/// <summary> /// Method to which convert a point to Paper coordinates /// </summary> /// <param name="p_plotMap">Plot Map</param> /// <param name="p_ptWorld">Point which needs to be convereted to Paper coordinates</param> /// <returns></returns> private IGTPoint WorldToPaper(IGTPlotMap p_plotMap, IGTPoint p_ptWorld) { try { return(p_plotMap.WorldToPaper(p_ptWorld)); } catch { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Method to which converts the World coordinates of the placed Tree trimming features to Paper coordinates /// </summary> /// <param name="p_plotMap">Plot Map</param> /// <param name="p_worldPolygon">Geometry of the placed feature which needs to be converted to Paper coordinates</param> /// <returns></returns> private IGTPolygonGeometry WorldToPaper(IGTPlotMap p_plotMap, IGTPolygonGeometry p_worldPolygon) { IGTPolygonGeometry paperPolygon = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPolygonGeometry>(); IGTPoint pt = null; IGTPoint firstPT = null; for (int count = 0; count < p_worldPolygon.Points.Count; count++) { IGTPoint worldPoint = p_worldPolygon.GetKeypointPosition(count); pt = WorldToPaper(p_plotMap, worldPoint); if (count == 0) { firstPT = pt; } paperPolygon.Points.Add(pt); } paperPolygon.Points.Add(firstPT); return(paperPolygon); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the construction prints (plots) for the active job. Generates a new string List for the prints parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="prints">string that will contain the path/file name of the generated plots.</param> /// <returns>true if successful; else, false</returns> private bool GenerateConstructionPrints(out string prints) { bool retVal = false; prints = string.Empty; try { IGTApplication app = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTApplication>(); CommonMapPrintingHelper mpHelper = new CommonMapPrintingHelper(app); string tmpFileName = string.Format("{0}-Close-WorkPrint", app.DataContext.ActiveJob); string tmpFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(); #region Code in this region to be removed entirely once Plotting Template(s) are available. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Until we get plot templates, then check whether the "Construction Print" named plot exists. // If it doesn't, then create one to serve as a temporary solution for a missing plot sheet. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool needNamedPlot = true; foreach (IGTNamedPlot namedPlot in app.NamedPlots) { if (namedPlot.Name == "Construction Print") { needNamedPlot = false; } } // If the Construction Print named plot doesn't exist, then create one. if (needNamedPlot) { IGTNamedPlot np = app.NewNamedPlot("Construction Print"); IGTPlotWindow pw = app.NewPlotWindow(np); IGTPoint frameTopLeft = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPoint>(); frameTopLeft.X = 0.0; frameTopLeft.Y = 0.0; IGTPoint frameBottomRight = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPoint>(); frameBottomRight.X = 20000.0; frameBottomRight.Y = 30000.0; IGTPaperRange paperRange = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPaperRange>(); paperRange.TopLeft = frameTopLeft; paperRange.BottomRight = frameBottomRight; IGTPlotMap map = pw.InsertMap(paperRange); } #endregion ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For now, defaulting the legend name to Distribution Design Legend for these prints; however, // this may be enhanced to determine which legend to use based on the WR type. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (mpHelper.GenerateConstructionPlots("Distribution Design Legend", tmpFileName, tmpFilePath)) { prints = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", tmpFilePath, tmpFileName); retVal = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { string exMsg = string.Format("Error occurred in {0} of {1}.{2}{3}", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, this.ToString(), Environment.NewLine, ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(exMsg, "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } return(retVal); }
public bool GeneratePlot(string strPlot, string strCity, string strDivision) { IGTNamedPlot gTNewNamedPlot = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTNamedPlot>(); IGTPlotFrame gTNewPlotFrame = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPlotFrame>(); IGTPlotWindow gTPlotWindow = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPlotWindow>(); IGTPlotMap gtNewPlotMap = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPlotMap>(); IGTPlotRedlines gTPlotRedlines = null; //Recordset rs = null; object objectValue = null; string strNewPlotName = ""; try { if (!IsPlotNameExist(strPlot)) { strNewPlotName = strPlot; if (m_gTNamedPlot != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(strNewPlotName)) { gTNewNamedPlot = m_gTNamedPlot.CopyPlot(strNewPlotName); gTPlotWindow = m_gTApplication.NewPlotWindow(gTNewNamedPlot); gTPlotWindow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; gTPlotWindow.Caption = gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.Name; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_gTNamedPlot.FieldsQuery)) { gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.FieldsQuery = m_gTNamedPlot.FieldsQuery; } //rs = gTDataContext.OpenRecordset(gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.FieldsQuery, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, // (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText, gTDataContext.ActiveJob); gTPlotRedlines = gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.GetRedlines(GTPlotRedlineCollectionConstants.gtprcTextOnly); foreach (IGTPlotRedline prl in gTPlotRedlines) { IGTTextPointGeometry gTTextPointGeometry = (IGTTextPointGeometry)prl.Geometry.Copy(); if (prl.AutomaticTextSource == GTPlotAutomaticTextSourceConstants.gtpatPlotByQuery) { string currentVal = String.IsNullOrEmpty(gTTextPointGeometry.Text) ? " " : gTTextPointGeometry.Text; if (prl.