コード例 #1
        private FunctionFactory()
            functions = new Dictionary <string, IFunctionCog>();

            var cogType = typeof(IFunctionCog);
            var cogs    = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
                          .Where(p => !p.IsDynamic)
                          .SelectMany(s => s.GetExportedTypes())
                          .Where(p => cogType.IsAssignableFrom(p) && !p.IsInterface && !p.IsAbstract);

            foreach (Type t in cogs)
                IFunctionCog cog = (IFunctionCog)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
                foreach (string name in cog.FunctionName)
                    functions.Add(name.ToLower(), cog);
コード例 #2
        public EvalReturn Execute(string function, ref ControllerState cs)
            // verify cog exists
            if (!functions.ContainsKey(function))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(function,
                                                      String.Format(cs.Config.strings["FunNotFound"], function));

            IFunctionCog cog = functions[function];

            if (cog.NumArgs > 0) //Don't bother checking count & type of args if you take none.
                // check number of arguments
                if (cs.stack.Count < cog.NumArgs)
                    return(new EvalReturn(Response.Error,
                                          String.Format(cs.Config.strings["FunArgNumErr"], cog.FunctionName[0], cog.NumArgs),
                // Check the types of arguments
                Type[] argTypes = new Type[cog.NumArgs];
                int    topStack = cs.stack.Count;

                // Get all the types
                for (int i = 0; i < cog.NumArgs; i++)
                    argTypes[i] = cs.stack.ElementAt(topStack - (topStack - i)).GetType();

                bool allowed = false;
                foreach (Type[] t in cog.AllowedTypes)
                    if (t.SequenceEqual(argTypes) || t.Contains(typeof(AnyType)))
                        allowed = true;

                if (!allowed)
                    string argListString = "(";
                    foreach (Type t in argTypes)
                        argListString += t.ToString() + " ";
                    argListString += ")";

                    return(new EvalReturn(Response.Error,
                                          String.Format(cs.Config.strings["UnsupportedTypes"], argListString),
            // call cog Execute
            ICalculonType retVal = cog.Execute(ref cs);

            if (retVal.GetType() == typeof(ErrorType))
                return(new EvalReturn(Response.Error,
                                      retVal.Display, typeof(ErrorType)));
            if (retVal.GetType() != typeof(EmptyType))
            return(new EvalReturn(Response.Ok, retVal.Display, retVal.GetType()));