コード例 #1
         * private Dictionary<int, Vector3[]> _vector3Pool = new Dictionary<int, Vector3[]>();
         * private Vector3[] getVector3FromPool(int p_size)
         * {
         *  Vector3[] result;
         *  if (!_vector3Pool.TryGetValue(p_size, out result)) {
         *      result = new Vector3[p_size];
         *      _vector3Pool.Add(p_size, result);
         *  }
         *  return result;
         * }
         * private Dictionary<int, Vector2[]> _vector2Pool = new Dictionary<int, Vector2[]>();
         * private Vector2[] getVector2FromPool(int p_size)
         * {
         *  Vector2[] result;
         *  if (!_vector2Pool.TryGetValue(p_size, out result)) {
         *      result = new Vector2[p_size];
         *      _vector2Pool.Add(p_size, result);
         *  }
         *  return result;
         * }
         * private Dictionary<int, int[]> _intPool = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
         * private int[] getIntFromPool(int p_size)
         * {
         *  int[] result;
         *  if (!_intPool.TryGetValue(p_size, out result)) {
         *      result = new int[p_size];
         *      _intPool.Add(p_size, result);
         *  }
         *  return result;
         * }
         * private Dictionary<int, Color[]> _colorPool = new Dictionary<int, Color[]>();
         * private Color[] getColorFromPool(int p_size)
         * {
         *  Color[] result;
         *  if (!_colorPool.TryGetValue(p_size, out result)) {
         *      result = new Color[p_size];
         *      _colorPool.Add(p_size, result);
         *  }
         *  return result;
         * }
         * /* */
        public void FlushRenderer()
            if (_quadIndex > 0 || _polyIndex > 0)

                Mesh mesh = _meshes[_currentBatchIndex];

                if (_renderType == 1)
                     * Vector3[] cv = getVector3FromPool(_quadIndex * 4);
                     * Array.Copy(_vertices, 0, cv, 0, _quadIndex * 4);
                     * mesh.vertices = cv;
                     * int[] ci = getIntFromPool(_quadIndex * 6);
                     * Array.Copy(_quadIndices, 0, ci, 0, _quadIndex * 6);
                     * mesh.triangles = ci;
                     * Vector2[] cu = getVector2FromPool(_quadIndex * 4);
                     * Array.Copy(_uvs, 0, cu, 0, _quadIndex * 4);
                     * mesh.uv = cu;
                     * Color[] cc = getColorFromPool(_quadIndex * 4);
                     * Array.Copy(_colors, 0, cc, 0, _quadIndex * 4);
                     * mesh.colors = cc;
                     * /* */
                    mesh.SetVertices(_vertices, 0, _quadIndex * 4);
                    mesh.SetTriangles(_quadIndices, 0, _quadIndex * 6, 0, false, 0);
                    mesh.SetUVs(0, _uvs, 0, _quadIndex * 4);
                    mesh.SetColors(_colors, 0, _quadIndex * 4);
                     * Vector3[] cv = getVector3FromPool(_polyIndex);
                     * Array.Copy(_vertices, 0, cv, 0, _polyIndex);
                     * mesh.vertices = cv;
                     * int[] ci = getIntFromPool(_polyIndex);
                     * Array.Copy(_polyIndices, 0, ci, 0, _polyIndex);
                     * mesh.triangles = ci;
                     * Vector2[] cu = getVector2FromPool(_polyIndex);
                     * Array.Copy(_uvs, 0, cu, 0, _polyIndex);
                     * mesh.uv = cu;
                     * Color[] cc = getColorFromPool(_polyIndex);
                     * Array.Copy(_colors, 0, cc, 0, _polyIndex);
                     * mesh.colors = cc;
                     * /**/
                    mesh.SetVertices(_vertices, 0, _polyIndex);
                    mesh.SetTriangles(_polyIndices, 0, _polyIndex, 0, false, 0);
                    mesh.SetUVs(0, _uvs, 0, _polyIndex);
                    mesh.SetColors(_colors, 0, _polyIndex);

                Material material = (_lastFilter == null) ? _defaultMaterial : _lastFilter.getMaterial();
                if (true) // _lastMaterialPass != material) Texture change not handled correctly as material is not changing but params are therefore set pass is neede -- sHTiF
                    _lastMaterialPass = material;

