.ShortVariantName, game.FullVariantName, game.TimeControl, game.LatestFEN, requester != Player.None, requester == Player.None ? null : requester.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), game.LatestFEN.Split(' ')[1] == "w" ? "white" : "black", game.Result != Models.Variant960.Game.Results.ONGOING, destsJson, game.Result, game.Termination, lastMove, check, game.UciMoves.Count, game.WhiteWantsDraw, game.BlackWantsDraw, game.WhiteWantsRematch, game.BlackWantsRematch, replay, replayMoves, replayChecks, g.GenerateJsonPocket(), replayPocket, game.PositionWhite, game.PositionBlack, game.PGN, game.InitialFEN); return(View(model)); }
void PuzzleFinished(SubmittedMoveResponse response, bool correct) { CurrentPuzzleEndedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; response.Correct = correct ? 1 : -1; response.ExplanationSafe = Current.ExplanationSafe; if (!PastPuzzleIds.Contains(Current.ID)) { PastPuzzleIds.Add(Current.ID); } string analysisUrl = "{0}/{1}"; string analysisUrlVariant; switch (Current.Variant) { case "Atomic": analysisUrlVariant = "atomic"; break; case "Antichess": analysisUrlVariant = "antichess"; break; case "Crazyhouse": analysisUrlVariant = "crazyhouse"; break; case "Horde": analysisUrlVariant = "horde"; break; case "KingOfTheHill": analysisUrlVariant = "kingOfTheHill"; break; case "ThreeCheck": analysisUrlVariant = "threeCheck"; break; case "RacingKings": analysisUrlVariant = "racingKings"; break; default: analysisUrlVariant = "unknown"; break; } response.AnalysisUrl = string.Format(analysisUrl, analysisUrlVariant, Current.InitialFen.Replace(' ', '_')); List <string> replayFens = new List <string>(FENs); List <string> replayChecks = new List <string>(Checks); List <string> replayMoves = new List <string>(Moves); List <Dictionary <string, int> > replayPockets = new List <Dictionary <string, int> >(Pockets); if (!correct) { Moves.RemoveAt(Moves.Count - 1); FENs.RemoveAt(FENs.Count - 1); Checks.RemoveAt(Checks.Count - 1); Pockets.RemoveAt(Pockets.Count - 1); replayFens.RemoveAt(replayFens.Count - 1); replayMoves.RemoveAt(replayMoves.Count - 1); replayChecks.RemoveAt(replayChecks.Count - 1); replayPockets.RemoveAt(replayPockets.Count - 1); response.FEN = FENs[FENs.Count - 1]; response.Pocket = Pockets[Pockets.Count - 1]; ChessGame correctGame = gameConstructor.Construct(Current.Variant, Current.InitialFen); int i = 0; var full = replayMoves.Concat(PossibleVariations.First()); foreach (string move in full) { if (move == null) { i++; continue; } if (!move.Contains("@")) { string[] p = move.Split('-', '='); correctGame.MakeMove(new Move(p[0], p[1], correctGame.WhoseTurn, p.Length == 2 ? null : new char?(p[2][0])), true); } else { string[] p = move.Split('@'); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p[0])) { p[0] = "P"; } Drop drop = new Drop(correctGame.MapPgnCharToPiece(p[0][0], correctGame.WhoseTurn), new Position(p[1]), correctGame.WhoseTurn); (correctGame as CrazyhouseChessGame).ApplyDrop(drop, true); } if (i >= Moves.Count) { replayFens.Add(correctGame.GetFen()); replayChecks.Add(correctGame.IsInCheck(correctGame.WhoseTurn) ? correctGame.WhoseTurn.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() : null); replayMoves.Add(move); replayPockets.Add(correctGame.GenerateJsonPocket()); } i++; } Current.Game = gameConstructor.Construct(Current.Variant, response.FEN); response.Moves = Current.Game.GetValidMoves(Current.Game.WhoseTurn); response.Check = Current.Game.IsInCheck(Player.White) ? "white" : (Current.Game.IsInCheck(Player.Black) ? "black" : null); } response.ReplayFENs = replayFens; response.ReplayChecks = replayChecks; response.ReplayMoves = replayMoves; response.ReplayPockets = replayPockets; }