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "WR") { objectValue = m_gTApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob; } else if (prl.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "StreetLightESILocation") { string esiLocations = ""; foreach (string esiL in m_SelectedEsiLocations) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(esiLocations)) { esiLocations = esiLocations + ",'" + esiL + "'"; } else { esiLocations = "'" + esiL + "'"; } } objectValue = esiLocations; } else if (prl.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "CountofStreetLightsinselectset") { objectValue = m_SelectedEsiLocations.Length + " Street Lights"; } else if (prl.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "Subdivision") { objectValue = strDivision; } else if (prl.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "City") { objectValue = strCity; } gTTextPointGeometry.Text = (objectValue == null) ? " " : objectValue.ToString(); prl.Geometry = gTTextPointGeometry; } } foreach (IGTPlotFrame plf in gTNewNamedPlot.Frames) { if (plf.Type == GTPlotFrameTypeConstants.gtpftMap) { gTNewPlotFrame = plf; } } if (gTNewPlotFrame != null) { gtNewPlotMap = gTNewPlotFrame.PlotMap; gTNewPlotFrame.Activate(); gTNewPlotFrame.PlotMap.FitSelectedObjects(1.2); gTNewPlotFrame.Deactivate(); m_gTApplication.RefreshWindows(); return(true); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Plot name already exists in workspace. Please enter a different plot name", "G/Technology", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return(false); } } catch { throw; } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Method to create a Plot window with given template and exports the plot window to create a PDF. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_template">Specified plot template using which need to create a new named plot </param> /// <param name="p_newTreeTrimmingfeature">Current placed feature</param> private void CreatePlotWindowAndPlotPDF(IGTNamedPlot p_template, IGTKeyObject p_newTreeTrimmingfeature) { Recordset oPlotRS = null; IGTPlotRedlines oRLs = null; IGTPlotFrame gTPlotFrame = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPlotFrame>(); IGTPlotMap gtPlotMap = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPlotMap>(); IGTNamedPlot namedPlot = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTNamedPlot>(); IGTPlotWindow gTPlotWindow = GTClassFactory.Create <IGTPlotWindow>(); string plotName = null; object autoVal = null; try { plotName = GetPlotName(); namedPlot = p_template.CopyPlot(plotName); gTPlotWindow = m_oGTApplication.NewPlotWindow(namedPlot); gTPlotWindow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; gTPlotWindow.Caption = gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.Name; foreach (IGTPlotFrame apf in namedPlot.Frames) { if (apf.Type == GTPlotFrameTypeConstants.gtpftMap) { gTPlotFrame = apf; } } if (gTPlotFrame != null) { gtPlotMap = gTPlotFrame.PlotMap; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(p_template.FieldsQuery)) { gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.FieldsQuery = p_template.FieldsQuery; } else { gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.FieldsQuery = "Select WR_NBR,G3E_IDENTIFIER,DESIGNER_UID,G3E_DATECREATED,WR_CREW_HQ_C from g3e_job where g3e_identifier='" + m_oGTApplication.DataContext.ActiveJob + "'"; } oPlotRS = m_oGTApplication.DataContext.OpenRecordset(gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.FieldsQuery, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, (int)ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText); oRLs = gTPlotWindow.NamedPlot.GetRedlines(GTPlotRedlineCollectionConstants.gtprcTextOnly); foreach (IGTPlotRedline oRL in oRLs) { IGTTextPointGeometry oTPG = (IGTTextPointGeometry)oRL.Geometry.Copy(); if (oRL.AutomaticTextSource == GTPlotAutomaticTextSourceConstants.gtpatPlotByQuery) { if (oRL.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "WR Number") { autoVal = oPlotRS.Fields["WR_NBR"].Value; } else if (oRL.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "WR Name") { autoVal = oPlotRS.Fields["G3E_IDENTIFIER"].Value; } else if (oRL.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "Designer Name") { autoVal = oPlotRS.Fields["DESIGNER_UID"].Value; } else if (oRL.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "Date") { autoVal = oPlotRS.Fields["G3E_DATECREATED"].Value; } else if (oRL.AutomaticTextField.ToString() == "Crew HQ") { autoVal = oPlotRS.Fields["WR_CREW_HQ_C"].Value; } oTPG.Text = (autoVal == null) ? " " : autoVal.ToString(); oRL.Geometry = oTPG; } } gTPlotFrame.Activate(); gTPlotFrame.PlotMap.ZoomArea(p_newTreeTrimmingfeature.Components.GetComponent(19002).Geometry.Range); ZoomToExtents(gTPlotFrame, p_newTreeTrimmingfeature.Components.GetComponent(19002).Geometry.Range, 1.2); gTPlotFrame.ClipGeometry = WorldToPaper(gtPlotMap, (IGTPolygonGeometry)p_newTreeTrimmingfeature.Components.GetComponent(19002).Geometry); gTPlotFrame.IsClipped = true; gTPlotFrame.Deactivate(); m_oGTApplication.RefreshWindows(); m_oPlotPDFName = plotName.Replace('/', '_').Replace('\\', '_').Replace(' ', '_'); ExportToPDF(Path.GetTempPath(), m_oPlotPDFName, false, gTPlotWindow); } } catch { throw; } finally { oPlotRS = null; } }