                Graphics.DrawMeshNow(mesh, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

                _quadIndex = 0;
                _polyIndex = 0;

            if (_currentBatchIndex >= _meshCount)
                _currentBatchIndex = 0;
            _lastFilter  = null;
            _lastTexture = null;
コード例 #2
        public void DrawMatrix(Texture p_texture, BlendMode p_srcBlendMode, BlendMode p_dstBlendMode, GMatrix p_matrix,
                               float p_red, float p_green, float p_blue, float p_alpha, float p_u, float p_v, float p_uScale, float p_vScale,
                               float p_textureWidth, float p_textureHeight, float p_texturePivotX, float p_texturePivotY, IGNativeUnityFilter p_filter)
            if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(_lastTexture, p_texture) || p_srcBlendMode != _lastSrcBlendMode || p_dstBlendMode != _lastDstBlendMode || _renderType != 1 || _lastFilter != p_filter)
                if (_lastTexture)
                Mesh     mesh     = _meshes[_currentBatchIndex];
                Material material = (p_filter == null) ? _defaultMaterial : p_filter.getMaterial();
                _lastFilter = p_filter;
                if (_lastFilter != null)
                material.mainTexture = p_texture;
                _lastTexture         = p_texture;
                material.SetInt("BlendSrcMode", (int)p_srcBlendMode);
                material.SetInt("BlendDstMode", (int)p_dstBlendMode);
                _lastSrcBlendMode = p_srcBlendMode;
                _lastDstBlendMode = p_dstBlendMode;

                _renderType = 1;

            float tx;
            float ty;
            int   vertexIndex = _quadIndex * 4;

            tx = -p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX;
            ty = -p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = (float)(p_matrix.a * tx + p_matrix.c * ty + p_matrix.tx);
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = (float)(p_matrix.b * tx + p_matrix.d * ty + p_matrix.ty);

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - p_v;

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;

            tx = -p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX;
            ty = p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = (float)(p_matrix.a * tx + p_matrix.c * ty + p_matrix.tx);
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = (float)(p_matrix.b * tx + p_matrix.d * ty + p_matrix.ty);

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - (p_v + p_vScale);

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;

            tx = p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX;
            ty = p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = (float)(p_matrix.a * tx + p_matrix.c * ty + p_matrix.tx);
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = (float)(p_matrix.b * tx + p_matrix.d * ty + p_matrix.ty);

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u + p_uScale;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - (p_v + p_vScale);

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;

            tx = p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX;
            ty = -p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = (float)(p_matrix.a * tx + p_matrix.c * ty + p_matrix.tx);
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = (float)(p_matrix.b * tx + p_matrix.d * ty + p_matrix.ty);

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u + p_uScale;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - p_v;

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;


            if (_quadIndex >= _maxBatchSize)
コード例 #3
        public void DrawPoly(Texture p_texture, BlendMode p_srcBlendMode, BlendMode p_dstBlendMode, double[] p_vertices, double[] p_uvs,
                             float p_x, float p_y, float p_scaleX, float p_scaleY, float p_rotation, float p_red, float p_green, float p_blue, float p_alpha, IGNativeUnityFilter p_filter)
            if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(_lastTexture, p_texture) || p_srcBlendMode != _lastSrcBlendMode || p_dstBlendMode != _lastDstBlendMode || _renderType != 2 || p_vertices.Length / 2 + _polyIndex > 6 * _maxBatchSize || _lastFilter != p_filter)
                if (_lastTexture)

                Material material = (p_filter == null) ? _defaultMaterial : p_filter.getMaterial();
                _lastFilter = p_filter;
                if (_lastFilter != null)
                material.mainTexture = p_texture;
                _lastTexture         = p_texture;
                material.SetInt("BlendSrcMode", (int)p_srcBlendMode);
                material.SetInt("BlendDstMode", (int)p_dstBlendMode);
                _lastSrcBlendMode = p_srcBlendMode;
                _lastDstBlendMode = p_dstBlendMode;

                _renderType = 2;

            float tx;
            float rtx;
            float ty;
            float rty;
            float cos = 1;
            float sin = 0;

            if (p_rotation != 0)
                cos = Mathf.Cos(p_rotation);
                sin = Mathf.Sin(p_rotation);

            int length = p_vertices.Length >> 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                tx = (float)(p_scaleX * p_vertices[i * 2]);
                ty = (float)(p_scaleY * p_vertices[i * 2 + 1]);

                if (p_rotation != 0)
                    rtx = cos * tx - sin * ty;
                    rty = sin * tx + cos * ty;
                    tx  = rtx;
                    ty  = rty;

                _vertices[_polyIndex].x = p_x + tx;
                _vertices[_polyIndex].y = p_y + ty;

                _uvs[_polyIndex].x = (float)p_uvs[i * 2];
                _uvs[_polyIndex].y = 1 - (float)p_uvs[i * 2 + 1];

                _colors[_polyIndex].r = p_red;
                _colors[_polyIndex].g = p_green;
                _colors[_polyIndex].b = p_blue;
                _colors[_polyIndex].a = p_alpha;

                // Hack for correct winding as the input data are same for all platforms we need to change it here
                if (i % 3 == 0)
                    _polyIndices[_polyIndex] = _polyIndex;
                else if (i % 3 == 1)
                    _polyIndices[_polyIndex] = _polyIndex + 1;
                    _polyIndices[_polyIndex] = _polyIndex - 1;

コード例 #4
        public void Draw(Texture p_texture, BlendMode p_srcBlendMode, BlendMode p_dstBlendMode, float p_x, float p_y, float p_scaleX, float p_scaleY,
                         float p_rotation, float p_red, float p_green, float p_blue, float p_alpha, float p_u, float p_v, float p_uScale,
                         float p_vScale, float p_textureWidth, float p_textureHeight, float p_texturePivotX, float p_texturePivotY, IGNativeUnityFilter p_filter)
            if (!Object.ReferenceEquals(_lastTexture, p_texture) || p_srcBlendMode != _lastSrcBlendMode || p_dstBlendMode != _lastDstBlendMode || _renderType != 1 || _lastFilter != p_filter)
                if (_lastTexture)
                Material material = (p_filter == null) ? _defaultMaterial : p_filter.getMaterial();
                _lastFilter = p_filter;
                if (_lastFilter != null)
                material.mainTexture = p_texture;
                //material.SetTexture("_MainTex", p_texture);
                _lastTexture = p_texture;
                material.SetInt("BlendSrcMode", (int)p_srcBlendMode);
                material.SetInt("BlendDstMode", (int)p_dstBlendMode);
                _lastSrcBlendMode = p_srcBlendMode;
                _lastDstBlendMode = p_dstBlendMode;

                _renderType = 1;

            float tx;
            float rtx;
            float ty;
            float rty;
            float cos         = 1;
            float sin         = 0;
            int   vertexIndex = _quadIndex * 4;

            if (p_rotation != 0)
                cos = Mathf.Cos(p_rotation);
                sin = Mathf.Sin(p_rotation);

            tx = p_scaleX * (-p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX);
            ty = p_scaleY * (-p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY);

            if (p_rotation != 0)
                rtx = cos * tx - sin * ty;
                rty = sin * tx + cos * ty;
                tx  = rtx;
                ty  = rty;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = p_x + tx;
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = p_y + ty;

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - p_v;

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;

            tx = p_scaleX * (-p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX);
            ty = p_scaleY * (p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY);

            if (p_rotation != 0)
                rtx = cos * tx - sin * ty;
                rty = sin * tx + cos * ty;
                tx  = rtx;
                ty  = rty;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = p_x + tx;
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = p_y + ty;

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - (p_v + p_vScale);

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;

            tx = p_scaleX * (p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX);
            ty = p_scaleY * (p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY);

            if (p_rotation != 0)
                rtx = cos * tx - sin * ty;
                rty = sin * tx + cos * ty;
                tx  = rtx;
                ty  = rty;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = p_x + tx;
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = p_y + ty;

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u + p_uScale;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - (p_v + p_vScale);

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;

            tx = p_scaleX * (p_textureWidth / 2 - p_texturePivotX);
            ty = p_scaleY * (-p_textureHeight / 2 - p_texturePivotY);

            if (p_rotation != 0)
                rtx = cos * tx - sin * ty;
                rty = sin * tx + cos * ty;
                tx  = rtx;
                ty  = rty;

            _vertices[vertexIndex].x = p_x + tx;
            _vertices[vertexIndex].y = p_y + ty;

            _uvs[vertexIndex].x = p_u + p_uScale;
            _uvs[vertexIndex].y = 1 - p_v;

            _colors[vertexIndex].r = p_red;
            _colors[vertexIndex].g = p_green;
            _colors[vertexIndex].b = p_blue;
            _colors[vertexIndex].a = p_alpha;


            if (_quadIndex >= _maxBatchSize)